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Everything posted by Dutchie

  1. Here's what weird, I waited 6 weeks before resuming minoxidil again because I wanted to give my scalp time to heal and I figured MX would just irritate the redness. But then the complete opposite happened, just 24 hrs after my first MX application two weeks ago the redness subsided much faster than normal, and overall the healing part started to go quicker. Must have something to do with increased blood flow which perhaps speeds up healing?? I dunno though :confused:
  2. My 2-month update. A few stubbles growing in, other then that not a whole lot new to report. I also had a bit diffuse thinning in my forelock, but its growing back quickly and I wouldnt call it shock loss because its so insignificant. Most of the red is gone, and I've also grown a lot of pimples (which you cant really see in the pic). I've been told pimples are a good thing, and could signify new growth
  3. HTsoon, you might wanna move that video to an anonymous youtube account. Your name is there in full, and the way you value your privacy by hiding your face in the videos, I figured I just give you a heads up. Cheers
  4. Right, but one strong header of the ball and all that Nanogen will come flying out (locking spray or no locking spray)
  5. Unbelievable results. You look like a completely different person. And who's the award winning poodle next to you??
  6. You can get a better look at his HT in this video (click on play): England.v.Netherlands.Eng.720p.2nd.mp4 - WeShare Ian Wright looks like he needs a transplant as well.....LOL
  7. You're a wise man. I'm gonna shave as well for my 2nd HT. I'm not taking any chances
  8. I would take close-up pics but my Samsung S4 doesnt allow HD pics
  9. HHhmm......are you trying to say there's a goldilocks zone??? Sorry, I couldnt resist
  10. Woke up this morning and I have stubble everywhere on my scalp. I rubbed it and it feels similar to what my beard stubble feels like when I dont shave for a day. I'm barely at the 2 months mark, isnt that way too early to grow hair?? :confused: I thought the hair resting phase took at least 3+ months
  11. David, I have curly hair as well, except my hair doesnt start curling until its around 4 cm long. Kinda like this guy: Would that be a problem?? Or would it be less of a problem than an African-American person??
  12. According to this site a terminal hair growing in place of a stuck telogen hair is quite normal and shouldnt cause a hindrance: hair biology - hair follicle growth cycle
  13. If you're gonna go the hair system route, you might wanna see if clinics like this are available in Australia: Non Surgical Hair Replacement Toronto | 3rd Dimension Studios Hair Systems
  14. Itching is normal and will go away after a week or two. Try using a towel to gently rub the scalp, but make sure you dont rub too hard. You wont see any new hair regrowth for at least 3 to 5 months, so relax and dont worry about your head
  15. Ah geez, not another herbal concoction that claims to grow hair :rolleyes: https://www.regrowz.com/the-science/
  16. Same here. And I dont wanna try and pull anymore out for fear of losing possible grafts. I also noticed however some of them seem to fall out by themselves over time. So I'm gonna just wait it out
  17. Thanks for responding. One more question please, Dr. Umar claims to have invented the Ugraft. To the best of your knowledge, do you think this tool is for real and might actually work, or do you think its nonsense?? See here: http://www.hairrestorationnetwork.com/eve/182966-%2Avideo%2A-fue-clinics-avoid-dr-feller-dr-bloxham-great-neck-ny-new-post.html
  18. Is there a clinic in North-America (preferably in Toronto) that has a machine where I can measure my hair diameter in microns?? I dont mind paying a nominal fee
  19. Yeah, you're right. I forgot it was an FUE. I had FUT on my mind for some reason
  20. That tells me Dr. Diep is a BS artist because no doctor can predict who's gonna have a good result and who isnt. Unless he's psychic
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