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Everything posted by Dutchie

  1. How so?? :confused: Can you take the same pic and draw the lines you think are accurate, please??
  2. Based on just your pics, this is absolutely worst NW7 case scenario. Of course that doesnt mean you're necessarily headed that way, but its a distinct possibility (area within red zone only suitable for transplant): And if so, you have very little donor hair and I dont think most reputable doctors would touch just for a scalp HT alone. BHT + scalp HT might still be a possibility though
  3. I'm nowhere near an expert, but I'm gonna be brutally honest and say based on this pic alone you are headed for a severe Norwood 7. But thats only if the red arrow area is early stage hairloss. If for some reason you shave that area, or keep it extra short because thats how you style your hair, then kindly disregard my opinion. You also appear to have some retrograde hairloss happening, which doesnt bode well for the future (rear neck area, below your ears)
  4. And if his head hits a street pole and it still hasnt come off, we'll know its good quality toppik. Its the only way to be sure
  5. And no offence as to your athletic abilities HT, but at the professional level the ball is probably coming 2 or 3 times as fast at your head then at amateur level
  6. It wont mess with your transplant, but it might make you go blind
  7. Cueball, a phenomenal result given you had lost so much hair and you had limited donors. Remember in life everyone gets knocked down. A champion is someone who gets right back up after he's been knocked down, and refuses to give up. If I were you I would wait till the full 16 months is up and then perhaps look at adding some beard-hairs in the crown as filler, and then you're basically done. And then of course mothers and fathers will have to hide their daughters, cause Cueball is coming to town :cool:
  8. Absolutely you can. You can go to the toilet, stretch your legs, grab a bite to eat......etc...etc. You'll find that you only need a 5 minute break every 2 to 3 hours or so
  9. A definite improvement. Congrats! How much did it cost??
  10. I heard it can take up to a year for some guys to completely go away
  11. Even if you head the ball with your forehead, at the professional football level I would imagine the shockwave your head creates when it makes contact with the ball would probably knock out a lot of the Toppik thats in your hair
  12. Most of the big, well-established clinics have out of town consultants who you can meet up with first. Just an example: https://hassonandwong.com/consultations-in-your-city/ But other HT doctors have worldwide consultants as well
  13. No offence, but Im scratching Dr. Ferriera off my next FUE list :eek:
  14. Oh, and before we release him into the wild, I suggest we collar him, tag him, bag him.....etc. We wanna be able to track him in case he decides to get more hair transplants :cool:
  15. HTsoon has too much hair, actually! We are gonna have to send a posse after HTsoon, hold him down, pluck out a few hundred grafts, make him look more presentable, and release him into the wild again :cool:
  16. I sense youre starting to sweat a lot under heavy questioning. Can you please tell us at which minute (or second) Wayne Rooney shows his hair transplant (or lack there of): http://weshare.me/7f2c26470501b9d4?_page_url=7f2c26470501b9d4
  17. Sure, in those pics they are. But not in the video I posted last page. So maybe he had his 2nd HT and didnt need any Toppik?? Wow, so if a website who sells this stuff says so, it must be true.....LOL
  18. Ha ha......just realized I look like Bernie Sanders somewhat
  19. I tried, but the scars dont show up in the pics at all, neither does the scar redness. So its futile to post those pics. Here's a better pic of my pimples though. You can see a dozen or so big ones, but there's 20 or 30 more small ones you cant see in this pic. You can also see some stubbles
  20. I have. Or do you mean pics of the scar?? I dont think you can see much of the redness because my hair because my hair is 2cm long right now. Let me try and see what my amateur photography skills can come up with :cool:
  21. I look like a Vietnam war victim. Hasson did a horrible job!!! Nah just kidding. Scar looks good other then there's still a bit of redness there along the sides of my head, but not the rear-head. My top scalp redness is actually healing faster than my scar redness
  22. Maybe. I think a final cure for hair loss will be found by accident though, not by design
  23. Thanks David. I did everything by the book cause I didnt want to mess with my $17,000 investment: - I used the non-toxic shampoo. - I used the neck pillow for 2 weeks, not just for a few days. - I didnt fly home to Toronto till day 9. - No alcohol for 2 weeks (not easy for me :eek:) - I've watched my diet. - I take supplements like fish oil, amino acids, vitamins, MSM....etc daily. If I dont get the maximum hairgrowth out of this then its certainly not for something I did wrong at my end
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