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Everything posted by chris39

  1. Anyone else who uses this suffer from dry scalp ? Been using for about 3 months now and always suffer a flakey scalp afterwards . Also make sure to use a conditioner , but doesn't help that much . If I use emu oil after use , this does alleviate it , but interested in others opinions.
  2. Best ask your doc . I was asked not to get it cut too short beforehand .
  3. I wouldn't consider a surgeon not being recommended by any particular site to be a red flag . There may well be valid reasons for this . However , a response like the one above would definately be a no-no.
  4. Your taking a good , sensible approach to your hair loss.2500 to 3k grafts should get you decent coverage . Do you have any idea what you have left graft wise in the donor area ?
  5. Your actual incision line is barely noticeable , even at this stage . Don't worry about it and see how the hair grows in over the coming months .
  6. No problem . Yes the red should fade and the skin will appear normal . The incision line will be a lighter colour , but this may be barely visible depending on the skill of the surgeon and also your own physiology - that is , how you heal . You had a tricho closure , so your hair should grow through the majority of the incision area .
  7. The tightness will subside a bit when you get the staples / sutures removed . However , your scalp will probably feel tight for a while longer . Even at 4 months post op . I still have a slightly numb sensation , but it feels more normal as the weeks go by .
  8. I've just hit the 4 month mark and the scar is undetectable , even after using clippers on a No.3 or 4 . The red line is the incision line which will fade to white over time .
  9. Go for it . Maybe at the same time you can transplant your penis to the top of your head !
  10. I've never tried Minox , but know it can be a scalp irritant for some . Will you keep on the Minoxidil ?
  11. Cheers HT. Shock loss has totally gone now - had the wife do a check of the area the other day and she couldn't even locate the area . I did consult with Dr K at the outset of the shock loss and he pretty much intimated that it was just a case of waiting it out . I've not tried minoxidil as I thought that at my hair loss level the benefits would be negligible . Only thing I'm using is Nizoral shampoo .
  12. As mentioned earlier in the thread , suffered some shock loss at the donor area . Although you know it's most likely only temporary , there's always that lingering doubt until it subsides . Below are photos of shock loss at 4 weeks post op . Totally resolved itself now , so hopefully a bit of encouragement to anyone else who's concerned .
  13. So , just hit the 4 month mark . I'm fairly pleased with thr progress to date . Was a bit concerned for a while wasn't were it should be , but seems like many of us feel this way . Still new hairs sprouting and fingers crossed things thicken up over the coming months. I've attached a few photo's under different lighting conditions which hopefully shows a fair representation . The feeling has pretty much returned to both donor and recipient , and the scar is healing very well . Any comments or questions welcome .
  14. Charity and community service ? Are you able to post their reply to the BBB complaint ?
  15. Indeed ! A visit to the dentist is more uncomfortable .
  16. What Norwood level are you at ? Dark hair / fair hair ? skin colour ? - these will all be variants on what you may get away with. I was a NW6 pre-op and had 4000 grafts by FUSS. I had a 17 day period between surgery and return to work . I was hoping to get away with just going in to work and it would have sufficiently grown to avoid it being obvious . Turned out I wore a hat to work and was 2 months before I felt comfortable enough to ditch the cap . The redness to the recipient area lasted a good 2 months , and also shock loss at the donor made it awkward . I'm fair haired and light skinned , so I think my expectations were overly optimistic at the outset from surgery . Be realistic in your expectations , and prepare for the worst if things don't go as you expected .
  17. I went to Dr K in Istanbul . It's funny how your mind can play tricks on how you can perceive your own progress .Some days you can feel the progress is good , and yet a day after you can question it . To be fair I'm happy with my progress to date , definate improvement to pre-op . Threads with updates like yours can give a great yardstick to how things are going ( albeit rates of progress can vary greatly ).
  18. Excellent result . Was particularly interested in your 4 month photo's as that's the point where I'm at now. You had a lot more hair than me pre-op , but great to see the progress from 4 months on .
  19. It;s still early days , so nothing to be concerned about .I'm sure it will start to kick in nicely over the next 2 months. I've just hit the 4 month mark and it's just now starting to look fuller than pre-op . It's probably improved more than I imagine in my case , but because we all get impatient and fixated on growth on an almost daily basis , it seems like nothing is happening . It looks like you had shock loss at the donor in an area similar to mine , but my shock loss was more severe . Anyway , that has pretty much resolved itself now with no sign of it anymore.
  20. Just read the entire thread Tav , and glad you got such a great result , especially after the early problems you experinced . Good job !
  21. Some docs say you can use concealers as early as 2 weeks post op . 5 months seems a very long period - not really sure what the reasoning would be for suggesting such a long period .
  22. Ah , nice one - you learn something new every day
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