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Everything posted by JON86

  1. I have been following the research of this company for a while now. Is there any truth to this? I know we are years away but could this be hope on the horizon?
  2. I really like Dr Cooley and his results. He isn't spoken of as much as he should be.
  3. On your way to a real nice result. Looks solid and tons of time left to grow.
  4. My advice is to stay off the website until you have your consult with the doctor. Not going to do you a bit of good with people here telling you their opinions and raising or deflating your hope. You will start to go mad. You can only control what you can control. You picked a great clinic and they won't steer you wrong. Just my personal opinion but the mental aspect of it is the hardest part. I would wait and listen to what the clinic says and I wish you the very best.
  5. Totally agree only way it will change is when men start telling others this can be a great success and show their results. Why is this any worse than a breast enhancement ? I have been with a few women that have had them and it is more common that they are more unnatural than a hair transplant. Idk guess it all boils down to the individual . In the beginning I didn't want anyone to know if I had a transplant but after what I have been through I don't care. I don't care if my head is shaved for the procedure or have a strip scar. If it is a successful process and can help others and give them hope what else matters?
  6. Both procedures can become barbaric if performed by a complete hack. We have all witnessed this from Colorado Hair institute. I would trust an fut with Konior, Shapiro, Cooley or any top doctor over an fue with some unknown.
  7. I agree with this statement I believe you upped the chances of your success rate when they did this. It's easier for the doctor and techs to do good work and it will be easier for you to take care of. I know it sucks for you trying to hide it now but at least there is a positive side to it.
  8. I have been using coconut oil a few days a week for the last two and a half months and my hair feels so much better and healthy. It seems to help retain moisture in the hair. Hair feels thicker and more healthy. It works.
  9. I was on it and lost a lot of hair too. But it could mean you are losing weaker hair and will produce stronger ones. It has the same effect as propecia meaning you will go though a shed before thicker healthy hair grows.
  10. Dr Yates in Chicago in his videos says he has sworn off doing fut. He lost his hair had a transplant has a bad scar doesn't want that for his patients. He is successful and debunks this. I will probably end up doing fut but the constant bashing of fue patients on here is really bad.
  11. Firstly I want to say I have talked to dr Yates and I really like him and his results. Why he is not recommended on here is probably about money. There are some doctors like him and Jeffery Epstein that are great and for whatever reason are not recommended here. Someone who specializes in african american hair by fue is doctor Diep. His aftercare is bad but he has produced really great results. He is in San Jose.
  12. sorry hopefully this link works. http://www.hairrestorationnetwork.com/eve/181277-warning-if-considering-dr-james-boland-colorado-surgical-center-read.html
  13. Pure evil is right and if you research Sanjar you will see some of the worst butchery you can find in modern times. That place is a nightmare for anyone that comes in contact with it.
  14. Ask myself that question all the time. This is a house of horrors and people are butchered. It really makes me sick how they lure people in with two dollar grafts and they leave disfigured . Glad the word is out but feel for the poor souls that have been through the nightmare of that place.
  15. I just want you to know that because he is so popular and only performs one procedure a day that he is booked out as far as eight months or more by now. Is he worth it? Yes is fantastic and does most of the surgery himself and that sets him apart in my opinion. I am going fut so picking him was a no brainer. For fue most of the best doctors are out of the country. I am not saying he does not do high quality fue but there just aren't many examples.
  16. I am not a doctor but it looks like your pattern is that your frontal third will recess back. You do still have quite a bit of hair in the middle but you need a doctor to examine how safe it is. I have temple loss like you do. If you research temples they usually recede uneven for some reason. The good news is your crown is solid and that is why meds are important to keep what you have. You need to know the genetic history of hair loss in your family how your father and or grandparents bald. Sometimes it starts at the hairline moving back then a spot can open on the crown. It's impossible to tell without knowing the genetic pattern in your family. You still have a ton of hair so all is not lost. My suggestion is that you go get examined by a recommended surgeon. Better to have it checked than sit at home worrying about it in my opinion. You still have a lot of hair so don't stress too much until you get it checked.
  17. It's retro alopecia happens in high norwoods. Doesn't disqualify him but he needs to be on meds and find an ethical doctor. If grafts are taken in that zone they will likely not survive a transplant. Needs to do a miniaturization test.
  18. Every time I see a post about this clinic I hold my breath when I click on it. I am so sorry you were led into this house of horrors. It's a disgrace that they are allowed to keep operating and disfiguring people. What ever way they try and sway you do not let them touch your head again no matter what. Even though this work is bad all is not lost as a real doctor can fix this. I would consult with Konior, Shapiro or Dr Cooley and see what they advise.
  19. Happy for you that you got such a great response from propecia. Your hair looks great.
  20. My advice is get on meds and try them see how you respond. Stabilizing what you have is just as or more important than what can be transplanted.
  21. There are not a lot of fut cases by Diep on here. I was at one time considering him so I researched him a lot. There are quite a few cases of African American hair done by him on a site called real self. Google it and you will find them.
  22. More impressive by the month. Proof that fue alone can work. Have you had any estimates as to how many grafts you have left?
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