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Everything posted by JON86

  1. Sorry with all due respect I don't believe this and the others here probably won't either. This clinic in our eyes has been busted. There are so many things here that are wrong. I personally have no beef with Dr Feller I think he is a great surgeon but people should know what they are paying for.
  2. This is a tricky topic because it is different for everybody. Some never have side effects but a lot more people do than the two percent that the study shows. I got sides also but after reading what some others have done I cut my dose to a half pill every other day and I have no sides now. Something is better than nothing in my opinion. I would talk to your doctor about this.
  3. I have no dog in this fight but it seems the web site was updated and now lists Blake as a partner. Only thing is when you click on the about tab about Blake it shows information about Feller. Confusing? Feller & Bloxham Hair Transplantation | DR. BLOXHAM
  4. Not every day you lose a legend like this. Agree with you London manufactured crap of today will be forgotten year after year. The net helped kill the music industry. It used to be about releasing a cd then you toured to support it. Now it's about untalented people lip syncing . Bieber Is a joke and has no business being ever mentioned in the same like of Bowie , Elvis, Zeppelin,the Beatles, etc
  5. I cut it down to half of a 1mg pill every other day. It did stabilize my loss. Doctors won't prescribe under 1mg I don't think. I got a pill cutter and cut it in half. Some people get proscar which is the same drug basically and cut it in fours.
  6. It depends on your loss pattern and family history of hair loss. The general rule is to stabilize hair loss if possible with the meds before getting a transplant. Some get side effects from finasteride I got them but I cut the dose in half and they have gone away. If you are going to be high on the norwood scale of loss I personally wouldn't even consider any kind of surgery without taking meds. You need to keep the hair you have. There are only so many donor grafts available.
  7. Wish you the best on your procedure voxman. You have a fantastic sense of humor that is appreciated on this forum.
  8. You need to relax my fiend and give this time. You need to let this grow for a year. This sucks we all know this but it is what it is.
  9. Nader has produced really nice results. Sorry people have attacked you for going with him. Please post your final results when the time is right to show his work.
  10. I am not saying who is right or wrong but I was online and interacted with professor while these posts were being made and some of the stuff that has since been deleted I did not believe. He said the day after his surgery that he talked to Hasson and Wong and Doctor Bernstein and they both agreed he was wronged. They are both respected clinics no way anyone would say this the day after a surgery. One of the members asked professor who they talked to at these clinics and he ignored it. I don't believe half of what he said. Could he be right with saying doctors were switched on him ? Could be but we will never know. There are a bunch of people that want to get back at Feller for the fue fut battle so who knows. The big question is does this surprise you? There are tons of clinics where the doctor doesn't even do the procedure so why are people mad about this? I would want a doctor over a tech any day. Yes I understand that when you pick a doctor he should be doing your procedure and that should be well known on paper but it's not . There is a doctor I went to in San Jose I will not name him but he does very little of the surgery. Sometimes great results sometimes not but how do you know which tech gets you the great results? What if that tech is sick the day of your procedure? The entire industry is not policed in the way it should be.
  11. Agree with you awidowspeek Dr. Nader does really good work. I have actually talked to Tom a couple of times about his results through email. There are lots of good doctors not recommended on here and some that are that should not be in my opinion. Just the way it works on all of the forums. Most important thing is you are happy with your results.
  12. What Dr Bhatti has stated is the truth. Whoever told you that you won't need to take medication after your transplant was deceiving you. The meds are key depending on your loss pattern. Judging from your avatar you have an aggressive loss pattern. Clinics that tell patients they should not take meds are usually the ones that treat patients as cash cows. They want you to have more and more procedures so they can make money. A hair saved is a hair earned and you do that by taking the meds.
  13. Agree with stig your hairline is really good your temples need some work.
  14. Your temples make it looked unbalanced. I got the same problem. I really don't have a giant amount of loss but once my temples receded it made my head look odd. Temple repair makes a huge difference in naturalness . 1978 Matt shows what it takes with the pictures he has above. Funny thing is not all doctors will even do temples. It actually takes real skill to do temple work. I am planning on getting my temples done as well as my frontal third. This is why hair pieces look fake. Having a giant forehead looks extremely strange.
  15. Are you on the gel? Have you had any sides. First side effect I got from the pill was like tunnel vision couldn't concentrate. Once I cut my dose in half things got better but who knows what this stuff is really doing to us.
  16. We are all behind you sanjar. Make sure to read the rules of this contest and make a video.
  17. I agree with some of the others . Sanjar is clearly my choice. He has been butchered please look at his case.
  18. Just be careful in what you are doing. Nobody knows what the results or sides of topical finasteride are. You are in uncharted territory tbh. Finasteride is needed to keep your hair but idk. The original study said 2 Percent experienced side effects and I think most people will agree that is bs. I have five friends , six counting me and we all got side effects. There are tons of people on hair loss forums that have gotten really bad side effects so that 2 percent is bs. I still take it but I cut down the dose a lot. Hopefully they come up with a better drug soon.
  19. Agree with you 100 percent. The doctor is good and photos might confuse some poor uneducated person. Just having some fun. Hope people realize you can't base your expectations off of celebrities.
  20. I am already searching for plane tickets to Los Angeles. If I passed up the chance to meet Elvis, Ronald Reagan, Clint Eastwood all in the same waiting room I would be crazy.
  21. Of course they aren't and they both still have better hair than I do.
  22. Just saw it and that is freaking hilarious. Some poor soul that has no idea what they are looking at are going to think all of these celebrities have had transplants.
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