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Everything posted by esrec

  1. Nice result.That's alot of coverage for 2500 grafts. Is this really only 6 months post-op? Would have to be the quickest growth I've ever seen...........
  2. Glad to hear you're ok and the procedure went well. Obviously Dr. Ron and SMG are some of the most caring people you'll ever meet. Thans for sharing your story. Keep us posted on results.
  3. Oh, the debate that will never die...... Both surgeries offer distinct advantages imo. Depending on your goals and circumstances, both have their place. FUE simply has greater patient to patient variability.
  4. Would love to hear some of the little things you noticed / experienced so far, or even at your 12 month mark. I think there's some micro-trends we all experience that pictures don't necessarily show. Did your hair all sprout in unison, or did some areas emerge more quickly while others lagged? Were pre-op expectations the same as they are now? First procedure compared to your 2nd? In general, I dont think many of us can say we've seen knockout FUE results and early response too. Just a small handful that I've noticed. Happy growing dude!
  5. Interesting. Have you considered a formulation for patients? What are your thoughts on topical fin?
  6. Mods, I know you have a policy on reaching out to recommended doctors to better understand updates in their practices, but have you ever reached out to a butcher, such as this one, and tried to gather information? I know its a gray area, but maybe because THEIR patients are coming to YOUR forum you can make a claim you have a right to know what they are doing over there and why? Idk, I think we all just feel terribly for these guys. Its heartbreaking. BTW I would still debate the CC charges. I would say you didnt realize the charge was fraudent at the time, detailing all the reasons why. Tell the entire story, gather some well deserved sympathy and take a shot.
  7. I just had my first haircut, it was a nerve-racking experience even at 4 months. I went in prepared to over-communicate and keep the barber on a tight leash. I flat out told them I just had surgery on my head and I pointed to the area (currently covered by hair) and told him how delicate it remained. I put just enough fear in him to not f it up. I opted for a clean up rather than a full cut-easier to go back and take off more than bring it back. In the end, I didnt let him touch the hairline or the recipient, and we did a light trim around the sides and back of my neck. The top my my head is more easy to manipulate with product than the top. Bottom line, if you need to be a little crazy the first time, do it. You dont need to a shampoo, head massage if you decline one. You're the one paying here. Good luck. Wait.... are you post-op?
  8. I'd do unforgivable things to completely innocent people for that head of hair. Damn dude!
  9. Haha love it dude. Think we all have our sick little tricks.
  10. Damnit, I know, you're right. Next week is 4.5 I'll get some up. I've been trying to avoid the camera and mirror but its time. Good signs so far, but nothing earth shattering yet.
  11. You're not alone bud, I'm not even 4.5 months out and I'm fixated on this one little section that hasnt sprouted yet. Just do your best to be patient and not look every day. Cant watch a plant grow
  12. Just curious, you're saying you need proof and to be convinced, yet your asking us to provide what you can easily seek out in a quick search on this forum. Why is that?? Let us know if you are struggling to run a search. You'll quickly see that Konior has some very nice FUE results. Feller is not a proponent for FUE. Like HT said, I personally wouldn't opt for FUE with a surgeon that wasnt a firm believer in the results it and he could deliver. Additionally, there's been some setup changes in Feller's office you should explore. Both quality surgeons, but continue your due diligence. You'll have greatest FUE options in Europe, but Rahal, Shapiro worth a look in states. Lorenzo, as HT said, is peerless. Best of luck.
  13. Think you're lookg good buddy. Btw, sure every doctor has a different take on this, but these are SMG's words: "New hair should begin to grow after the 3rd month mark, but everyone is different. Some experience new hair growth earlier and others a little later. Some may worry that what they see at 3-4 months is the final result, but that is not the case at all. At best, the hair growth at this time represents approximately 20% of the growth you should anticipate. When the transplanted hair first appears, it is immature, fine, thin, and light in color. As time passes, more transplanted hair will appear and will become thicker, longer, and darker. A significant change usually occurs between the 5th and 6th month. By the 6th month, about 80% of the hairs should have penetrated the skin. However, only about 50-60 percent of the final visual aesthetic effect has been achieved. Between the 6th and 7th month is the best time to schedule your follow up appointment to evaluate the progression."
  14. Very sorry to hear. Like HT said, we have another forum member who suffered a similar fate. We empathize with you. I would reach out to other members who've used this clinic. Also, did you pay by CC? If you feel strongly enough this situation could easily qualify for fraud/neglience imo and you can dispute the charge. Chase and AMEX are very good with this.
  15. Yes,of course Mr. Spanker. There was a guy named Matt who had a real nice FUE result too. But this one more recently. Thought was pretty clean. http://www.hairrestorationnetwork.com/eve/182395-raymond-konior-md-%7C-chicago-hair-institute-%7C-2049-graft-frontal-hairline-restoration.html
  16. Lookng good Dutchie. Exciting to see how far you've come in the past few months. Btw, another feature that's to your benefit is you have a nice round symmetrical head. If you did need to wear your hair short and maximize the look both now and for the future you could pull offf the buzz cut with ease. Let the fun (and pain, and patience. and self-scrutiny, and staring) begin!
  17. This may sound odd, but when you've narrowed it down to those 3 it really comes down to you, and your rapport and personal connection with each. You can find wow results for each of them, but particularly on the FUT side. If you consulted with Matt Z at SMG you'll find his FUE results on here @ Zup. I can't remember the patient's name, but Konior has had a few oustanding FUE results recently too. Do a quick search. Admittedly, I haven't reviewed Rahal's FUE work as closely. Speaking of a search, spend an hour or so going through the pages of their results. Think that'll help if you enjoyed your conversations with each.
  18. When creating the incisions and recipient site, is the tech or operating surgeon able to detect anything that would indicate the candidate may have a poor outcome? Even something as trivial as excessive bleeding, or maybe a skin type that's resistant to implantation---is there anything basic that complicates the process to the degree that the "unique skill" of the surgeon can be the difference to compensate for a "less quality" patient? It can be even be something that's annoying that requires a ton of patience. Just curious.
  19. Bill, I understand and agree that baseless jabs add zero value to this forum. I encourage you to keep the sass to a minimum. You do a great job of it. In general though, and I'm really not playing sides, the controversy around recent Feller threads have been warranted. We got to the bottom of some very tough topics because we pressed further, not despite it. I think the frustration came from delays and ambiguity, rather than some sort of agenda. As an aside, I noticed you deleted HT's comment from above. Can you share why? It didn't appear very controversial. This is your house--I'm just living in it. I do worry though, that if we censor posts or ban someone that shares a differing view or opinion, we enter into a sticky place. I'm so thankful for this forum, I'd hate to see it lose authenticity.
  20. Wait, seriously? The OP was the one who shared the unfavorable experience with Dr. Feller. Are we forgetting this? How is Stig the bad guy for empathazing with these sentiments? HairJo never even had a procedure with Dr. Feller, yet felt the need to challenge the OP, who did, and is entitled to share his opinion. Reprimands are being thrown in the wrong direction.
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