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Everything posted by Spidey

  1. very nice. won't have to worry about his hair after the second procedure since it'll be almost all transplanted hair.. Guy must be stoked!
  2. Before and after attachments of Dutchie's HT.... As you can see the after is dramatically different. WIth his hair at that length, it definitely doesn't help, but by no means does it look bad. He was more of less bald minus the small tuft in the forelock.
  3. Or... You were a late grower like some mentioned.... Anyways I'm glad it's working out with you. I still think the before and after pictures reveal quite a difference. The before pics posted that were taken by hw, the only strong hair you had left was the small tuft in the front. Crown was more or less bare and temples only had wisps.
  4. Looking good man! I know what you mean about the hair greed. If someone showed you a pic of your hair now, before your surgery, you would have said yes please and no more. Lol. I'm in the same boat as you though. I'm considering a touch up just because of hair greed. But like you I won't seriously consider it until 5+ years down the road, and it would only be work done along with further thinning. If I maintain the hair I have now, I personally wouldn't bother with a touch up.
  5. For 41, I would leave it. I know it is easier said than done, but if my hair looked like that at 41, I would be happy. I definitely wouldn't go on FIN. I am on MIN right now and have been for the last 10 years, but honestly I don't think it did anything for my receding hairline, and def nothing for my crown since I had the impression my crown was thinning but it was just the way I styled my hair back then (spiky) and the use of flash exacerbated it. I am too afraid to stop using MIN due to the post MIN shed in the event it did help me keep some of my hair. That all said, your hairloss seems very slow. Ten years post HT and your hair still looks natural, which is the most important thing. I think it is safe to say you won't be a very high NW in the years to come, I would either leave it (or leave it and buzz it down like you said), or get a small touch up procedure with a reputable clinic.
  6. I personally wouldn't concentrate so much on how low your hairline is but how natural and dense it is. Like u said you're in your mid 30s. There's not many men, even those without hair loss, that have a juvenile hairline.
  7. Well, it depends how unhappy you are... Maybe wait and see if it grows on you? See if a dense hairline is truly what you want? It also gives you time to monitor whether your hairloss progresses as well during that time. I don't remember if you mentioned whether you are on any meds and how long your hairloss has been progressing.. If your hairloss is more of less stable and / or very slow, and you are in your mid to late 30s, then go for it? Obviously I am not in your shoes, but just something to think about. I know in your head, you probably wouldn't have opted for a HT if you knew you were going to get the result you have now, and pictured a thick hairline like you had in your prime days. Totally get it. Personally, even with my great results with my FUE, unfortunately, I still obsess over my hair. To be completely honest, if I could go back in time, I would probably not have undergone my HT if I knew I would continue to obsess so much about it, but hindsight is always 20/20. I monitor my hair all the time to see whether my hairloss is further progressing, which is stressful. I have researched online and it seems like the recipient sites never fully heal 100% to match the native skin surrounding it, which I never knew prior to my HT, and makes me stress out as well. My out with FUE was always to buzz my head down to a #1 and shave the transplanted hair if my hairloss progressed and I didn't want further procedures, but it seems like the inevitable, albeit minor, scarring/discoloration left from the recipient incisions, may cause issues for me if I went that route. There are possible treatments for the recipient scarring, but it may or may not work. 18 months post op and my recipient area is still faintly pink, but more obvious after a shower. The texture of the skin is definitely different as well. Just something for you to think about before putting my dots in the back of your head, and also causing more trauma to the recipient areas of your scalp.
  8. It's very good of him to accept the results as sub par. You should ask yourself if you're willing to put another 1000 holes in the back of ur head though and further deplete any donor hair for future procedures in the event your hair further recedes.
  9. Just looking at the post of pics again. Although not super dense packed, the result looks as if a decent amount of grafts didn't grow. If 95-100% of your grafts grew it would look much more dense than your year result. Imo.
  10. So just over 2700usd? Man that's cheap. Hate to say but you get what you pay for. Is it even possible to dense pack with the choi implanter? I know I've seen a YouTube clip, might have even been from dt bhatti, with the choi implanter and dense packing but just cosmetically, using the lateral slit is so much cleaner. No excess flesh popping out.
  11. don't lower your hairline anymore.. just my opinion. Also, it doesn't look bad but I get why you are disappointed. If you don't mind me asking, how much did you pat for the HT including the air fare?
  12. Very appreciative of the replies guys. All makes sense.
  13. how do you control how much follicles actually get produced and or rejuvenated? If it works like it says it would seem as if you would have a chaotic amount of hair being grown
  14. Anyone here experience a noticeable density change when their transplanted hair goes through their natural hair cycle a year + post transplant? Just wondering whether a large percentage of their transplanted hair shed, and caused noticeable thinness until its anagen stage. Or was/is it fairly subtle. thanks
  15. even with the "weaker" areas, you have now a better head of hair than 90% of men your age. So imo, unless your hairloss progresses even further back than where you did your HT, I would just ride it out. I know how it feels to want as dense as possible. If I was in your position at 42, I'd be ecstatic! The procedure you had frames your face and those hairs won't go since they are all donor hair. Even if you did start to thin out in the mid scalp and crown, it would still look natural. Personally, if I hit my 40s and into 50s and started to lose in the crown area, I wouldn't care, as long as I had a decent frame/hairline. The only thing I fear is hairloss that causes my transplanted hair to look obviously transplanted..... :rolleyes: In a way I wish my hairloss progressed a bit more when I had my HT. That being said, the procedure would have costed more, and it would also mean my hairloss was more sever, and chances of me ending up in a higher Norwood, would have been greater. If I lost all my hair tomorrow, I would have just the corners left from the transplant :rolleyes:
  16. I think you would benefit greatly if you grew out your hair a bit longer. With any HT, you aren't going to get the density as your native hair, and HT only provides enough coverage per cm2 to create an illusion of a full head of hair. Your hair at that length will obviously show more scalp than if it was a bit longer and the strands of hair can layer. Even with my results, I believe it would like more sparse if I had it the same length as yours.
  17. Probably not. Nothing has really changed except majority of the crinkly hairs have settled down. Next update will likely be the two year mark.
  18. I always wondered this... Baby's generally start with a MPB kind of pattern and then fills in... like reverse balding lol.... I hope there is a correlation because as a baby I was a NW2/3 before my hair grew in.... If that is the case my FUE with Dr Hasson should more or less hold up... crosses fingers lol
  19. graft yield looks great.. can't wait to see the next updates when the hairs mature more.
  20. It has only been about 2 months, but tbh, I think AA works. A bunch of baby hairs started to grow in my hairline where it wasn't present before, within the area that I got my HT. I know it isn't my HT hair because the texture is diff. It is as if these hairs thickened up from the AA. I can't be 100% certain as it has only been a couple of months. The only real way to tell for me is by maintaining, since I don't have any issue areas since my HT.
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