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Everything posted by ersko72

  1. These pics were taken just after my 7 month milestone. I'm super pleased with the outcome.
  2. All good with me Raman. I'm so glad to have the visible recovery phase in the rear view mirror.
  3. Yeah, I agree HT-FUE, every haircut makes the HT look even better. Looking forward to your monthly updates.
  4. Great to see to you are happy with your results Raman. Not that it matters, I have a feeling we are 7 months (not 6 months) since our visit to Asmed. I got busy and missed my 6 month update, however I will def make time for a 7 month update on 8 July, just over a week from now.
  5. Hey HT-FUE, looking great. I'm almost 6 months myself and also doing well. Like you, I still have some redness that is hanging around forever, but doesn't bother me anything like it did in the early days.
  6. October will be here before you know it JustJax. I'm almost 6 months post HT at Asmed and will be happy to update my review with pics when I hit the anniversary in another week.
  7. Hey Raman - i thought for a minute all 5 shots were from month 5. I opened up the first 3 shots I was a bit worried for you - then could see the last shots were looking entirely different. There is even a big difference between months 4 & 5 so looks like you're right in the window where all the thickening happens!
  8. I can finally rejoin my social life! I had a family BBQ at our place this weekend and comments were limited to how young I look with a surprise short hair cut. Phew! I can spot a gap in my right temple in my pic, however I was unaware of that until the pic was taken earlier today...so hopefully the gap is more evident in the pic than real life!
  9. Your hair has filled in heaps since your 4 month update - what a transformation! Congrats JohnnyLight.
  10. Great result Spidey - it's always great to see a home run reported on here!
  11. Hi Yaz89, congrats on the 2nd HT. I followed your original thread and it was an influencer in my own decision to choose Asmed/Erdogan. I had my procedure in December, Dilek was my main Tech, Umat took care of the drugs, and Alessio was happy for me to closely inspect his own HT when he was approaching his 3 own month milestone...it was great to see all those familiar names in your write up. I look forward to reading your updates!
  12. Wow HT-FUE- you're right side is already flawless and you're only 6 months. Congrats, and I reckon you're left side will catch-up in no time!
  13. JustJax - definitely try and see Erdogan when he is on tour. Being from Australia there was no such luxury; to avoid a 2nd massive trip I took the gamble and flew to the other side of the planet for the consult, and hoped like crazy the consult went well enough for me to progress to surgery the next day. A hometown consult would negate all that uncertainty. Raman! Yeah, it's not as good as HT-FUE's 4 month checkpoint but I am happy with my progress. I'm 4.5 months now and am still seeing new sprouts. It's great to hear yours is starting to come in - yay! Happy growing, and can't wait to see future updates from you.
  14. Agree, I booked mine 3 months out and was pretty much able to specify the exact date.
  15. thatoldchesnut- thanks for the tip on Toppik. I did try it several times throughout the past few months. It looked like a bad dye job on me so I decided to manage without. That said, I've kept in contact with some of the guys who were at Asmed the same week as me and they swear by it. Ernie - yeah, I'm pleased with Erdogan as my FUE choice. I'm loving the hairline, now I just need to wait a few more months for decent density. Garageland, thanks for the comforting words. The redness is still there, but now so faint under my light coverage of hair that it's invisible unless you're looking for it.
  16. I returned to work at 4 weeks post FUE, and found it really hard. I could have buzzed in the lead-up to get everyone used to the look, but the real problem was the redness and the disparity as the shedding set in (weeks 6 to 10 were the worst). My redness was noticeable for 2.5 months. I had to apply make-up to have any chance of getting away with it. That said, I'm 4 months post HT now and that's all behind me...so yes it was hard, but all worth it.
  17. Things are starting to happen now. Still sparse, however I can see improvement week by week and more hairs are sprouting. I'm feeling less self conscious these days. I have moved to a believable 'regretful short haircut' look and have started to head to social gatherings without a cap. During these sparse days, my worst enemy is bright overhead lighting!
  18. Wow Muyor, your results improved heaps since your 6 month update. Congrats.
  19. Raman, Looks similar to where I'm at, yes, still sparse but we'll get there soon enough. Can you see shorter hairs still sprouting? My hair is much shorter than yours, and I have some red remaining redness which has finally come in handy and helps my new hairline look more defined without looking weird. I'
  20. Yeah, I'm sparse too. I'll be 4 months on 8 April (next Friday) and will post new photos then...but there's no way my 4 month result will be as good as HT-FUE's. Still, I'm grateful for the growth I have and feel things are running to average schedule. I have a reasonably defined hairline in low lighting, but the minute I'm under a bright fluro light it's a total disaster. I'll try to post pics of both to show the difference. Happy growing Raman, we're coming into the home stretch now! I'll keep an eye of for your pics.
  21. Hey Raman. You'd be at the 4 month milestone about now, any chance of pics? I hope you're seeing lots of new sprouts. Happy Easter!
  22. Hey Mav, great to see hear that you've moved through the worst of it and starting to look like your old self. I'm about 2 weeks in front of you, and after months hiding under a cap I braved having dinner with the in-laws cap free last night - not a single comment. Ahhh- good riddance duck phase!
  23. I just watched all 4 of your video updates ErsB1, great stuff! I'm 3.5 months post my own Asmed HT and seem to be on track. It was great to see your 6 and 8 month results come through, very comforting!
  24. Hi HT-FUE - your side by side shots alongside the prior month are great for comparing progress. Definitely there is more hair, and the hair is longer now too. To me it looks like you have well and truly passed the point where you'd need to wear a cap or excuse a bad haircut etc at social catch-ups. Do you feel totally undetectable already, or stil a bit aware of it?
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