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Everything posted by Dolph1969

  1. Yeah. Particularly with the disabled........:rolleyes:
  2. The reality is, they can and will strike anywhere. I would prefer to have a head to put my HT on. It's about minimising your risk and Turkey is very high risk at the moment. Good luck to anyone choosing to go and I hope they are safe.
  3. I'd give Turkey a miss. That could have been anyone flying in there. I'm making alternative arrangements. So, So tragic for the families. These nutters need cleansed off this planet.
  4. OMG. Jesus couldn't even work a miracle on that one.:eek:
  5. Always been impressed with the clean, neat work of HDC. Heading for a great result there.
  6. Question in relation to finasteride. I was on it for three weeks and had really bad sides on it. At 47, is there as much benefit taking it, as there would be for a patient who is younger? My family hair loss trait is a slow receding hairline. Just wondering, when you are older, is it less effective? I'm currently using minox and herbals saw palmetto etc. Moot point whether the herbals actually work, but worth a go anyway.
  7. Donor is still looking strong and you look like you have good beard hair, should you choose to use it. You should get a great result with this next op. Good luck.
  8. Reading through this thread, we're worse than women discussing their favourite Kardasian...
  9. You do not have a degree of hair loss that requires surgical treatment at this point, in my opinion.
  10. It is thin, but he does have better facial framing than when it was previously badly receded.
  11. Hey man. I'm glad you're back and feeling a bit better about yourself. From that picture, it looks good. Out of interest, what's your partners/friends opinion? Third parties are usually more objective. We tend to be our own worst critic.
  12. If the grafts are secure in 7 -10 days, I cant see why training cant resume. Would be interested to hear the experts on this..
  13. Saw that. Hairline just looks wrong. Too low, no age appropriate slight recession. Doesn't fit his face at all, but based on his previous hairline, he didn't look to have an option of raising it. Will hold complete judgement until it all grows in. It's good he's on tv and doesn't give a stuff about the fact he's had work done.
  14. Took a generic for three weeks, couldn't feel anything in the downstairs area... If it works great, but from my research, there appears to be more people having side effects, than the manufacturers would like to indicate.
  15. You really need to think this one out carefully, at 23 years old. Look at family history. Is there a pattern of aggressive hair loss at a young age, leading to norwood 6/7 patterns? A lot of clinics won't touch you if you're under 25.
  16. I'm nearly exactly the same norwood as you and he recommended 4800 grafts. Others were in the 2000- 3500 range.
  17. That's a great smp result. Impossible for anyone to tell what is native hair and what is smp from those pics. You would probably need to grow it out and get a one on one consultation to assess your donor availability. There would also be the option of using body hair, depending on your body donor , although results seem variable with this. From your pics, you look to have good facial characteristics to carry off your current look.
  18. :cool:Nice. You suit it buzzed or longer. Great hair.
  19. Turkey isn't the safest spot at the moment. Istanbul has had numerous terrorist attacks recently. it's luck of the draw really, but it's probably slightly higher risk than some other places. The reality is, these nutters could strike anywhere.
  20. I'd be interested to hear, as your density looks very similar to mine.
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