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Everything posted by Dolph1969

  1. I think you will be impressed when you use it. It will definitely give the illusion of more density and fullness. It's pretty amazing stuff.
  2. Sam, have you tried toppik or caboose sprinkled onto dry hair? I think this would definitely help on terms of giving you more density cosmetically.
  3. Superb result. totally suits your face and age appropriate. Are you on meds?
  4. Seriously Sam, your hair looks great. It doesn't look unnatural or anything. Compared to your before pics, it's a great improvement.
  5. Or Jim Nesbitt and his latest weave. He's been very public about this two transplants. Not sure what is going on here. http://www.google.co.uk/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=1&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0ahUKEwjWpfrk5qTKAhXFRhQKHZE5DFQQqQIIHTAA&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.telegraph.co.uk%2Fmen%2Fthe-filter%2Fforget-messi-vs-ronaldo--james-nesbitts-hair-steals-the-show-at%2F&usg=AFQjCNGWVHkkDRBtrnxVot-h9Wreg7FF3w&bvm=bv.111396085,d.ZWU Each to their own, but i'd never wear a wig or hair system. At least a transplant is your own hair...
  6. Sam, I think you should speak to your Dr. You seem to be suffering from anxiety/stress, that may or may not be related to your transplant. When you are feeling like that, you are in no position to analyse anything objectively.
  7. Sam, ride it out a bit longer. Try some cabooki/toppik and maybe try a different haircut. Don't start having bits taken out, or messing with it. You're starting to obsess about it. No one is noticing anything "artificial" but yourself.
  8. Sam, go and get a hairdressers/barbers opinion and get a haircut, shorter at the sides possibly. Try some concealer when the hair is dry and see what it is like. Don't consider getting anything removed or tampering with it until you can assess the end result. Trust me, it looks better than before.
  9. Maybe use a thickening shampoo and try the likes of toppik or another thickening fibre. They really do give a lot of volume to your hair. You'll also hopefully see some more growth from the transplant in the next few months. Take it from me, your hair looks a lot better now than in the before pictures.
  10. A lot of celebs have had subtle work done, when starting to lose hair. Some very good examples, Bono, Christian Slater, Costner, Sting (I think he's had work done), U2's Edge had one of the pluggy ones in the 80s, but I often wonder why he never got this fixed and opted for a hat. Probably loads out there. No stigma anymore about getting a HT done. Celebs going public about it, helps as well.
  11. Don't start plucking or tampering with your hair until you give it a few months. If you're not happy with the result after a year or so, consider seeing another surgeon. I wouldn't recommend any DIY hair removal at this point.
  12. I think the surgeons idea,was to frame your face with a restored hairline, which appears to be developing. I think a good haircut and some toppik/cabooki, will give a good appearance all over. It's still early on in the transplant/growth process.
  13. Sam, Try giving it longer. It's only 5 months. I would say, You're definitely not seeing what we see. As Spanker says, you look a lot better than before. Try some toppik to thicken the existing hair and maybe cutting it shorter at the sides. Are you using oil or gel, as the hair looks clumped together.
  14. I think definitely propecia/minoxidil for starters to see how it stabilises. Also look at toppik/cabooki for creating volume. In relation to heading to a high norwood, this patient from Dr Saifi in Poland website always amazes me that there is hope. (I have no connection with the Dr). Patient DL - AM-MED
  15. I would like some feedback from surgeons/Blake regarding this. There is a guy on youtube who wore a beanie and a surgical cap immediately post op. This seems like a good idea if it wont tug out grafts if the cap is worn under a beanie. Anyone??
  16. The grafts look very spaced. It that definitely 2200 grafts? I had a rough count and it doesn't look like it. Excuse my ignorance if i'm wrong.
  17. Vida seems to get good reviews on amazon. interesting mix of ingredients.
  18. You didn't need much done. That's a nice refinement of your hairline.
  19. I think you need to wait for it to fill in a bit more, before you can make an informed assessment of it. It is a low hairline, but I think it is a good job aesthetically. it probably appears wide, as your temple points are not closed in relation to where the hairline is.
  20. Why??? My God, what a head of hair for 65. Doesn't need any work in my opinion. Then again, it's all down to our personal perception of ourselves.
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