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Everything posted by RadioRunner

  1. What website is this from? I know I along with many other HT patients wore a hat well before the 4 week mark. I can't really comment on the rest, hopefully an HT doc can post here.
  2. So I've been reading recuperarelpelo.com, a Spanish hair transplant forum, and have come across a number of doctors that have a pretty solid repertoire of HT cases. Dr. Lupanzula and Dr. Michalis in particular seem to have some great results. This led me to the possibility that there might be a number of HT doctors that, for some reason or another, either don't post patients here or aren't yet recommended. My question is, which HT doctors do you think are top quality doctors that are yet to be recommended by this site ?
  3. All three of those FUE clinics use technicians for extractions. Personally I find Maras at HDC Clinic and Bisanga to be two of the top FUE surgeons that perform the extractions themselves. If you're on a budget, Dr. Bhatti and Dr. Yaman produce great results as well.
  4. Wow, considering he was basically a NW 6 and the fact he still has 3-5 more months of growth I think this is a fantastic result. Great work.
  5. I agree. The focus should be on the successful frontal hairline restoration and the newly formed temporal points on this patient, not the "no scar" message. Again, great work from Dr. Bhatti, the temportal points look really great, but i'm but not feeling this 'no scar' stuff.
  6. Was it technicians that performed the extractions or was it the HT Dr. him/herself that performed the extractions?
  7. Beautiful work. Dr. Maras is fantastic. I also really dig the clear documentation. Thanks for sharing!
  8. Wow very impressive considering the real estate that needed to be covered, the color of the hair of the patient, an the modest amount of grafts used. Fantastic hairline, looks 100% natural!
  9. Congrats! I've been really impressed with Dr. Yaman's work. Hope all grows well. Did Dr. Yaman perform all the extractions himself, or did he have techs do some as well?
  10. Congrats bro. Hope all grows well. I'm really fascinated with Dr. Yaman's philosophy of splitting up FUE mega-sessions into 2 or 3 smaller 1,000-1,500 graft sessions so to reduce the out of body time for each follicle. I think this is a really great idea and I hope it catches on with other clinics. Did Dr. Yaman complete the extraction process by himself, or did he have techs come in and help out with the extractions?
  11. Wow. Hard to believe it was only 2600 grafts. Truly fantastic job.
  12. Hey Dr., I kind of want to work on my temples a little more. I started taking Fin about 5 months ago, so I am going to wait 6 more months before I make any decisions so to see if the Fin has regenerated any miniaturized hairs. Before scheduling my HT with Dr. Feller, I had consultations with 3 other recommended HT Dr.'s, all of whom told me I have either 'average or below average' laxity. But I will definitely pop my head in the clinic at the 6 months mark, so hopefully we can talk then. Thanks!
  13. Dr. Shapiro is a top HT Surgeon. I've read on this site multiple times that the crown takes longer to grow than the hairline or midscalp does. Every time I read post which concerns a lack of growth in the crown area, the most frequent recommendation is to wait the full 12 months as the crown often takes longer to see the full results. And while the crown is frequently referred to as the 'black hole' of hair transplant surgery, I think because of your relatively small area of balding, 1700 grafts should absolutely show a noticeable improvement from your pre-op pics. Hopefully you will start to see results in these next couple months. May I ask if your HT was FUE or FUT?
  14. I think all of us would prefer to have FUE extractions done by the Surgeon himself/herself, but it is just hard to believe that many of the most lauded and apparently most successful FUE clinics in the world (Lorenzo, Erdogan, and Feriduni) have technicians perform extractions, yet it doesn't appear to have an impact on the results. Maybe it does and we are only seeing cherry picked cases?
  15. Thanks Doc. I would absolutely prefer to have another FUT as opposed to FUE, but unfortunately I have poor laxity, so I don't think it's possible to have another FUT procedure in the future. This is why I am trying to do as much research as possible for choosing a top FUE HT clinic. Do you have any recommendations for top FUE HT clinics? By the way, be sure to thank Dr. Feller and tell him my hair is coming in really well at 4 months! I'll post an update on my thread really soon!
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