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Everything posted by Mikey1970

  1. I would have expected you to be "sprouting" by now. Your Dr appears to have good credentials and is quite well known. I see he is IAHRS approved & also a Diplomate of The American Board of Hair Restoration Surgery. I would be surprised if you didn't get a good result, especially given it was FUT. Is he also a recommended Dr on this site? If so the moderators may be able to assist you? As you live a distance from the clinic I think you should be contacting them & requesting a skype consultation with Dr Karadeniz. I would expect he would be supportive of you. Good luck.
  2. Your hair looks fantastic to me. Its good you are onto it now - if you look after it I think you should be fine for decades & possibly for life. I would recommend a tar based shampoo on a regular basis (I actually use Ionil T shampoo everyday), Fin & Rogaine Foam. If you are reluctant to use Fin, avoid it until you see any further evidence of thinning & then consider again then. Good luck & enjoy a great crop.
  3. Thank god you found this forum. I'm sure one way or the other you will be helped. Until such time stay strong & keep communicating with us.
  4. I'm sorry to hear of your pain Sam. I can relate to some degree as I have been hurt by some shock loss from a small touch up procedure i had a bit over a year ago but at the end of the day we have to live in reality, find strength from within, make decisions & move forward with life. I think the shaved head option is always possible, even with FUT if the scar has been done well. Otherwise a hair system, i know many prominent men that use them. Above all though, it is strength of character that will get you through this! Best wishes.
  5. Pretty sure Dr Bhatti would only employ a sales team in Australia. To the best of my knowledge he does not consult here himself & certainly does all of his surgery in India. Please correct me if I am wrong?
  6. I have been doing the rounds lately. First procedure with George Kerry in Adelaide was good, subsequent not so good, last a disaster! I have had consults with a few others, I am impressed with Rhett Bosnich & Johnathon Chan. If you want FUE I would definitely have both of those guys on the top of my list.....Johnathon Chan is based in Sydney & pretty sure Rhett consults there.
  7. SMP or Scar Revision by a top notch plastic surgeon seem to be your best options if you are going to shave down. All the best.
  8. How do i buy shares in Thorn Medical? Would be pouring my money into this stock if it were true lol
  9. According to this article, the cure for baldness is here now & soon to be offered in the Bahama's. Thorn Medical PLC Joint Venture to Provide Stem Cell Cure for Baldness /PR Newswire UK/
  10. I take your point Gill. Also found the following on this, our very own site... "The Lion Implanter Pen by Hans Biomedical Frequently referred to as the “Hans Implanter” or the “Hans Lion Implanter,” the Lion Implanter (created by Hans Biomedical and co-created by Dr. Jose Lorenzo) is a slightly re-engineered and re-imagined version of the Choi Implanter pen. According to Hans Biomedical, the Lion Implanter is a pen-like device that utilizes the identical hollow needle-plunger design of the Choi Implanter (and creates incision sites and places grafts in the same simultaneous manner). However, Hans Biomedical states that the Lion Implanter features some upgrades and designs that allow for quality graft placement during FUE procedures. Dr. Lorenzo's Explanation of Various Tricks of FUE Including Using the Lion Implanter Pen First, the Lion Implanter features a “clip” that allows for faster and easier needle replacement. This decreases surgical downtime and encourages technicians to change needles when necessary. One disadvantage of implanter pens is excessive scalp trauma from needle dulling, so the ability to change needles quickly and easily helps promote fast, effective needle substitution when appropriate. The Lion Implanter also features several upgrades to the needles themselves. According to Hans Biomedical, the Lion Implanter needles are sharper (to reduce scalp trauma during insertion), made from smooth alloy that reduces pulling and trauma to the scalp during insertion, and feature a wider, more hollowed core, which creates more room for the loaded follicular unit graft. The Lion Implanter needles are also sterilized with Ethylene Oxide gas and sealed in a double-layered blister package. This allegedly reduces contamination and subsequent chances of infection. The Lion needles also feature markings that help the orient the surgeon and ensure the grafts are placed in the correct position. Despite these upgrades, the Lion Implanter is very similar to the Choi Implanter, and possesses similar advantages and disadvantages. However, many FUE experts, including Dr. Michael Vories and Dr. Jose Lorenzo, use the Lion Implanter, and believe it aids in promoting excellent results. Dr. Vories states that he began his FUE practice using the traditional pre-made incision method, but quickly changed to the Lion Implanter after researching the tool. After switching, he saw an increase in the final yield and aesthetic appearance of his FUE results, and now uses the Lion Implanter exclusively. - See more at: FUE Hair Transplant: Implantation Methods and Devices"
  11. I had a consultation with a reputable FUE surgeon recently. He uses the Lion implanter pen. Just wondering if anyone has thoughts on associated trauma minimization to the recipient area, or compromise/benefit to yield?
  12. This story has gathered a lot of traction in online news during the past couple days. Hair loss cure: Huge lab breakthrough
  13. This is a very interesting read. Is there finally a cure for baldness? Complex cells with hair follicles have been implanted onto skin for the first time | Daily Mail Online
  14. I agree Mp96. In fact im pretty sure that is what happened to me. It makes Dr selection crucial - there is NOTHING more important when undergoing HT surgery.
  15. A great Dr will do their best with every procedure to give the patient their best result possible. A quack will find the balance between a good result, but possibly with some minor defects that ensures the patient will want to return for repeat procedure/s. Imho this does happen.
  16. I was thin on the crown at 21 years old. Now 45 years old & no deterioration in the past 24 years. My own experience is that if hair is present it can be looked after. I have had HTs for frontal recession & ironically the only loss I have had in 20+ years has been from shock loss. Im a huge supporter of ionil t shampoo, fin & rogaine foam. About to try a capillus lasercap to hopefully improve a small gap from shock loss but thats approx 12 months now so not expecting I will be lucky enough to achieve it. Too scared to go for more surgery atm as I know first hand, on small jobs it can sometimes be worse.
  17. How many grafts did you have? Was it strip or fue? Great to hear you are so happy with your result...
  18. I have purchased the Capillus 272 lasercap. $3k so not cheap. Never been a believer before but I respect my Dr and the photographic evidence of his clients. Quite a few HT surgeons are positive on the better quality LLLT devices now.
  19. I had a consult with a Hair Restoration Surgeon yesterday and was presented with photographs of some of the results he has been having with patients undergoing his Sunetics low level laser treatment. I had previously dismissed this kind of treatment as a gimmick but I have to say the photographs were impressive. As I live interstate & couldn't possibly attend his practice often enough to undergo this treatment myself he recommend I purchase a FDA approved lasercap for home use. The Capillus 272 interests me. Anyone have any experience or thoughts on the effectiveness of LLLP?
  20. I'm pretty sure he was also the Dr that worked on a trial for Histogen's regrowth product? Some of the online commentary surrounding the results of the trial were skeptical.
  21. I had formed the opinion that Dr Bhatti is one of the worlds best FUE surgeons. I hope it keeps improving for you & that any future procedure is a success...
  22. Whats hilarious about it? Sheisedo are a the 4th largest cosmetics company in the world and have invested millions in Replicels RCH 01. They do appear to be the frontrunners (by a long way), for a stem cell based treatment. Phase 2 trails reportedly are imminent in Japan with the product possibly on market in 2018.
  23. Congracts Steve. Your hair looks fantastic & you should be feeling great about it. Can I ask, from your 6 procedures did you do strip or fue or some of both? Cheers
  24. I have seen it posted on this forum several times that the benefits of FIN are greatest in the first two years & can then plateau after that? Might be worth switching to Dutasteride if you are sure this is occurring? Good luck.
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