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Melvin- Admin

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Everything posted by Melvin- Admin

  1. We’ve been conditioned by society to think hair loss is an older mans problem. But the truth of the matter is that nearly a quarter of men in their 20s suffer from hair loss. I’d like to start a poll here to gather some intel. How many of you had hair loss in your late teens early 20’s. How did you feel, what did you do? Have you had surgery?
  2. Definitely give both a try
  3. Yea I don’t see why you’d be told to stop taking finasteride
  4. I don’t think you’re too late for fin and min. It would definitely help thicken your hair. Now, it won’t return everything, but it’ll be an improvement. Another thing to consider is hair fibers. They work great, specifically on diffuse hair loss.
  5. Definitely the waiting game, watch this video
  6. 🤯🤯🤯 damn man you’ve got the head of hair I be seeing in my dreams haha. Absolutely incredible so happy for you man 👏🏼
  7. When you consider who’s the best? Think who has the best reviews. Ultimately, we are a consumer rated site. So consumer ratings matter the most. If you look at the names given, try and match them to reviews, if you don’t see any, that should be a red flag.
  8. Very impressive awesome transformation 👏🏼
  9. I like his work and attention to detail, hopefully we see more talent coming out of west Europe. Unfortunately, I’m told many have picked up on the hair mill model of going by quantity not quality.
  10. Look forward to seeing more of this, please keep me updated. If it’s promising, I’ll be headed to you 😁
  11. Thanks, really want to get optimal engagement for the community.
  12. I’m still shocked how well you’ve scarred.I definitely can’t wear my hair that short without seeing scars.
  13. Thanks for sharing, I wanted to go to India this year to Eugenix. Unfortunately, the pandemic hasn't made that possible. The good news is things are starting to open up in many parts of the US. Obviously, not in California where I live, = ( but i'm hopeful things will turn around quickly as vaccines start to roll out more and more.
  14. From what i've seen from Dr. Nadimi, 1500 grafts should be enough, she has great density with a small number of grafts.
  15. Don't miss out tomorrow, if you have questions ask away. I do this for the benefit of the community, so we have good interaction with surgeons.
  16. You’ve kept a lot of your transplanted hair. Could it be you’re one of the lucky ones fingers crossed 🤞
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