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Melvin- Admin

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Everything posted by Melvin- Admin

  1. He is no doubt a very talented surgeon. If you get surgery with him, please share your review here.
  2. There’s a price point for everyone, you pay more depending on the surgeon. It’s all relative to location and convenience.
  3. https://www.instagram.com/tv/CMKlZtInYC4/?igshid=ukat9zwxrvob
  4. Hey guys, I will be recording Dr. Gujratis surgery tomorrow, I’ll be posting on Instagram live. So if you guys are interested in seeing surgery live. Check it out, I’ll post right before I go live.
  5. Here are a few Spanish threads: https://foro.recuperarelpelo.com/viewtopic.php?t=78926 https://foro.recuperarelpelo.com/viewtopic.php?f=16&t=85514&start=75 https://foro.recuperarelpelo.com/viewtopic.php?f=16&t=87179 https://foro.recuperarelpelo.com/viewtopic.php?f=16&t=79519&start=780 There are a lot more, in case you guys want to check them out. The forum is a lot different, theres ads and things that can make it confusing.
  6. It’s definitely because your hair length, your hair looks thicker now.
  7. Normally I don’t because it’s not really the process I like to follow, but I will ask the clinic to share some of those reviews.
  8. Ideally, we would like more personal experiences on this forum. However, I have done some research and have seen plenty of reviews on the Spanish forum to feel confident. Plus @Adam87 result is incredible.
  9. Definitely Dr. Konior and Dr. Panine hands down https://www.hairtransplantnetwork.com/Consult-a-Physician/surgeon-list/IL/Illinois
  10. If you specifically want to treat that area then yea 600 grafts makes sense, but you have thinning throughout your entire scalp. You will need around 5000 grafts eventually to restore the entire scalp, unless you are on finasteride.
  11. Dear valued members, physicians, and visitors of our community, As most of you know, we request input from our community and our recommended physicians before we approve any physician for a recommendation. We invite you to review the below information about Dr. Rafael De Freitas @De Freitas Clinic and his results and to post a reply with your opinion. You can also message us privately if you prefer. Dr. Rafael De Freitas has been a forum favorite since his clinic started posting last month. His quality, case presentation, results, and details have been awe-inspiring, to say the least. We are now considering him for a potential recommendation- this requires that he meet our strict community standards of performing ultra-refined follicular unit grafting with consistently high yields and excellent results. We expect our surgeons to be able to not only dense-pack quality follicular unit grafting but also have the capacity and staffing to transplant thousands of follicular units per day. Our recommended physicians must operate transparently and be held publicly accountable, knowing that their patients may come to our forum and review them right after surgery. Transparency builds trust and accountability, which is the foundation for credibility. That is why our list of recommendations is unlike any other on the internet. We use the collective wisdom and input of the entire community. Why we Feel Dr. De Freitas is worthy of recommendation. Dr. Rafael De Freitas graduated from Medical School at the University of Extramadura, located in Spain. After completing higher surgical training and medicine from the University of Extramadura in Spain, he became certified in trichology and hair implantation by the University of Alcala - Madrid. Dr. De Freitas is a big believer in continuously evolving and honing his hair transplant surgeon's skill. Dr. De Freitas has attended numerous workshops and hands-on training. Including Perfeccionamiento Tecnica (perfect technique) with Dr. Jose Lorenzo and the Italian Society of Hair Restoration in Rome, Italy. He attended the 2nd Mediterranean FUE workshop with Dr. Jose Lorenzo and Dr. Alex Ginzburg in Madrid. He has attended numerous International Society of Hair Restoration Surgeons (ISHRS) conferences all around the world. Dr. De Freitas has a full-time exclusive hair restoration practice – Clinica De Freitas, based out of Valencia, Spain. Dr. De Freitas is passionate about teaching/training. He works with a specialized head nurse who assists him in extracting the grafts. He has a full staff of nurses, nurse assistants, and pre and post-operative staff to assist their patients after surgery. He has a multi-lingual staff fluent in English, Italian, French, Portuguese, German, and Spanish. Dr. De Freitas surgical protocol Dr. De Freitas takes an individual approach to each surgery, individualizing all of his consultations and taking the patient's specific individual goals into account when devising the surgical plan. He devises the surgical plan, designs the hairline, performs Follicular Unit Excisions with assistance from his lead nurse, and he implants the grafts Dr. De Freitas has a strict protocol for careful implantation. He does all of the implantations himself with the lion implanter controlling the depth, angle, and overall density of the procedure. Dr. De Freitas performs FUE exclusively at his clinic. Dr. De Freitas uses a 0.75mm to 0.8mm motorized punch. Dr. De Freitas performs BHT when the patient has exhausted their scalp hair donor supply. Dr. De Freitas also performs eyebrow hair restoration for men and women. View Dr. De Freitas website HERE Below are some examples of his work: Clinic Posted Results https://www.hairrestorationnetwork.com/topic/59165-dr-rafael-de-freitas-3223-grafts-2070-grafts-5293-grafts/?tab=comments#comment-576191 https://www.hairrestorationnetwork.com/topic/59230-dr-rafael-de-freitas-nw5-3019-ufs-2435-ufs-903-ufs-200-bht/?tab=comments#comment-576896 https://www.hairrestorationnetwork.com/topic/59295-dr-rafael-de-freitas-3227-grafts-fue/?tab=comments#comment-578065 https://www.hairrestorationnetwork.com/topic/59099-dr-rafael-de-freitas-2319-grafts-6194-hairs-fue/?tab=comments#comment-574588 Patient Posted Results https://www.hairrestorationnetwork.com/topic/54653-dr-rafael-de-freitas-2660-grafts/page/6/?tab=comments#comment-578688 As always, we learn through collective wisdom. We appreciate all feedback and input. Best wishes,
  12. It used to be banned, but I don't really think it would have that much of an effect. Most footballers have peak years, which Mane may have just left. There are only two players in the world who have been consistent every season. I bet CR7 probably takes fin just in case lol.
  13. I wrote an article on this subject yesterday, I'll post an excerpt of why the cost in the US, Europe is higher than Latin America, Turkey, India, etc.
  14. I receive this question daily, everyone is interested to know the cost before even showing their hair loss. I would love to hear some input from the community. I will start first. My first HT in 2014 I paid around $5 per graft, the results weren't good. Second HT I paid $7 per graft, excellent results. I had all of my procedures in California. How Much Does A Hair Transplant Cost?
  15. I'm a bit confused on what area you want to have restored. The pictures you showed earlier show a diffuse Norwood 5. I would imagine you would require more than 600 grafts. However, this last picture looks great. So were those other pictures before having surgery? And now this new picture is your current hair?
  16. Yea, theres no one size fits all to surgery, which is why it's good to get a surgeon like you who does both.
  17. Yea he definitely had an FUT. I think his hair shaved looks a lot more natural and fits him well.
  18. Are you on finasteride? You need to preserve the hair you have before thinking about more hair transplants. You could end up with net gain if you don't stabilize your hair. Now, if you are on hair loss stabilization medication. I would say you need around 3,000 grafts to really make a significant impact.
  19. Saw a picture of zlatan recently, not sure if he’s hiding his recession or if he got something done
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