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Melvin- Admin

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Everything posted by Melvin- Admin

  1. I'd like to answer your question the girl who everyone wants to bang is more popular. here's another analogy, who's more popular the hot girl that guys want to bang but they can't, because she's high maintenance and they can't afford to take her out. Or the girl who everyone bangs cause she puts out easy and all you have to do is buy her a happy meal.Popularity is defined by popular choice not necessity. I think anybody would rather get their procedure done in one sitting, unfortunately for high Norwood guys like myself that's usually not the case even in strip procedures, so personally I thought what would I rather do have 3 less invasive FUE procedures that are the least noticeable to the general public i.e coworkers, or two FUT procedures that would carry the risk of bad scarring and would require more time off work and would be more obvious to the general public. These are my personal reasons for my specific situation, I've said it before in this thread but I'll say it again, if you're a lower Norwood guy who wears his hair long your better off getting FUT because you'll be able to get a full restoration in one sitting. However, if you're a high Norwood guy who will require several procedures you're better off doing FUE in small sessions, this will achieve a better overall aesthetic result in my opinion. Not to mention less time off of work with less detectability.
  2. Dr. Feller there you go with the word play, we were speaking hypothetically, you stated if a patient had a poor results and saw Dr. Bhattis video that it would be grounds for a class action suit here in the states. I never said I couldn't tell the difference nor did I say I was a layman, I was speaking about your average patient who's never seen a procedure performed. . With that being said the key word was poor result, I will withhold my judgement until I see the final result.
  3. Tav, did you do any body hair? I've considered Dr. Umar, because he's 45 min from my house not lucky enough to live in redondo lol. But the thing that's kept from going is the price.
  4. Do you mind posting some pictures of those of us considering this clinic?
  5. How would a layman be able to deduce speed FUE to regular FUE? My point was that anyone with a poor result would ask for a refund and if their circumstance was not favorable would most likely file a class action suit. I disagree with you Dr. Feller, I honestly don't believe that FUT is the most popular choice in hair restoration. I believe that it's performed more often because: A. It's cheaper B: you can move more grafts in one sitting. In the dozens of consultations I went to with world renowned hair restoration physicians I heard the same thing. If you chose FUE you'll have to do more than one surgery to move the same amount of grafts you could do with one FUT surgery, and you'll have to break it up in to sessions. Never once was I told, if I chose FUE I wouldn't get the same yield, I questioned every single doctor I spoke with, every single one of them confided in me that transection mainly occurs during the learning curve of FUE. That was not one physician but many, so you see it's hard for me to believe just one physician who also has monetary incentives i.e new procedure.
  6. The key word Dr. Feller is poor result, I think anyone with a poor result would do the following, as a matter of fact if I had a thick slab of meat butchered out of my head id be a lot quicker to file a class action suit. Mav I've never said don't be objective, but to heckle the dr in to apologizing then the next minute defend him is odd and shocking to me to be honest.
  7. I don't know whats more amazing the fact that someone with the amount of hairloss he had would even bother getting a hair transplant, or the fact that he chose to get FUT and now has a scar for the rest of his life for a small amount of grafts.
  8. Here is a video of Dr. Villnow I completely agree with his assessment, its what i've been saying all along. The advantages of FUT is your able to harvest more grafts at one time, where as with FUE you will have to do several sessions, this to me is the truth, it's what i've seen with dozens of patients and myself as well, the difference in yield in my opinion is not significant, there is no proof to substantiate my claims or Dr. Fellers claims and that's the truth, his percentages are his opinion. So what it boils down too as a patient is personal preference, if you wear your hair short than you'll probably want to choose FUE, if you don't wear your hair short and don't care about a scar then choose FUT. All of this vilifying FUE has been uncalled for, not to mention accusing forum members of being representatives of their physicians. Seth I've got a similar situation to yours I've even mentioned my friend in this thread, he got a strip surgery back in 06 by a well known physician in Toronto, while he did achieve good growth, he now has become terrified of getting haircuts, he literally stopped going to the barber, because every time he went to the barber he was always asked about his huge scar, he's had people ask if he's had brain surgery, to a metal plate in his head, this has caused him to be so self conscious, as hair loss sufferers we are already self conscious about our hair loss, so I can't imagine going from being self conscious about my hair loss to being self conscious about my scar, to me its exchanging problems instead of getting rid of one. Now with an FUE I never worry if people are looking at my donor area or if they know I got a procedure, a wise man once said you cant put a price on peace of mind.
  9. I just find it odd that one minute you're deeply offended by Dr. Feller's comments and the next minute you're defending him.
  10. Dude you've been going back and forth this whole thread and your saying Seth lost credibility lol.
  11. Its funny too that Gunther goes back in forth, one minute he's insulted by Dr. Feller's comments regarding learning disabilities, the next minute he's agreeing with him its very odd. Dr. Feller has yet to apologize to you or Dr.Bhatti for wrongfully calling you his representative, he forgets that I was the one he was speaking too when he said it, the context in which he said it completely led me to believe that you were being paid, he didn't correct me, he didn't call you a patient, I've brought it up several times in this thread and he hasn't addressed it once, he was very vociferous when Dr. Bhatti brought it up because he wasn't speaking to him when he said it, it's funny now that I bring it up not a peep. Low blow, you know whats a low blow, calling a surgeons happy patient a paid representative and undermining the patient and the surgeons integrity, then being caught and having the audacity to ask for an apology from the other surgeon, that's a low blow.
  12. Can you post pictures? Honestly if you're not happy with the results why go again that's my thinking, but I would like to see for myself as I want to go to Dr. Doganay and I want to see how bad it is.
  13. Yea it's interesting that Dr. Rahal bought the Artas machine and doesn't even use it anymore because he states it's not useful at its present state. I respect Dr. Bernstein I truly do I think the studies he's conducted with Dr. Rassman have been a great contribution to hair restoration. But this conflicting information has me question the artas, when I had my procedure with Dr. Diep he told me that if the machine could do what he could do he'd buy 10 and never worry about performing another FUE procedure again, but he told me it doesn't the fact that few FUE practitioners use the Artas leads me to believe that what he said is true.
  14. Honestly bro, I think it looks good, you kept the facial hair which is good, but it doesn't matter what we all think, what matters is what you think. If you're happy with shaving your head I think that is awesome, you definitely have a good shaped head that suits a shaved head:cool:
  15. Personally I think his plan has backfired because you're acknowledging that his initial motive for creating this thread was to promote his new procedure mfue and his FUT business, according to him this is not true and is a conspiracy, also I don't believe the patients he lost want FUE they simply don't want to go to him specifically, so in essence his plan backfired, because his obvious marketing has become apparent and his initial motives transparent, it's not the fact that he did it that bothers me, it's the fact that he attempted to make it seem like he just wants what's best for the patient without caring abut his personal monetary motives. I don't like it when people to insult my intelligence, I'd respect him a lot more if he was just honest from the get go.
  16. Your not gonna get an answer its been asked before and they ignore it, also it should be noted that Dr. Bernstein does not perform FUE he has a robot do it, and according to Dr. Rahal the robot is not better than human hands, so there's conflicting information already, when I asked why popularity of a "failed" procedure increases every year I receive no answer, one would think that a procedure that badly scars you and that provides little to no yield wouldn't be practiced, that physicians would band together and agree that this procedure simply does not work, but each year you have physicians practice FUE more and more and more, according to Dr. Feller all of these physicians are being disingenuous performing a procedure they know does not work.
  17. Well that's right you're speculating, but what's not speculation is that someone already scheduled to have surgery with him is considering canceling on the count of this thread. Your theory of Dr. Feller receiving more clients is exact opposite of my theory, in fact I believe anyone interested in surgery with Dr. Feller would be turned off by his demeanor, in fact several posters have stated that they would never consider him as a physician. Now if this thread was made initially to promote his business and already we have someone wanting to cancel surgery and others stating that they would never consider his practice for a procedure how is that not a thread backfire? Please explain its interesting Dr. Feller refuses to acknowledge my question about why he stated Sethticles was a representative. Similar to the way he has ignored all of my concerns about the strip procedure, how can you present one procedure as superior over another without addressing all aspects about both procedures? Instead he merely states any questions regarding the strip procedure are mere distractions, how does this benefit us the patients who want to weigh the pros and cons of both procedures, and how is that a fair debate when the pros are only discussed for one procedure and the cons for the other.
  18. Mav didn't you just advise somebody to cancel on Dr. Feller, the individual was obviously uneasy about having surgery with a physician who's practice is disengenous. Do you really have to ask why this thread has backfired? it's strange that you are offended at the leaning disability statement but you're not offended at someone pulling the wool over your eyes. What conspiracy? It's right in front of my eyes, I'm not going to go back and give you the amount of times it was mentioned in this thread, both of the threads were created at the same time for a reason, now you're just insulting my intelligence, now how about you answer my question, when I initially protested that this was an obvious marketing tactic and that you had monetary incentives, why did you ask me if I thought Seth had monetary incentives? And why did you call him a representative and not a patient? You knew I would clearly assume he was being paid due to context in which you said it? To me that was a diversion tactic and when Dr. Bhatti confronted you on it, you played the word game and stated that you never said he was paid, but you never corrected me did you? All I have to do is click on Dr. Bloxhams profile or Dr. Lindsey's profile and it's obvious every thread they have made has been to promote FUT and demote FUE and coincidentally at the same time you present mFUE you may fool poor laymans but you don't fool me.
  19. How are these just distractions? You didn't bring up mFUE but your partner did, is it coincidence that this thread was started around the same time as FUEvsFUTvsMFUE. Bill even questioned why mFUE is called mFUE when it doesn't have anything to do with FUE. Did you really think the dots wouldn't be connected? It's been one smear campaign after another with you and your colleagues, as a patient I question why? Then conveniently you present the ultimate alternative very convenient indeed. In my opinion, you went about it the wrong way and now it's backfired on you and your partners. It all started with you calling Seth a representative instead of a patient, you intentionally led me to believe he was being paid. That was flat out wrong, why didn't you correct me? Why did you call Seth a representative and not a patient? Why would a patient even have monetary incentives? This thread has backfired on you and it's been your own doing.
  20. i agree with Dr. Feller in regards to learning disability not being offensive, my brother is autistic and stating someone has a learning disability is not offensive it's an exaggeration but not offensive, if you're offended by this then you probably shouldn't participate in the thread cause your feelings will probably get hurt, with that being said I'd like to ask Dr. Feller a question to steer this thread back on track. If FUE yields are so bad why haven't the number of FUE's performed every year dropped? I would think that this would be the case since FUE is so detrimental to follicular units.
  21. I really hate seeing things like this happen, but Dr. Feller had brought this on himself. His marketing strategy was too aggressive it was clear from the start, when I called him out on it, he asked if I thought sethticles had monetary incentives, at which point I answered "if he's a physician practicing FUE of course he does" he then stated that sethticles represented an FUE clinic. At which point I said "yes of course he does any physicians or paid representatives of clinics have monetary incentives" he never corrected me he allowed me to assume exactly what he knew I would. This is how Dr. Bhatti became involved, he clarified that sethticles was not a paid representative just a happy patient, at which point he rightfully asked for an apology, then Dr. Feller played the word game, while he technically didn't say Seth was being paid, he said it in a way that anybody would assume he was being paid, why didn't he say Seth was a patient not a representative? Why did he not correct me when I said he had a monetary incentive if he was a paid representative? That's because that's what he wanted me to believe. That's why I do not feel bad that Dr. Bhatti has exposed him. All of this could've been avoided if he would've swallowed his pride for once and just apologized to Dr. Bhatti.
  22. The more strip surgeries you get the higher chances of your scar stretching.
  23. Dr. Feller already answered how he overcomes them, but these "3 detrimental forces" haven't been proven so until then were speaking theoretically.
  24. I think it's more of connecting the dots, Dr. Feller also did ridicule Dr. Bhattis FUE technique publicly, I think it's fair game Dr. Bhatti calls it how he sees it.
  25. What's interesting is that prior to Dr. Feller I had never even heard of the "3 detrimental factors" how can you expect someone to debate you on a subject that there are no studies on? To me it's like debating on religion, it's pointless because there is no definitive answer, I don't see how Dr. Feller could've expected Dr. Bhattis responses to be different, to be honest as much as I have wanted to give Dr. Feller the benefit of the doubt him and his partners constantly going out of their way to discredit FUE and advocate their own procedure as an alternative shows all the signs of marketing. Honestly Dr. Feller, anyone with common sense can see the pattern, how did Dr. Bloxham so quickly change his mind about FUE, countless threads of him complimenting FUE results, all of the sudden now he believes FUE gives poor results, ruins the donor area, and leads to unhappy patients, just a year ago he was singing a different tune. What makes sense and what I see is a young physician getting started in hair restoration, the learning curve in FUE is much longer, even Dr. Bhatti admitted that it took him years to master FUE whilst FUT he leaned in a few months. So as a business standpoint it benefits him to advocate FUT because it's a procedure he can learn and master quickly. Discrediting FUE as a business standpoint sets up the perfect narrative for MFUE which is nothing like FUE I might add, to come in as the perfect alternative for individuals scared of the strip scar, now they can enjoy both FUE type scarring with FUT yield. Sorry not buying what you're selling, if FUE was as bad as you say than FUE clinics would go out of business, instead each year more and more physicians practice FUE and more and more patients get FUE, the numbers have increased not decreased that says something about the procedure don't you think?
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