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Melvin- Admin

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Everything posted by Melvin- Admin

  1. It's not a good cosmetic result as a standalone, but body hair mixed with scalp hair gives a natural good cosmetic result, but if your going to just use body hair it's not gonna look good, your head will basically look like a hairy knee cap, the problem with using just body hair is that the follicular units per centimeter is no where near that of the hair on the scalp, so it will never look natural, if you buzz your head I recommend using all of your donor hair available then using body hair to add density, and if need be transplant some body hair to the donor area to camoflauge the scars.
  2. Those guys you mentioned though are not the norm they are actually the exception, I think Dr. Umar (FUE) doctor had posted even more amazing results, but then again you're talking 20,000 grafts body and scalp.
  3. I can't really see the donor scars, do you have any better pics, the growth seems poor though for sure.
  4. Honestly I don't see the Norwood 6 or 7 pattern, most men who go Norwood 6 or 7 are diffuse thinners where you could visibly see the pattern, I'd say you're a Norwood 3V, I personally recommend trying lipogaine and nizoral shampoo, you can try finasteride but be very careful, at 25 your sexual health is 1000000000x more important than hair. Also combining the dermaroller with lipogaine has shown some good improvement. I'd wait maybe 3 years once you've stabilized your hairloss before getting a procedure. You still have a lot of hair this is the stage you want to fight hairloss, you can still retain most of your hair if you start right now.
  5. This man with a "bad" FUE scar still looks 100x better than your average FUT scar, try again Dr. Feller
  6. No I haven't told anyone besides my family and close friends, too many things people don't understand about hair restoration that I don't wanna answer like the shock loss, the wait time etc. people are under the impression you walk out of a HT with a full head of hair which is just not true. I've been lucky no one has noticed they just noticed my hair was a lot shorter, right now they're prob thinking I'm going balder, it'll be interesting to see what ppl say once the shock loss grows back and the transplant grows in, if ppl ask I'll prob just say it's rogaine.
  7. Hey guys, I'm one month post op all of my transplanted hair has shed, my hair is short and looking like it did before my first transplant, this is a bit different from my first HT because my first HT was a constant improvement, now I'm looking at maybe 5-6 months looking like crap before the shock loss and transplant grow in. What do you guys do to mask this? Hairs to short for toppik at the moment, should I just shave it until my hair starts growing in? Hoping some of you seasoned vets could chime in. Can't wear hats at work cause it's a corporate job. I'm just staying focused on how it'll look once it's all grown in and the shock loss has subsided it's keeping me going but need to do something about this look lol.
  8. Slight recession he's what 23-24 so yea he's at the age, I doubt he'll go bald though, isn't he Native American they have the best genes when it comes to MPB.
  9. Ok I have to ask the miserable results is this your opinion? Because you said the same thing about my results even though I'm thrilled with my results. Results can be subjective, there are a lot of variables that need to be considered, current hairloss, hair characteristics, goals need to be realistic with either procedure, your not gonna be a Norwood 6 and expect to end up a Norwood 2 with one procedure. I really hope you're not just blasting other guys results for sake of argument.
  10. Well they're not "three detrimental factors" that affect follicles but they are certainly " three detrimental factors" that affect the overall results and certainly would affect my self confidence. The first is the hair growing in different directions in the scar line? How is this prevented? Why does it occur? Second is the unpredictability of the scar widening, is there a way a patient can tell whether their scar will widen or stretch? and the third is the waste of valuable grafts to the scar region that could be used on the scalp, obviously though if there is a way to predict whether the scar will stretch there'd be no need to use grafts to the scar. These three things have been the biggest reasons why I haven't chosen FUT I wear my hair short on the sides so the hair growing in different directions would be obvious with my hairstyle, the scar stretching is another thing i couldn't live with, and I wouldn't want to use my grafts in a scar, are you able to use body hair?
  11. Wow you had some posters on here creating diagrams and graphs based off of a percentage you came up with based off of looks. You bring up a good point about comparing both procedures, but when I tried to bring up 3 detrimental factors in FUT it was swept aside as a mere distraction, I think in order to compare both procedures we need to review the good and bad from both procedures do you agree Dr. Feller?
  12. Well I put it in quotations for a reason it hasn't been proven. If it was proven I wouldn't use quotations. But nevertheless you bring up a point I'd like to have addressed, when you do scar repair and you do FUE do you take out more grafts than necessary? It would seem unnecessary with the amount of grafts needed. What you say makes some sense although again not proven in mega sessions, but how about small sessions of 1,000 or less grafts? For example the result you posted was impressive did you utilize more grafts than necessary?
  13. We should install a poll what procedure would you rather have. Dr. Feller aside from the differences and even though I'm sure you don't like seeing my username come up, I think we've all benefited from this thread, especially your response on how to overcome the " 3 detrimental factors" I don't know why you wouldn't hone your FUE skill? It's hereto stay why not make it an integral part of your practice? With your vast knowledge I'm sure you'd become one of the greats.
  14. Good thing for us and the hair restoration community, Dr. Feller had been kind enough to give us a blue print on how to overcome these now "4" issues, The doctor himself has overcome these issues, the issues concerning the strip procedure though have yet to be addressed. If Dr. Feller is not willing to address them on this thread. I'm willing to create a new thread if he'll participate.
  15. I do not condone large FUE sessions I myself got my first FUE only 1,800 grafts split in 2 days. However, it appears from what you're stating that you were able to overcome the "three detrimental factors" based on skill, instrumentation, but at the end it looks like you said you took out more grafts than necessary to make up for lower yields. Not sure if you're generalizing here or speaking about your case specifically, it's interesting to read your response I don't doubt that's why you got a good yield, but it makes me think if you were able to overcome these factors than its not impossible for other physicians. Although it seems much more time consuming and tedious for a low amount of grafts, if this is true than I would say I'm in agreemeIMG_4425nt, I think for FUE to get the same amount of grafts as FUT you will need to do more surgeries, that is something you should know prior to electing the surgery, it's something that Dr. Diep told me in the beginning. But the single most important aspect of this post is that these factors, although not proven to exist, can be overcome.
  16. Studies conducted by one physician would never hold any bearing, it has to be studies conducted by a third party that has no financial incentive, he has a study that showed he grew 96 grafts out of 100 take it for what it's worth. That still doesn't answer the question as to how Dr. Feller was able to overcome the three detrimental factors on the result he posted in 2003, did he take out more grafts than necessary to make up for the lack of "growth" I'm very interested in knowing how he did it. As for as needing more grafts the same could be said about FUT there is no fail proof surgery doesn't exist MPB is progressive no matter if you're on finasteride with RU and minoxidil it still will progress and there is still a chance you'll need another surgery, so what if you're stripped out? You'll have to do FUE at the risk that the ugly scar will become visible but by that time the surgeon you went to will more than likely retired. The reason FUT doesn't die out is cause it's cheaper, and you can safely harvest mega sessions, with FUE you'll have to have more surgeries because it's only safe to do 2,500 grafts at a single time that's my opinion, but the overall aesthetic result of the surgery will always be superior. Hmm pm me I'm interested to know.
  17. He's had plenty of disagreements with other physicians, and this board, but that doesn't mean he's not reputable, even Dr. Feller with all of the disagreements we've had id still say he's a highly reputable physician. He's an IAHRS physician which counts for something, just like being a recommended physician on here. I know how you feel about spencer etc. I don't agree same could be said about Bill.
  18. The point I'm trying to make is that concerns regarding FUT have been proven, the "three detrimental factors" have not been proven, but even if they have Dr. Feller himself just posted an FUE case he did back in 2003 that showed an absolute fantastic result, so obviously he was able to overcome the "threes detrimental factors" my question to him is how? Yes you are correct the physician I'm talking about does practice out of Atlanta and he's a well known and a highly reputable physician as well, the points he's brought up although they may be rare they still exist and should be brought up to laymans as a rare possibility prior to opting for FUT. I think we can all agree that the strip scar widening is unpredictable and happens often, the solution of implanting hairs to the scar actually lowers the amount of hair transplanted to the top, another valid point made by the Dr out of Atlanta.
  19. I haven't attacked anybody personally which is more than I could say about Matt, but that's besides the point, I'm really interested to know how you overcame the "three detrimental factors" when performing FUE in the scar, it obviously worked from the result you presented, that was great work.
  20. How can you tell if a patient will scar like this? This brings me to the second point made from the physician that could not be mentioned here, implanting hairs to the scar wastes valuable hairs that could've been transplanted to the top. Furthermore, wouldn't the " three detrimental factors" still exist when transplanting hairs to the scar? hair growth is even lower when transplanted in to a scar, so wouldn't you be wasting even more grafts than normal?
  21. I have to agree with this, prior to Dr. Fellers claims I had never hear of his "3 detrimental factors" when one physician responded to the claims stating these factors hold no bearing on results he attacks the physician and his work, to me that shows a lack of mutual respect between colleagues, he has spoken to members harshly, but I can understand that we are not physicians so our responses may seem elentary to him, but to speak to you the way he has is uncalled for, the video you posted, was that recent? id love to see the results. What really gets me is that the three issues brought up from the physician that can not be mentioned on here got zero responses as if they do not exist, there was actual video evidence that showed the hair growing in different directions, but the three detrimental factors can not be supported with out evidence which has not been presented in any way.
  22. Dead on magnum, the videos I posted were from a dr who had performed thousands of strip surgeries, he said that scar could happen on the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, or 4th strip procedure, it was impossible to tell how someone would scar, thus he stated he'd have to waste grafts to the scar rather than the head. But this gets swept aside because hey who cares right at least you got hair on your head. Dr. Feller I saw dr. Bhattis video, I for one do not advocate FUE mega sessions, but I saw FUE being performed fast. But I did not see the finished result, I will wait to make my judgement once I see the finished result. Apparently any issues brought up about FUT is a mere "distraction" Here's what it boils down to failed FUE = no growth Failed FUT= no growth and a hideous scar
  23. I've never been a patient of Dr. Bhatti the physician who I was speaking about can not be mentioned on here, you have plenty of posters on here defend you when they feel something is not right, some posters have even personally attacked my results, do I care?? No this is a public forum, I have the right to voice my opinion, I think it's logical to answer concerns regarding strip surgery if you are comparing both procedures. What I think and actually see going on, is concerns have been raised about FUE, however any concern raised about FUT is swept aside no answers, so how is this an equal debate? Bill had kept this thread open as a way to interact with physicians and hopefully hear the pros and cons on BOTH procedures not just one. So far it hasn't been that way at all, it's been allegations against one procedure without answering any valid concerns from the procedure you're advocating, as a patient this is concerning.
  24. You refuse to acknowledge Dr. Bhattis last comment hmm wonder why, did you see the video links I posted on page 77 before they were removed? A lot of valid points were brought up, unfortunately this site can not discuss this physician. The biggest point raised is the hair growing in unnatural direction where the scar is at, the unpredictability of the scar widening, the fact that when you have a distorted strip scar you have to waste Grafts on the scar that could've gone to the top of the head, this is a waste of grafts what are your thoughts, he also stated that many physicians like yourself preach FUT because they have not taken the time to master the skill. Basically, he feels FUE gives the best aesthetic result when performed correctly, there is no strip scar, no chance of the scar widening, and the yield he states is just as good, he stated he conducted a small study and found that out of 100 grafts 96 of them grew, this is by far better than the 75% mentioned. I'd like to hear your thoughts on this, from a physician who started off FUT he switched to only FUE.
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