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Everything posted by leindub

  1. So does this technique and blade minimise the risk of shockloss?
  2. Is it possible to have grafts from a previous hair transplant in the hairline that are either growing in the wrong direction or are 3's punched out on the same day you plan to have your hair procedure to fill out your hairline? Obviously the excised grafts will be repositioned fufther back but can new donor grafts be placed in the excised area on the same day? Or is it a case were the old grafts are excised from the hairline, the area needs to heal for some days/weeks before proceeding to implant new grafts there?
  3. Most threads detailing a persons hair procedure includes the clinic and or doctor.
  4. It would be helpful to share the name of the doctor/clinic please.
  5. Stick with Minoxidil 5%. A years supply from a reputable UK website will set you back just 72 quid. Incidentally, a years supply of finasteride should cost similar, about 60 pound. Also, use Nizoral shampoo two/three times a week, you can pick that up in Boots for just under a tenner.
  6. Isn't it important the doctor does all the extractions and make the incisions in the recipient area. Then techs do then do the implanting of grafts?
  7. Could someone answer a question for me in relation to FUE? In the image below, where you can see the area where the FUE grafts were extracted. Can you go back to that very area again in a future case and take more FUE grafts from it or does that whole red area only offer a lifetime of only 2000 grafts? http://www.hairrestorationnetwork.com/eve/attachment.php?attachmentid=84989&d=1444169199
  8. How difficult does a wide scar inhibit the ability to extract FUE grafts under and above it? And would a scar repair closure procedure beforehand, help with this issue?
  9. Speaking of footballers. I was watching a documentary on Wayne Rooney lastnight, his transplant didn't look great. At one stage out in the bright light, it looked VERY bad. At times he must be using concealers. I wonder is that something most people do who have had transplants but not really talked about. As for Anthony Stokes, his transplant looked amazing when I first saw it, haven't seen what it looks like lately.
  10. Thanks for that reply gillenator. I just assumed the doctor would have to be hands on in the planting of grafts phase. I will make sure to chose a clinic whereby the doctor is working with an experienced team. As for the extraction and incision aspect, again thanks for that clarification too.
  11. When chosing a clinic how important are the follwing stages as far as the surgeon having a hands on involvement? Are all three essential or perhaps just one or two of the stages? A) Extraction of grafts B) Incisions made in recipient area C) Planting of grafts in recipient area. I am very close to chosing a surgeon but on two different threads on the main page today detailing patients procedures, one the surgeon didn't plant the grafts in the recipient area, the other did. Both surgeons recommended on this site. If I chose a surgeon who extracts the grafts and makes the incisions but does not plant them, is there anything here to be apprehensive about before proceeding with that clinic?
  12. Anybody shed some light on how risky shockloss is for diffuse thinners considering hair surgery?
  13. If you're planning to have your hair transplant abroad, is it possible through close up photos of your donor hair sent to the physician and perhaps a Skype consultation to get an exact idea of how good your donor hair is and the availability of grafts? Or is it the case, that you really need a face to face consultation? Obviously if you're not planning to get work done in your home country, this could make things more complicated.
  14. Four weeks ago I started a Zinc supplement. I read the max safe limit is 50mg per day. Anything over can have negative effects on your hair etc. I'm taking 50mg Zinc Picolinate and Copper 2mg just to off set any copper my body may lose by taking a high Zinc dose. I have experienced big increase in libido. But in just four weeks my hair has thickened up quite abit. Just to say, four years ago, I got a bad dose of stress related Telogen Effluvium. My hair has never fully recovered including body hair. I tried a supplement a couple of years ago called Viviscal for a year, very, very expensive and got slight improvement in hair quality. I'm four weeks on Zinc 50mg and my hair including my body/chest hair is darker and thicker and better thus far, than what a year on Viviscal achieved two years ago. Perhaps the 100mg dose you took initially has played havoc with you but so far, four weeks in, Zinc 50mg each day is doing quite well for me.
  15. I'm in Ireland and it seems we only have one quality hair surgeon here. He appears to be the most expensive surgeon in europe. I've been looking into FUE in Turkey but lately there is alot of trouble reported in that country in the news, especially Istanbul.
  16. An advert that ran on TV has been banned. Found to be misleading, using actors and not patients. Also before and after pictures not the same people. Ziering Hair Restoration's advert for 'celebrity' hair transplant company banned | Daily Mail Online
  17. I'm one of those peoole who recieved a nasty FUT scar about 15 years ago, I was sold a pencil thin one my barber would have problems locating. Aside from having FUE placed into it, would anyone know how successful a trichophytic repair closure is to try minimise it before going ahead with FUE?
  18. No point ordering finasteride and having it delivered to Ireland, it will just get stopped at customs.
  19. Thanks a million for your reply. It is just that I read recently on a hair surgeons website on here that extracted old hair grafts after repositioning need time to regrow and the area fully heel before further or additional work could be carried out in that zone. In my situation, I don't believe too many old grafts need extracting and repositioning but as I intend to travel, it seems not being able to do both, repositioning of some old grafts and a new transplant simultaneously to that area on the same day will incur much extra costs unfortunately through additional time and procedures including flights and recovery and procedure.
  20. Just bumping this again. Anybody know if you can have some of your current old transplant grafts extracted and repositioned together with a new hair transplant in the same area of your head on the same day you're booked in for your procedure?
  21. Just wondering if anyone could address this question for me please. If a person is looking to have further work done on a previous bad hair transplant procedure and part of it entails extracting some of the old grafts in order to reposition them in a correct manner. Is it is possible to have this done on the same day as a regular transplant in that area? For example, I am looking at improving an old procedure on the frontal part. It will require additional grafts obviously and I believe some of the old grafts will need repositioning. Would I need to have the old grafts repositioned first and then in a subsequent procedure down the road then have my hair transplant to the frontal zone or could both issues be dealt with on the same day? Thank You.
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