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Everything posted by leindub

  1. At the back of the head, the lower part, let's say the nape area, does that qualify as part of the safe zone? I was looking at one of the websites of a recommended hair surgeon on this site and in a diagram they have approx an one inch area at the lower part of the back of the head as not in the safe zone. Is this correct?
  2. Could anyone tell me the average available amount of FUE grafts in the donar area. I had a consultation with a surgeon recently who informed me I had only 2,500 grafts available. I did get a transplant fifteen years ago from a cowboy and lead to understand from my recent consultation that the cowboy took about 1000 grafts away, unfortunately I got a really crap job that didn't yield many hairs. The thing is, I asked the surgeon what would be the average FUE grafts available in the average persons donar area, he said 3,500. Could that be really right? Average person only has 3500 FUE available grafts to play around with from the donar area?
  3. The medicines board of Ireland does not allow people in Ireland to order minoxidil online. Customs are far more vigilant in recent years and lots of people are having their online orders stopped at entry. You must buy it in a physical chemist/pharmacy. It costs so much more unfortunately.
  4. In the last few weeks, I've read alot about Lorenzo, seems lots of good stuff. As I am in Ireland, it would be handy to get work done in England if I am to travel. The thing is, hasn't he joined forces with Farjo. Do they charge the same price and who is better. I've diffuse hair, so really looking for expertise in that field.
  5. As an Irishman who suffered at the hands of a certain hair transplant surgeon in Ireland about 15 years ago, I have some experience. If I was to get work done in Ireland again, it would be the Blackrock clinic Dublin with Dr Maurice Collins. I've had two consultations in an 18 month period, no gimmicks, no salesman stuff, he is thorough, takes lots of photos, will prescribe propecia and insist you go away and think about things for atleast six months before he proceeds. My first transplant was sold to me by a man in a suit in some downstairs office that told me applying minodoxil to my head was akin to taking bleach or window cleaner from the kitchen and putting it on my head. He also told me a hairdresser would never be able to detect my donor scar. Complete BS. Dr Collins is in another league. I think he did Louis Walsh's hair and that Irish actor Nesbitt from up north. In saying that, I don't know how he compares with British/European surgeons. His premises is top notch. Looks and feels very professional. The downside for me, well there are two, he is bloody, bloody expensive and only does FUT. Do lots of research. I am currently considering Farjo in England or a couple of the Belgian surgeons mentioned on this site. Again, do lots of homework before you jump in.
  6. Thanks for the responses. Apologies for my second post on the thread. I got abit ratty.
  7. No responses at all? I'd get more feedback from a dead pigeon out my back garden.
  8. I got a dodgy hair transplant about 12 years ago here in Ireland, where I live. It was to my frontal receding area. I was able to use dermatch and nanogen for many years to improve the look and hide the fact I had work done. Over the last couple of years, I've lost more hair and I'm at a stage now where I need to fix my hair line. The denisty of the transplant hairs isn't great and does not look natural. I attended the best hair surgeon in Ireland a couple of months ago for a consultation to improve matters. I've seen his work and he is very good but he is very, very expensive but only does FUT. I don't want to go down the road of a strip scar again. I am looking for a surgron that does FUE and will do a top notch job on my hairline. I don't want to have to use dermatch or nanogen to conceal a bad job. So I want to be able to wear my hair dry or apply a gel to it to style it and have no one know I have had work done. In essence, I need a touch up on my hairline to improve a previous bad hair transplant. I have heard there are some good hair surgeons in Belgium, but are there anyone A1, top notch surgeons in Britain known for excellent work on the hairline. Could any of ye name a few British/European doctors that have a proven track record? Thanking You Leindub
  9. This is my first post so obviously first thread started too. I have been reading through this forum alot and others but cannot find an answer or a thread dealing with my issue. This isn't about transplanting hair into alopecia areata patches. Basically about 18 months ago I got two alopecia patches at the back of my head, one large, one small. I received steroid injections into them and about four months later, my problem resolved. A year on and my donor hair is intact and strong. My issue is that about ten years ago I got a bad hair transplant. The recipient area was my receding hairline. But I can no longer conceal the dodgy hairline as good as before. Can I use my donor hair (eventhough I got alopecia areata before) to top up my old transplant. Recently I visited the most reputable hair transplant doctor in my country and he said my donor hair is excellent, he also said for me to return in six months for a review. The other thing I was thinking, worst case scenario, years down the road and I had another episode of alopecia areata, but this time in my transplant area, could I not just get steroid injections again, they worked perfectly for me 18 months ago. Appreciate some feedback from anyone in my position or just anyone that might be able to help out.
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