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Everything posted by andy_+_+

  1. Doug can you provide more information in regards to rogaine and the doctors opinion. Rogaine is one of the 2 big drugs to combat MPB. This is the first I have heard of this.
  2. Thanks for posting Dr.Beehner and the results seem great! It would be nice to know the graft breakdown for each case and total number of grafts transplanted. It would also be great to see some more angles of the hair transplant i.e the crown, sides and donor scar. Again, seems like a great result but with some clarity would seem even better.
  3. Just out of curiosity why do you guys have 2 different blues for backgrounds for comparison pictures? Also, why do the patients skin tones contrast in the comparison pictures. Just wondering... Another great result like always!
  4. Great result! Love the temple points and the fact that his haircut is very short and no sign of a donor scar.
  5. Looks like there is an improvement for sure. Would have been interesting to see the results with the same hair length for an apple to apple comparison. Definitely looks better but in some shots of the crown seems like he has a combover to cover the crown.
  6. As mentioned before , I thought as well that he was already member. His results have been good and himself and his rep participate, share and give feedback regularly! Which I think should be one of the mandatory standards.
  7. I think there is away to share the outcome/results that is fair to both the patient and doctor. Its been a while so I imagine cooler heads have prevailed. Here's hoping that the result turned out to be good to great like many of Hasson and Wongs results and Dutchie is satisfied.
  8. Any news on how Dutchies result ended up?
  9. Why only 1866 grafts? DO you also have pre op photos before with his limited hair styled for reference.
  10. Looks great for 4 months and a nice conservative approach.
  11. Not a chance in hell. He got poor reviews on this site so he decided to change his protocol. He not only had poor results but did not take the time and effort to diffuse those situations. I think that this is the best hairloss site on the web and needs too keep the standards high.
  12. Finally the recognition he deserves. Has some of the best FUE/FUT combos out there and is a real pioneer in FUE.
  13. if he uses those 1500 - 2000 remainning grafts this could possibly be in the top 5 all time results in this community!
  14. Looks good. Very interested to see how this turns out. This doctor is somewhat underrated with not many patient or clinic results.
  15. Great result. It would be great to see the crown. How many grafts does he have left?
  16. I looked at her site the results seem very impressive!
  17. Dr.Devyroe. I' really appreciate the results you present. Always multiple pictures of pre and post op and you show "real" cases. Your cases aren't just a NW2 that you front load the hairline with 4500 grafts. How many grafts does this patient have left? Would look even better if he could add a little bit more density.
  18. Great choice. A top 5 doctor for sure. He is not only a top doc in the Midwest but the world. Is this FUE or FUT?
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