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Everything posted by ej

  1. exactly ... " he is a tit " ................
  2. okydoky ! putting the `tit` aside then and dealing with the matter at hand , I would say there is no way I would consult with anybody other than Dr Farjo in the UK , its just not worth the risk regards ej
  3. Dr Panine posted results of a procedure some time back , i mailed stuart rep for Dr Panine re the results but got no reply .. so left thinking it didnt work out ej
  4. Well for starters the man is a ` tit ` ... setting that aside for the time being and knowing 100% the only uk clinic worth a visit is Dr Farjo I suppose we have to wait and see so far though its a defo concealer job ej
  5. Hi Hariri Will get some pictures up soon , extraction area from the chin has healed up completly wouldnt know anything been extracted ! , scar area hairs starting to poke through ! cheers ej
  6. This is an interesting topic . My opinion is that the balding process is progressive , every norwood 5 - 6 was once a 2- 3 , I honestly dont think anyone can say with certainty how far the process will go to before it stops . Dr Lindsey, i think your post was quite modest if you dont mind me saying so , im aware you have a background in facial plastic surgery I wonder if the procedures overlap slightly from time to time as I have seen some excellent results of scar repair and plug repair from your clinic , and also excellent placement of grafts to achieve a `densely packed ` result , I am certain your results are up there among the very best ! Dr Bernstien also has produced excellent results one of the first books I read on hair restoration was written by Dr Bernstien and his colleague Dr Rassman , both produce excellent results . I agree with the earlier posts as your in NYC in July consult with a few Drs and definantly get a 3rd or 4th opinion , Dr Feller is worth a consult while your in town alongside Drs True and Dorin all produce excellent results I would definantly plan for the future and take your time!! and meet as many patients in person as possible!! as Dr Rassman once said " A good decision today is a good decision tomorrow " Regards ej
  7. Cheers Bullitnut , thanks future , will get some pics up soon ej
  8. its a shame that this thread has taken this turn . its also worring that any third partie observer ie someone new to the forum researching hairtransplants is subjected to this nonsense ! So I would advise anyone conducting research to use the search option of this site , it is quite clear Spex has helped many people and the negative comments towards him funnily enough come from the same people or new members who post a couple of comments and then dissapear ! its more than apparent this is ` agenda ` led . Robert you state you are happy for the op but say you wish he would post some of his own pictures .... why ??? Isnt it enough for you that the author of this thread is happy with his result, indeed he says so several times !!! what does he have to do to convince you he is happy ,get on a plane and knock on your door and say to your face " guys I am happy ".. your agenda is quite clear to all , you just cannot accept this great result from Dr Feller and Spex`s involvement in posting the pictures as requested by the patient ! What is Spex supposed to do in the future , when a patient asks him to post his pictures on his behalf ?.. refuse to do so ?? .. I can see it now from Robert " Spex refuses to post pictures of a patient what has he got to hide ???? " as for the pr attacks and personal insults I must of missed them ! would you like to back your claims up with proof !! Ive seen this agenda a million times its a no win situation and is beneficial to no one ej
  9. Corvettster , To Clarify... I stated, and stand by the fact that Spex Is not paid for his online time and `opinions` these he gives freely to the forums , the information he shares is free ! it is up to the prospective patient then to make his mind up on which Dr to choose for there procedure , i would assume if it was one of the Drs he represents then he would earn payment ,however many patients benefit from Spex`s input and years of experience and choose a Dr whom Spex does not represent , this is well documented in patient experiences I would also assume that the opinion`s of Joetronic , Garageland, Lorenzo, Janna and other clinic reps also hold very little value to yourself, even though its factually correct to say they have helped hundreds of people over the years regards ej
  10. Hey Corvettester just tryin to keep the thread light , having all these " ding dongs " doesnt really help anyone , and at the end of the day we all want the same outcome , good solid results ! like the op .. I dont think Spex is paid for his opinions , he represents Dr Feller and Lindsey and is quite open about this , so I think its a little harsh to hold the view that you do anyway I wish you all the best ej
  11. Point taken ! I can only comment on what I see ,washed out or not, I can see multi hair grafts in the hairline ( pics 1 and 2 ) , I can understand you wanting more photographic evidence as its the Dr who worked on yourself , therefore I think its natural to be defensive of ones own Dr ,i have seen this many times on the forums , what matters though is the poster is happy and i sincerely hope you are also regards ej
  12. Corvettster Taking each of your points in turn : I think there is a huge difference between purchasing an item of clothing and having a hair transplant, although i obviously understand your logic about the world of sales and marketing , Im sorry to have to inform you that it remains flawed ! ... the reason being .. the patient is happy !! therefore there is nothing to ( quote ) " give to him straight " he is happy with his " purchase" ( hope i used the correct term for the world you live in ! )... Surely asking for after photographs of his last procedure is a little much , what would you hope to gain from seeing these photographs ? Is the patients post openly thanking Spex for publishing his photographs not enough for you ? In the interest of fair play and openess, and respect to you Corvettster I think we should have a poll to find out what the forums thoughts are on this subject ,.. it could be titled , "each and every patient has to post there own photographs of ....` not only ` there procedure , but also photographs of there prior procedure with a different Dr , and pictures from clinics or there reps are not allowed " lets see what the forum thinks hey ? or would this just be applicable to Dr Feller ? Regarding your issue with the credibility of Spex , I would remind you that he was a veteran of this industry long before he took up any position with any Dr ! and he has helped numerous people Regards ej
  13. I think your logic is slightly flawed if you dont mind me saying so , reason being the op has had a procedure and paid for it , the result is excellent and the op is happy !! end of ! to clarify i agree spex is a paid consultant as stated very clearly in his signature ( on every post ) , as this patient is a prior client any monetary gain ( pay ) would of taken place by now , thus making your issue of spex being employed by the Dr irrelevant if you follow me The patient pays thanks to Spex for posting his photos on his behalf , so the photos are good enough for the patient but not good enough for you !............ re being paid to post pictures some Drs do , some dont , i know a Dr in California who discounts for using photographs, to the best of my knowledge Dr Feller doesnt offer this To be as blunt as yourself, i have one question for you , just what is exactly, your problem with Dr Feller ? regards ej
  14. Hi Anouar , thanks for the well wishes defo keep you updated with photos . Yes we checked the donor laxity at the consultation and decided against revision , i have had several strips in the past so didnt want to risk it , Im aware a few people have gone down the revision road and regretted it as a couple of months later the scars have stretched back to what they were prior revision, I believe its quite common and there are no guarantees with revision so rather just go the fue route ! regards ej
  15. Cheers Garageland will defo keep you updated , thanks for your comments Spex ,and thanks for all your impartial , help and advice on repair much appreciated regards ej
  16. ej


    Hariri , your right , BHR are very good with repairs here is a link to mine http://www.hairrestorationnetwork.com/eve/160800-scar-repair-1032-beard-hairs-dr-bisanga.html all good ej
  17. Dr Bisanga at BHR , grafted 1032 beard hairs into my strip scars . Punch size used was .8mm manual punch ,extractions have healed incredibly fast ! Im fortunate to have a thick beard and hope to do more work later in the year , so now for the long wait for growth !! Had the procedure Monday five days later you cant tell had anything done , minimum downtime ! Dr Bisanga has given me hope that I can be repaired Im extremely grateful to all at BHR . Regards ej
  18. even if the meds work , they wear off over a period of time ! so plan for the worse case situ both financially and with your donor hair reserves regards ej
  19. Hi Spanker , I would leave it as long as you can , also mention it to your Dr as they can pin the hair up out of the way so when its done it falls over the scar and hides it , I find about a 4 guard is ok for me Hope this helps ej
  20. As much as I want this to look good it just does not ! sorry for the negative post but thats just how it appears to me . ej
  21. Im horrified at these results ! Im horrified at what this Dr has done to you ! regardless of how far Dr Madhu is from you ,you need to consult with him you can not afford to get this wrong consult with Dr Madhu !! You also need to warn people of the Dr who did this to you on the forums I wish you all the very best ej
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