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Everything posted by Capelli11

  1. Looks REALLY good thus far...very clean work...keep us updated...congrats!!!
  2. JayWalker: Was your scar covered by your existing hair post op? I have been growing mine but not sure how long it needs to be...heard around 1 inch give or take to cover it. Wildflower: I have been on this site for a while now but now that I am actually going through with my HT soon I want to see if all the HT pro's on this site could give me some insight from their experiences so that I can be ready for them...(i.e. buying that airplane pillow) and other pre-op and post op suggestions. Have to make sure I get a lot of button down shirts too...don't want to be putting things over my head for a while. Anybody have any other suggestions looking back at their procedure and their experience?! Thanks!!!
  3. K thanks...I will def get that pillow. Also...after the cleaning period and after the sutures are removed...do u still have to put something on the wound (donor scar)? Or do you just go on living your normal life at this point?
  4. Hi All, I am having my HT with Dr. Rahal in December. Since it is quickly approaching I am trying to get everything in order in regards to what I will need before, during and after surgery. I will be following Dr. Rahal's 2 week pre HT recommendations (i.e. no alcohol, no taking of certain meds, etc). However, I want to ask everyone especially the people who have already had a HT if they can offer me any advice as to if I should buy something before my HT or perhaps do anything that had they known about would have made life a little bit easier. Do i have to buy that airplane pillow (as an example of what I am referring to). Your advice is greatly appreciated...basically tell me had u to do it all over again, knowing what you know now...what you would do differently in regards to preparation and post HT protocol. Thanks!!!
  5. I don't know all of the facts as only Jessie and Dr. Feller do so I'm not going to judge whether or not Jessie and/or Dr. Feller should be upset about this situation. But I am shocked that some people posted threads above noting that they are shocked Dr. Feller threatened to pursue and/or is pursuing legal action against a former patient...I have been on this site for years and in reading all the posts throughout the years I have seen a few cases where he threatened legal action against a patient for libel/slander, etc. Again I am not stating that he was justified or not in doing so but simply reading all of the threads this has happened before so not sure how people are surprised about this. I think it is unfortunate that they were not able to work this out personally and Dr. Feller had to resort to legal action. In the end I really don't know what the ultimate damages would be to Dr. Feller but that is not up to us. I do think that Jessie did the right thing in addressing the issue and to try to clear the air...I hope though that he really meant what he said in this email and is not just folding and retracting his previous statements because he is scared of legal action which I seem to think that is the case though.
  6. Hairline looks really good Sean...donor looks great too! You are almost out of the tough period...hang in there...good stuff is still to come!!!
  7. W-O-W! What a great story! He must be so happy as this is a life altering procedure! Thanks for sharing Joe...these kind of stories really illustrates how life changing a HT can truly be!
  8. OH BOY!!! Awesome results...only 6 months!!! The more and more I see these results the more excited I get to just have my HT already!!! December here I come!!!! unbelievable...so dense too. Matt...do you have the FU/Sq cm?!
  9. During my consultation I thought he was really nice...he naturally isn't much of an extreme talker but I believe he is very professional and you have to get him to loosen up yourself. I think he cares extremely about his patients and I would probably rather someone who was focused and super professional than a comedian doing my HT!
  10. very nice...who was your doctor?! How many grafts?
  11. NICE! Good stuff...its still early and u have pretty good growth thus far! Keep us posted!!! Congrats!
  12. I agree with Shadow to some extent and also Hairthere...in that it all depends how bad it personally affects you...I gather that you have lost your hair a while ago and at 35 you have been living with your hair for a while. So the question is how much does it really affect you? How long has your hair been thin like that? A HT is a big commitment esp for a NW 6-7 in that you have to really be realistic as Hairthere states above. So please elaborate more on what your "story" is and what realistic goals would you want for your HT?
  13. I agree with Aaron...you are borderline NW 6 going to 7...so in order to get good coverage you will definitely need a mega-session if that is what you are looking for...again...HT's are all about expectations...nothing can restore your hair to when you were a teenager...so you have to expect this going into it. I would definitely recommend you doing your due diligence...get on Propecia even though you have extensive loss...it can't hurt at this point. Also seek out the top mega session docs as Aaron pointed out...H&W are the top for this IMO...and they also have the best documentation which is ideal for someone like yourself just starting to research this procedure. Go to their website and you will be able to see a ton of video's illustrating what they can do. I would get an online consult with them and see what they say...Jotronic is the handle that their rep Joe uses. He is a great guy and he will guide you through their consultation process. Good luck and continue to view this forum. P.S. If you are very interested in True and Dorin..."Corvettester" is the man to talk to about them...check out his profile as he has documented everything about his experience with T&D.
  14. Very nice result and I'm sure it made him quite happy to not worry about it anymore...too bad he didn't get this done a lot sooner...would have saved a lot of painful years i'm sure.
  15. I'm about 6 months on FIN and I have noticed more shedding the past month than in the first few months...weird...i hope also that this will stop and new stronger hairs will come back.
  16. Sean...in regards to your FU/Sq. cm count...when you consulted with Dr. Rahal...did he tell you that this would be the general numbers per sq. cm?
  17. unbelievable yet again...and only after 6 months!!!! I'm getting excited too...December!!!!
  18. Thanks for all of your replies everyone! I actually called Dr. Rahal and they said it is not a problem in that this has happened to them before. So what they recommend is to get the blood work done in Canada as there is a clinic a block away from his office that can do it. So I was going up there a day before my HT so I am going to get the blood work the day before in Canada. They said it is only like $50 CAD vs. like $200 here which is what I was quoted as I am in between having medical insurance at the moment.
  19. So how did u do it...you gave your physician the script Dr. Rahal gave you?
  20. I am more concerned actually with getting a haircut post HT...I think it is ok to get one around 1 month from what I have been reading...I have no clue what I want to tell my barber...but I am going to need to clean up my hair to even it out a bit as I am sure it will look weird and uneven. I was actually thinking of going to a different barber for now until it grows back so I don't have to tell my current barber...it is a small shop and I don't want to have to explain i got a HT at the moment.
  21. Hey Sean...thanks for the help. I went to Lab Corp and Quest Diagnostics...which are pretty much 2 of the biggest around and they both denied me...unbelievable!!! Stressing me out! lol
  22. Hey...I am having a HT with Dr. Rahal and I live in the U.S. I just came back from trying to get my blood work done and I was literally refused from 2 blood testing centers (well known) because they can't process International doctor's blood test requests...I was baffled to say the least...has this ever happened to anyone else??? For International patients...how did you get your blood work done?!!! Please advise!!! Any suggestions?! Thanks!!!
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