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Everything posted by Capelli11

  1. I agree with "thehairupthere"'s comments...go see a doctor recommended on this site and have them evaluate your loss. They will I'm sure tell you to get on either Rogaine and/or Propecia to halt your hair loss. Research on this site to gain valuable information on what is out there as that is what I did years ago and it really educates you to make good decisions regarding your hair loss situation.
  2. Radius...is the scar still visable with FUE into it? Fightingbaldness: I too wanted FUE originally for obvious reasons but I realized that exactly what Spex mentioned above and went for FUT. If I am happy with my hair once it all grows in I may consider getting FUE into the scar if it bothers me that bad. If you are going to be say a NW 7 as you indicated, FUT is the way to go because it will cost u a fortune to cover that and more importantly you won't be able to maximize your limited donor area with FUE as per Spex's marble example. Keep researching before you jump into anything as this is a big decision and you want to have done all your due diligence before jumping in. Check out my website to see my pics as I am about 1 month out now. The scar is still visible bc I cut my hair short but i gather it won't be an issue once everything grows in all even.
  3. You are welcome NHP! You are going to love your experience with Dr. Rahal and we all are going to be ringing in the next new year with a lot of great new hair!!! Enjoy the journey as it is a surreal one! I am still here if you need to talk/email before or after your procedure! Happy New Year!
  4. I am definitely not promoting any product but simply stating that there is a risk/reward for everything in life including maintaining/restoring our hair. Everyone reacts differently to any product and before they take anything they should do their due diligence to know the risks and rewards and potential side effects of it. With that said and especially researching this site there appears to be the obvious 2 products that help/aid in maintaining our hair (FIN and Rogaine). There are risks to both but there are also rewards. It is up to the person to decide if it is worth it or not. Some people said they didn't shed and others said it was a massive shed...again risk/reward. Like I said early...once you get a HT you now have more skin in the game of maintaining/holding onto your hair because you invested sooo much to restore it. With that said you will try to utilize the products on the market as mentioned above to aid in this process. If you choose the not use anything at all because you are scared of potential side effects that is understandable but then perhaps that takes you out of the realm of complaining about losing it.
  5. Like anything in life...everything is a trade off. Believe me I don't want to be on Rogaine but if I want to try to keep my hair as best as I can I have to use it...trade off. Do I want to be on Propecia that could have some side effects...nooo but again...I don't want to be bald and want to try to keep the hair I have...trade off. I also feel once you had a HT (like I have) you tend to see your hair as an actual asset bc u invested soooo much money into it now so you tend to do everything to try to keep it looking good and holding onto what you have left to avoid having to get another HT. Bottom line if you care enough about your hair loss and potentially going bald...you too will do whatever necessary to hold onto it...also running the simulatenous risks mentioned above...hence trade off! I gather the loss of hair you mention on Rogaine refers to the initial potential shedding phase as this is deemed to be normal.
  6. I like you thought it was originally a "parting" or I also made a ton of excuses why it looked a certain way that could be deemed to be the very early stages of thinning...I am not bad at all in the crown and perhaps people would even say I am not very slightly thinning but at the end of the day you have to just throw out the excuses and mental games we play and realize it could very well be the verrrry beginning of MPB. Our eyes want to see and our minds want to believe what we want them to. I would get on FIN because thinning happens very slowly and remember we can lose 50% of our density and still look ok...one day you will wake up and be like oh man I'm thinning and by that time it will be too late to offset all that you were losing when you thought it was nothing but a "part". I would start Fin or if you don't want to go extreme start at least Rogaine...putting a little in that section at least once a day. I wouldn't just sit back and wait and pray it is just a part.
  7. Nice result...especially for a smaller amount of grafts considering the big area to cover. Good stuff!
  8. I remember asking Dr. Rahal about this and the way a hair comes out is a way it comes out...meaning if the FU is a 3 hair graft...then it has to be implanted as a 3 hair graft...I don't think they cut that 3 hair FU into say 3 grafts of 1 hair. I think whatever they pull is what they implant...don't think they dissect the grafts to specific lots of grafts as in my example above.
  9. I couldn't really sleep too well the night before...just was so anxious! I was surprisingly not nervous but more excited the day of the HT. When Mike gave me the injection/sedative...it really didn't do all that much at least I don't think it did...I didn't immediately feel like I was drugged or anything...it just sort of relaxed your body...I was totally cognitive though. You don't want to be too rested though because you might be uptight...being a little tired is good because it will make you relax more. Before you know it the whole day is done and you are back in Foxbar relaxing! Enjoy the experience...it really is surreal to be finally sitting in Rahal's chair after reading sooo many reviews not only about him but HT's in general. I actually enjoyed so many people catering to me all at once! lol.
  10. Sugar Highs: Yeah they literally have every breakfast food you can think of or want (i.e. eggs, bacon, bananas, cereal, milk, orange and apple juice). What I recommend is that you go to the supermarket which is very close to the house and stock up on frozen food or whatever you like but after the HT you don't feel like slaving over a stove to cook anything so we all pretty much ate frozen pizza and frozen chicken cutlets that we heated up. I know it is not ideal for a great diet but it is what it is for that week. The house has everything you would need to cook it and has plates/cups too. I also recommend bringing some granola bars or something of that nature to snack on which I did and it def saved the day! You can't really leave the house for a few days afterwards so stock up on everything the night before. Let me know if you have any more questions! When are you going to get your HT?
  11. Hey guys...yeah it is getting close...on Day 23...I posted some more pics and my write up on my website so check it out. SugarHighs: The whole procedure was very long and the only time I felt like I could rest a little was when they were implanting the hairs...this literally took about 5 hours as I went through 2 long movies and there still was plenty of more time left! The time went by somewhat thanks to the movies keeping me occupied. I didn't feel faint or like I would pass out at any time...I actually was feeling ok...little tired at some points but I really didn't go to sleep...I was pretty energized the other part of the surgery as it was a surreal experience...I just wished there was a mirror or something that I could have watched them implanting or the Dr. cutting my donor area! lol. I started Rogaine foam this past Monday...it actually isn't as bad as I thought...I think I am def using more than "half a cap full" but whatever. I think it is really easy because i have a buzz cut...when I have longer hair it might be fun to get it to reach the scalp. When I am applying the Rogaine I massage it in and when I do that a TON of my recipient hairs fly off...my whole sink every time is full of my hairs...so the shedding has def commenced unfortunately! I am going to miss my lovely hairline!!! The hairline design is somewhat still intact but you can clearly see my head is no where near as dense as it was. I also noticed I don't appear to be too red under the grafts so hopefully this will continue so I can blend the skin in nicely. As far as the scar is concerned...it looks pretty good...still not covered as the back scar is less noticeable, the left too but the right side is more noticeable...but this is all expected at this point. I can see how people can become impatient in this limbo stage and I really haven't even entered it yet! lol. I still have to wear a hat (loosely fit) when I go out...getting annoying but it is what it is! I will post more pics when I am a month out next Tuesday! Hope everyone has a Happy New Year!!!
  12. I would also put it on the rest of your head...worrying about putting it on your head in fear you are going to lose your hair is kind of an oxy moronic statement even though I know what you mean in regards to shedding hair. I would put it on the whole head if you are fearful of losing your hair. Are you on meds?
  13. I did the Vitamin E for the first 7 days. I wouldn't stop taking Fin after the HT...haven't heard of that before. I did hear though you can't use Rogaine right after though. To wait like 2 weeks minimum. Def do the saline spray every few hours and Polysporin on the scar twice a day for 2 weeks too...then once a day for the next week give or take. Hope this helps...! Let me know if you have any other questions/concerns!
  14. I agree...believe me there will be plenttttty of time to worry about losing your hair...enjoy the time you have NOW as your hair seems fine...if anything consider getting on Propecia to keep your hair. Enjoy your life and enjoy your hair! Move on.
  15. I agree with Aaron. Def do your scalp exercises however if your only getting 1,800 and are a virgin scalp you should be fine. You should heavily consider taking Propecia before the HT to help strengthen your hairs so this could limit any shockloss. You can also use Rogaine on the recipient area as it tends to increase growth time. In regards to post op...follow your doctor's instructions. You should be spraying the grafts every few hours with Saline solution to keep them moist. Also putting Vitamin E oil on the grafts for the first week also. These should all be in your Dr's post op instructions. In regards to the scar...I have been putting Polysporin on it...once the sutures came out I continued to put it on...this helps with any infection and helps in the healing process to lower the redness too. After that time period though, you just have to let the magic happen...the waiting game begins and you go about your daily life. After around 4 months you should start seeing some growth...remember it takes around a year to see the full results...maybe even longer.
  16. I have heard many cases where they restored their temple points. It is a crucial area to restoring a nice hairline as it helps frame the face. I recently had a HT with Dr. Rahal. Check out my website to see the pictures of my restored temple points.
  17. I agree with the above...u r insane for wasting your time...you should be out loving life as you were blessed with such a head of hair like that. Perhaps you came on this website to have balding grown men like us hate the world a little bit more! Geeee thanks! lol.
  18. Lookin good Petro...you still have more to grow...good stuff...keep us posted!
  19. I agree with NewHairPlease...get on meds to slow down your hair loss. I would also start contacting some of the top surgeons mentioned on this site as you are best suited to hear it from them what their professional opinions are regarding your case. Many people get HT's in their 20's...you just may have to be more conservative especially if the pattern of your loss is not yet determined...however in your 30's and even more so say in your 40's it is easier for the most part to see the pattern and plan accordingly. So consult with some docs and get on meds. Research on this site as you will learn a lot and it will probably answer other questions you may have.
  20. I agree with Jotronic...get on meds to slow down your hair loss. The Gabel Center has produced some nice results. You can search Dr. Gabel on this website and you will see some good results. You should also RESEARCH a lot and not be so prone to just stay in your state for a HT as many of us have traveled quite far to get our procedure done.
  21. Hey...your story seems somewhat similar to "StaggerLee123" story that he just posted. I put the link below. I commented on his post as I would yours so check out the link to see my and other responses to getting repair work and good doctors to go to for consults. http://www.hairrestorationnetwork.com/eve/164262-my-hair-transplant-journey-has-not-been-excellent-adventure.html
  22. Hey...quite the story you have! Well you made your first good move coming to this site...welcome! This site is great for beginners looking to do research and find great doctors. You should search this site for repair patients as there are a good amount of them here. I would personally start consulting with some of the top doctors so that they can see you and evaluate your personal situation. I would recommend Dr. Rahal (I had my HT with him...great experience), Hasson and Wong as Dr. Wong I know does a lot of repair patients...they are great...the person you should contact is "Jotronic" on this site...he is a patient rep for them and a great guy...he was a repair patient too...his hair looks amazing now! He is your best bet to help you out and steer you in the right direction. Also...are you on meds? If not, you should consider getting on Propecia and/or Rogaine to hold onto the hairs you currently have and to stablize it at a minimum. Your not all that bad and I can easily see your situation getting corrected if you seek out the right doctors as mentioned above. Hope this helps!
  23. NHP: What vitamins do you/are you going to take? I here Biotin and MSM are good...? When I asked Dr. Rahal he was indifferent...stating that it is difficult to measure their effects because patients are also on propecia and rogaine so hard to determine whether they help or not. He said I could take them if I pleased but he really pushed rogaine/propecia.
  24. When dealing with HT's...distance really shouldn't be a deciding factor. I originally thought I would just stay local but this is a permanent thing and if you just stay "local" and don't vet the top HT docs you could end up with a bad result and believe me at that point you will travel anywhere in the world to fix it! So keep vetting the top docs on this site...in addition to the doc's you mentioned try Dr. Rahal and Hasson and Wong...they are also 2 of the top docs. I had my surgery done with Dr. Rahal. True and Dorin are good too...I had a few consults with them. Dr. Williams I never heard of before and/or don't know much about him. You seem to be new so keep researching as this isn't something you can decide with a little research done...keep doing your due diligence and the right surgeon will be easier to find!
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