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Everything posted by Capelli11

  1. Who will your doctor be? Reason being is that some docs shave the recipient area so that will hinder your appearance drastically in the beginning. I am on Day 11 and I haven't really had too many scabs for yet...seems to be starting to a little. I would book at least 2 weeks off from work minimum...depends what kind of work u do...if you can wear a hat you should be fine after 2 weeks...u have any good pics?!
  2. The strip may be may as long as they don't have to take as much out...although it could still be ear to ear but just not as wide of an incision. Search around and see members who have had your graft count and check out what their scar looks like. Either way, it will still be a scar so don't think just bc you are getting less grafts that you won't have one...it will prob at a minimum be your entire back of your head (smiley face pattern) but perhaps not go as high up your ear. Remember FUE scars as well but not nearly as much as FUT...you still probably won't be able to fully shave with FUE...as you may see tiny white dots. Again, post some pics so we can access your head and hairloss pattern better.
  3. Can you post some pics so we can see/evaluate your situation? What NW are you?! Both have pros and cons...it is up to what you are looking for. Keep researching and your answer will get easier with knowledge.
  4. Hey...just read your story...wow...sooo sorry to hear that...you must have felt so horrible...it is obviously good that H&W are reputable and didn't do the surgery just to make some money that day...it is also great of Joe and Doug (both of whom I have had the pleasure of meeting) hooked you up with a fresh haircut/style and advice. It sounds like it def improved your spirits! Hang in there...everything happens for a reason...start taking your FIN and go from there. I am not sure how you look but def try to use concealers. Hang in there as we all feel for you and your situation...post some pics so we can better help you. Please keep us posted!!!
  5. Only thing I could say is make sure you have the latest version of Firefox...that may be it.
  6. I agree with NEWHAIRPLEASE...generic FIN is very cheap...I would get on that at a minimum as it is affordable in generic form.
  7. I just had a HT with Dr. Rahal and am on Day 10...he had to shave my frontal third and I def look interesting to say the least! lol. However, this is part of the journey that is a HT...you shouldn't pick one method over the other simply based on how you will look post HT...because remember you have to live with your decision. You should be more focused on getting the right doctor and choose FUE or FUT based on the applicable reasons. I def don't like looking like I do now but I will hopefully love what I look like in 6-12 months...so like everything in life it is a short term trade off. For strip to answer your questions...the actual procedure is painless pretty much. Sleeping is quite difficult the first few nights and still at day 10 i still sleep in a recliner as I can't touch the recipient area. I don't really feel any pain just tightness in the donor area and numbness but that will be gone soon hopefully. It is not ideal looking and feeling like this now but you have to think long term and not focus on the short term pain/look. Check out my website to see the progression the first few days. Also keep researching this site as there are good threads about FUE vs. FUT and also look at everyone's website for their progress as this will show you how long to wear your hair and what to expect!
  8. I agree with the above...did you have a consultation with them? Also, post some pics as lowering the hairline is not a great idea for most but each case is obviously unique. I had a HT with Dr. Rahal that he really re-created and dense packed my hairline. See my website and write up. How old are u...u on meds? There is A LOT that goes into making a decision so don't jump the gun and make sure you do your RESEARCH!!!
  9. Hope so...just curious to see if he took Rogaine after his HT as recommended. I am swaying towards not doing it but I'll see what the dr. says.
  10. Matt...any word on if this patient is on Rogaine? I am curious to see if he took Rogaine after his HT as recommended? Unbelievable results. Thanks!
  11. Lookin good! Why r u gonna shave it all off? How will dermmatch cover the scar?! If anything I think you should leave your hair and then use dermmatch on the scar at this length as that would cover it better?
  12. It seems your hairline is good...you are a lucky one! lol. If anything your hairline may be going into its "mature" side where the hairline goes up just a little but doesn't mean you are going bald. I am sure I speak for everyone on this site when I say everyone would love to hair your hairline...so my advice would be to enjoy it as long as u can! lol. Are you on Propecia/Rogaine? Something to think about in order to hold onto the hair that you currently have. The earlier the better...!
  13. Hey Everyone! Pictures are posted!!! I will do the first 7 days which today is day 7...then weekly updates after that I guess. I received the break-out of the surgery: Total Grafts: 4,616 1's - 1016 2's - 2410 3's - 1190 Total hairs 9,406 Size of donor tissue (strip)- 39 cm Size of recipient area worked on - 92 cm Questions...I am still tight...how long does this last? I gather it gets better once the sutures are removed? Also...I am still sleeping in my recliner...when does everyone go back to sleeping in a bed? Reason being I don't want to roll over and touch the grafts! I'm still in love with my hairline...can't stop looking at it!!!
  14. Hey Sean, Feeling ok...I am on Day 6...just have some tightness in donor as expected...can't wait to get these sutures removed! I am going back up on Dec 19th to have them removed. The whole experience was really surreal to say the least...LUV my new hairline and temples...just upset that they will be leaving me soon! lol. I hope they come back dense...Dr. Rahal said that he packed the hairline as I kept requesting...he said like 65 FU/Sq cm in the hairline which is great! How is ur hair doin?!
  15. Thanks everyone...much appreciated! Jacob...do u have pics? I had temple work done so my face swelled up also on the sides of my head pretty badly...I would say the night of I didn't have real swelling...the next day however it was pretty bad...my face was so wide and big...I looked like an alien or my face looked like the shape of a light bulb...it was crazy seeing yourself in the mirror like that...but there was no real pain associated with it though...it started going down on day 2 and by like day 3 I was getting better...I am now Day 5 and swelling has pretty much gone down outside a little left in my forehead but pretty much back to normal thankfully...so figure swelling occurs anywhere from day 1 through day 5 or 6 ish...so if u leave around day 2 you could be starting to swell...but remember everyone heals/swells differently...I wouldn't worry about it it only adds to the anxiety...focus on the results and not what the short term look will be!
  16. Hey Jacob, I will be posting pictures today of Foxbar soon and you will be able to see what the "loft" looks like...basically when u walk into the house, there is a staircase going up to the suite bedroom and loft...the loft is just a bed/couch and a recliner...there is also a TV too...basics for staying at a house...all you truly need as a HT patient there is just a recliner to sleep in...very basic stuff...the entertainment is in the living room with a TV and couch and that is where everyone talks and hangs out. In regards to the procedure...check out my write up (you can find it on my website or in my previous post threads)...I am on Day 5 today and feel no real pain just some tightness and numbness in recipient and donor area...nothing crazy though...scar looks really clean and thin thankfully. It is normal to be nervous but Dr. Rahal is amazing...and u really have nothing to worry about...I wasn't that nervous leading up to the surgery bc I was just so confident I was going to the best doc in the world in my opinion. You will be fine...to make yourself feel better just search his name and u will see so many great results...they really speak for themselves. I watched 2 movies while I was having the HT...nice big TV too...u can also listen to music which I did too as they have an IPOD player. You are numb so you feel no pain which is good. The whole procedure is pretty much painless. In regards to tourist things...you pretty much have to stay in the house for the first few days as that is what everybody does...u have a bandage on ur head too so going out wouldn't be advised as you NEED to rest and stay in the recliner to drain the fluids so you don't swell up as much...so don't factor really going out. But before the procedure...there really isn't too much to do but don't quote me bc I didn't really look into this. If you have any more questions/concerns you can PM me too...hope this helps!
  17. I was thankful that it didn't 'really snow when I was there...I was stressing out about it big time leading up to the surgery...there was a very light dusting that was it but it cleared up right away. It was quite cold just walking there but it is such a short distance...I drove us 2 days though bc it was cold...perhaps one of the house mates will have a car...I had one and so did another kid from Toronto who drove there.
  18. Joe is a complete class act...I flew all the way to Vancouver from the east coast of the US for a consultation...he made me feel right at home picking me up at the airport, showing me around the office and even treated me out to dinner and drinks that night! I learned so much from talking with Joe and his hair by the way as I obviously have seen it in person is amazing...so natural looking! He is a huge asset to this forum!
  19. Having a support network for a HT is huge...glad u seem to have a great one in ur wife. I am not married but wanted to take care of this prior to ever getting married and/or having a family. It is tough trying to date when u feel self concious and/or insecure about your hair...esp in the beginning of a relationship. I use toppik a lot so it was even harder to try to hide my use! I really believe getting a HT will help sure up any insecurities we have and as a result make us a better person esp to those who supported us. It may sound weird considering I just got my HT, but I feel a lot more confident and seem to have a better attitude in general. Hair loss has been such a huge albatross for me that I think just getting the procedure has lifted some of that off of me and changed me for the better already!
  20. Sean...can u elaborate on ur development/results with Biotin/Fish oil? I am interested in taking something else to supplement Propecia. What brands/dosage, etc? U really have seen good results from this ? Thanks!
  21. Sugar, Check out my post I did the day before my HT...I asked everyone the same thing. Now knowing what I know post HT...the clinic doesn't care either way...if u keep your hair on the side they just have to tape it up during the incision which obviously takes more time then say you shave to a zero. I left the hair...then the second day I had Mike shave me down to like a 4 on the side to just cover the scar but shave the top hair which was longer which will make cleaning it myself easier. Looking back though...i think it is easier to just shave everything down to a zero...it will make u feel fresher and cleaner post HT...plus you can have ur hair grow evenly. The only thing is that this depends on ur lifestyle meaning if u have to go back to work early I would reconsider it but if u have at least say a month off I would perhaps heavily consider shaving the whole thing...I didn't really also want to see the scar directly so i think that is why i have held off thus far.
  22. Sugar, The doctor provides literally everything u need to clean it yourself (i.e. Vit E, Saline solution spray, Polysporin for scar, bandages, medications u have to take , etc). So no worries he will give u everything. If you stay, u can get cleanings every day at the office and u won't have to clean it urself...that is another great perk about staying at Foxbar...the cleanings are great too...u feel so refreshed afterwards...Mike even shaves you down if you want to blend the hair like he did for me...they have everything covered!!! Let me know if you have any other questions...u will be here soon!!!
  23. Yeah...we all joke around saying we all look like Smurf's at foxbar...we all walk over to the clinic each day to get a cleaning and everyone looks at us like we are nuts lol. They aren't bad...they keep it clean and it holds the vitamin E and any blood that may come out of the wound.
  24. NEWHAIRPLEASE: I agree with the above comments...you have good temple points just need to be cleaned up and shaped better just like Jotronic illustrated...a few hundred grafts will be all that is necessary. Temple points are a big part in framing the face that I why I had mine done too...mine were miniaturized so I had them beefed up to frame out my hairline design. I would get it done now as a few hundred grafts won't kill you and u can enjoy them now instead of in a few years at best if you were to have to come back for another run.
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