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Everything posted by hdude46

  1. Very cool. Janna what's the difference between this patient and a patient like this?: http://hair-restoration-info.c...21087683/m/133104805 Was it a matter of goals? donor availability? I'm curious b/c it would seem that the patient in this case had far less hair loss in addition to being a few yrs older than the patient in the case I linked who received more graphs (I know he had a larger area to cover) and a bit more aggressive hairline. Thanks Janna!
  2. your post is so full of flaws i dont even know where to begin. the goal of a ht shouldnt be to look good for 10 yrs, it should be to look good for the rest of your life. So u look good til 34, then what? you'll have another 40-50 yrs left of life. u will care how u look later in life. u are thinking very shortsighted right now.. the worst case scenrio is not as simple as u make it sound. what happens if u progress to a nw6 or 7? getting 2500 graphs in the temples at 24 is not very wise. i would get on propecia for a few yrs and see how u respond before going forward. i know hair loss is hard thing to deal w/, and im not trying to trivialize it, but geez man it seems like u got deeper self esteem issues than what a ht can fix. 6 months is not a long time, ive been researching ht's for yrs. slow down and step off the ledge and dont make an emotional decision.
  3. No, I just think the licensed physicians know more than either you or I. There is not a one size fits all. Thats my point. Patients who are given different hairlines likely have some combo of a great donor supply, great response to meds, and a good family history. I think your concerns are definitely valid and I see your point.
  4. This thread is a perfect example of why some people on the internet don't know anything and that u need to talk to a physician. FUE does not deplete a big % of the donor for FUT. This is not the first time MTD has made some ridiculous claim and stated it as fact. The fact is fue allows for hairs that otherwise cannot be harvested from a strip procedure to be harvested. Secondly, proscar works very well for most people. I have seen and heard from from a lot of people who have been on the drug since its inception in 1997 that have lost little to no remaining hair. Even if its effectiveness does wane with time, generally it still dramatically slows hair loss than w/o it. Most physicians swear by it. Moreover, your genetic may not even have a nw6 pattern mapped out for you. In 20-30 yrs, Im pretty sure there will be better hair loss treatments other than propecia and rogaine on the market. Talk to a doctor and he can lay out a good plan out for you. Too many people here think they are experts about this stuff when in reality they don't know what they are talking about. good luck man.
  5. but but i thought all patients who go this bald will have donor thinning with see thru scars. what about future loss? this patient has 20-30 more yrs of his life left. obviously im being sarcastic but you get the point.
  6. I wish every clinic would take these bright light, HD photos. Results like these are now the expectation at H&W. Great job!
  7. nice work dr feller...on a semi unrelated note, can you give us some more prp updates? When you first started offering it, I remember you were pretty diligent on posting updates and pics, but coming up on almost a year since then in a few months I have heard/seen very little. Can you update us? Thanks!
  8. Talk to a physician Cody. there is some good advice on this thread but also some bad advice as well. You dont have to take hair loss meds for 10-15 yrs before you get a transplant. Like tc17, a hair transplant is a risk, but i feel he tends to overstate it. the bottom line is meds work pretty well for most people and in the next 20-30 yrs it s na near certainty there will be better treatments than propecia out. people said the same thing to london lad that they are saying to you when he was asking for ht advice. hes currently in his 30's with a full head of hair and going great on the meds. bottom line dont listen to a bunch of us random posters here on this forum who dont really know too much compared to that of an actual doc. good luck...
  9. so joe what do u do with patients who have coarser thicker hair? also didn't you say that u havent really seen patients come back to h&W b/c they gradually lost more hair over time (not applying to the frontal areas tho)?
  10. i really doubt dr hasson would steer anybody wrong interms of where he places the hairline. in most cases he is just strengthening it. u dont want to have a hairline halfway up your head. he has enough experience/results that i would take what he says over some random internet poster.
  11. Masterful job by Dr. Hasson. I can't believe how bad this guy looked before. I feel bad that there are doctor's out there doing this to patients. I'm sure how happy this patient must be is indescribable. Any top down photos Joe?
  12. No idea...maybe try the brand name proscar for another 6 months and then make an evaluation.
  13. are u getting your proscar online or do u have a prescription?
  14. yes it is necessary, you will continue to lose hair once u get off it. why in the heck even get a ht in the first place if u dont plant to continue on propecia? u will look like a freak eventually.
  15. Janna, typically how far back into existing hair does Dr. Shapiro usually go, especially on a younger patient who may lose more hair and also considering proscar doesn't seem to work as well in the frontal areas? Thanks!
  16. I agree with what Bill said...and i will add that you clearly need to do more research. you have no idea what a ht can accomplish realistically. Moreover, you will be left with a scar, so buzzing your hair down too short wont be an option. Also, NEVER, and repeat NEVER let travel or cost be a factor in your decision. Not all ht docs are the same. Even those recommended on this site vary greatly in ability. You will screw yourself forever if you proceed with this ht if you don't atleast consult with the clinics I have mentioned above. You clearly arent ready to go thru with this life altering decision. You need to do more research. ht's are not a quick fix. talk to smg or hasson and wong, they will educate you on what you can expect. please before you potentially make a decision you cannot go back on.
  17. I think if you are going to have a ht, you need to have one from one of the very best clinics in the world and not one in india. PLEASE talk to Shapiro Medical and or Hasson and Wong and see what they say first. Not only will they be able to give you a result better than anyone else out there, they will be extremely ethical with you. Good luck
  18. dr. lindsey, can you post some bigger sessions, ones that are also actually grown out past 9-10 months. a lot of your recent results have been tiny procedures and scar revisions, or ones that arent even grown out. would like to see some of your bigger finished sessions, thanks!
  19. believe what u want to man, no one is going to change your mind. but just fwiw my dad is a dr and he laughed at this when i brought it up. he also said that in science just b/c a+b=c, that does not mean that it will go that way in the real world per se if that makes any sense. there are a lot of theoretical's and people always tring to diagnose themselves or problems they have but have no idea what they are talking about (like yourself here). again, just b/c u have an opinion doesnt make it right. people thought the world was flat too...just saying.
  20. "Generics can vary widely-possibly in more ways than appearances alone as well, I believe." Please explain dr if you could...
  21. it spikes testosterone temporarily, but not enough or duration to have an effect on hair loss...ask any doctor, but hey i guess what u 'think' is all that matters.
  22. mine look similar but not like any of the pics you posted
  23. this thread is borderline rediculous. if protein/weight lifting caused hair loss, then every person in the world, athlete or not, who lifted weights and exercised would be bald. have a little common sense people. you are losing your hair b/c of mpb.
  24. i would wait until u are at least 25. if you are already a nw4 at 21 and propecia isnt working (i take it you have prescription and arent getting it online?) then the chances you will advance to a nw6-7 are high. only talk to coalition docs, and at that the very best in the coalition. good luck
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