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Everything posted by hdude46

  1. Kind of shocking to hear the docs aren't a big fan of one of only two hair loss drugs proven to work at combating MPB. I think telling someone who has been using minox for years to stop is asking for big trouble.
  2. I've been using rogaine foam for 8 years. Are you suggesting someone like me quit because of the collagen issues? Seems like I'm a little too far down the road for that.
  3. People keep listing Konior and I agree he's a great surgeon but where are all his FUE results that merit him being on this list? I've followed every result he has posted over the last 5 years and I don't know if there are double digit results out there of his FUE work. Strip sure, but there are clinics with a ton more FUE results on the web. Until I see more of his results, I'm not sure he belongs on this list. And this is coming from someone who fell in love with his strip results.
  4. Your hair looks awesome O.S. I just looked back at your first album and can't believe how far you've come. Hard to believe this has another 6-8 months of more maturing.
  5. Zup, do you think you would be able to post some recent FUE results? Would love to see some of the cases you have been doing recently that you mentioned. Thanks!
  6. People are going to notice one way or the other eventually so might as well just come clean about it so it's not a big deal.
  7. Looking forward to following your progress. Did Dr Konior say why only 1500 grafts were used?
  8. It's a subpar result right now. For the amount of money he spent and the way his head looks right now if that was me I would be freaking out. Sorry just calling like I see it. As I said give it the full 12 months but I've seen this story too many times before. At 6 months you can generally tell if you are on your way to a good result or a subpar one and I know which way this one is likely headed.
  9. Really? He just spent over 10k on this procedure and his results are subpar thus far. No one is expecting a full head of hair but come on Give the result 12 months but let's be honest, if this was your head of hair you would be upset. This forum needs to stop sugar coating everything to people. All I ever see is "looks great!" When in truth not every result here is great. In fact many are not.
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