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Everything posted by hdude46

  1. thanks for chiming in and answering these questions dr feller. how does one go about scheduling an appointment, especially an out of town patient who would probably have to fly in and leave the same day? also, when do u think you will have a solid sample size of photos to see if this really works. it seems like it would work best on patients who haven't experienced a great deal of loss yet. i also remember you saying something along the lines of the way it used/applied falls a little short, or something to that effect. do you think that this is something you can work on/solve in the future? benefits on the frequency of more treatments would be interesting too. thanks again dr feller.
  2. mike the dane...you once again think u are lucky to have diffuse loss at a young age. i dont know why u are so delusional but let me tell you having diffuse loss is HARDER to transplant in that this is greater damage to ruin existing hair folicles. your 'opinion' that guys with frontal loss are worse is plain wrong and something i think u are saying to make u feel better about your own situation. judging from your pics, you had a lot of frontal mid and back hair loss which at such a young age is never a good thing. its one thing to give advice, but when u are giving out misinformation it is just plain wrong. any ht surgeon will agree with me.
  3. Good points.... Having an eye towards the future is perhaps the most important thing a ht transplant surgeon must consider when operating on younger patients. I'm willing to bet though that most nw 6-7's (and tc your uncle while definitely not alone is probably in the minority) get their quickly and in their early to mid twenties. I could be wrong on that, but I bet you see a higher degree of thinning in the safe zone on people who have been extensively bald for a long time. My dad is 60 and his hair is still very thick. My gandpa is over 80 and I would say the hair he has left (nw4-5 diffuse) is pretty thick as well, especially considering his age, and could easily hide a scar if he had one. My point is that its hard to look at old people and say well this is how I will look in 40 years. For one, you dont know anything about their hair characteristics, when or how fast they were balding, age, ect. You cant predict the unpredictable but if you have a family full of 6's and 7's you are very likely headed down that path at some point in time. Likewise if your family history isnt as severe, while it isnt a sure thing, it is likely you won't advance to that severe stage of balding. A lot of people have their hair loss slowed and stabilized in their forties or fifties anyway after years of balding while others may just be beginning their process. Regardless, its a pretty safe bet your hair will remain in pretty good shape (in regards to donor thinning) well into your 60's (just my own observations). By then, will it really matter if your transplant/donor starts to thin? By then (which is in 50 years) don't you think their will be a better hair loss product/treatment commercially available? Dont live for now but also dont let what you may or may not look like at 70 or 80 stop you from enjoying a good head of hair between now and then.
  4. yeah...and u can see Bill's scar clear as day and he is still pretty thin on top and in the crown. more over, that hair is not going to stay that thick forever, as he ages it most likely will thin out even more. by then he may be older and not care but it is just something to consider. while i agree that nw level and number of graphs available maybe dont have a direct correlation, they def are related.
  5. if you are a nw6, you most likely do not have that many graphs available. maybe the only clinic that could get that many graphs is h&w but even they might not be able to do it. it depends on your donor. you wont be able to cover your entire head regardless so u need to have realistic expectations of what a ht can do for u, especially on a nw6.
  6. who...was...your...doc? why the mystery? really...
  7. Thank you Dr. Feller. I would also be extremely interested in seeing if more frequent prp sessions leads to an even greater cosmetic result. As it is though, even if at the very minimum prp allows you to keep what you have, it would have to be considered a huge success. I appreciate you taking the time to post pics (hopefully with more on the way so all of us here can have a sufficient sample size to judge, which I'm sure you want to) and to answer questions. Not sure if you missed this in my original thread but do you see any reason why this would lose its effectiveness over time like some experience with propecia and rogaine or do you think that so long as one continues prp treatment he can expect to keep what he has or close to it? Thanks again and I look forward to your response.
  8. one more...does it actually reverse miniturization or halt it, or does it simply make the hair shafter thicker and not do anything with regards to miniturization? hope that makes sense...
  9. Nice job dr. feller, keep the pics coming if you can. I take it you think this prp thing is actually working? Also, do you think if a patient kept going in for prp treatments every 6,8, 12 months, or whbatever you suggest, they can expect to keep that hair? Or will it gradually lose its effectiveness over time like some experience with propecia? Thanks!
  10. I agree....this guy looks barely any better than before. I respect you dr. charles, and I know you used to work with dr shapiro who might be the best in the biz, but this result is in my opinion, terrible.
  11. Interesting question. I notice a lot of two and three groupings on my arms and legs. Not sure how that relates to the head though. My hair is coarse and pretty thick but its also dark and my skin is fairly light.
  12. no two people are the same....its too hard to predict hair loss but looking at family history does help some. My dad is a NW1 yet I'm a 2-3. His brother is a NW4 and my grandpa is a NW4. Does that mean that is where I'll end up? No one one knows. I would start to do something about it rather than sitting around worrying about it though. get on propecia, get on rogaine, try prp, heck maybe even give the lasercomb a try. Do everything you can to stop and or slow it down. While there are no guarantees, it would be a pretty safe bet that there will be better treatment options in the next 20 years. So if those options above can save you 20 some years, do it.
  13. wow. i cant believe it worked this fast. good job dr. feller. i'm assuming you are asking for photos of all your prp patients to document their progress?
  14. If it was me, H&W, Shapiro, Feller, and Alexander are the best. Narrowing it down to Shapiro or H&W, you can't go wrong. I would also say check out Alexander's crown work just to cover all your bases, as it is world class IMO. Good luck
  15. but it will work to keep the hair u have...u need to understand this. hairloss is progressive, and if you have mpb, which it looks like u do, the top of your head and crown will start to thin out to eventually even if it hasnt already. transplanting at your hairline will be a temporary fix, but what happens if u keep receeding, which you most likely will. have u even thought about this, or do u juts think that u will only have temple loss and the rest of your hair will remain the same for the rest of your life?
  16. you need to ask a doc....at your age though u probably dont want anything to far past 2000. u really need to get over your pill fear tho and get on propecia, otherwise dont even bother with a ht. hairloss is progressive and if you dont do anything about it you will look like a freak going in for ht surgeries every few yrs. from all the docs ive talked to all these sides are blown way out of proportion. in fact, in the clinical trials of propecia, the placebo group had almost as many sides as those who were taking the drug, and those who did complain of sides had them go away after awhile. meaning that the placebo group actually had more sides than the actual group taking propecia, imagine that. 2% were the reports of sides, which is very low and if you type in any drug on good and also type side affectrs u will find a ton of things. its also important that u get the real thing and take the recomneded dosage. some people buy these generics from the web and create their own dosing plan and wonder why it doesnt work for them. taking it at the same time every day and not cutting up all the pills at once (if u take proscar) is important too. again, from talking to these docs, most of their patients dont report any problems. taking propecia is a must....if you dont forget about a transplant. I would suggest Ron Shapiro (best for hairlines by far), Alan Feller, Dr. Alexander, and Hasson & Wong if you are looking for surgeons. These four IMO are the "Michael Jordan's of hair transplants. While there are other docs who do great work and may be cheaper and or closer, dont let those be a factor for something you have to live with the rest of your life. I personally wouldn't go to anyone else outside of these four. They are truly "world class". Good luck
  17. yeah just hang in there ttp, dr alexander is one of the best, and remember that most ht's take over a year to mature. The rogaine and fin are definitely helping, and I bet if you dyed your hair you would look even younger. With your hair characteristics, Im suprised dr. alexander didn't give you a bit lower hairline, but better safe than sorry. keep us posted on your progress, knowing dr. alexander's reputation and seeing his results, you will be fine.
  18. Looks pretty good eman......if i were you i would grow that baby out as long as you can, i think that would look great. crazy to think u have another 6 months of thickening too.
  19. Dr. Charles, since we can now succesfully clone hairs in test tubes, do you think the 5-10 year window is finally accurate that HM will be commercially available?
  20. Dr Charles, do you think this is something that will work and will be incorporated into HT clinics like Dr. Feller has insinuated?
  21. dr feller, and plans to post that video or pictures this week?
  22. so what would be the "ideal candidate" and could you estimate my density just through sending you guys' photos?
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