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Everything posted by greatjob

  1. from my understanding the only way to do a beard transplant would be to take hair from the neck and transplant into the face. Do you have a lot of beard hair on your neck? Even if you did I would doubt you would have enough to give adequate coverage needed to grow a beard. Like hairthere said be thankful your not losing the hair on your head cuz it sucks balls, move on. I have many friends envious of my beard but I would trade it any day for the hair on their head.
  2. I understand the longing for a beard. I've always wanted a beard, but due to my job could never grow one. However after quitting my job to return to school I haven't shaved my face in over two years and have a pretty sweet beard that I doubt I will ever shave off, lol. I would however trade every hair on my face for a full head of hair. Sadly if you don't have much hair on your face, like on your neck for example, I don't think it is going to be possible to harvest enough grafts to fill in the traditional beard area. I however don't know much about this kind of transplant so maybe I am wrong. I would suspect though that transplanting hair from other parts of the body, like the head or body, is not an option because it will look very unnatural, but again that is just my opinion. I think you may be out of luck
  3. Doctors have been performing it in the states for a number of years. I think the first person I heard about performing it was a Dr. Grecko or something maybe like 3-5 years ago. What I've seen is it helps thicken minaturized hair but does little in terms of regrowth. I know some doctors like Dr. Cooley have been using it in conjunction with hair transplants and acell and he has been seeing improved healing, less shock loss and quicker growth. Like I said IMO as of right now it is a waste of money as a stand alone treatment unless you are a diffuse thinner with minimal loss
  4. I honestly don't know if I could have delt with what you went through brotha, I commend you! You are one strong mofo!! You deserve every great hair day you have now!!
  5. I wouldn't recommend going into a strip procedure already planning to FUE into the scar unless you have a significant amount of loss. If you are not comfortable with the linear scar then go FUE
  6. It'is nothing new it is PRP (platelet rich plasma) treatment. It was all the rage a few years ago but fizzled out as the results for it as a stand alone treatment simply weren't there. I know there are still some doctors using it in conjunction with a hair transplant who feel it speeds healing and jump starts the results. IMO having it done as a stand alone treatment is a waste of money
  7. augustya everyone here is on your side my man, you are taking a rather aggressive approach with a lot of your posts we are just trying to help you. What you have to understand is that some doctors are conservative and some are not, so graft estimates will vary from doctor to doctor, as long as you are dealing with reputable doctors none of the estimates mean that the doctors are unethical or trying to squeeze money out of you it just means they have a different opinion about your situation. The thing is no one here is going to be able to definitively tell you how many grafts you need, and if a doctor suggests that you need 1000 grafts but you want 600 and he tells you that the results will not be dense, that's not unethical it is just him telling you that if you choose to not go with his recommendation that he will not be able to guarantee you will be satisfied with the results. I think you may be putting to much weight on price. I can tell you from experience that you will probably be much happier paying more for one procedure and being satisfied than paying less, not being satisfied, and having to undergo another procedure. You will typically pay the same amount, if not more, and have to deal with the pain, ugly duckling stage, and one year waiting period twice. My recommendation would be to make sure you get as many grafts as you need to have a full result in one procedure and be done with it. And f.y.i. the reason people like spanker keep questioning if you are balding or not, is it is very typical for people, myself included, to reason away their hairloss as something else (ie. high hairline ect.) when in fact they are suffering from mpb. And a lot of people lose ground because they are in denial.
  8. I'll refer to my post on mickey's thread: Seriously though it's great you are proactive with your loss because I wasn't and it cost me, but I hate you, lol, your hair looks amazing!!! Take preventative medicine and live your life brotha, I would literally kill for your hair!!!
  9. I don't have any experience with either shampoo but if the minox liquid caused irritation switch to generic foam. I had unbelievable dandruff from the liquid but when I switched to the foam it all went away. Not sure where you live but I get a six month supply from costco for About $60 if I remember correctly
  10. efflux I would reccommend not covering your head with something touching your scalp like the hoodie at this point you still run the risk of dislodging your grafts
  11. Every time I see examples of NW1 guys with no loss getting a transplant I want to slap them, haha. Even when I was 8 years old I never had hair like they did pre-op, not fair.
  12. The main concern for you between FUE and strip is going to be the maximum amount of grafts you are going to be able to get over your lifetime. With many clinics pushing the FUE envelope you will most likely be able to get the same amount of grafts in your first procedure. However if you plan on having more procedures down the line you will not be able to get as many grafts going the FUE route as you would going the strip route.
  13. Good thread Mickey! But I have to agree with Joe, I didn't see his initial post as harsh or inflammatory at all, but your response was overly aggressive. This is a good thread but it is at risk of being steered off course. I think what Joe was saying in regards to the donor is that you can't really tell if the patient has above average donor density from those pictures because hair caliber or characteristics could make average or below average donor density look above average. Good work though, I commend you for your dedication for taking your time to put these kind of threads together
  14. I don't know what you're talking about. It looks like a typical extraction to me.
  15. I'm not going to get involved in your and KO's argument, I understand both sides. I will say, however, it is my personal opinion that if someone has a large amount of native hair, but doesn't want to commit to being on fin long term, I don't consider them a candidate for a HT. If I was a surgeon I wouldn't operate on anyone in this situation. The risk is to high that the patient will end up losing a significant amount of hair and will not have the donor to keep up. Then they will be left with an unnatural balding pattern, my two cents
  16. well I would say that if you really want to do it then go for it. But if you are cool the way you are then leave it be. It is really up to you. Most people who do have MPB with much more receded hair lines get HT's every day so I would say you are definitely a candidate, it just all depends on if it is important enough to you. Do you have any doctors in mind?
  17. oh ok sorry I didn't connect the screen names. I would say that although you said you have always had that hairline (and i'll take your word) it does look like your hairline is receding but without seeing pics from you at a young age I'll take your word. I don't remember but I think you said in the other thread that you are in your thirties, I think you could get a HT to lower you hairline and I would recommend looking into FUE. Where are you located? You might have to travel to get a good doc to do the procedure.
  18. I didn't mean to scare you as long as you go to a reputable clinic, like most recommended here the yield will not be an issue. All I am saying that all things equal FUE has a slightly lower yield than strip due to the nature of blind extraction but it is only a few percentage points in the most capable hands. If you would be willing to post some pictures of just your hair (you can omit any distinguishing features) it would be very helpful in determining if you are a canidate for HT. Unethical clinics routinely operate on people who are not candidates and it would be in your best interest to post pics so we could determine if a HT is in your best interest.
  19. I have no problem with you, I don't always agree with you, but I have no problem with you. Just know that I am not a passive aggressive person, not in my real life and definitely not on an anonymous internet forum, so if I have a problem with you or your comments I will not make a vague reference to you I will directly call you out. You definitly do more good than harm on here and I appreciate your contribution, but lately any time this topic gets brought up it does turn into a fight, whether it is you who instigate it or not, I was just simply making an observation because it is very clear.
  20. Never in my post did I mention or refer to you or insinuate that I was referring to you, that is your own guilty conscious. Get off your holier than now quest. You were justified in responding to the comment about the "fue brigade" as there are only maybe 2 or 3 posters that could apply to. As of late nearly every post ends up in a pissing match between FUE vs strip and you are always at the heart of it. The op was continually asking questions and you and the other thread posters ignored the questions to instead spend two pages to continue the pissing match, I simply answered the questions. I am in no way against FUE, I am against people who think strip has no up side. Over multiple procedures you will always be able to obtain more grafts via strip than FUE, point blank bottom line. Which means for certain people with advance balding strip procedures will always have their place until hair multiplication is a reality. From here on out if I don't refer to you in a quote or by name I am not talking about you so you can exclude me from your crusade.
  21. For me its not a matter of large single megasessions not being possible via FUE, as it is being shown recently that 5000 graft prodcedures are possible. The difference lies in the total maximization of the donor, over multiple procedures you will always be able to get more grafts via strip, period. In addition after maximizing the donor via strip it is often then possible to use FUE if more grafts are desired.
  22. Well as it typically is now a days on this forum your thread has turned into a pissing match over what method is better and your questions are being ignored so I will help you out. My first question to you is why you are considering a HT if you are not losing hair? When they are referring to yield they mean the percentage of grafts that are transplanted that actually grow. In general FUE has a lower yeild than FUT but can be negligible in the hands of the right surgeon or can be exacerbated by certain patient characteristics. If I am honest I am concerned as to why you want to have a procedure if you aren't suffering from hairloss, but in general if you are only looking for 500-1500 grafts I would recommend going the FUE route. Now sit back and enjoy the shit show this thread is sure to turn into...
  23. I would second spankers advice to give meds a try. You are taking a pretty big gamble not being on them. You have used up nearly all of your donor and haven't touched anything but the frontal third. If you lose more hair you run the risk of being left with a strip of hair at your hairline with nothing behind it.
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