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Everything posted by greatjob

  1. Search for posts by Dr. Lindsey on here he is one of the more active doctors, if I needed a scar revision I don't think there is anyone else I would go to. I think he is in Virginia. From my experience if you are unhappy with the results you received by a doctor it usually only gets worse if you go for round two. I would at least schedule a consult with Dr. Lindsey or email him some pics since he is in your area. Just my two cents
  2. If Dr. Lindsey is in your area I see no reason to go anywhere else. I think he is one of the best all around surgeons in the industry, you can't go wrong with him. I have never heard of the other clinic.
  3. Every so often this forum gets posts like this from nuhart, a single post, no pics then they disappear. Every single one of them have proven to be spam, so I say pics or it didn't happen...
  4. I have never heard of this with propecia, but I could see how it could be possible. It is common for women to experience nerve pain in their neck and back due to fluctuating hormones surrounding their menstrual cycle, so this could be something similar since your altering your hormones
  5. I can appreciate that, however I am a little concered that you really aren't that educated about the hair transplant procedure. The transplanted hair sheds weeks after the surgery and then begins to grow 3-6 months later. So all I am saying is that it is impossible to access the results of your procedure at this point in time, so I would remain as patient as possible. I truly hope that in 6-12 months time you are much happier, good luck.
  6. SkinTaj, I can see you are not happy with your experience and I have never heard of Longevita so I can't comment on them at all. But you said you are only 3 months post op, you do realize that the first 3 months after a transplant is called the "ugly duckling" phase because you typically look worst than pre op. Usually you don't see much growth til 6 months and beyond, so evaluating the results at this stage is premature. You say you paid for 5000 grafts but only received 1000. Did the doctor tell you this or are you just estimating by looking at your current resluts? I'm not saying this procedure will end up being successful but I would urge you to be patient as hard as it may be
  7. I don't know of any doctor in North America that perform this type of transplant, but I really don't see the point. The grafts are going to shed anyway so you're really not going to avoid much of the "ugly duckling phase" the only thing I see this doing is making things more difficult for the surgeon and techs. There is some good discussion regarding this topic in this thread: http://www.hairrestorationnetwork.com/eve/158439-first-long-hair-hair-transplant-performed-dr-pathuri-madhu-india-2.html
  8. I used both laser comb and commercial laser therapy religiously in the past and I believe they are both garbage and a waste of time and money. I can accept that there may be some benefit in terms of wound healing which may make it beneficial after a transplant, but as far as treating mpb I think its a joke. I used the laser comb as recommended for over 6 months with no results. I was then offered laser light therapy in a clinical setting for free and I used it three times a week for almost a year with not benefit. Don't waste your time and money!
  9. Congrats Matt! Glad to see you on here again, you were a big reason why I chose to go with Dr. Rahal! Heal and grow well!!
  10. Looking Great man!! I don't know you orlhair1, but after the years reading this board you seem like a stand up guy, I couldn't be happier for you and I'm extremely jealous of your scar!!
  11. Holy crap!! That may be the best results Ive ever seen on minox alone!! Do you wash off your hands after application or let it drip on you face where you are seeing the facial hair grow? If not I would be more careful with the application and you may be able to eliminate the unwanted results. I got some pretty good results from it on my temple points but nothing like you.
  12. I would hardly call HT's a routine procedure. If that was true sites like this would not exist as any monkey with a scalpel would be able to preform a HT. Nonetheless I wish you good luck and happy growing!!
  13. Post op instructions from Dr. Rahal are to wait 1 month post op before doing light exercise like cardio and 3 months before resuming normal weight training. I seriously am losing my mind without getting to the gym, I can't wait!
  14. I have never heard of any reputable clinic in which someone other than a licensed surgeon performs the extractions or incisions. The survival rate of FUE grafts is primarily dependent upon the skill of the surgeon who is extracting them, so to hear that someone other than a licensed medical doctor is performing this type of a procedure is a little alarming. Good luck to you though, hope everything works out for the best!!
  15. Dr. Rahal's post op instructions are to begin using minox 2 weeks after surgery so you'll be fine. I would consult with your doctor if you are still unsure
  16. I would hardly use the word execrable to describe this result. This is very good work and I am sure the patient is very happy. She apologized for using the word severe, get over it. Comparing one patient with x amount of grafts to another patient with y amount of grafts is like comparing apples and oranges. Posting critiques of work is fine, but your post is useless flaming Back to the results... those post op pics are crazy!! Seriously just looks like his hair is wet, not like he just had a transplant!!
  17. I wore a snapback baseball cap. As long as the hat doesn't touch the recipient site you will be fine. You will just need to make sure it is overly large or adjustable to account for swelling and the sutures. I brought the hat into the clinic before I flew home so they could make sure the hat was suitable.
  18. I would not even consider Epstein. If you're looking for rhinoplasty and a hair transplant I would contact Dr Lindsey McLean. I know he does other cosmetic surgery other than hair transplants, not sure about rhinoplasty, he is very active on here and I think he is one of the best all around surgeons in the industry. He is on here all the time I would contact him. Also I think Spex is a consultant for him now and he is based in the UK and always meets up with potential patients to give advice, so you might want to contact him as well. Good Luck!
  19. Its healing up pretty nicely. I'm at 1 month post op and I'm going to take more pics, so I'll take pics of the donor area as well. I have a little shock loss but not too bad. I was really impressed with how little tension there was on the strip closure. With my first procedure there was a lot of tension on the closure from day 1 and a lot of pain, however this round there was almost zero tension in the donor and very little pain. I did however opt to have Dr. Rahal take as much hair as possible as apposed to extracting all of my first scar, so there is still portions of my first scar. I did this because I have had a lot of surgeries and my scars always heal almost to the point of disappearing and my main goal was to get the most hair as possible. I have also accepted that I will probably want to opt for another procedure in the future at which point I will have all the scars excised. I am rather curious to see how the coverage will be though, I could previously cut my donor hair down to #3 guard with no signs of my scar so we will see how it turns out.
  20. I'm not 100% sure about the average density, I didn't ask what density he planted. It is pretty densely packed at the hairline and then tapers off as it goes back. I could measure the area planted and figure it out, but I'm trying not to be ocd right now just trying to avoid mirrors and not think to much about it for the next couple months, lol. Man you are going to look awesome after the second round!! Good luck!!
  21. If you're in Toronto you have one of the best clinics in the world in Hasson & Wong right in your city. And another one of the best doctors in the world, Dr. Rahal in Ottawa. You would be a fool to go to anyone else.
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