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Everything posted by greatjob

  1. was your hair died before or was it just difference in lighting? Anyways I really like how it looks now. Do you have any pics of the hairline? Good luck to you I think you are going to have a fantastic result!!
  2. Yeah seriously I would kill someone to have your hair. Shoot I would've killed someone to have your hair when I was 18. I prefer the Rogaine foam; I can't stand the liquid makes my hair disgusting. Try them out and see what you like. Some use foam in the morning and liquid at night to keep cost down. No one can tell you with certainty if you'll regrow anything as everyone is different. Good luck!!
  3. hairgirl, The question you keep asking over and over has been answered many times in this thread, but it seems like you aren't looking for answers or not listening to them. It’s more like you are looking for someone tell you it’s ok to go ahead and pull out your hair. But I’ll try again. Your native hair and transplanted hair are the same at this point. If you pull out one of your native hairs or transplanted hairs it is a crap shoot whether or not it will grow back. Sometimes it will sometimes it won't. Pulling out your hair to look at the root is unnecessary and quite odd. If you want to see the hair root Google it or look in an anatomy book. Research on this site for eyebrow transplants and you will see that prolonged plucking most certainly result in hair loss. However at the end of the day it's your head and if you want to pull your hair out go right on ahead
  4. imo you are no where near in need of a transplant. It looks like you have very little if any hair loss. There isn't a reputable doctor anywhere that I would think would operate on you. Pictures sometimes can be deceiving so maybe it is worse. But I think if you are experiencing hair loss you have done the best thing at this stage by getting on propecia. Stay on that and try and keep all the hair you have. You could also add minoxidill. I also think you are using the nizoral a bit too much. It is usually recommended to use it only once or twice a week. I think your idea is right on the money with waiting. You should defiantly wait a few years, stay on propecia and see how things progress. If you are really worried find a reputable recommended doctor on this site and go see them for their opinion. Best of Luck!!
  5. I honestly think it’s probably easier for them to hide it. They have enough money and enough assistants to not have to leave their house for 6 months unless their stupid like Piven. Most normal folks can’t take a half year off from work but I think most celebrities could figure it out
  6. I myself began losing my hair around 15/16. Although I wouldn’t say that your hair line is the main reason for people thinking you're older than you are I think you should take aaron1234's advice and see a qualified hair loss physician like Dr. Farjo. When I was 18 I was scared out of getting on finasteride and it is something I regret to this day. I have experienced no side effects and actually had a very good regrowth from it and I know had I taken it then I would not have progressed to the point I am now. Although Like TTP said 16 is definitely too young for a transplant or finasteride but I do think you should meet with a trustworthy hair loss physician to get a good assessment of where you stand and what your options are. Everyone on this board will tell you early detection is key. So listen to the advice and try to hold on to all the native hair you can. And just to add you mentioned that you were rather tall and judging by your picture it looks to be true. So just know that you have the height on your side and it looks like you would look pretty good with a shaved head so in your situation losing your hair might not be that bad. You might be able to pull off the bad ass look pretty good. Just a thought
  7. I have never heard of him. The price is a bit high if it is a strip procedure. Most of the top clinics are charging around $4 pre graft and that quote is at $6. Most would recommend staying away from the big chain clinics with good reason. My advice to you would be to avoid the hair club and do ALOT of research on this site and others. Pick a few of the recommended doctors on this site and have consultations with each of them. At that point you should be informed enough to make a sound decision. Whatever you don't rush into this.
  8. Thanks for the response. Yeah I went on to the HASCI website and they have prices and before and after pics that you can check out. The before and after pics are not very impressive to be honest. They don't look bad, but most of the docs on here are producing better results with traditional methods imo. I thought it was an interesting procedure none the less. It is very exciting to see so many Doctors like Dr. Cooley and others starting to push the limits of what is possible. Very exciting stuff!!
  9. http://www.scissorboy.com/video/index/122/-1/all/40 (Sorry if I’m not supposed to post outside links remove it if necessary but this patient video is important to my question) So i saw this info posted on another forum about Dr. Coen Gho at The Hair Science Institute and I am a little confused. In this video and write up it looks and sounds like they are using hair multiplication in this procedure but I wasn't aware that it was possible at this time. I thought we were still years away from this. Am I missing something? If this is hair multiplication then does this mean that donor supply issues are solved? If there are any Doctors who could chime in and help clarify if this is a new technique or technology I would appreciate it.
  10. Agreed. I believe if this was a cure it would be plastered all over the place by now. I have been following this company for a while now. I believe that there is some merit to their claims but I believe the percentage of hair regrowth is very low and thus not worth the 8000-13000 cost. Also as a general rule I disregard any hair loss treatment as bogus when they claim noticeable results in "2 weeks" as the recoverup video does. An elementary understanding of the human hair follicle life cycle will show you that noticeable results in two weeks are physically impossible.
  11. This forum is not here for you to spam and peddle your products. please go away
  12. ohhh man I think you are gonna be one happy camper!!! Best of luck to you buddy!!
  13. So this is my first post here, but I am a loooong time lurker. Although I cant speak for hairlosshelp because I haven't frequented that site, I don't believe this site to be biased towards strip procedures. In fact I believe this site to be one of, if not the best objective hair loss sites in existence. There are many examples of fue & fut procedures on this site, and each procedure has it's advantages and disadvantages. An fue procedure is generally going to be smaller in number of grafts harvested compared to an fut procedure, so for individuals with greater degrees of hair loss it is usually not an option. A fue procedure will however minimize, if not eliminate, the scars in the donor area. The fut, or strip procedure, is going to be able to harvest a greater number of grafts. It will however leave a larger scar in the donor area. However, in the hands of a quality surgeon the scar is greatly minimized, if not invisible. Aside from a handful of doctors represented on this site most of the recommended doctors perform both procedures. So the bias you precieve may have more to due with the patients represented on the forums more than the administers or the doctors.
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