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Everything posted by greatjob

  1. No I have not had any work done with Dr. Lindsey, but I have seen a lot of his work and have always been impressed with is knowledge, skill, and dedication. Along with Dr. Glenn Charles I think Dr. Lindsey is the most personally active doctor on this forum and he routinely answers questions and offers input, I think that says a lot about him volunteering his time to help out patients. I initially though about him when I read your case because I don't think I have seen any other doctor post more challenging repair cases than him. But like I said I don't think you could go wrong with either the Shapiros or Dr. Lindsey, both top notch.
  2. Really? Nothing in my post was nonsense or biased. Please if you want to have a meaningful conversation based on facts act like a big boy instead of resorting to dismissive useless responses. Not one of Dr. Gho's results in his photo gallery on his own website is on par with any of the top traditional HT clinics that are posted everyday. What is the point of getting a HT with regeneration if the recipeint area only sees marginal mediocre improvements? The ultimate goal of a HT is to restore the hair on top of the head and Gho is severley lacking in that aspect. Donor regeneration and hair multiplication are definitely the future, but it is not here yet in any meaningful form. Keep up with what? Here is your post #8: Kindly explain how that tells me anything about you claiming there is a doctor that is getting 50% regeneration with Acell, and please keep you pompous condescending tone and comments to yourself. You make pretty bold claims about the state of regeneration with nothing to back it up, and we're all supposed to what bow down at your feet and thank you?
  3. It is very possible that the clinic you consulted with is not capable of performing a large enough single sessions to meet your expectations. There really aren't very many clinics capable of performing single session procedures to restore a patient with your level of loss. And there is also the possibility that due to your situation you may not be a suitible candidate for a megasession. I will assume that you are talking about a strip procedure, please correct me if I am wrong, and there are certain physiological factors that will determine how many grafts can be transplanted in a single session, namely scalp laxity and hair density. Very fortunate patients who have very good laxity and density are able to extract a very high number of grafts from a single procedure, whereas other less fortunate patients must undergo several treatments to achieve the same results. Honestly most HT patients undergo multiple procedures because hairloss is a progressive condition. I am not sure who you have consulted with, but if your goal is to achieve the biggest impact with a single procedure I suggest you consult with Hasson & Wong and Dr. Rahal if you are in North America and if you from outside NA I'm sure other members can help you out because I am not very familiar with those doctors capabilities. Bottom line, if you are seriously considering a HT you are in the right place, there is a lot of experience here and the best doctors in the world are represented here do a lot of research and make sure you know what you are getting into.
  4. From your list I would choose either the Shapiros or Dr. Lindsey. Ron and Paul Shapiro are some of the best there is and Dr. Lindsey is IMO the most well rounded surgeon in the hair restoration industry and routinely takes on unusual and very challenging repair cases. You could also widen your search and consider other doctors, but I don't think you could go wrong with either of these two.
  5. Getting close now man! Dr. Konior is absolutely top notch and I am sure you are in good hands. I look forward to seeing your updates.
  6. That study consisted of 54 men, I would hardly call that a valid sample size to make any meaningful correlation to the whole population of finasteride users. Sides effects are definitely higher than Merck originally reported and they have been forced to amend their warnings, but to claim side effects occur in 96% of users from a single study that consisted of 54 participants is not accurate
  7. Where on Earth did you get those percentages? And minoxidil doesn't just work on the crown. The crown was the only area treated in the clinical trials so they can't legally claim that it works anywhere else. It is more effective on the crown, but I have experienced good regrowth on my temple points and many others have experienced regrowth on other parts of the scalp than the crown
  8. I don't think anyone is accusing Dr. Feller of using concealer in any of his photos, but since the patient sent in the pics that wouldn't be the case anyways. To me it definitely looks like the patient is wearing concealer and probably didn't disclose that fact when he sent in the pics. Either that or he is using some weird hair products
  9. Ironman is a troll and I'm pretty sure he is affiliated with Gho in some way. I have seen all of those posts on the bald truth talk and they definitely don't prove Dr. Gho's claim of donor regeneration. Dr. Gho has a very poor track record throughout his career making wild claims and not thoroughly backing them up. And even if he is getting the regeneration he claims his results in the recipient area are piss poor and not on par with the majority of surgeons on this site. Ultimately a HT is about results whether there is donor regeneration or not, and Gho's work is very unimpressive. I know all about all of Gho's cases, when I asked for links I was refering to your claim that surgeons were seeing 50% regeneration with Acell. I stay up to date on most treatments and I have yet to see anyone documenting regeneration at that rate using Acell To the original poster, people on here may be a little biased towards flap and expansion/reduction procedures because we have not every seen any success stories and to be honest they are outdated procedures just like plugs, micro and mini grafts. I think you have been fortunate because from looking at your pics it seems to be pretty successful but I wouldn't risk going that route again when there are much better treatments out there
  10. My hair was much worse at 18, I pretty much started loosing my hair as soon as puberty set in, I know it sucks serious donkey d*ck. My biggest regret is I let the sides of finasteride scare me off at 18 and I lost a lot more hair, and in the end I took the drug anyways and had no sides and it stopped my hair loss. So my suggestion to you is to give it a try, if you get serious sides after a couple months on it then stop, nothing lost and nothing gained. Permanent sides are very rare.
  11. I'm almost 5 months post op from my last procedure, but I will probably be going back after the one year mark with what will hopefully be my last procedure. Happy for you though, you seem like a stand up guy, good luck (although I really don't think you need it)!!
  12. Congrats brotha! Rahal's clinic is first class, heads and tails above my first HT experience and my first doc is highly regarded! With all those threes your gonna be a happy man!
  13. Can you please provide links to back up these claims. I know Dr. Cooley was experimenting with plucking and Acell but I don't recall him getting anywhere near 50% regeneration. Also I have reviewed all of Dr. Gho's literature and I have serious doubts about his claims. He doesn't have the best track record, and although his work has been published in peer reviewed journals, I have colleagues who have been published that I wouldn't trust with a potato gun, so I will hold out judgement on Dr. Gho until he provides more evidence instead of having his fanboys prove his theories on other forums.
  14. I have experienced this problem before, but they went away after 5-6 months post-op.
  15. Why don't you post up some pre-op and post-op pics in this thread and the members here can evaluate your results?
  16. lol! Please remove your tin foil hat before responding...
  17. Yeah screw the teachers with their cushy jobs making loads of money, doing little work just taking hard working tax payers money like yourself and giving nothing back to society... You want to bash cops and firemen next?
  18. Good luck man!! I'm happy for you, I think this last one might be the end of your journey. I wish I was getting my procedure done while you were there, if I remember right you are a chemistry guy, I'm working on my PhD in molecular biology and biophysics and would love to be in the house with another science nerd, lol. Good luck brotha you already look great and after this one you are going to be a HT poster child!!
  19. if your hair is buzzed to a 0 guard it is very hard to access your current level of loss and present situation, which is probably the reason for the numbers varying so much. If you are in the care of a capable FUE surgeon then 2000 grafts via FUE is essentially the same as 2000 grafts via strip. The difference in quotes probably has less to do with the method of surgery as it does your hair being cut very short
  20. I had some success improving my temple points with minoxidil. It didn't work miracles but I got some pretty good regrowth, just a thought.
  21. WTF? is it Dr. Voldemort or something, he who shall not be mentioned. Last time I checked this is an open forum...
  22. Like others have said you are probably the only flap/reduction/expansion patient I have ever seen with good results. However I could never in good conscious recommend you to undergo another one of those procedures. If you want to take care of your crown I would highly recommend you consult with the surgeons recommended here. if you tell us where you are located we can recommend some great docs in your area or not too far from you.
  23. It's very concerning that the clinic can't give you an exact number of transplanted grafts, no clinic worth a damn is going to give you a rough estimate of the grafts you received they will tell you exactly how many grafts you received and the break down of the number of 1, 2, 3 hair grafts. Who was your doctor?
  24. Yeah mickey I dont disagree with anything you said here, and I definitely was not refering to you in my post as crazy fear mongers and crooks or butchers or anything. My problem is when people reccomend a procedure without sufficient information, whether it be FUE or strip. There are a ton of factors to consider when recommending a HT plan and without assessing all of those factors its pretty much impossible to give a recommendation, and usually when i see that I step in.
  25. No one is really going to be able to accurately tell you how many grafts you received either from a picture or in person. You could tell us how many grafts you were charged for and we could tell you if it sounds about right. Also if you tell us who your doctor was we can tell you if they are generally regarded as ethical, in which case you would have no reason to question what was charged
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