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Everything posted by Nick153452

  1. I see that you have already had a large amount of grafts alread extracted. What did H&W estimate your donor area to be?
  2. Soo, I know that people have talked extensively about how they can style their hair after an FUT procedure, but most of the questions I have encountered have centered around the fact that they are already in their growth phase (6+ months post op). What I would like to know is what grade of a buzz, or how short can one generally have their hair a month after post op. The reason I am asking the question is because I am leaving to Europe for 2.5 months and would like to get my hair cut as short as possible so that I can avoid getting it done over there (hair cuts often cost 30$ over there) Would I be able to get away with 1/2 inch and still maintain a covered scar? If Dr Feller reads this, that would be great to hear from you. I've watched all of your recent videos and I see that you're online. However, you wouldn't be required to make a video for such a simple question
  3. Some rare, blessed individuals skip shedding phase and go into growth phase right away. I've seen cases where 3 month-4 month post op are incredible due to this.
  4. Formidable results! I am thouroughly impressed! However, I am to believe that this is a 3,100 case as stated in the patient description and not the 2,100 grafts claimed in the thread tittle? Regardless, stunning results.
  5. May I suggest not smoking?? You've gone so long without it any starting up again would be a shame.
  6. I'm not entirely sure that an in person consultation is necessary. However, it is obviously preferable. Diep actually has a fairly extensive collection of videos on youtube if you wanted to check them out. Personally, for me, I really only trust certain doctors with my hair, and H&W are amongst those who I would love to work with in the future.
  7. You've probably undergone a bit of shedding. Yesterday was my 3 week hairnaversary and I look as though I hadn't even underwent a hair transplant, it even looks, in some areas, as if I am more bald than I was pre-op. The best thing I am able to do is just cover it up, and wait it out - I advise the same to you.
  8. I've always wondered if I have a form of non-genetic hairloss. the reason I say that is because, well, all of my 60 some cousins and dozens of aunts and uncles and grandparents have wonderful hair. Nobody in my family balds. Even my brothers have wonderful hair.... This thread really wants me to get my hair and case checked out.
  9. Personally, I don't see how someone can claim that you'll go to a high level balding class. I think that's a little too premature to assume. From what I can see, you have fairly good hair in your crown, vertex and just generally behind your receding hairline. Maybe they're seeing something I'm not, but I'm not seeing miniaturization going on?? Anyways, I don't agree that it's too early, however, I think you'll want to set reasonable expectations and stay conservative with your hairline in case you do end up with more hair loss.
  10. Beautiful result! I'm always astonished how well the results turn out despite Indians having low 3-haired grafts for density.
  11. Is there a reason they choose beard hair over chest hair for the crown? It seems to me that one could achieve a more natural and dense look given that chest hair seems to have more multi-hair groupings.
  12. Impressive. I've been looking into having my next procedure with him. This is very promising.
  13. Yeah. Do people who have earlier shedding tend to have earlier regrowth too? Or is there no correlation and it's all just a random process?
  14. :-| I may have to give SMG a call. I really just hope that the native hair comes back where it was actually semi-dense. I'm just panicy about everything haha.
  15. Umm, I don't think I had a "high" fever. It is mostly a cold. I'm getting a little nervous that my shock loss is going to be extensive. Would a fever at day 14+ have an effect on results?
  16. Indeed, a picture says a thousand words.
  17. My apologies to those who are following my progress. I told you that I was going to post pictures last week, but I got sick and was working crazy hours. So here are my 19 days post op photos. Let me know what you think. I have done quite a bit of shedding already and am losing hair faster than I've ever lost it before.
  18. I think your results will be fine. Overall hairloss isn't that extensive yet.
  19. It most definately is the stage. However, as I said, it's not extremely uncommon. What's funny, to me at least, is that I can only recall people having slanted hairlines with higher right sides. I don't ever see them to the left..
  20. Some people have slanted hairlines naturally. I don't think it's going to make a noticeable difference in the end.
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