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Everything posted by Nick153452

  1. For me, It's hard to tell with that hairline as we can't really see what his normal hair texture is. But normally hair texture is uniform on a head, so having curly hair on the hairline of a curly-haired individual is not out of the norm.
  2. I remember H&W posting a result of an Italian patient who had a MEGA MEGA session of I believe nearly 10,000 grafts.. I would be interested to know how much that one ran!
  3. Congrats Taco!! Isn't it exciting to watch those months fly by? Granted, I hate my birthday and getting older, but this year, I'm willing to make an exception. I get so excited as I can say, "WoW, two months in, only 4 more to go until I have semi-matured results!" Hang in there buddy, we're all in this together! Wait a second, did I just quote High School Musical??
  4. I don't think that any doctor would work on your, unless they found that your donor and laxity allowed you for around 8000 or more grafts and that you knew that you had a few hair transplants in the future as well. Truth be told, you are destined for being a high NW patient. I can already see your sides dropping and advanced diffuse thinning. It's all going to go. There are doctors that can bring high NW patients back from the brink in both strip and FUE now. However, not everybody can be saved. If you were able to take finasteride, things may be different. However, the availability for supplementary treatments out there is lacking at this point. There is some great research being done into future treatments and preventions of baldness, but that is in the years to come.
  5. Spanker, you have a knack for finding Dr Paul Shapiro results for me. Nice find.
  6. Feller is 10$/graft. Personally, the best FUE doctor in the world, Lorenzo, chargest I believe 8.45$..... I dunno, when people say money shouldn't be a deciding factor, they're either wrong, or rich. Money is always a huge factor. However, never sacrifice QUALITY!! If you can get great quality for less, why not? That said, Dr. Feller is a wonderful doctor, and one of my top choices overall, albeit, I would only choose him for an FUT procedure
  7. Well you're supposed to shed, but that looks like a fairly intact graft. Other pictures I have seen where people assure that it's nothing to worry about are not as intact as that (maybe I'm wrong). Especially how much you said you have lost. Who was your doctor?
  8. If I were to go with Dr. Feller, I would do strip with him, as he's very affordable with his strip surgeries. However, he's a bit expensive with his FUE surgeries. There are other doctors out there who do very good work for significantly less. That's just my two cents though. If you're dead set on him for FUE, go ahead. However, if it were me, and I were doing FUE, I would be either with Dr. Lorenzo (in England or Spain), or one of the many Turkish doctors who charge as little as 1.5$/graft as compared to 7$+ in the USA.
  9. It looks like a graft...... Like Spanker, I would like a doctor's input on this....
  10. Your results are going to be AMAZING. Your hair is already wonderful. I can't wait to see the results. Your donor amount makes me envious!
  11. Congrats Spanker. Your results are world-class. I'm glad that you'll be sticking around the forums to shed your wisdom, and no longer your hair.
  12. No truer words have ever been spoken. I first went to talk with Matt Zupan at Shapiro Medical Group when I was 21, and at this point I was seriously considering a hair transplant. He told me no, because he realized I hadn't really done as much research as I should have, and had unrealistic expectations given my age. Two years later, when he realized my expectations had changed when I went in for a chat and updated photos (where it was revealed that my balding had progressed). So I opted to do whatever the doctor wanted to do with me, as long as I would have pretty good density. So I opted for SMG's specialty; conservative hairline. Obviously, it's not what anybody dreams of having in the best case scenario, but I do think that it was the best choice for me in hind-sight. If your whole family is bald, the genetics are highly against you. Unfortunately, genetics Does not change in accordance with your friends. That being said, plan for the worst and hope for the best. In my case, None of my family is bald, yet I'm on my way to being a NW5...
  13. Dr Rahal is an excellent choice! He is amongst my favorite doctorrs on this forum as far as results go. Plus, he has a pretty decent travel package! As far as your question about shock loss, I'm not entirely sure I understand correctly. Could you please re word it?
  14. Just to chime in, Dr Diep does great work. I am overall impressed with the results that he puts out on a routine basis. Happy growing!
  15. I really don't know whether or not finasteride helped for me, and I may never know. However, I'm sticking with it.
  16. Umm, yes, it is possible to take any hair and put it on your head. But it isn't cosmetically the same hair, mind you. Hair on different parts of your body, when transplanted to your head, will maintain the same hair-growth properties as where it was taken from. For example, if you transplant hair from your chest, you will have chest hair growing on your head, not scalp hair. There are many disadvantages to this.... It generally doesn't look very good in my opinion. The best hair to transplant to your head, because it has similar growth patterns as scalp hair, is BEARD HAIR! Yes, put that beard on your head!! OBVIOUSLY, you're going to want to exhaust your scalp donor supply before you even start to worry about body hair (BH) transplantation. If you want to take a look at some results, I suggest you look at Dr. Umar from California; he is known as the body-hair transplantation specialist. You will see that BH transplantation doesn't give the desired cosmetic appearance that those of us who have scalp hair are looking for. Hope that helps. Let me know if you have any more questions. I'm not the most knowledgeable person on this forum by any means. But I am every bit as interested as the others
  17. Yes, I agree Agenteye. I have no problems with a surgeon having multiple clients a day provided that they are capable of giving both world class work. To be honest, the surgeons work mostly includes incisions and extraction of donor. The rest of the work in FUSS surgery is tech work. Who is to say that, while the techs are dissecting grafts and placing grafts, the doctor can't go work on another patient (if they are talented enough to do it). FUE, however, I think one client a day is essential. Surgeon skill is MUCH more important in FUE, imo and he should be involved A through Z. However, I don't really know of any respectable surgeons who take more than one person a day. Maybe I'm wrong??
  18. Can Dr. Lorenzo please stop doing HTs? He's making me really want to forgo any surgery until I can afford him!
  19. I was told that I could get a haircut at 2 weeks. However, I waited until about 1 month (unreleated to being a paranoiac). I wanted my haircut as close as possible to my European trip
  20. You are for sure young for a hair transplant. However, some people are so blessed with an above average donor supply with above average donor laxity that allows them to address any level of balding. That being said, if you do meet these qualities, you may be a candidate for a HT at your age, although most doctors would suggest against it, because you'll most likely have to have a hair transplant in the next 3-4 years. They would much rather try to stabilize the hair loss and then address what needs to be addressed at that time in order to save you time, money, and unneeded emotions. I am speaking, of course, of respectable doctors -- ones that actually enjoy what they're doing more than how much money they can make off of somebody, even if that person is 19 years old. By the looks of your picture, you do look you have a good donor density, which will work into your favor, and if I remember right, your skin is on the darker side, which minimizes the contrast between your scalp and your hair, giving a more dense look. I suggest that you get on finasteride until you are at least 21 years old, do research in the meanwhile, and if a hair transplant is something you're still looking at, do it. Just do a lot of research and make sure you get a good doctor.
  21. If I were you, I would make life easier and go to Turkey. They have some incredible FUE surgeons there and it would be a lot more affordable. Just be aware that you may need to take a conservative approach as you may end up losing a lot more hair.
  22. Be careful of Dr Diep I've seen picutres where he extracts hairs outside of the safe zone, which can lead to potential problems in the future. I highly doubt that you're going to be a good candidate for a hair transplant by a respectable surgeon due to the small amount of hairloss that you actually have. If you were older, and had your hairloss under control, it would be a different story. But they just don't know how much hair you're going to lose and don't want to put you in a boat that you may regret later. If you were willing to go on medicine, you may be a candidate in a year or so.
  23. I've heard great things about Demisroy, although I haven't seen much of his work. I am a huge fan of Dr. Doganay, and he is also, in my opinion, the best FUE surgeon in the world for the price. Dr Erdogan has a great reputation too, but his prices are a little higher than Doganay.
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