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Everything posted by Sean

  1. Wazaam, i hope things are better for you. I really want to thank you for advice, both here and in private. Definately waiting to have my scalp heal, it has been impacted big time, in a small recipient zone filled with native hairs thats recieved around 4500 grafts. No doubt there are numerous factors that could have played a role in the yield and result, but that is something i dont want to think about. Right now it is to take advice and filter out a top FUE doc to rectify the issue so all my goals are answered and i do not face any issue. Proper framing, density issues, donor issues needing repair would be key things to avoid stares and comments. These things happen in my daily life and it is bothersome. Thank you for that list and i appreciate your well wishes and likewise, i hope your concerns are addressed as well.
  2. Win, thanks for the support. Right now, i am getting some confusion on how the doc is planning on handling it. Including when the doc plans on taking care of it after i see which expert fue surgeon decides to work on me ? Havent heard any update yet and still waiting for analysys by other docs to see how to approach this. Once that is done, then i can see how to approach it. I dont intend to jump right back in the chair but try to do this smart and effective. Definitely agree with you that scalp needs to heal, there was a lot of impact in a zone where there was native hair. Skin actually feels different in the recipient zone. I got too many folks commenting negatively in person or gaving wandering eyes that i think a fix is necessary but i am in a weird situation. Most likely the doctor who repairs will have to work in front of impacted areas to properly frame and give a decent look. I really appreciate your well wishes and thanks you commending me about my service. I really appreciate it.
  3. Mav, thank you for the suggestions. I think folks you mentioned have solid results. It would be great to get estimates from docs to see how many grafts would be needed and whats the best way to approach this.
  4. Interesting, would love to see before and after results. Is there a number of times the application has to be repeated in order to get the 9% density increase. Look forward to any updates. Thanks for the info FUE2014.
  5. When was your procedure? Dr. De Reys is working under pro hair clinic now? I thought he had his own practice now?
  6. Corey, dorry I didn't know you had a preop pic posted. I could't see a noticeable difference. If you ever get pics from the clinic, do share. Best thing for you to do now is to proceed wisely. Very sorry to see you in such a situation. This indeed is stressful and time consuming process. I just hope you get the help and assistance you need to rectify the situation, either monetary or repair. Best wishes.
  7. Honestly, it is not a result i would expect after going through such a restoration. It doesnt look like the goal was answered. Not sure what your preop pics look like, but right now i would say you need a procedure to hide that distinct halo/bird nest look. How many grafts would you need to remedy that situation? Crown takes a lot of grafts, you may need more than what was recommended. Its good to at least get feedback from ohysicians to see how many grafts will be needed accurately. Wish you the best but you have lost time wiaiting for your goals to be answered. I guess you will have to waste more time in waiting again after a much needed repair. Repair may cost you well over that $5k quoted, but you need to really analyze what you want to do. I hope you get some feedback both from clinic and other authentic posters/members. Wish you the best and hope you can move forward without much hassle or any other stressor/obstacle presented.
  8. Trying to post a nice comment for this result, but says my post is under moderator review.
  9. One of the best priced clinics in North America, with a doc who is very involved in the procedure, turning out results like this. There was a time where folks said this was impossible, where higher norwoods could not get FUE. Johnny Caspar must be happy and this is only 6 months post op. Putting out some top quality work Dr Vories. Quality of work+fair prices = Your work is standing out in North America. Outstanding.
  10. This is certainly something worth mentioning doc and should be mentioned everytime you post a result like this. Some docs have do not follow such a protocol and this is something a lot of folks have asked me about, that do i know docs that do their own work and pace the surgery etc? I mean folks want to know what type of services they are paying for and doctor involvement. I really think your FUE protocol and skill has to do something with the yield. Especially considering the hair type being on the finer side. 2000 something grafts and it looks like nearly all yielded. Contrary to the belief of some docs and folks that claim FUE is low yielding than FUT. I think you nailed it here, keep them results coming.
  11. Lol at "specstronix". Had to just pop up and signed up a few hours ago to bash Joe and from "Afghanistan" and so forth. It is a suspicious user that could be the type instigating all of this mess. You know one of the "concerned" people privately messaging the mods. Or it can be a butthurt doc or affiliate of that doc etc. Spectronix, are you one of the hidden folks that pm mods to have a doctor approved when active posting members of the community object? http://www.hairrestorationnetwork.com/eve/178341-potential-recommendation-dr-kapil-dua-india.html Spectronix, you do realize that Joe has actually met thousands of patients face to face(even called,chatted,cam), consulted for docs, advised docs on how to take care of patients, how to use or consider tools for efficiency, calculate feasible rates, and a lot of other analytical things, offering one of a kind videos and experiences, aside from money other things. He certainly does have a strong hairloss celebrity status, so much so, that even some of my balding military buddies even knew about him, surprisingly, without me bringing his name to the conversation. He also liases between patients that may have concerns between doctors and does not hammer patients but understands to help mitigate issues and concerns. Spectronix, i really think joe has a different approach and is not the person you are claiming he is. He is out to help folks and is emotional and passionate about it. You can catch him on skype for support and he offers that unique thing too. I dont see other places complaining about him because i guess they are probably not getting your hunting pms or those mods are ignoring those pms as they know by now he is an asset that has built a reputation as a patient advocate and mentor. Spectronix, I think it would be professional if you at least reveal yourself online to a person you are attacking. Reveal your real name and identity as Joe has revealed his real name and you know who he is. Dont hide. This is a method used by another doc to make things fair here: http://www.hairrestorationnetwork.com/eve/179786-fut-more-popular-than-fue-19.html Specstronix, if you have issues with Joe, then talk it out with him. I do not know how he can't be an asset to the forums. By using media (TV,radio,etc,) he actually has brought folks to the forums, thus increasing their popularity and possibly profits. Joe, you are a nice guy, but there may be folks or clinics with more power/connections more than others recommended, and unfortunately, the folks that are privately messaging to mods and are attacking you, could very well be the same ones attacking other recommended docs questioning their techniques in this community as well. Either if it is through public rants or private. This is tragic, but i think there are people out there wanting to break relationships for their own marketing+business goals/agendas. People that may try to cause an issue with you and this network, where you have given tons of advice and helped countless sufferers. I really think you are genuinely trying to help. I for one know that you didnt try to sell me any doc, that's what real mentoring is about. Hope things resolve soon.
  12. Can't wait to see updates, Joe. It gives a lot of folks, like myself, a perspective on how the services and people are in other parts of the globe. Truly a unique concept, it is like you are bringing us along for for the experience. I think it makes some folks comfortable of travelling globally, whether it be someone going all the way to Asia or whether someone from another country is visiting North America. Please do update and keep us posted. Is there anything else you can share from one of the biggest FUE workshops in the Mediterranean? I saw the list of docs, they had some well known names there.
  13. Tawakul, it is concerning. Create your own thread so you can get many comments. I can see your concern. Hope you get some resolve.
  14. I am going to have to say keep an eye on the donor area. Depending on how the extractions were spaced and what not, shockloss can be a big factor. You will know in about a year from the date of your surgery as to where this will be headed. Keep an eye on it. Hope it works out for you. Do document your progress for your own safety. Good luck.
  15. Was Dr. Lorenzo ever recommended by the Hair Restoration Network? I have heard various unaffiliated posters recommend him. Any updates with the screening or recommendation?
  16. Choose wisely, evaluate and ask about surgeons surgical protocol and if it is right for you. Review consent forms if you can. Review patient gaurantees of each if something doesnt work out. Ask what is offered? Try to message real patients to get feedback. If you want information regarding some Turkish docs it may be a good idea to get some input from Joe Tillman (the Mentor). He is a busy guy, but maybe he can help. He knows a lot of docs in the industry and even was at the Mediterranean FUE workshop in Turkey where many well known docs were present (including Dr Erdogan). Dr Erdogan is not a bad choice. He does push out some decent work.
  17. Whats crazy is that some forums made him seem that he does neograft the same way as other docs. If it wasn't for you to clarify, i am sure other, including myself, would think he uses the typical air suction neograft device. So, it seems like he is only using it as a motorized punch less the air suction portion. It is good to know. It would be nice if moderators give a list of recommended tools and devices and care methods as asked in another thread. Because there were claims made that other docs use other tools and techniques and cleaning methods that may impact a result or make it subpar. However, that notion was intended for low charging docs by others. But it is good to know the details on how this doc utilizes his tools. Without that knowledge, most would think he is the average neograft doc using a machine that uses air pressure to suck grafts.
  18. Blake, i was referring about the tools used and how it was mentioned the care of tools can be a factor? I wasnt referring to who uses technicians. The 'at least three' you mention using techs or multiple operating rooms, are they Dr Koray, Dr lorenzo, and Dr Keser? Because from what I read, it seems Dr Vories, Dr Karadeniz, and Dr Bhatti mentioned they did it themselves? But you know what is even more crazy, there are some recommended docs in North America that also have techs extract, have multiple operating rooms, and do multiple patients a day. Some of those docs have done cases of 3000 grafts or higher for a patient too in one day. I dont know how folks can differentiate that from some non recommended docs that also do the same in other regions of the globe, yet those docs charge less. In the end, i think it is the cost of living and labor rates in other countries that assist in such docs able to keep prices low and even allow some docs to handle a one patient one procedure a day protocol. Granted there are some that do more than one patient a day, but we see that in North America as well? Some of those recommended North American docs charge over $7-8 a graft versus $1-$2.5 a graft in other regions. Some of those docs that charge low figures are members of this forum. That doesnt mean them charging less equates to sub par or lesser quality work as most other North American docs. There is a key player in the affordable personalized FUE North American market and that is Dr Vories, that is if he continues to keep his rates low while maintainjng a great FUE surgery protocol, then that doctor will continue to stand out as he is recommended and mentioned in forums. I dont see him as a lower quality result doctor versus others based on the notion that cheaper price equates to lesser quality work. I also just read that Dr Konior charges $5.5 per graft? What's his FUE surgical protocol? Does it mean he is not as good as those that charge over $8 per graft? How can price be a quality factor if some recommended docs charge less than others that are also recommended?
  19. Joe, your comment is spot on. Some folks saying cheaper clinics arent good enough as the top chargers is assanine. That's the type of comments some folks want to research and look into. That is what misleads and decieved some patients who paid top dollar and now have half ass results versus some guy who paid low rates with either Dr Bhatti, Dr Karadeniz, Dr Vories, Dr Koray, Dr Keser, Dr Lorenzo and other cheaper reasonable docs Etc etc and still got super results. Talent is in the hand of the doc, not the price. Ive known folks who raced Lamborghinis against corvettes and the corvette still won. Corvette costs less. It was the driver that was able to handle better than the guy in the Lambo. Price now means nothing. This forum will probably consider more low charging docs become members at one point or another. Most of these cheaper docs werent described as recommended on this forum until they joined and showed what they can do. They are recommended yet they charge what the average man/woman can handle better financially. To say that low cost means sub par or lacks quality, is something that is missing sound logic.
  20. Some of the cheaper clinics even use well known industry tools used by docs in North America. To say they don't, is misinformation. Can users have a list of brand name tools so they know what to ask a clinic? Harris SAFE fue system? Lion implanter pen? Serrated blunt punch? Other scribes and punches? Some doctors have their own patented punches, Dr Umar's UGraft system? List can keep going. So is there a list of definite branded tools recommended clinics use versus the other so called cheaper clinics that put out the same quality and in some cases, possibly better due to direct doctor handling and surgical FUE protocols? What does it mean some surgeons do not properly care for their tools? I think for these concerns brought up, it will be nice to get a list of proper tools and caring techniques that should be undertaken.
  21. Great to see H&W doing FUE , and manual at that. Cant wait to see these results when matured. How long did this case take to perform?
  22. This result is subpar. The operation seemed ill planned in design and based on your level of loss. You definitely need some sort of remedy. The best anyone can do is give this person honest advice and not to mislead them by putting it on them. These are the results you dont see most of the time as real patients do not post on forums the majority of the time. I hope you have a proper remedy provided by the doctor, whether it be a proper repair by another doc or etc. this is the type of stuff officials want to look into.
  23. This is some fine work, Dr. Vories. Very nice facial framing and work overall. Your patient must be thrilled.
  24. Artas costs like 200k to 300k and then there are graft extraction fees. The major thing about Artas is that since the machine is extracting, in places where techs are not allowed to extract grafts, this tool gives them ability to do so as it is not direct extraction by techs (creates a loophole). It also enables faster extractions so clinics can take care of.multiple patients or surgeries a day. I think it twists surgical protocols for FUE and is for maximizing profits and worth the high costs. Based on online discussions, most folks rather would have a surgeon extract and to do it nice and steady and take utmost care with graft extraction, but such clinics are rare in North America. There are probably a handful.
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