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Everything posted by MusoInOz

  1. Hey mate, MSM is good, however takes quite some time to kick into gear. It will disrupt the growth off all tissue eg: Nails, Hair, Beard etc. In some cases it causes lucid dreams. I found this within the first few weeks anyway. People report stomach issues upon commencement also. Have a bit of a read, I would say at 7 months you have done a substantial amount of growing so MSM may not be a huge kick from where you are at, it definitely assists with growth though. No question. Mike.
  2. Guys be careful and consult your local Doctor prior to experimenting with mixing Fin and Dut. I see this all too often. Playing with medication no matter how strong can still cause long term damage if unmonitored. Mike
  3. No problems mate. I understand your concerns, I really do however you need to understand that surgery at your age really is not the best idea. It sounds ideal but the negatives will outweigh the positives. Minox won't maintain your existing hair it is not designed for that. Your hair may have gone through a rough patch whilst on fin because that is what it does sometimes. You may have experienced a shed or the hair may have been adjusting to the medications, you honestly did not give it enough time. Posting photos will definitely help assess where you are currently at but I will stand by the no surgery route for now due to your age mate. Trust me when I say you will regret it later down the line if things progress. You will have a very hard time finding a good surgeon to do the work you desire. The places you have listed above are quite questionable in both ethics and skill. Keep up the research my friend. Mike.
  4. Hi mate, You have certainly chosen a great surgeon ;-) I regards to a DHT blocker if Fin is giving you issues you could possibly look into Dutasteride however be wary that the side effects can be somewhat more fluent in some people. Maybe have a search through the forum. The sexual sides if you do get them usually subside after a litle while. How long were you on Fin for before ceasing? By the way your hair looks great at the moment mate! No wonder you are getting compliments with a mop like that :-) Mike.
  5. That is quite something. I have not seen many Dr Devroye patients posting as of late thank you for sharing this with the community! Very happy for you and the result. Mike.
  6. Nanogen/Toppik fibres work far better IMO around the hair line compared to Dermatch. Dermatch is rather messy and sometimes obvious at the hair line. I did try the Nanogen Aquamatch which was pretty good but became to high maintenance for me. Mike.
  7. Very similar loss to myself. This is a great result! Good hair characteristics to boot!! Mike.
  8. Very doubtful the waterfall caused it mate. I remember thinking back to when my hair first started falling out and blaming the new wax I had started using. Obviously it was not the cause. Mike
  9. Strange that your only two posts are pro-Viviscal. Obviously not insinuating that you are a rep for them but if you are this should be declared. It is seen all to often on HTN. Apologies of this is not the case mate. Mike.
  10. Great result considering the amount of grafts. May I ask is the patient on medication? His crown looks stronger at the 12 month mark but this could be due to his hair being slightly longer. Mike.
  11. Hi Ozguy! Thanks very much for sharing on my post! Sorry you had to go down the har route before getting into the right chair ;-) Thanks for the kind comments, I stand behind and strongly believe in Dr Rahals work, keeping my fingers tightly crossed at this point. Mike.
  12. I was pretty much going to say what Matt said. So..."What Matt said"" Mike.
  13. Hi Mate, If you speak with your local Doc you may be able to get on Proscar, which can be cut into 1/4's 1.25mg of Finateride per dose. In most countries your private health will cover the use of Proscar also. One box will last roughly 3-4 months. Mike.
  14. Viviscal was moved from being classed as a prescription Med to Vitamin in Australia. It holds not comparison to Finasteride. Mike.
  15. Hey buddy! I previously used Dr Lee' 15% Minox for a year. In all honesty it was no better than 5%. It is very sticky almost like a glue substance which was very difficult to apply. I am fairly sure Dr Lee's site was taken down but have a good old Google to see. Some online pharm's may still sell the 15%. Good luck in your findings. Mike.
  16. Hey there young1, First of all welcome to the forum. Reading over your post reminded me of myself years ago when I began to recede, it sucks I know. The fact you are aware of the required medications to maintain what your currently have on your head is a giant positive. I see you cease to use Propecia, was this due to side effects? Minox is something you may want to consider, you claim to only have tried it for 6 or so months, it takes far longer to see any real improvement. Often you may see none cosmetically yet the Minox is maintaining your current hair. I would have a VERY strong second think about going in for a procedure at your age, the fact some of these clinics are agreeing to do any work on you question marks thier ethical stance. I am 28 and have only recently had my first procedure, meaning all the years prior having to wait it out and remain on medication howevever I am very glad that I did hold on for my moment. Many surgeons will advise you to get back on Propecia given your age etc. Do you have any current photos to share? This will give others more of a graps on where you stand. Hang in there dude! Hair loss is horrible thing for some, we all know first hand. Let me know if I can help in any way. Mike.
  17. Hey Mate, My email is located in my signature just below. I have recently updated this. Looking over the photos which you have posted above, I am guessing the first shot is from the 4743 grafts procedure? I would agree with you that the result is sub par. There definitely is not 4000+ grafts in the 13 month post op shot, the yield is rather low. This could be due to a number of reasons which I will advise via email. I must say given the area that requires covering NHI were right in shooting for 4000+. I would be interested to see some recent post operative photos. Did the second procedure go back through the original space? Or work on the crown region alone? If you can send some of your HD photos through I would gladly take a look mate. Mike.
  18. Hey Mate, If Euro is your only real travel option I would also recommend Bisanga. However I would research other Surgeons whom specialise in repair work more so. Don't let travel be your hurdle. Mike. PS: I too was under the impression Dr Armani had retired?
  19. Hi Del, Thats a great transformation I am really happy for you. Especially being a NW7 that is really something. Dr Wong is quite the mad scientist! Mike.
  20. Hey Gaza, Welcome to the forum, if you are from the UK I would look into speaking with Spex, a very well respected patient co-ordinator for both Dr Feller in NYC and Dr Lindsey. This forum recommends both Surgeons. Spex is basically the Hair Transplant encyclopedia residing right in your country, I am sure he would assist you. If you're are NW5 and 48 chances are your hair loss is mostly progressed, if looking into surgery I would also research Finasteride which can stabilize any future progression. Being a NW5 FUE is probably not the best option for you due to numbers. You will find FUE and FUT can differ in yield etc. As Dutch pointed out researching is your best option at this stage before pulling the trigger. Cheers mate, Mike.
  21. Hi Guys (or Gals) I have set up a new email account for any Australian/NZ members (or lurkers) with queries or concerns relating to Hair Transplantation/General Hair loss. I have visited almost every clinic in Australia throughout my many years of research, learnt the easiest methods of importing hair loss products, obtaining medication, dealing with private health insurance and most importantly been through a procedure (recently) myself. I want give back by assisting others from my region as the information was not in reach all those years ago upon my initial journey. The Australian Hair Transplantation Industry is certainly not up to par with overseas physicians at this stage, and again I have seen this first hand through meeting with both previous patients and physicians. There is limited information here in Australia for men and women looking into both procedures and products to stabilize their hair loss situations. Many clincis prey on the naivety of prospective patients. Obviously this forum/site will only guide you in the best ways to your Hair goals, I feel that I can still be of assistance to my neighbors here in Australia (and over the pond to New Zealand) since I have gone through the motions and the many thousands of hours of research. I have completed four of six years Medical School which gives me quite a strong insight to the physiology of Hair Loss and Surgical Procedures. My current field of employment is Case working/Counselling which can only aid those affected by Hair Loss and the psychological aspects involved. Feel free to email through any questions/concerns or simply if you need to vent about your current situation. I am here to help if possible. wecanbehairoz@gmail.com Cheers, Mike
  22. Hi Martek! Welcome to the forum. Could you possibly post some photos from your previous transplants? NHI do not have the best name on here especially with fellow Australians (like myself). I had consulted with NHI two years prior before seeing Dr Rahal. They were extremely pushy and unable to answer technical questions which I presented. Possibly since this time the clinic has changed I (like everyone) am very skeptical with Australian clinics. I have visited 6 different clinics through Australia and met dozens of patients all of whom had very sub par results. If you like PM me on here and I can link you to my email. I am here to assist fellow Australians. Thanks mate. Mike
  23. Hey Bill! I chuckled from my nerd point of view that a cardiovascular surgeon would need to know all aspects of the lungs to specialize in that area. But I get what you mean. I'm just raining on the parade. Please know I'm kidding mate! :-) Mike
  24. Good luck mate! Let us know how you get on!! Cheers,
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