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Everything posted by MusoInOz

  1. I will try my best to link as these were quite older posts sir. Possibly 2007-2010. Regards, Mike.
  2. Hey Abraka! Hope you are well sir! I have been using 5% Minox for over 10 years now and in all honesty, depending on brands used and how you react to the solution it will vary on the itch factor. After all of this time I still itch from time to time, going through phases of it actually. Maybe try a few things such as: Applying when damp, using different brand/ingreditents, using one daily etc. My personal experience is applied when damp defintiely held the itch back, the absorbtion from applying wet has been a long discussed method of increasing results....I suggest you have a read around the forum and other community discussions about this. I will link if need be, but GOOGLE away sir! Regards, Mike.
  3. I should add: Response to procedures should be factored in, I have seen cases of FUT success and not FUE on the same patient and vice versa. To choose which is the best option for an intial game plan, it would depend on your situation dude, throw up a pic for us to review Good luck my friend! Mike.
  4. Hi Olmert! In short, I would say both procedures can compliment one another in obtaining most possible grafts, also both are limiting in some respects. There are many cases spread throughout this board and others presenting FUT/FUE combo outcomes, and they look great! FUE has really taken a strong step forward over the past few years and the option of FUE mega type sessions have really changed the game IMO. That said, FUE can really only go so far with harvesting. Should I go back for additional procedures I would be honestly investigation the options of FUE over FUT (purely due to my personal hair style). I have a FUT scar from the harvesting of 2800(ish) grafts, am I unhappy with the scar…no way! FUT, to this day still stands as an excellent and feasible option for many patients, if you intend to keep your hair longer (so above an inch) then FUT is no issue. If you prefer the shaved or faded look then maybe FUT is not for you. I wear my hair in a fade old school slick style shaved down to a #2 guard…no signs of my linear scar! I will post a picture for you. It all comes down the factors of your situation, your donor type, the sought physician, your wallet (yes, I said it) what you would like to achieve etc etc. I may have responded to this in a very round about way, sorry mate J Regards, Mike.
  5. Hey guys! So many good questions reported above!! I will try to flow through some of these for you. 1) Aussie's aren't adverse to travel? Totally agree, I believe the option of travel is very well received for Aussie guys, as a nation we do love to travel (and cause trouble, Ha Ha). There is also a concern factor for some potential patients I have dealt with over the years regarding complications whilst overseas etc. Usually these are subsided after explaining the procedure itself. Pre op jitters I call them. 2) Aussies think that beauty and cosmetic stuff are not something home-grown? I am assuming you mean procedures? Hoping so! I have brought up my procedure to many misguided individuals whom still believes the old school “plug grafts” are still a thing and only available in countries through Asia etc, as many cosmetic procedure apparently are in their mind. This still puzzles me that the HT industry in Australia is so early in its infancy we have yet to even bat and eyelid on the world. 3) Aussie men are the world's biggest head shavers and male vanity is punished more? I would not discredit this statement at all, many guys down here are quite blas? when it comes to hair. If it is thinning what is the easiest option…shave it off. I have so many friends who shave even through their hairline is barely receding; I have gathered this is due to our sarcastic Australian nature of making fun or poking fun should I say at little things such as this. Although I do not agree pickling on others cosmetic misfortunes (especially hair) it is very much ingrained within our culture. The vanity side of things when it comes to hitting the gym etc would not fall into this category. Most Occa Aussie males are so body conscious it is crazy! Nothing wrong with health and fitness though. 4) Aussie docs make too much of a good living doing other stuff? Basically, yes! Other cosmetic surgeries would be concentrating on general procedures such as breast, burns, jaw, chin etc. Hair Restoration really falls to the back burner of these fields. If there were a few high quality Doctors performing stellar HT procedures and showcasing impressive results, I am sure this would turn a few heads down here (pun!), and you can take that to the bank!! Mike.
  6. Hey Mate! I would say that from lengthy personal experience of styling options with the use of minx is that you can commence styling at the same time. You would be fine brushing your hair once it has applied just don’t over do it, this will ensure no tangles and build up of the product which can cause a "dusty head" like effect. Keep in mind if you are suffering from diffuse type loss and using Brylcreem (which is pure oil based product) this may reveal more of a diffuse/thin result. I find matte type products are really helpful or medium shine waxes. Regards, Mike.
  7. Hey buddy! I think what the guys have advised is pretty spot on with your case. Once you kick into the medication game hopefully this will improve the vertex to crown area, your frontal loss would only require minimal amount of grafts to make a huge difference IMO. The FUT or FUE debate would remain open as it is honestly boils down to both personal preference and what the physician recommends is going to be more beneficial. Good luck in your endeavours sir! regards, Mike.
  8. This is a great looking result, reminds me much of my own This guy would be cheering! Regards, Mike.
  9. I really do feel for this gentleman however as it has been pointed out, the human body can basically do unpredictable things during the healing phase. It was stated the patient (404) had poor laxity, Dr Rahals suggestion that the patient was a poor choice for FUT was spot on. Money milking? Sir you must understand that FUE was also developed for poor laxity patients, I can't imagine Dr Rahal held a gun to 404 and demand he get in the chair, sounds as though his forecasted potential was merely given a 50/50 scenario. It's elective surgery, there are risks. NASA manage many successful space missions in which most can only name a handful, however we vividly recall all of their disasters and short comings much like the HT industry. I am not saying it is perfect because that would be a lie, I am a Rahal success thus far so yes... there is an element of favoury in some respect. I am a very paranoid individual and never felt any disconnection in my dealings with Rahal or his staff pre and post op sir. 404, I hope things work out for you mate. I can only imagine how you may be feeling. Mike.
  10. Hey guys! Thought I'd chime in! I will stand by this comment although now being almost three years old. My reasoning is that I have personally visited the "head" clinics in Australia, although there are nice people and reps behind the scenes of them the work is very very sub par. I was actually offered a rep role in Melbourne last year, get this...they wanted to claim my results as theirs for other prospective patients to review. Sick isn't it?! I will always tell a curious individual the ins and outs of my procedure including the pros and cons. Cheers guys! Mike.
  11. Hey guys! Thought I'd chime in! I will stand by this comment although now being almost three years old. My reasoning is that I have personally visited the "head" clinics in Australia, although there are nice people and reps behind the scenes of them the work is very very sub par. I was actually offered a rep role in Melbourne last year, get this...they wanted to claim my results as theirs for other prospective patients to review. Sick isn't it?! I will always tell a curious individual the ins and outs of my procedure including the pros and cons. Cheers guys! Mike.
  12. Here we are! A hairline shot kind of close, during a trip June 2013! Two years post op! I actually had a decent amount of product at this time. Enjoy!
  13. Greetings from Australia Guys!!!!!!!!!! Long LOOOOOONNNG over due update, MANY apologies! I kinda phantomed after returning briefly last year. First off! I owe this board/forum eveything as without it I would still be procrastinating within the walls of my own mind. The lessons I have learned from others regarding what not to do, product use, medications, snake oils, locations etc etc is just invaluable stuff. I promise to pass this on, and in al honesty I have been in small doses back here in Oz. I will get to that later. Well, 2011 June 3rd (which was Friday for those playing at home). I will never forget this day yet the memories are rather hazy, catch 22 much? Dr Rahal and is ever so awesome team sat me down, cut me open, went frming and slayed some grafts then designed me a new hair line. They also future proofed areas beyond for my own satisfaction. All up, 2800 (ish) grafts were placed. Dr Rahal's camp can chime on at any time on the exact numbers. I have attached photographs from exactly 13 months post operation, carry the 2 and I get July 2012. You guys get the same answer? These were photos I returned to the Rahal office, I had lost almost all my progress shots thanks to Apple telling me to update my iOS, I hate fruit. I will try to locate phone shots I took, but honestly amongst the 50 TB or porn it will be hard. I meant the pun. I actually sent these forward at a time when I had though my HT was not at its best, I was really just in a mood the next year, looking back I now see how truly amazing the work is. To this day (I will include up to date photo) it still holds up, no questions, no unnatural look, just great work and placement. I will hack my old posts which have pre op photos also, unless you would like to do this just searching through my previous posts...Im seriously lazy. I mean...3 and a half years to post outcome pictures. Pure. Lazy. I am kind fo all over the place, its Friday night, give me a break. I have spoken with over 10 other patients from Australia and met up with two whom were investigating the posssibilites of travelling up to Ottowa and visit the great Dr with his team. I believe half of these guys did eventually go, have only kept in minimal contact with two. They were happy though, very happy!!! Ill send my invoice to Rahal next week. You;re welcome. Haha! So......god where to go from here. I wrote as if I were speaking....in a bad way I suppose. Ah- Treatments!!! What am I taking and using currently. So, have kept up with the Fin 1.25mg and as mentioned in another post I have been taking .05mg DUTAS every day (Double stacking). I read over 500 posts on many forums last few years and figure I would give this a go, I am aware of the WHY factor of this, I can report that this far my prgress has been quite good. At year one of DUTAS added to the mix so Feb 2014 my crown and vertex felt far stronger than before, this was noticed by mum (my stylist), even though she believes I never had sever issues nor would go entirely bald anyway. GP is keeping an eye on blood work every 4 months, no issues thus far except for the tail. Shampoos, I have learned to really not care. This stuff is on your head for all of a couple minutes EOD however I do use natural shampoo free of SLS Parabens, WMD's etc. Still using Minox morning and night. I apply minox wet in the morning, absorbtion has been better this way, I believe anyway. Hair is easier to style afterwards also. What else...... I dropped vitamins and whatever other stuff, I believe Nanogen shampoo, dropped that 2 years ago. Same stuff at a supermarket costs five dollars. I use fibre paste and matte styling powder on my hair, I do not like gloss-slick looks prefer the dry look so these products are ace! Only ever use a wide tooth comb and so should you! Hair spray for that final hold, anything strong hold based and you are in business!!!!! Yeah...well there is a "brief" update, haha. Like I said, I do owe this board and in all seriousness need to give back, especially other Aussie/NZ guys. My email wecanbehairoz@gmail.com is back up and running just ask for Mike! I will try to answer whatever questions you may have in a flash. Barry Allen style. I'll likely go through the forum and say hi, throw my opion around a little too. I have seen many new Dr's come in so am intrigued on what they are offering. From the slight reading I have done, not a lot has changed but many new faces. Hard to thing I have been researching this stuff for over a decade now. Check my update signature for current info also!! Cheers guys! MusoinOz or Mike. OHHHHHHHH! The BIG question???????????? Will I be returning to Dr Rahal? Hopefully not too soon. I mean that in a nice way. Plus Canada is slow, eh?
  14. Hello! Just a quick update, I haven't posted on here in possibly years now? Wow , two and a half years since my 2800 graft procedure with Dr Rahal. Had a scan through the forum seems much has changed with new members and physicians which is awesome having an extended network for hair loss sufferers. I must apologize I did leave the forum in a bit if a huff two years ago over some trivial garbage that was going on between some members. Now a little older and a little wiser I guess. Noticed Dr Rahal can't post here anymore due to CAN regulations? Kind of sucks but we all know he is the master. My hairline is still pretty good to this day, I did post pictures in my profile but they are not currently there? Possibly a moderator can fail me in on that? No matter I can re post for you all to have a gawk at. June 2014 will be my three year mark which will test my provider vs further loss. I won't lie I believe that I have lost slightly in the side temples since my procedure however Dr Rahal did not plant there. I have some ongoing concerns in on particular temple point which had no hair originally and was transplanted where it seems I have lost some areas...almost as if the hairs look punched out. This is very minute however just something I hav observered the past year. I commenced Dutasteride Feb 2013, is it working? Maybe, I'm not really different to then however I have been taking both Fin and Dut since this point. Dut EOD. Bloods are currently normal. My GP is following my progress. Ill try get some post op, pre op, one year and current photos up. I am have a small think in regards to a second procedure but not for another 12 months I think. Need to tidy up some areas and get the good Doc to check out my vertex etc. My regimen has not really altered minus the use of .5mg Dr Reddys Dutas. I have ditched the concealer as of Dec 2012, just could not be stuffed with it anymore plus my GF though I was nuts using it. Anyway, I'll follow up with my pics and try to be semi social throughout the forum. Cheers guys!
  15. Good evening Gents! (or afternoon/morning depending on your current location) I have not posted on the forum in over a year, I must admit I grew tired of certain negativity floating around on the forum etc however I purchased some tools and built a bridge. I kind of posted non stop up until my HT with Dr Rahal in June 2011 so do the math (carry the 7) it has been 13 months since surgery. I wont go into those details yet I have a year worth of photos to put up as evidence that a HT can be an amazing transformation. I have learnt so so much over the past two years regarding this subject, I believed I would never be a slave to hair greed...well, I am human and I am greedy. My transformation was basically the exact result I thought i would get not what I wished for, this attribute can be thanked by countless hours of research and understanding the limits of HT surgery. I thank this forum for almost everyhting I have come to learn. During my hiatus I also assisted many other Aussie men with their general questions (apologies if I have not resturned email, backed up over here) I believe i have saved many from failure such as heading to Ashley and Martin or the dreaded Advanced Hair. Helping others and paying it forward is the least I can do. I am back on the forum to further research and check out everyones progress from last year, I am extremely excited about this. I am still taking all of the same medication so I best updated the time frames. I have orderd name brand Dutasteride aka Avodart 0.5mg 30 pack. I have been on Fin for long enough to understand the risks of side effects etc, my crown has thinned slight over the past 12 months thus I have opted for this change in medication. I will provide photos and a proper write up as promised over a year ago, giove me until the weeke perhaps. I intend on returning to the chair mid 2013, my surgeon it TBA...Dr Rahal is a fantastic surgeon and my hair line is amazing, I believe each surgeon or clinic has strenghts and weakness though. I would like to get the best out of the right clinic for me each surgery I undertake. Initially my hairline bothered me so it boiled down to Shapiro or Rahal. I am concerned about the vertex/mid section and quite possibly those clinic would still do a great job yet I will further research. It may come to pass that I am back in Rahals chair again...who knows. Anyway, I thought saying "Hi" before jumping back into posts would be the nice thing to do! Enjoy! Mike. PS Excuse my grammar I have not slept in 36 hours.
  16. Hey Hypox, I think you will find a rare number of younger patients with crown work from Dr Rahal, depending on the loss it would be unwise to transplant there at such a young age and Dr Rahal would be the first to tell you this. Hopefully Matt has a case or two he can link. Cheers. Mike.
  17. Hi Gents (and ladies) I have recently been sent a total break down from my Surgery June 3rd 2011. I was going to add this information to my previous post regarding surgery, however felt a new thread with some pictures would be more appropriate. All up I received 2704 grafts. Strip Size: 24.1cm/2 1's: 517 2's: 1436 3's: 719 - Dr Rahal noted this was a high amount of 3's. 4's: 32 Roughly 7000 grafts still available. I believe (from memory) that Dr Rahal planted the density around 65FUcm/2 within the hair line then distributed grafts evenly within the front 1/3. We had discussed at great length about placement and future proofing other areas, Dr Rahal analysed my scalp for quite some time working out exactly what would need to be done and predicting where I was headed. Since I have been on Finasteride and Minox for many years he felt my loss had stabilized quite well, the hair line was brought to quite a nice level. Dr Rahal did note however that at some point (3-5 years) I may be looking at slightly more work within the frontal 1/3 and mid section. At this stage the hair in these areas is quite strong so this was only a predication. Hopefully it will hold. I notified Dr Raha that I was well aware one surgery would not see the end of the war but take the battle thus far...hopefully. To conclude I was said to have great density and coarse hair which will hopefully aid my final result, here's hoping! My blog requires and overhaul which I will tend to in the next few days I will update into my signature, hold tight. I have included a immediate post op photo, I have left the top of my eye brows and lower lip to give an idea of proportion. Enjoy! Thanks very much. Mike.
  18. Totally agree with the above statements. Your hair looks great from the picture alone. IF you are worried that much stick to the proven medications. If worried about Finasteride take a lower dosage as suggested previously. Surgery at this point would only result in playing the catch up game as previously stated. If I had taken the surgery route I would have had 4 surgeries by now catching my temples, not something I would be keen on and very damaging to the donor region. I know this is not what you want to hear, as Matt said, you are your own worse critic...we all are. No ethical surgeon would perform work on you at this point, I think I can safely say that. Mike.
  19. Great work Dr L! I always enjoy your write ups very much to the point with all the required info. Mike.
  20. Are you a medical professional? If so this should be stated. It would be difficult to say how you can go about this, most surgeons start their own clinics. Have a look using the search function in regards to disappointed patients. Patients that are unhappy usually are ones with poor results, regardless what type of customer service is given, that said the clinics supporting the patients during this time frame is a great plus. Interesting inquiry. Mike.
  21. Hey Matt, Thank you for the kind words. The 15% has been retired from my regimen. Possibly I will have to make it clearer in my signature I do not use these products anymore. Spiro cream is very hit and miss, I cannot say it did not work but cannot claim it did either. I used S5 Spiro Cream for one year and to be honest did not see much difference, possibly worked better for the hairline as I did not notice any changes to the area throughout the year. It leaves the hair very greasy and semi hard to style. Mike
  22. Hi mate, Welcome to the forum! I found the procedure relatively pain free. The most pain is from the freezing injections right at the start they will pinch but is easy to bare with. The procedure basically consists of removing tissue from the back portion of your head (where hair is strongest and DHT free), dissecting the tissue into individual follicles and re dispersing into areas of loss. That is the basic outline for the FUT procedure. Another procedure (which is not for every patient) is FUE. FUE works by taking the follicles from the back portion of your head individually only (not cutting) but punching out with a special extraction tool. Then the follicles are dispersed into areas of loss exactly like the FUT procedure. Both procedures have pro's and con's I would suggest using the search function and having a more detailed look into both. I have given you a VERY basic idea here much more research is required. I apologise for not going into detail late for an appointment... Feel free to PM me I can give you a run down of surgeons in the area. Or email from my link below :-) Good lucks mate.
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