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  1. Thanks a lot for the replies. Now I'm convinced that the waterfall did not cause the accelerated baldness. In addition to agreeing with your replies, a thought also appeared in my mind that there was no pain in the scalp whatsoever after the waterfall incident, so it couldn't have caused the damage. There is one other incident which I have been blaming for starting my hairloss several years before the waterfall incident. I shall make a post about it soon in a separate thread.
  2. Future_HT_Doc, Almost got convinced by your reply but doubts have resurfaced again. I agree with you that hair follicles just can't be washed away so suddenly. But what about the muscles underneath the skin? They are the source of nourishment for the follicles. The waterfall impact could have displaced these muscles or created a momentum in them to get torn and displaced over time, so the follicles could have suffered a slow death.
  3. Yes I said in my first post itself my hair was thinning even back then, but there are different levels of baldness right? I was totally totally done only after the incident.
  4. This was that waterfall, it seems about 50 feet high. I clearly remember how it felt. Waterfall was copious and forceful, thumping down, could easily knock down someone with small frame. It was painful on the head atleast at the start. And then more thumping, thumping, overshadowing the pain. I seemed to foolishly think that it might stimulate the hair growth and continued to stand there for several minutes. Others were bearing the waterfall on their shoulders and backs and their hands-covered heads, but I stood with an unprotected head like someone possessed.
  5. Thanks for the replies. I would actually be relieved of my depressing guilt if I can believe that it was a coincidence and that I did not cause it due to my foolishness standing under the waterfall. But how could forceful water falling from such a height not have an adverse impact on the scalp made of muscle and skin? It causes deep canyons in the rock afterall. If traction alopecia is possible from sustained pull then accelerated baldness from sudden heavy impact should also be possible, no? I'm not saying it caused the baldness all by itself, just that it brought forth in 6 months time what should have happened over 60 years time.
  6. I was thinning but not this bald until 3 years ago when I stood under a waterfall at a hillstation like an idiot. After that incident, I became bald like in the picture over a period of 6 months and it has continued to worsen even after. I can never forgive myself for being so stupid.
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