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I need advice

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I am almost 8 months post op, and overall I am generally happy with how things have turned out. The one thing that’s bothering me is my right side/temple area. I don’t feel it’s symmetrical or aligned with the left side. I have a cowlick the goes from right to left so I need to comb my hair that way and because of this it makes it look even worse than what it possibly is. 

I am considering a second procedure and wanted your thoughts on whether I go with option of the blue line (in the picture below) which will lower the hairline, or the red line which will incorporate temple work. I have added other pics to give you a better idea of what the hairline looks like.






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Made a similar post about a month back.  The majority of people said to hold off on a second transplant and save those grafts for any future hairloss.

Your result is incredible by the way, great density all around!

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Wow only eight months?? 👌You're hair IS perfect. Why? Because it looks like nothing was ever done to it. That is that it looks 'natural.' The only metric to measure the results of a hair transplant. 'Natural' hairlines are not symmetrical and you will undo all of the good work you have by going against this success already. All the best!

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Your hair looks great. If you do the blue line you will almost certainly look like you had a horrible botch job. If you do the red line you will still probably look like you had a botch job. There is very high risk and very low reward in doing what you want.

Lately I have seriously been thinking that guys looking to get hair transplants are seeing so many bad hair transplants in their youtube, instagram, etc searching that they begin thinking that those bad hair jobs are what a normal hairline looks like and they start to want a bad job done on themselves without realizing it.


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(formerly BeHappy)

I am a paid forum moderator for hairrestorationnetwork.com. I am not a Dr. and I do not work for any particular Dr. My opinions are my own and may not reflect the opinions of other moderators or the owner of this site. I am also a hair transplant patient and repair patient. You can view some of my repair journey here.

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I would do neither and keep it as is.  If I were to do anything, I'd just further improve the density of the hairline you already have - though that's also not necessary.  There is absolutely no way to justify altering this design, and, again, I don't think it needs a density improvement, but at least if that were the goal you could essentially guarantee an improvement whereas lowering you always risk the lowering not being dense enough.  And, if I were forced at gunpoint to pick between the red and blue lines you drew, I would 1000% pick a slightly more conservative variant of the blue line.  The red one is too boxed in and looks like some hair mill design that a severely balding 20 year old would dream up.  Perfectly symmetrical hairlines don't look natural in most circumstances and certainly would look worse than what you have.

Edited by John1991
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That is an amazing result. Who did your procedure? 

Hairlines often aren't symmetrical. Take a look at other people's temples/corners, they have the same asymmetry as yours. Your hairline and it's asymmetry looks very well designed and natural in my eyes. 


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Thank you for all the feedback - I was worried about having hair greed - but I figured since I’ve started down this path and there’s still some parts of my hairline that I’m not happy with, why not get it exactly how I want.

To answer some of your questions, I’m 42, my surgeon was Dr Laorwong (forum recommended), 2426 grafts, I use 1mg fin daily, minoxidil twice a day, various supplements, the meds have definitely thickened my existing hair. I’ve added some before pics. I have been documenting my progress on a separate thread titled - 2426 FUE Grafts.









Edited by Hristo13
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Some of the hairline assymettry that you are discussing has to do with your skull asymmetry, which is an underlying issue. I have skull assymmetry as well. Your forehead and that area on your right is recessed back. Based on the pictures, which provides a 2D image, it looks fine. I'm sure that seeing yourself in the mirror is what is noticeable.

To correct your skull assymetry, you have options such as skull implant, bone cement or fillers. Each has its pros and cons, not to mention revisions which can add additional costs. I would leave it alone. For myself, I am not doing anything.

People have asymmetries and some of that occurs during embryonic development. As an embryo, our face is cleft and then it fuses together. People that we think that are beautiful have asymmetries too. Cindy Crawford and Taylor Swift have asymmetries. 

One eye may be higher than the other, one foot may be longer than the other, nose may be tilted to the right or left, one leg may be longer than the other, teeth that are not mirror images of each of other between left and right side and on and on.


Edited by Antlor
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  • Senior Member

Red line would be better than blue but would also make you look unnaturally young for your age and really isn’t necessary. Incredible results. Looks fantastic; I personally wouldn’t do anything further. 

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  • Administrators

Your hair looks amazing, no need to do anything, except enjoy your hair.

I’m a paid admin for Hair Transplant Network. I do not receive any compensation from any clinic. My comments are not medical advice.

Check out my final hair transplant and topical dutasteride journey

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Topical dutasteride journey 

Melvin- Managing Publisher and Forum Moderator for the Hair Transplant Network, the Coalition Hair Loss Learning Center, and the Hair Loss Q&A Blog.

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Your hairline is great, don’t touch it.


 But if you decide to ignore everyone’s advice, I think blue line is better.  You have very good temporal peaks, don’t try to reconstruct them, they never look quite as natural as what you have not.

Check out my journey here:


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Personally wouldn’t change it at all.

The discrepancy in symmetry makes it look more natural.

I booked my procedure in considering your posts and early results so if I get close to your current hairline I will be stoked.

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Adding my voice to the echo chamber and saying that YOUR HAIR LOOKS INCREDIBLE! 😂

I know we can be our own worst critics, but I recommend doing whatever you can do to shift your perspective on this so that it's no longer something your eye even latches on to. I promise you nobody is looking at you and thinking "Man, this poor chumps hairline isn't symmetrical." If anything, it actually draws more attention to it when it looks "too perfect" - so this is likely the ideal outcome for you regardless. 

I am a patient advocate for Dr. Parsa Mohebi in Los Angeles, CA. My views/opinions are my own and don't necessarily reflect the opinions of Dr. Mohebi and his staff.

Check out my hair loss website for photos

FUE surgery by Dr. Mohebi on 7/31/14
2,001 grafts - Ones: 607; Twos: 925; Threes: 413; Fours: 56

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