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Hair Transplant - Best place and best price?

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I am a 23 year old man that strongly is looking for a hair transplant. My temple areas are gone and for one year now I have realised the hair receding is almost the same. Since a young age my front hairline was never good. I am tired of having bad confidence and I believe at my age I should enjoy my life and have confidence. In this young age it matters that I bring my confidence back. I hope you all understand. I have some knowledge about hair transplant and I know people say wait until you are 30 or over, but seriously if I lose all my young years with bad confidence, then it doesnt really matter if I have hair or not when I am above 30. I understand the risk is that I should do several hair transplants and I am aware of that and I will risk that. I am sure every one of you understand my point.


Where can I find a good hair transplant clinic with a reasonable price. A clinic which has experience and can give a natural hairline. Yes I know about Turkey, but there are more clinics there than humans and you have to be aware. I have heard many horrible stories about treatments there. You have to really know the place you go to In and Out to be sure you are working with professionals. 


I hope you can help me out so we can check out whats the best options I have for a reasonable price. I hope for a price range between 1000-3000e. I have contacted many hair clinics that include everything, but its not that easy to just book a place and go for it and risk it without any confidence in their experience.

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  • Senior Member

Saifi in Poland or Demirsoy in Turkey are two of the more ethical yet low cost surgeons.

I'd really stay away from those unlimited graft type places.  A work colleague of mine went to one and had 5000 grafts for about EUR3000.  The result looks more like 1500-2000 tops on a NW5.

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4,312 FUT grafts (7,676 hairs) with Ray Konior, MD - August 2013

1,145 FUE grafts (3,152 hairs) with Ray Konior, MD - August 2018

763 FUE grafts (2,094 hairs) with Ray Konior, MD - January 2020

Proscar 1.25mg every 3rd day

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Yup Demirsoy is about as low cost as you can get but still have Dr involvement. Anything cheaper is hair mill territory. Pretty sure he will ask you wait until your 25 though. Save up until you can afford a decent clinic. Your price range will only get you a poor clinic/hair mill. And it’s simply not worth the inherent risks involved. A bad transplant is worse than natural balding. 

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Demirsoy in Turkey or Eugenix in India (comprehensive or exclusive package).


Remember that your confidence or sense of self-worth shouldn't be rooted in your hairline; be very careful & mindful that having your hair back isn't a replacement for anything other than your old hairline.

Have you tried buzzing your hair off and rocking that look for a few months? If not, I'd strongly advise doing that before even considering a HT. What if you like it? In my experience, most blokes who are losing their hair always look better buzzing it off than trying to cover it up, and most other people agree. What happens if you get a HT but years down the line you can't be bothered with the upkeep (finasteride, minoxidil, 2nd or 3rd HT's)? What then? At least if you've lived with it buzzed off, you'll know that you have a viable backup option that you can at least make your peace with down the line.

I buzz my hair down currently to anywhere between a 1 or 3 grade all over. Sometimes I'll get a zero faded up to a three on top. That's about as fancy as I can make my hair as a Norwood 3+. I will be getting a HT in the (hopefully near!) future, but knowing that I can buzz my hair down, pull the look off reasonably well and revert to it at any time is quite liberating and has been an essentially part of the decision making process for me. I'll be 32 next month. It would have been nice in hindsight, of course, not to have been losing my hair throughout my 20's but I can tell you it really isn't the be all and end all.

So if you haven't already, buzz your hair off. Give it a good 4, 5, 6 months minimum... Take your time! Futhermore, whilst you've got your hair buzzed down, start taking finasteride - you'll need to be on it. It's best to find out before a HT that you can tolerate it without side effects first, otherwise you'll rush into a HT not knowing whether your hair loss is stabilised (unlikely at 23!), and not knowing whether you can actually stabilise it on finasteride without issue. You need to do all of this first and go into any prospective surgery with as much data, knowledge, consideration and ground work already behind you; everything that will help you make the most informed decision.

Finally, I've been reading these forums for years. Every so often I see people - usually younger ones, post photos of their current hair looking for advice about a HT and so often their hair really isn't that bad at all. So given your age it may be worth getting a few second & third opinions with some pictures. We all often perceive our own situation to be worse than the reality.



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Hi @Berxedan7Are you on any maintenance medications? and what is your family history like? Can you post some photos of your current state? It is important at your age to be cautious and probably conservative. Please feel free to share some photos here or through a DM. 

Dr. Taleb Barghouthi approved and recommended on the Hair Transplant Network. You can schedule a virtual consultation with me here.

Contact me via WhatsApp at +962798378396 (Jordan) 

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I would not recommend you get surgery at 23. I suggest using medication instead of getting a hair transplant.

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I’m a paid admin for Hair Transplant Network. I do not receive any compensation from any clinic. My comments are not medical advice.

Check out my final hair transplant and topical dutasteride journey

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Topical dutasteride journey 

Melvin- Managing Publisher and Forum Moderator for the Hair Transplant Network, the Coalition Hair Loss Learning Center, and the Hair Loss Q&A Blog.

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1 minute ago, Melvin- Moderator said:

I would not recommend you get surgery at 23. I suggest using medication instead of getting a hair transplant.

Agreed. @Berxedan7i remember in another one or your threads you didn’t want to consider Fin and posted your reasons. Would you consider topical Fin instead ? 

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23 years old is too young for HT, try medications to preserve.

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Doron Harati - Patient coordinator for HDC Hair Clinic, HT procedures are done by MD Doctors with Microscope FUE.

For consultation contact me: WhatsApp +972526542654


HDC Instegram: https://instagram.com/doronhairadvisor_hdc?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=

* All comments from this account should not be taken or construed as medical advice, all comments are only the personal opinions of the poster.

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  • Regular Member

@Berba11 Thanks a lot for a nice comment. I understand what you mean, but for me in general; having less hair on the top is a confidence killer. I get longer hair and cover my temple areas and in the mirror it looks fine. Then you go out and the wind blows in your face and your hair gets busty and suddenly all the temple areas shows up. Its a huge problem for me. There is not a single day that have went since my temple area hair loss where I havent had my insecurity and guard up to "protect" my confidence. Fin and minoxidil I have heard alot about, not sure if this will bring my hair back and I heard also alot about side effects. One of them was erectile dysfunction and thats a big scary NO from me :S


I posted some images here.

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Hi John! Thanks for reaching back here for helping! Yes I wrote that Fin/Minoxidil is kind of scary if they have side effects like Erectile dysfunction and so on.. Its a kind of risky thing to do considering how your body may react and if it will be reversible?

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@DrTBarghouthi Hi! I am on no medications because I have heard too much about side effects. What medication would you recommend and how would it help me? My family history is that my father has hair loss on temple areas. My uncles are mixed. Some have thick full hair and some have hair loss and are bald. This is sadly just a gamble of genes.. Either you got hair or no hair. For me the worst part is the front hairline. It kills my confidence alot.

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  • Senior Member
2 minutes ago, Berxedan7 said:


Hi John! Thanks for reaching back here for helping! Yes I wrote that Fin/Minoxidil is kind of scary if they have side effects like Erectile dysfunction and so on.. Its a kind of risky thing to do considering how your body may react and if it will be reversible?

Yup it’s not for everyone. I don’t take it myself. It’s certainly up to the individual to research and decide for themselves. As you have loss already at a early age the only thing is your much more likely to keep losing. You could chase the hair loss through multiple transplants. 

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@JohnAC71Its very difficult to say. My father had similar hair loss he said and it stopped somewhere where I am now. I know its very different from person to person. But what other options do I have if I decide to not go for these medications?

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  • Senior Member
3 minutes ago, Berxedan7 said:

@JohnAC71Its very difficult to say. My father had similar hair loss he said and it stopped somewhere where I am now. I know its very different from person to person. But what other options do I have if I decide to not go for these medications?

That’s just it, depends on the person. Have you seen a dermatologist? Or had a consultation with a clinic/Dr? They may give you a better idea of where you can be heading. But nothing is for certain. Fin/Minox is the usual recommended way to help maintain/retain our hair. Fin is really the only way you can give yourself the best chance. Oral or topical. Topical is reported to have less sides but that’s debatable with some people. 

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@Berxedan7 I understand the frustration too loose hair at your early 20's, medications has side effects for some paitents including me, so I stopped Finasteride, Minoxidil had no side effects on me but didn't help either, however I gonna start using topical formula by HDC of Finasteride and Minoxidil.

Usually those medications has less effect on frontal temples from my experience, it's more effective for the middle scalp and crown.

It's rare that we accept paitents on their mid 20's, I want to see your donor.

What is the history of your family hairloss? Please PM here on my WhatsApp +972526542654

We need to check it carefully your case.

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Doron Harati - Patient coordinator for HDC Hair Clinic, HT procedures are done by MD Doctors with Microscope FUE.

For consultation contact me: WhatsApp +972526542654


HDC Instegram: https://instagram.com/doronhairadvisor_hdc?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=

* All comments from this account should not be taken or construed as medical advice, all comments are only the personal opinions of the poster.

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3 hours ago, Berxedan7 said:

@DrTBarghouthi Hi! I am on no medications because I have heard too much about side effects. What medication would you recommend and how would it help me? My family history is that my father has hair loss on temple areas. My uncles are mixed. Some have thick full hair and some have hair loss and are bald. This is sadly just a gamble of genes.. Either you got hair or no hair. For me the worst part is the front hairline. It kills my confidence alot.

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Thanks for sharing. My number one recommended treatment is finasteride and it doesn’t have to be on a daily dose. You can try topical fin too as I’m sure it would work better than not using anything. This helps preserve as much existing hairs as possible given your age. 

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Dr. Taleb Barghouthi approved and recommended on the Hair Transplant Network. You can schedule a virtual consultation with me here.

Contact me via WhatsApp at +962798378396 (Jordan) 

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@JohnAC71 Not been to a dermatologist and of course each of them will say their own views so its kind of pointless. I am very sure my hair will be like this for future hopefully and only temple areas. No one can know 100%..

The thing is I want a good hairline and hair on temple areas. If I use medications then yes it might keep some hair on my head, but if I stop then it all falls? So I dont see the point of a temporary joy where everything may change upside down if I quit medications.. 

Also, my hair loss on temple areas is the only insecurity. If I start on medications and start getting erectile dysfunction and other symptoms; then 1 problem became many problems. Would rather stick to 1 problem than making more insecurities and issues.

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15 hours ago, Berxedan7 said:

@Berba11 Thanks a lot for a nice comment. I understand what you mean, but for me in general; having less hair on the top is a confidence killer. I get longer hair and cover my temple areas and in the mirror it looks fine. Then you go out and the wind blows in your face and your hair gets busty and suddenly all the temple areas shows up. Its a huge problem for me. There is not a single day that have went since my temple area hair loss where I havent had my insecurity and guard up to "protect" my confidence. Fin and minoxidil I have heard alot about, not sure if this will bring my hair back and I heard also alot about side effects. One of them was erectile dysfunction and thats a big scary NO from me :S


I posted some images here.

Screenshot 2021-07-11 at 00.42.03.png

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Hi mate,

I totally understand that these sorts of things do indeed impact on people's confidence. The problem is that these insecurities are an emotional thing, so often rational words don't tend to translate - I or anyone else can say all the right things but your most likely inclination is to ignore or resist that information. The reality is that no one cares about my hair or yours other than me and you. It's literally of no interest - nobody is taking any notice! Objectively, it's just not important and people have their own insecurities to worry about before looking at other people's hair. Also... blokes lose their hair (to varying degrees). It's a totally normal and mundane thing that every human on earth understands.

I know it might be difficult but firstly I'd really try to see the funny side. I'm lucky that i have a bunch of down to earth mates and occasionally we'll banter about my hair (just as we'll laugh and joke about others things). I personally joke about it freely... I mean, what better option is there? I'd really try to find some sense of perspective about it and work on not allowing it to dictate your mood or confidence. How you go about that I don't truly know - to me it comes quite naturally but I get that for others this might be harder.

But I really think that anyone suffering any kind of debilitating insecurity, confidence or poor mental health regarding their hair should first work on resolving those issues before sorting the hair. The likelihood is that once they "fix" the hair, some other insecurity will raise its head, or they'll find something else they don't like about themselves. On the other hand, if you find some peaceful level of acceptance about how you look, then you'd be going into any surgery with a much healthier frame of mind.

Have you tried just buzzing it all off and rocking that look for a few months? If you haven't, you really should. It's quite liberating, buzzing it off yourself I find to be quite pleasurable and I've never had anything less than 100% compliments. If it's really bothering you that much, what you might find is that by taking things into your own hands and thus regaining some control of your hair actually lifts a weight from your shoulders. Certainly don't go getting a HT without first buzzing it all off - that would be genuine madness (for anyone!). Also, if you're concerned about finasteride sides (with usually go away once you stop taking it), then I'd once again stress the buzz cut as option number 1. That's an option that you *must* explore before committing to drugs, surgery, surgery plus drugs or no drugs but then potentially two or even three surgeries.

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@Berba11 I get your point and I like your confidence mate. I know what you mean and how you should just ignore it and live your life regardless. Yes I have actually buzzed it all off for 1 year ago just because it was a challenge with some friends. Even at that time the hair was kind of lost in temple areas and I didnt had anything to lose so I just went in for the challenge. 

After doing it;; the bald head was absolutely nothing for me. My head is quite round and I looked like an apple pear head. It was so ugly that I almost wanted to cry myself to sleep everday haha! Some people really fit a bald head, but thats absolutely nothing for me. Then my hair started to grow and the temple areas didnt of course. I was 22 years old at that point but when I looked myself in the mirror I looked like a 40 year old daddy with his lost temple area hairs. I didnt like it at all. It was horrible.

What makes me emotional about this is that before 20s I loved my hair a lot. I was always styling it for school, everyday. I had big passion for my hair and style. If it was some other part then I would not really care. I am proud of my body and I like every part I am born with. But we humans are strange. Some are born short, some tall, some small/big 🍆, some big/small nose and we all find something to hate. I am thankful that mine was hair because there is actually a solution for this, which is hair transplant..

I can for sure start on some Fin or other medications. But will these help me in waking up the sleeping hair follicles and give some hair regrowth? I am very very sure my hair follicles in my temple areas are just "sleeping". I tried dermaroller for 3 months and some baby hair follicles showed again and some actually stayed and became strong. However it was no big results to brag about, because something stronger is needed to cause hair regrowth.


What scares me with Fin is that every side effects I hear is erectile disfunction even AFTER stopping the medicaments. I read some horror stories people have had trouble and side effects for many years. This seriously scares me even though each body reacts different. I am thinking in my head is it worth it to make ONE problem MANY problems. I heard alot about PFS and so on.

But man if I knew it would work and without side effects I would start without any doubts. I wish we could know such things. Then everyone would be on Fin..

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