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21 Y/O College Student Whos Losing Hair.. Any Help Is Greatly Appreciated

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Hello all,


I'm sure you've seen many posts similar to mine. However, I felt it was necessary to post my story and get as many opinions and words of advice as I possibly can, as everyone's hair loss story is different. Anything is appreciated, believe that.


I'm a 21 year old college student and I am losing my hair. I would say I first noticed it at the end of my freshman year in college, where the back crown area of my head had a small bald spot. It was alarming, but I did not think much of it. Fast forward to about a year, and things begin to get worse. The back area of my head was continuing to shed hair and by around July/August of 2017, I was seeing hair in my hands... every. single. time I took a shower. I freaked out. My confidence shot down, my motivation began to go down to the pit of no return. Now I see hair everywhere. In the bathroom, shower, on my pillows, around the house. Its scary.. really scary man.


I knew my time of losing hair would come, it's in the gene pool... but not this soon by any means. My dad started balding in his early 30s and just recently shaved his head at age 50, and my entire moms side of the family is all bald (go figure). My mom's brothers actually started losing hair around the same time as I did, one even sooner than me (again, go figure lol).


Growing up, I always had an extremely thick head of hair. Until I had to have it cut sophomore year because of high school baseball, my mom and dad always used to say I had a "thick mop" on my head. My hair was always something I enjoyed spiking, styling, having woman run their hands through.. all of that. Now, that's all thrown out the window. I'm losing my hair slowly, but surely. To say its demoralizing is a HUGE understatement.


I was always viewed as growing up as a very attractive male (not trying to sound conceited, I promise. I just am looking at the past and realized things from high school/beginning of college.) I went from having a multitude of beautiful girls coming up to me, talking to me at bars/in classes.. all that. I was in a fraternity at my school for about two years, I was joining clubs, socializing like I planned on once I graduated high school, all that. Now, I'm scared to even go step outside because of all the mean, rude comments I've gotten about my hair loss. I cant even go do this I enjoyed and made me who I was, like play basketball, work out, go on runs, even go out, without someone either saying something or looking at me funny. I get funny looks all the damn time and I am not looked at the same anymore. It hurts. It's put me in a spiraling end of depression, to be quite honest.


I posted a few attachments, the first one was from junior year in high school, the next one was from the end of my freshman year of college, where I began to see the crown thinning slightly and losing hair. As you could see, I could still spike my hair up in the front like I loved and desired. I really wasn't worry about anything at the time. The next two is my current state. My hair is a bit greasy, as my bum self didn't shower today (gross, I am aware). However, I used this as a reference point because it's where I truly see where I am losing hair and how thin my hair is and is continuing to become.


Crazy though, right?


I currently am using Rogaine 5% Form for men on the back of my head/crown area and in some points of the top of my head. I used to use molding clay and sometimes gel for my hair in the front. This past 6-8 months or so, every time I would put the hair product to spike my hair up, I would lose anywhere from 2-10 hair strands and see them in my hand with the remains of my hair product/gel. Its made me just say screw it and not spike it up anymore. I compensated this look with growing my beard out as well, so I at least can show I am manly enough to grow a beard (have had facial hair of some sort since the end of 5th grade, biggest blessing in disguise.)


I am about to go into my senior year into college and get into the internship/work force world. I decided to leave my apartment and live back at home for the next year to be surrounded with my loving family, close friends who do not judge me for whom I am, and to have an eventual hair transplant done soon... hopefully a FUE Transplant is what I am planning to do. I've done some research and seen how risk free it is, especially compared to FUT Transplants and the results are still just as amazing... I am blessed to have parents who care and have busted their ass to put me into college and have money to where we do not need to worry about money situations anymore... within reason obviously. :D


I know I am only 21, but man, I wanna be great in this world. I want to be the best damn salesman once I graduate college, I want to find me a beautiful wife, have an amazing family, continue the racing career in karting I just started last fall and find some sponsorship. I know I have a great personality, that's the only reason I am still making new friends and still able to at least somewhat converse with woman. But man, I hate to say it, but in this society and generation, a 5 foot 9 balding/bald man does not have as many options to jobs, sponsors, and especially woman as if I had hair... regardless of how fit I look. I cannot say I have any sort of confidence now and if I fail to take action, it's only going to get worse.


I'm not on Finesterate yet, I heard that is something that is needed for a hair transplant or is extremely recommended before so. If you guys need me to post any extra pictures to get a better diagnosis of my situation, let me know and I will do so.


I'm in Florida as well. Any advice, words of encouragement, doctors you recommend for a hair transplant surgery in the state, or opinions on what I should do is greatly appreciated and would mean the absolute world to me... you have no idea. I don't want to feel like what I've been feeling for the past year and I want to get out of this rut like I know I can. I want to feel like myself again. I want to have woman look at me like they used to and have people like my family, friends, and relatives point it out like back in the day.


For those who have read this all, thanks again. Means the world.





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Get on finasteride asap.


It wont grow hair back near as well as it will keep it in.


I deal with salesmen (million dollar sales) all the time and being bald is not a disqualifier at all. I have had them with hair systems, hair transplants, bald, etc .being bald is not distracting at all. Having a bad HT is.


My advice is just finasteride and rogain fir now.

Edited by Spanker

I am an online representative for Dr. Raymond Konior who is an elite member of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians.

View Dr. Konior's Website

View Spanker's Website

I am not a medical professional and my opinions should not be taken as medical advice.

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Don't get a transplant yet, try medical therapy first. Re-evaluate your situation in a few years. For now I recommend trying Toppik or Dermmatch, both products work extremely well and are not detectable especially when you have minimal hair loss. The important thing is keeping the hair you have.

I’m a paid admin for Hair Transplant Network. I do not receive any compensation from any clinic. My comments are not medical advice.

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Melvin- Managing Publisher and Forum Moderator for the Hair Transplant Network, the Coalition Hair Loss Learning Center, and the Hair Loss Q&A Blog.

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I deal with salesmen (million dollar sales) all the time and being bald is not a disqualifier at all. I have had them with hair systems, hair transplants, bald, etc .being bald is not distracting at all. Having a bad HT is..



Good to hear, that's a bit of reassurance. Thank you.


Don't get a transplant yet, try medical therapy first. Re-evaluate your situation in a few years. For now I recommend trying Toppik or Dermmatch, both products work extremely well and are not detectable especially when you have minimal hair loss. The important thing is keeping the hair you have.


I will look into that, but I must ask, why seek medical therapy first? Not discrediting your statement by any means, I am just curious. I know my situation, from genetics, will not get any better. I will look and try to get put on Finasteride as soon as I can, as well.

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You need to avoid Hair Transplant now and get on Finasteride.

You are just 21 and you may respond well on medications. Start Finasteride along with Minoxidil and Nizoral Shampoo.

Patience is really important when dealing with Hair Loss


Remember preserving your precious Hair Follicle is much more important!

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Good to hear, that's a bit of reassurance. Thank you.


What exactly do you want to sell?




I will look into that, but I must ask, why seek medical therapy first?


Medical therapy being Finasteride.

I'm serious.  Just look at my face.


My Hair Regimen: Lather, Rinse, Repeat.

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Finasteride will hopefully stabilise your hair loss (or possibly thicken or regrow some if you're one of the lucky ones). As others have said, given your age and current hair situation, I'd say this is the best plan for now. Take pics every few months to check your progress.

I am an online representative for Farjo Hair Institute


Dr. Bessam Farjo is an esteemed member of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians


I am not a medical professional and my words should not be taken as medical advice. All opinions shared are my own.

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Good to hear, that's a bit of reassurance. Thank you.




I will look into that, but I must ask, why seek medical therapy first? Not discrediting your statement by any means, I am just curious. I know my situation, from genetics, will not get any better. I will look and try to get put on Finasteride as soon as I can, as well.


That’s exactly why you should try medical therapy, because given your age you will only continue to lose more hair. The goal should be conserving what you have and then in the future possibly look in to surgery. That’s of course if you even want to, if you find a wife start a family, your priorities might change and you might not have the time or the finances to have surgery. Remember surgery is a lifelong commitment. Male Pattern Baldness is progressive. Thus, you will require additional surgeries to keep up the appearance. Medical therapy will buy you more time.

I’m a paid admin for Hair Transplant Network. I do not receive any compensation from any clinic. My comments are not medical advice.

Check out my final hair transplant and topical dutasteride journey

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Topical dutasteride journey 

Melvin- Managing Publisher and Forum Moderator for the Hair Transplant Network, the Coalition Hair Loss Learning Center, and the Hair Loss Q&A Blog.

Follow our Social Media: Facebook, Instagram, Linkedin, and YouTube.


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Basic musts: Finasteride, consult a dermatologist or hair physician.


Then check on the progress of medication in six months to a year to assess if it is working.


Ideally you hold off on surgical options until 25, but it is case by case.


Let us know if you have any further questions, I understand your anxiety and frustration, but this is going to require patience and long term thinking to resolve.

Hair loss patient and transplant veteran. Once a Norwood 3A.

Received 2,700 grafts with coalition doctor on 8/13/2010

Received 2,380 grafts with Dr. Steven Gabel on 9/30/2011

Received 1,820 grafts with Dr. Steven Gabel on 7/28/2016

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I appreciate all the feedback thus far...


What exactly do you want to sell?

Pharmaceutical Sales is the goal. I would love to work my way into racing parts sales over time, however, I am not sure that'll be where the money lays..


I see everyone suggesting Finesterade.. I worry about the side effects because the last thing I want to do is mess with my hormones. I wish there was a way to not have to take medicine that can possibly make you have limp d*** to preserve hair, but I guess that is the sacrifice I'll have to make.


I posted a few pictures in this response..

Picture 1 and 2 are about 5 minutes after a shower, picture 3 as well, as I parted my hair to show you how it's shedding in my frontal area. Picture 4 is after about 15 minutes of drying.


Do you guys see why I am so worried now? I've already lost a bunch of hair, as well as thickness.... especially the thickness man... There's literally no point in me to even put hair gel in my hair anymore, just a lame comb over that makes everything with losing my hair just look obvious.


I must ask. Why is it a good idea to wait on the hair transplant? I'm already losing my hair, as you can see. I've been using Rogaine, mainly on the back of my crown area, and I'll be honest, I'm still losing hair. It's basically "just hanging on." It doesn't seem to matter what I'm doing there.


I'm worried if I do not do anything soon, I'm going to be at the Norwood 5-7 area by the time I'm 25 and I'm just at that point screwed. This just stresses and worries the living life out of me.


I guess I'll look into medical therapy, but I am just confused on why I should wait on a transplant.. it seems at this point I still have a thick layer of hair on the back and side of my head.. that's about all I have. At this point, I've kind of figured out I'm going to need more than one transplant.


Appreciate the rest of the incoming feedback. Means a lot to have some sort of guidance and help, as I am not in the best place mentally because of this. I've never had something effect my confidence and ability to just want to go out and do things in my life. I really pray this whole balding situation will get resolved one day...





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Also, I apologize if I am coming out a little harsh or mean. I just know based on family history and just the way the hair is receding... this looks like Norwood 5-7 if I don't take action.


Just scares the living life out of me man. I worry I'll never be the same confidence wise.

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Also, I apologize if I am coming out a little harsh or mean. I just know based on family history and just the way the hair is receding... this looks like Norwood 5-7 if I don't take action.


Just scares the living life out of me man. I worry I'll never be the same confidence wise.



Before even tyring Finasteride how come you are so sure about side effects?

Start Finasteride , there is a low chance of side effects and if you have some, just stop taking it. Side Effects of Finasteride is really blown out of proportion on Internet!




My side effects was better hair!!!




A person with thinning but still reasonably dense hair may not not be suitable for a hair transplant as there is not enough space to insert the new hair. There is a risk that the transplanted hair will push out the neighboring hair hence canceling your gain. In addition, the situation of having a thick hair and a thin hair adjacent to each other is cosmetically very odd. Also chances of shock loss also high!!

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Before even tyring Finasteride how come you are so sure about side effects?

Start Finasteride , there is a low chance of side effects and if you have some, just stop taking it. Side Effects of Finasteride is really blown out of proportion on Internet!




My side effects was better hair!!!




A person with thinning but still reasonably dense hair may not not be suitable for a hair transplant as there is not enough space to insert the new hair. There is a risk that the transplanted hair will push out the neighboring hair hence canceling your gain. In addition, the situation of having a thick hair and a thin hair adjacent to each other is cosmetically very odd. Also chances of shock loss also high!!


Makes complete sense, I've just read side effects and have heard mostly that they don't normally take place, but few have said it has affected them and their sex drive... just taking precautionary measures. I like to get mine while I can, lol.:rolleyes:


Appreciate that advice, I am a stubborn Italian and I know I'm going to need to put that all to the side because I know this is going to be a long process that will take quite a few years.. especially if I'm only 21. As impatient as I have, I'm going to have to learn that patience is a virtue and it will pay off. Gotta remain positive. Have to remember that:D

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Makes complete sense, I've just read side effects and have heard mostly that they don't normally take place, but few have said it has affected them and their sex drive... just taking precautionary measures. I like to get mine while I can, lol.:rolleyes:


Appreciate that advice, I am a stubborn Italian and I know I'm going to need to put that all to the side because I know this is going to be a long process that will take quite a few years.. especially if I'm only 21. As impatient as I have, I'm going to have to learn that patience is a virtue and it will pay off. Gotta remain positive. Have to remember that:D


95% chance you won't get sides and an 85% percent chance you will maintain your hair for the long term on finasteride. 100% chance girls your age aren't going to be interested if you let yourself hit a norwood 5, which looking at your current state you probably will in the next five years or so.


You keep saying you feel you have to do something about it, people are telling you what you CAN do about it and you're just thoughtlessly rejecting their advice. You do realise that transplants don't magic hair onto your head, your donor is finite and good work is expensive and a long process? Do you have ten grand a year to spend on transplants as it continues to thin? Prepared for risks in case it goes bad? Prepared for still having an empty or thin crown because you've run out of donor? Have two weeks a year to take off to have your procedure done? Mind having redness in the transplanted area for 3 months after the procedure and waiting 6 months for it to look decent?


Stop acting like a six year old dude, listen to what people are telling you and try finasteride. I can PROMISE you that you will LOSE MORE HAIR in a year than a hair transplant will bring back if you're not on finasteride.

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95% chance you won't get sides and an 85% percent chance you will maintain your hair for the long term on finasteride. 100% chance girls your age aren't going to be interested if you let yourself hit a norwood 5, which looking at your current state you probably will in the next five years or so.


You keep saying you feel you have to do something about it, people are telling you what you CAN do about it and you're just thoughtlessly rejecting their advice. You do realise that transplants don't magic hair onto your head, your donor is finite and good work is expensive and a long process? Do you have ten grand a year to spend on transplants as it continues to thin? Prepared for risks in case it goes bad? Prepared for still having an empty or thin crown because you've run out of donor? Have two weeks a year to take off to have your procedure done? Mind having redness in the transplanted area for 3 months after the procedure and waiting 6 months for it to look decent?


Stop acting like a six year old dude, listen to what people are telling you and try finasteride. I can PROMISE you that you will LOSE MORE HAIR in a year than a hair transplant will bring back if you're not on finasteride.


Did I ever say to these people “nope, not doing it?” No I didn’t, I’ve valued everyone’s advice and am in the process of getting that done. I’ve been thanking the people who have given me advice and am taking everything they say into consideration. I’m sorry I may sound like a 6 year old, that’s not what I’m trying to do. I’m just asking questions, but probably didn’t do so in the best manner. You guys advice is much appreciated, I am just not handling the situation well and portraying my proper intentions. Instead, I’m freaking out about it and that’s immature and silly. So I do truly apologize.

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Did I ever say to these people “nope, not doing it?” No I didn’t, I’ve valued everyone’s advice and am in the process of getting that done. I’ve been thanking the people who have given me advice and am taking everything they say into consideration. I’m sorry I may sound like a 6 year old, that’s not what I’m trying to do. I’m just asking questions, but probably didn’t do so in the best manner. You guys advice is much appreciated, I am just not handling the situation well and portraying my proper intentions. Instead, I’m freaking out about it and that’s immature and silly. So I do truly apologize.


I'd be fairly confident that just on finasteride and nizoral shampoo a few times a week you could get a decent improvement to the point you no longer worry about the transplant. In my case (I'm 23, got on fina at 22) it probably gave an equivalent of a few thousand grafts in the crown especially and midscalp.

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I'd be fairly confident that just on finasteride and nizoral shampoo a few times a week you could get a decent improvement to the point you no longer worry about the transplant. In my case (I'm 23, got on fina at 22) it probably gave an equivalent of a few thousand grafts in the crown especially and midscalp.


Right on, I seem to forget a lot of these people whom are in a situation that is worse than mine, a main reason was because they failed to take finasteride until it was way too late. As stated before, I’ll make sure to get in that as soon as possible.


Where do you recommend finding the best Nixoral shampoo, if I can ask?


Thanks again man. I really do apologize to anyone whom I came off as ignoring their advice. I wasn’t, just was not handling myself well. I just do not want this to affect my life any worse than it currently has.

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Right on, I seem to forget a lot of these people whom are in a situation that is worse than mine, a main reason was because they failed to take finasteride until it was way too late. As stated before, I’ll make sure to get in that as soon as possible.


Where do you recommend finding the best Nixoral shampoo, if I can ask?


Thanks again man. I really do apologize to anyone whom I came off as ignoring their advice. I wasn’t, just was not handling myself well. I just do not want this to affect my life any worse than it currently has.


Nizoral is just a shampoo with active ingredient ketoconazole which is a mild anti-androgen, I alternate Nizoral 2% with Regenepure DR. Only use them 2-3 times a week or they can be quite harsh on your hair though.


My situation was a fair bit worse than yours pre-transplants and my biggest mistake was just not getting on finasteride earlier. If I'd got on it when I first noticed hairloss (I was scared of the sides) wouldn't have had to deal with any of that to begin with.

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Nizoral is just a shampoo with active ingredient ketoconazole which is a mild anti-androgen, I alternate Nizoral 2% with Regenepure DR. Only use them 2-3 times a week or they can be quite harsh on your hair though.


My situation was a fair bit worse than yours pre-transplants and my biggest mistake was just not getting on finasteride earlier. If I'd got on it when I first noticed hairloss (I was scared of the sides) wouldn't have had to deal with any of that to begin with.


Yeah, I had read up on the side effects months ago and that’s what always kept me away from it and began using Rogaine instead.


Well I’ll be getting on finerastride as soon as I can than. Seeing that you’re about the same age as me, your advice means the world to me. I’ll treat this advice like gold.


Thank you dude, I truly appreciate it. Thanks for the harsh, yet needed, reality check.:D I do have one last question, however. Say the thinning and hair shedding stops once I am on finasteride for the proper time period, then is this where I begin looking at hair transplant options?

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Yeah, I had read up on the side affects months ago and that’s what always kept me away from it and began using Rogaine instead.


Well I’ll be getting on finerastride as soon as I can than. Seeing that you’re about the same age as me, your advice means the world to me. I’ll treat this advice like gold.


Thank you dude, I truly appreciate it. Thanks for the harsh, yet needed, reality check.:D I do have one last question, however. Say the thinning and hair shedding stops once I am on finasteride for the proper time period, then is this where I begin looking at hair transplant options?


Personally I'd leave it in your current situation because it isn't overly bad, but if it got worse I'd consider it. If you're clearly thinning outside the NW5 area that makes the transplant route more difficult also. In most cases there's a fairly easy to define line outside of which there is no thinning so if it got worse you'd be able to see. Hard to tell in your current pics.


I'd give fina at least a year before thinking about that route though. Like others have mentioned concealers like Toppik and Dermatch work well for the crown also.


Obviously got to consider the time and money aspect of surgery too. For someone with money pouring out of their ears and without commitments which make the time off from surgery a problem I'd recommend the transplant route straight away. In most cases though it's a hassle and big commitment that's not warranted in your case quite yet.

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Personally I'd leave it in your current situation because it isn't overly bad, but if it got worse I'd consider it. If you're clearly thinning outside the NW5 area that makes the transplant route more difficult also. In most cases there's a fairly easy to define line outside of which there is no thinning so if it got worse you'd be able to see. Hard to tell in your current pics.


I'd give fina at least a year before thinking about that route though. Like others have mentioned concealers like Toppik and Dermatch work well for the crown also.


Obviously got to consider the time and money aspect of surgery too. For someone with money pouring out of their ears and without commitments which make the time off from surgery a problem I'd recommend the transplant route straight away. In most cases though it's a hassle and big commitment that's not warranted in your case quite yet.


In terms of donor hair, I’m lucky to say my side and back of my head where there’s is hair is quite thick. Which pictures would you need to see to determine everything else? Let me know, I will be more than happy to provide more pictures to help diagnose the situation even further.


Hopefully fin will help me out and not require a HT... although I am beyond blessed to be in a current financial situation where I would be able to get one if I wanted to now (although I see that is not necessary and a good option for the time being, so I will 100% hold off on that.)


Once again brother, thank you. You and everyone’s words of advice thus far have been life saving.

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Yeah, I had read up on the side effects months ago and that’s what always kept me away from it and began using Rogaine instead.


Well I’ll be getting on finerastride as soon as I can than. Seeing that you’re about the same age as me, your advice means the world to me. I’ll treat this advice like gold.


Thank you dude, I truly appreciate it. Thanks for the harsh, yet needed, reality check.:D I do have one last question, however. Say the thinning and hair shedding stops once I am on finasteride for the proper time period, then is this where I begin looking at hair transplant options?

You need to give yourself at least a year on finasteride to see how it's working and if it halts hair loss or even regrows some hair.


Take pictures every couple of months so you can compare.


Realistically you need to hold off until 25 for transplants so that you can gauge how well finasteride is working and what your pattern is if it's progressing.


I know that's frustrating, I started receding at 18, got on finasteride at 21, which kept me from progressing past a Norwood 3A, then at 26 i got my first transplant.


I'm now 34, and after three transplants look 26...and probably looked 34 at 26 prior to the procedures when I wasn't wearing a hat.


This is a long term game plan, you gotta think big picture, there will be no instant gratification unfortunately.


So hang in there, stay positive, do your home work, and get on finasteride.


That's step number one.

Hair loss patient and transplant veteran. Once a Norwood 3A.

Received 2,700 grafts with coalition doctor on 8/13/2010

Received 2,380 grafts with Dr. Steven Gabel on 9/30/2011

Received 1,820 grafts with Dr. Steven Gabel on 7/28/2016

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You need to give yourself at least a year on finasteride to see how it's working and if it halts hair loss or even regrows some hair.


Take pictures every couple of months so you can compare.


Realistically you need to hold off until 25 for transplants so that you can gauge how well finasteride is working and what your pattern is if it's progressing.


I know that's frustrating, I started receding at 18, got on finasteride at 21, which kept me from progressing past a Norwood 3A, then at 26 i got my first transplant.


I'm now 34, and after three transplants look 26...and probably looked 34 at 26 prior to the procedures when I wasn't wearing a hat.


This is a long term game plan, you gotta think big picture, there will be no instant gratification unfortunately.


So hang in there, stay positive, do your home work, and get on finasteride.


That's step number one.


I’m hoping the finasteride will do the same to me. From what I’m hearing, it should. I can live with that and my current state of my hair, especially since I know in the future it can be fixed... and I’m this case have the medical therapy halt and even possibly regrow some hair.


That’s awesome to hear. To be honest, I would rather sacrifice a few years of my life to halt the shedding process in my early 20s and have this fixed over the next few years, than I can look the best when it matters... in my mid/late 20s and moving forward when I’m in the work force and trying to progress my career. That’s when it really matters, in my opinion. College, especially this late in my college life, is just a social game. Education and all that comes first. The work field is much more important!


Appreciate your feedback and input!

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  • 2 weeks later...
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Giving an update on solving my situation.


Got me some Toppik (huge life saver). I also got put on Finasteride 5 mg. However, I wanted to post this because I am not 100% sure if I am doing this currently.


When I went to the doctor to get prescribed and put on Finasteride, my doctor told me the 1 mg tablets are not covered by health insurance and are several dollars per pill. As a result, he put me on the 5 mg Finasteride and told me to cut it in half. This way I don’t break the bank, which I appreciate.




I just got my prescription and saw it was a Generic to Proscar, not Propecia.


Is this something I need to look into? I did a quick google search and saw that this can be used to combat hair loss as well. However, I wanted to consult here and make sure I’m doing everything correctly. The picture I posted is what had me concerned I’m not doing this 100% correctly and am on the wrong generic of Finasteride...


Any info or insight is very much appreciated again. Thank you all for the help thus far and confusing going forward. It means the world.


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