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feeling more and more hopeless - baldness and dating

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I can't speak for anyone else, but when I was talking about getting in good shape, I didn't mean you had to bulk up to look like Vin Diesel. All I was saying is that if you're bald and out of shape, then being bald and in shape will make you much more attractive to the majority of women. It's about doing the best with what you have.


This is a good attitude to have, but transplants, medication or hairpieces etc are factually going to make a bigger impact for improvement to your life than just hitting them gym. I've already posted various data on the subject, balding is a big deal and has a huge impact to quality of life. It's thought of much more harshly than being a little bit chubby or out of shape.


These aren't mutually exclusive. Hair is more important than being in shape, but best case scenario you fix your hair issues first and hit the gym afterwards.

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The discussion has already been had, but I totally agree with almost everything you said Gas, and the point made about opting for the muscly, bald bearded roidhead is too absurd for the people asserting it to actually believe it. It's like telling someone gay who feels they're dealing with social pressure or homophobia to just "be straight" and expect that's an intelligent solution. It's telling people to be something they're not, and in truth the majority of bald men will not ever suit that look or lifestyle.


"You are in a hairloss forum and think it is not that important."


This in particular is worth noting. Gillenator who has been here for 14 years and pkipling 3 years are supposedly unpaid representatives for clinics, have posted close to or over 1000 messages and have full heads of hair after transplants are attempting to argue hairloss is not a big deal and to focus on other variables.


Sure thing guys.


I think its clear i didnt ever say hair wasnt important if i felt that way i wouldn't have gone thru 2 myself. I said for those who cant get work done life doesnt have to be over. Gas was talking as if the only guys getting interest were the francos goslings of the world. Hair is important but if you're one of those just fucked by genetics you have to maximize your assets. Get into decent shape which doesnt mean jacked just not dumpy. Dress well. Just dont give women another reason to look past you.

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I think its clear i didnt ever say hair wasnt important if i felt that way i wouldn't have gone thru 2 myself. I said for those who cant get work done life doesnt have to be over. Gas was talking as if the only guys getting interest were the francos goslings of the world. Hair is important but if you're one of those just fucked by genetics you have to maximize your assets. Get into decent shape which doesnt mean jacked just not dumpy. Dress well. Just dont give women another reason to look past you.


I agree, personally I find it odd that one would simply give up because of balding. It’s all about looks maximizing, if you’re short, where stylish boots with a bit of a heel/inserts, if you’re fat hit the gym, obviously if you’re balding/bald, get a transplant, wear concealer. However, I disagree that hair has the biggest impact. I think it’s a combination of things, if you’re a slob, that dresses sloppy, has dirty old shoes, it doesn’t matter how your hair is, in the end it’s all about self improvement as a community this is what I feel this site is about, how do we improve the hand we have. If you’re single, don’t just think hair is going to Magically get you dates, it’s a combination of everything, and in the end, if you have no personality doesn’t matter what you look like, you can get a million interviews and never land a good job, not because you’re not qualified but because you suck at interviews.

I’m a paid admin for Hair Transplant Network. I do not receive any compensation from any clinic. My comments are not medical advice.

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Melvin- Managing Publisher and Forum Moderator for the Hair Transplant Network, the Coalition Hair Loss Learning Center, and the Hair Loss Q&A Blog.

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Suddenly we all seem to agree.


It is better to do some sport than be a fatty.

It is better to dress well.


Did I miss sth?


Ah, yes:


Have a good Job.

Have a lot lot of Money.

Be famous...


Be tall, grow a beard, take six hour lunches, be Don Draper:


Oh wait, he has hair ;-)

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Girls can look past ur bad looks or hairloss .. it’s all about circumstances , if u don’t look great and u try to pick up a pretty girl at a club or bar u not going to do well .. but if u meet a girl at work at school or just with mutual friends .. u be able to grow on the girl .. be sweet n kind n genuine .. I know from experience because I’m usually that kool good looking guy that’s been able to pick up girls at the clubs n random places off my looks n confidence .. BecAuse I’ve been confident in myself with a good job and good looks . But then I also notice a lot of pretty girls going out with not so good looking guys because they sweet to the girls . N go out of their way to make the girl happy .. as long as u get to know a girl long enough for them to get past ur looks and pretty soon ur personality will win them over .. believe me when I say this .. I lost a few pretty girls I desire to uglier dudes .. :)

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I’ve also had A lot of pretty female friends in my life .. n gosh they usually date uglier dudes .. girls like to be the good lookin one in the relationship.. they hate cocky guys .. but luv sweet guys .. girls aren’t as attracted to looks as us guys are .. they like security .. someone thats able to provide for them n sweet to em . N myself being their friend .. I rather have them date an uglier dude that’s going to be good to them than a good looking that don’t treat them right ..

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.. they hate cocky guys .. but luv sweet guys .. girls aren’t as attracted to looks as us guys are .. they like security .. ..


You're probably talking about the girls who have ridden the cock carousel for a while and their expiry date is fast approaching so they're bailing for the first provider they can find but most young chicks are as scandalous as we guys are, don't kid yourself.

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That’s a dumb response from u Mikey .. I expected more from u .. don’t make judgements like that .. if U haven’t notice girls are more attracted to a good guy that treats them good.. those guys are keepers .. Because they make more of an effort to treat a woman right. But true that the good lookin guys get more girls .. im fortunate enough to be one of those guys .. and also a caring sweet guy .. so I do well with the ladies .. I’m just givin my thoughts from experience and letting other guys know that good looks isn’t what makes A man attractive to girls ..

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Suddenly we all seem to agree.


It is better to do some sport than be a fatty.

It is better to dress well.


Did I miss sth?


Ah, yes:


Have a good Job.

Have a lot lot of Money.

Be famous...


Be tall, grow a beard, take six hour lunches, be Don Draper:


Oh wait, he has hair ;-)


The issue here is that for some reason people think hairloss issues and these other things are mutually exclusive. If someone had a weight problem, people would tell them to eat right and work out, with hairloss you get a lot of lies telling them its not an issue and to focus on the previously non-existent fitness issue. The majority of people have a donor to suit their transplant desires, the option of medication and hairpieces which are still far better than the bald look. Why do fullheads always tell people to focus on other things?


It's absurd and all I can put it down to is that subconsciously men with full heads of hair enjoy beating the competition so will gladly tell bald men it doesn't matter, when clearly the evidence says it does. I posted a study before in which men who have a full head of hair looked at photos of bald men compared to men with hair and noted they looked less confident (LOL), the women said they looked less attractive. There's definitely something interesting going on regarding the psychology of fullheads telling bald men they don't have a problem.

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Lot of stupid stereotypes here.


Girls pick up on confidence immediately.....bald or not. Girls also pick up on insecurity regardless of whether you have a Brad Pitt hairline.


Do most people look better with hair? Sure. However, does the fact those people have hair automatically make them attractive? Um, no. I see lots of ugly ass guys every day with no balding.


Girls like confidence, financial stability (and there are different degrees of this), style (dress well), personality, and fitness. No, that doesn't mean roided up.


The Vin Diesel look is such a dated example, too. Vin Diesel has been in 1 good movie ever.....and at the time was one of the few bald and fit guys you saw. You see them everywhere now. I don't think the whole "Vin Diesel" look is a compliment anymore.

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  • Senior Member
Lot of stupid stereotypes here.


Girls pick up on confidence immediately.....bald or not. Girls also pick up on insecurity regardless of whether you have a Brad Pitt hairline.


Do most people look better with hair? Sure. However, does the fact those people have hair automatically make them attractive? Um, no. I see lots of ugly ass guys every day with no balding.


Girls like confidence, financial stability, personality, and fitness. No, that doesn't mean roided up.


If a bird shits on your suit on the way to work and you don't feel like going in and letting people see you with a shit stained suit jacket, have you become less confident in yourself as a person, or is the problem that you look like shit?


Balding is substantially unattractive, it makes you look far older older, less agreeable. No one is saying there aren't ugly guys with hair, that has absolutely nothing to do with the issue, the point is that going bald can make someone who is previously attractive unattractive. The point about girls picking up on insecurity even if the guy looks like Brad Pitt is also laughable, the fucking issue is about LEGITIMATE REASONS for feeling insecure, balding is unattractive and thereby makes you insecure, looking like Brad Pitt is not unattractive and thereby in 99% of circumstances you will not be an insecure person.






"Balding men are perceived

by others to be older than their peers by 5–10 years and to

be less agreeable, less assertive, and less attractive (Cash, 1999;

Henss, 2001)"


"Ratings of dominance, masculinity,

age, height, and strength were all higher for these men

when pictured with a digitally shaved head than with hair.

Attractiveness, in contrast, was significantly lower with a

shaved head. Norm violation and leadership potential were

unaffected by hairstyle"


Your points are meaningless and don't get the point being discussed here. What it gets back to is that people are obsessed transplant forum to tell people not to worry about their hairloss. It's utterly ridiculous. Men SHOULD focus on fixing their hairloss issues rather than projecting false confidence, if you have an incredibly confident bald man, half the female population are still going to find them unattractive. Confidence doesn't fix ugly.

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  • Senior Member

LMFAO, this guy.


You are quoting a fucking study from TWENTY YEARS AGO to try to sit here and say who men/women find attractive or unattractive. You probably bring this stuff up on dates. Dude, you are like 24 years old, an arrogant prick (for what reason I don't know as you likely are broke), and just seem like a miserable dipshit in general.


What the guys on this forum are trying to say is that there are many facets to being desirable. Hair alone is not going to solve your issue. Lots of people who are bald have real confidence. It's not "false confidence" just because they are bald. Most guys don't give 2 fucks about being bald, shave it, and don't think about it again. That's real confidence.


Go ask girls who they would rather date (and marry).


Balding man with $$$$.....versus no balding guy with no $$$$?


And here dumbass....welcome to 2018.




If a bird shits on your suit on the way to work and you don't feel like going in and letting people see you with a shit stained suit jacket, have you become less confident in yourself as a person, or is the problem that you look like shit?


Balding is substantially unattractive, it makes you look far older older, less agreeable. No one is saying there aren't ugly guys with hair, that has absolutely nothing to do with the issue, the point is that going bald can make someone who is previously attractive unattractive. The point about girls picking up on insecurity even if the guy looks like Brad Pitt is also laughable, the fucking issue is about LEGITIMATE REASONS for feeling insecure, balding is unattractive and thereby makes you insecure, looking like Brad Pitt is not unattractive and thereby in 99% of circumstances you will not be an insecure person.






"Balding men are perceived

by others to be older than their peers by 5–10 years and to

be less agreeable, less assertive, and less attractive (Cash, 1999;

Henss, 2001)"


"Ratings of dominance, masculinity,

age, height, and strength were all higher for these men

when pictured with a digitally shaved head than with hair.

Attractiveness, in contrast, was significantly lower with a

shaved head. Norm violation and leadership potential were

unaffected by hairstyle"


Your points are meaningless and don't get the point being discussed here. What it gets back to is that people are obsessed transplant forum to tell people not to worry about their hairloss. It's utterly ridiculous. Men SHOULD focus on fixing their hairloss issues rather than projecting false confidence, if you have an incredibly confident bald man, half the female population are still going to find them unattractive. Confidence doesn't fix ugly.

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And here dumbass....welcome to 2018.


CBS Local — According to a new study, bald really is beautiful. Researchers at the University of Pennsylvania have released the results of a survey that found that men who have shed their hair are more attractive.

The study was composed of three major tests given to students on campus. Male and female students were asked to rate photos of men according to attractiveness, confidence, and dominance. Some of the photos also digitally removed hair from some of the pictures to show the same person with and without their locks.

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According to the researchers, the bald men won out in all three categories. The study also says men who willingly ditch their hair are perceived as more appealing because they’ve gone against the traditional norms associated with hair and vitality.

“Choosing to dispense with one’s hair is arguably a form of nonverbal behavior, a form of expression which communicates information about the self otherwise difficult to observe,” researchers write.

‘‘Anyone can be confident with a full head of hair. But a confident
bald man—there’s your diamond in the rough.’’ — Larry David

The findings also claim that bald men, being perceived as more dominant, will do better in business and economically overall. Based on their study, researchers at Penn also suggest that men beginning to lose their hair just let it happen.

DA: Pharmacist Tried To Mercy Kill Mother With Insulin Shots

“Instead of spending billions each year trying to reverse or cure their hair loss, the counter-intuitive prescription of this research to men experiencing male pattern baldness is to shave their heads.”

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  • Senior Member
LMFAO, this guy.


You are quoting a fucking study from TWENTY YEARS AGO to try to sit here and say who men/women find attractive or unattractive. You probably bring this stuff up on dates. Dude, you are like 24 years old, an arrogant prick (for what reason I don't know as you likely are broke), and just seem like a miserable dipshit in general.


What the guys on this forum are trying to say is that there are many facets to being desirable. Hair alone is not going to solve your issue. Lots of people who are bald have real confidence. It's not "false confidence" just because they are bald. Most guys don't give 2 fucks about being bald, shave it, and don't think about it again. That's real confidence.


Go ask girls who they would rather date (and marry).


Balding man with $$$$.....versus no balding guy with no $$$$?


And here dumbass....welcome to 2018.


Bald Men Perceived As More Attractive, Dominant, Study Says « CBS Philly


Yes, because thousands of years of human evolutionary psychology didn't mean much and in the space of twenty years balding went from unattractive to every woman's wildest fantasy.


And yes, I willy nilly spent twenty grand on hair transplants by the time I was 23 and start a graduate job on 65k annually in 4 months, but am "broke".


Also the study you posted was from the same literature review I just linked, try actually reading it rather than just the fake news headline:


Attractiveness (out of 7 - 59 participants - average age of male rating TWENTY, average age of female rating THIRTY FIVE):


With hair - 3.73 (0.61)

Shaved 3.61 (0.65)


Perceived age:

With hair - 32.17 (2.39)

Shaved - 33.55 (3.28)


Oh look, it doesn't actually say they look more attractive after all, it clearly says they're LESS attractive and they're mainly asking women approaching middle age but men who are in their twenties and continuously have bias praising bald men in various studies.


Don't quote something you haven't read. You act like mentioning my young age (its 23 not 24) is somehow a critique, but the fact is your arguments just got destroyed by someone ten years younger than you, quite frankly its embarrassing and I feel sorry for you that in your 30s you don't know how to read a dataset or study you're prepared to quote. What a prize catch you are, bald AND stupid.

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Guys we can have a discussion without name calling, I don’t see the point in referencing studies in something as subjective as “attractiveness” the main purpose of getting hair transplant or not getting one done and shaving is your OWN happiness.


I shaved my head for a year before deciding on a transplant, I’m glad I did it, because only then was I sure that I needed a transplant for my own happiness. Everyone I talked to said it looked good, I had a gf at the time, so wasn’t thinking about the opposite sex, I was everything guys mention, I had a thick stubble beard, I wasn’t super steroid jacked, but definitely athletic and lean, for all intent and purposes I looked good.


The problem I faced was not being happy at the reflection in the mirror, to tie this back in to the opposite sex, how are you going to find someone to be happy with you, if you aren’t happy with yourself. Now I’m single, haven’t been in a long time, without sounding like I’m full of myself I’m having no trouble at all getting dates or having sex. Is it because of the hair? Yes I think that does have something to do with it, but mostly it’s because I’m happy with myself, when I talk to a girl, I like how I look and this is what I’m projecting.


Now I’ve always been a big proponent on shaving, why? Because you never fully know whether you’d like it or not unless you try it, some men simply look better without hair, the rock for example looked terrible with hair, stone cold Steve Austin terrible with hair, now these are a TINY percentage of men and definitely not the norm, but how do you know you’re not the outlier unless you try it? Lastly, if you’re not willing to invest in multiple surgeries for the rest of your life, take medications to prevent future hair loss, then maybe shaving is the best option, the one thing that was perceived higher in all three of those studies was dominance and masculinity, those are two traits that women find attractive this is why women are attracted to powerful men regardless of their looks. I said lastly, but this is my last point, all of those studies perceived a shaved head more attractive than thinning, so if you’re not gonna go the transplant concealer look, shave your head, cause a thinning head is the least attractive of all.

  • Thanks 1

I’m a paid admin for Hair Transplant Network. I do not receive any compensation from any clinic. My comments are not medical advice.

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Melvin- Managing Publisher and Forum Moderator for the Hair Transplant Network, the Coalition Hair Loss Learning Center, and the Hair Loss Q&A Blog.

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Guys we can have a discussion without name calling, I don’t see the point in referencing studies in something as subjective as “attractiveness” the main purpose of getting hair transplant or not getting one done and shaving is your OWN happiness. Not to mention when you do reference the studies, you don't get the points correct.


I shaved my head for a year before deciding on a transplant, I’m glad I did it, because only then was I sure that I needed a transplant for my own happiness. Everyone I talked to said it looked good, I had a gf at the time, so wasn’t thinking about the opposite sex, I was everything guys mention, I had a thick stubble beard, I wasn’t super steroid jacked, but definitely athletic and lean, for all intent and purposes I looked good.


The problem I faced was not being happy at the reflection in the mirror, to tie this back in to the opposite sex, how are you going to find someone to be happy with you, if you aren’t happy with yourself. Now I’m single, haven’t been in a long time, without sounding like I’m full of myself I’m having no trouble at all getting dates or having sex. Is it because of the hair? Yes I think that does have something to do with it, but mostly it’s because I’m happy with myself, when I talk to a girl, I like how I look and this is what I’m projecting.


Now I’ve always been a big proponent on shaving, why? Because you never fully know whether you’d like it or not unless you try it, some men simply look better without hair, the rock for example looked terrible with hair, stone cold Steve Austin terrible with hair, now these are a TINY percentage of men and definitely not the norm, but how do you know you’re not the outlier unless you try it? Lastly, if you’re not willing to invest in multiple surgeries for the rest of your life, take medications to prevent future hair loss, then maybe shaving is the best option, the one thing that was perceived higher in all three of those studies was dominance and masculinity, those are two traits that women find attractive this is why women are attracted to powerful men regardless of their looks. I said lastly, but this is my last point, all of those studies perceived a shaved head more attractive than thinning, so if you’re not gonna go the transplant concealer look, shave your head, cause a thinning head is the least attractive of all.


Another idiotic comment. Not name calling, it's just an idiotic and thoughtless comment. Studies are relevant because people like you call it bogus when one uses anecdotal evidence to suggest women don't find it attractive, quite frankly its pathetic to act proud of ignoring them and genuine data on the issue.


"how are you going to find someone to be happy with you, if you aren’t happy with yourself."


You can't really be this stupid. I and no other man with baldness issues ever felt "I am a shit person" because they suffered from it, what they do think and is a fact is that they others around them PERCEIVE them in a different way because of it. And I linked the studies for that very reason, the PERCEPTION of baldness is very objectively a strong negative. You can't magically get away from this with a positive attitude.


"the one thing that was perceived higher in all three of those studies was dominance and masculinity, those are two traits that women find attractive "


Again you come off as a low IQ buffoon. Read the fucking study mate, it clearly shows higher dominance and masculinity, but LOWER attractiveness, so you can't fucking say women find those traits more attractive if the fucking study shows eitherwise. Don't reference the fucking thing if you can't be bothered to read it.


The only thing you got right is the point that buzzed or shaved is rated as more attractive than major thinning.

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Another idiotic comment. Not name calling, it's just an idiotic and thoughtless comment. Studies are relevant because people like you call it bogus when one uses anecdotal evidence to suggest women don't find it attractive, quite frankly its pathetic to act proud of ignoring them and genuine data on the issue.


"how are you going to find someone to be happy with you, if you aren’t happy with yourself."


You can't really be this stupid. I and no other man with baldness issues ever felt "I am a shit person" because they suffered from it, what they do think and is a fact is that they others around them PERCEIVE them in a different way because of it. And I linked the studies for that very reason, the PERCEPTION of baldness is very objectively a strong negative. You can't magically get away from this with a positive attitude.


"the one thing that was perceived higher in all three of those studies was dominance and masculinity, those are two traits that women find attractive "


Again you come off as a low IQ buffoon. Read the fucking study mate, it clearly shows higher dominance and masculinity, but LOWER attractiveness, so you can't fucking say women find those traits more attractive if the fucking study shows eitherwise. Don't reference the fucking thing if you can't be bothered to read it.


The only thing you got right is the point that buzzed or shaved is rated as more attractive than major thinning.


You call me a Low IQ buffoon yet you didn’t read my comment, I read the study, where did I say that shaved heads were perceived more attractive? Please go and re-read my commmet, I said in all three studies what was perceived higher was dominance and masculinity which in itself is an attractive attribute to women. Also you’re not name calling but two paragraphs below go on to indirectly call me a Low IQ buffoon, also I didn’t reference any study, I’m merely repeating what was in the study that was previously linked by someone else.


You’re obviously very insecure which causes you to lash out at people, it’s not worth my time having a discussion with you, because all you do is try and belittle someone without fully reading their comments, everything is an argument instead of a discussion, having an environment like this is toxic to the community. Which is why no one bothered to respond to you. Get some help man seriously.

I’m a paid admin for Hair Transplant Network. I do not receive any compensation from any clinic. My comments are not medical advice.

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Melvin- Managing Publisher and Forum Moderator for the Hair Transplant Network, the Coalition Hair Loss Learning Center, and the Hair Loss Q&A Blog.

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You call me a Low IQ buffoon yet you didn’t read my comment, I read the study, where did I say that shaved heads were perceived more attractive? Please go and re-read my commmet, I said in all three studies what was perceived higher was dominance and masculinity which in itself is an attractive attribute to women. Also you’re not name calling but two paragraphs below go on to indirectly call me a Low IQ buffoon, also I didn’t reference any study, I’m merely repeating what was in the study that was previously linked by someone else.


You’re obviously very insecure which causes you to lash out at people, it’s not worth my time having a discussion with you, because all you do is try and belittle someone without fully reading their comments, everything is an argument instead of a discussion, having an environment like this is toxic to the community. Which is why no one bothered to respond to you. Get some help man seriously.


"the one thing that was perceived higher in all three of those studies was dominance and masculinity, those are two traits that women find attractive"


This is what you said. I never claimed you said a shaved head was more attractive, but you couldn't read the study properly so its hardly surprising you couldn't read my post either. You clearly said that "dominance and masculinity" are attractive traits to women, despite the fact that the study said the exact opposite; dominance and masculinity increased with a shaved head, but attractiveness went down, don't you think that's a tad contrary to your point?


"also I didn’t reference any study, "


You clearly did, not in the Academic sense of providing an actual reference but you referred to data in the study: "he one thing that was perceived higher in all three of those studies". How can you even deny this?


Stupidity and wilful ignorance like yours is toxic. You also outright said you didn't think studies on perception of baldness were worth discussing on a thread about dating and balding.


"everything is an argument instead of a discussion"


You're looking for an echo chamber, not a discussion.


The hypocrisy from you and the others with full heads of hair (all transplanted, most of you on this forum for years and over a thousand posts) telling the bald OP to focus on other issues is genuinely astounding.


And if I was insecure, I'd be more agreeable.

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"the one thing that was perceived higher in all three of those studies was dominance and masculinity, those are two traits that women find attractive"


This is what you said. I never claimed you said a shaved head was more attractive, but you couldn't read the study properly so its hardly surprising you couldn't read my post either. You clearly said that "dominance and masculinity" are attractive traits to women, despite the fact that the study said the exact opposite; dominance and masculinity increased with a shaved head, but attractiveness went down, don't you think that's a tad contrary to your point?


"also I didn’t reference any study, "


You clearly did, not in the Academic sense of providing an actual reference but you referred to data in the study: "he one thing that was perceived higher in all three of those studies". How can you even deny this?


Stupidity and wilful ignorance like yours is toxic. You also outright said you didn't think studies on perception of baldness were worth discussing on a thread about dating and balding.


"everything is an argument instead of a discussion"


You're looking for an echo chamber, not a discussion.


The hypocrisy from you and the others with full heads of hair (all transplanted, most of you on this forum for years and over a thousand posts) telling the bald OP to focus on other issues is genuinely astounding.


And if I was insecure, I'd be more agreeable.


Focus on other issues yes being the most attractive version of yourself is more than just hair, I don't think studies on something subjective like "attractiveness" is worth referencing honestly IMO, why because everyone has different views on what they perceive to be attractive, do you really think that being dominant and masculine is not an attractive trait? attractiveness is much more than just being handsome, being funny is an attractive trait, however it won't necessarily make you more physically attractive in the conventional sense just by looking at you. Yet if you were to ask a girl if they find funny guys attractive they would say yes.


I have never once said that being bald is more attractive than having hair, my whole point is that if you DO NOT want to invest in multiple surgeries, hair loss prevention medications, than shaving your head is the best alternative, believe me when I say this, doing nothing is never bad advice. Not everyone is willing to take finasteride, minoxidil, have multiple surgeries, this is something they don't want to deal with, so to them I say shave your head, its low cost and has no real consequences.


I am not looking for an echo chamber, I'm looking for a constructive discussion in which the other person does not try and belittle me to push their point, I have no problem changing my mind about something, if someone has a valid argument I think its important to stay objective. But you get no where in life trying to call someone names if they dont agree with your point of view. Lashing out and name calling is your defense mechanism, somewhat of a bald mans complex, being overly aggressive and abrasive is a form of compensating. In the time you've been on here, you've practically lashed out at several members and resorted to name calling so I'm not surprised.

I’m a paid admin for Hair Transplant Network. I do not receive any compensation from any clinic. My comments are not medical advice.

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Melvin- Managing Publisher and Forum Moderator for the Hair Transplant Network, the Coalition Hair Loss Learning Center, and the Hair Loss Q&A Blog.

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Focus on other issues yes being the most attractive version of yourself is more than just hair, I don't think studies on something subjective like "attractiveness" is worth referencing honestly IMO, why because everyone has different views on what they perceive to be attractive, do you really think that being dominant and masculine is not an attractive trait? attractiveness is much more than just being handsome, being funny is an attractive trait, however it won't necessarily make you more physically attractive in the conventional sense just by looking at you. Yet if you were to ask a girl if they find funny guys attractive they would say yes.


I have never once said that being bald is more attractive than having hair, my whole point is that if you DO NOT want to invest in multiple surgeries, hair loss prevention medications, than shaving your head is the best alternative, believe me when I say this, doing nothing is never bad advice. Not everyone is willing to take finasteride, minoxidil, have multiple surgeries, this is something they don't want to deal with, so to them I say shave your head, its low cost and has no real consequences.


I am not looking for an echo chamber, I'm looking for a constructive discussion in which the other person does not try and belittle me to push their point, I have no problem changing my mind about something, if someone has a valid argument I think its important to stay objective. But you get no where in life trying to call someone names if they dont agree with your point of view. Lashing out and name calling is your defense mechanism, somewhat of a bald mans complex, being overly aggressive and abrasive is a form of compensating. In the time you've been on here, you've practically lashed out at several members and resorted to name calling so I'm not surprised.


" being overly aggressive and abrasive is a form of compensating."


Quality armchair psychiatry. If you'd like to believe that, along with the idea that research data on the of social perception of balding isn't relevant to the subject of this thread then go ahead. If you think your referencing of a study which implies the opposite of what you said is fine and not worth critiquing, fine. Agree to disagree, but realistically only one of us is correct and looking at the data objectively, rather than with their feelings.


"Not everyone is willing to take finasteride, minoxidil, have multiple surgeries, this is something they don't want to deal with, so to them I say shave your head, its low cost and has no real consequences."


To be honest a substantial amount of people simply don't know about these options. I have a med grad friend who's working in surgery who didn't know that undetectable and dense hair transplants were even a thing in 2018. I have a balding friend my age who asked what happened to my hair post-transplant and after telling him he said he'd previously assumed transplants and meds etc were a scam. Saying shaving has no consequences in terms of new complications is accurate in a sense, but acceptance is in no way going to change the average perceptions of the general public. It doesn't make it any more attractive or viable for people that simply don't look good with a shaved head.


I think the problem here is that there's a tendency of people like yourself with a substantial amount of posts, large scale transplants and interest in the subject to tell people to focus on other issues, when clearly that isn't what you've done in your own situation. Surely you see why this is aggravating to some extent? Most probably other areas of your life too have been focused on as you suggest to OP, but you wouldn't have over 1000 posts and have been here for years if this wasn't a serious issue you felt strongly you had to deal with.


"my whole point is that if you DO NOT want to invest in multiple surgeries, hair loss prevention medications, than shaving your head is the best alternative


Well hairpieces aside that's all we've got. Realistically with the high efficacy and low side effects profile of finasteride and quartering generics for thirty dollars a year it seems hard to argue this isn't the right option if like OP you're feeling that it is, or will impact your dating life or general wellbeing.


I mean I'll leave it at this, if like OP you ever feel that hairloss is having a negative impact on your life to the extent that you're worrying about this constantly, wouldn't the first thing you do to be look at options for dealing with hairloss, rather than say, hitting the gym? The crux of this is that if you have a problem surely you should deal with that specific problem, not other issues which are completely separate. It's particularly nonsensical to see those who clearly felt insecure or negative about their hairloss, went all out on dealing with the issue directly through surgery then tell someone to focus on other things. Certainly in my own case I feel after fixing my hairloss with surgery that I have no major issues with my appearance to women or people in general. I thought I looked old and ugly in the mirror pre-transplant, and now I feel I look good and look my age after the procedure. The problem clearly wasn't that I needed to work out more or be more confident.


It's not all that complicated if you're honest about it.

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