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So here is my story. Started Propecia in 2001, worked like a charm, kept all my hair. I only had moderate thinning all throughout a NW6 area, but Propecia halted my hairloss and I had a full head of hair, where you would need to look extremely close to see some minor thinning.


Then last year everything went to shit. Suddenly I noticed that my hair looked thinner. First I thoought only in the front but then it was obvious that the whole NW& area started to thin. Went on RU last July and Minox in November, but neither stopped my hairloss.


Finally went on Dut 0.5 ED beginning of May this year. As of yet it's been not even 2 months and I can't say if it will work in stopping my hair loss.


The situation of my hair is now so much worse than last year. My hairline and front are super thin now. In the back it's also a lot thinner. All throughout NW6 the hair has thinned but it's especially bad in the front. The hairs in the front also grow much slower than the ones behind so it looks like shit.


Funnily enough I still can pull of a semi full head of hair, which is most likely due to the texture of my hair, which is very thick. But I really want more hair in the front.


So I'm thinking of getting FUE for my front. I figure if my hair loss stops then I want more hair there and if not I will have to shave the whole shit at some point anyways.


I already wrote Dr. Koray in February and he quoted me 2500 grafts for the front. Since then I'm sure my front got worse, but maybe 2500 will do.


The thing is I still got hair there. I want to get density back to that point that even if I lose more hair it will still look ok. But I'm kinda worried about shock loss.


I would really like to take action to do something that moves things back in the other direction, not downhill where my hair went since last year.


Front now:



Two years ago:



7 Years ago:



Do you think I can get my front dense again, even though I still got hair there?

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Dude, your hair looks killer for no transplants and fin for 16 years. I don't see the problem. I don't see a need for a procedure.

I am an online representative for Dr. Raymond Konior who is an elite member of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians.

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Killer? It looks absolut shit! My front is thinned out and doesn't grow! I can't style it at all. I want a good front again. It really went to shit in just one year. I want to get it to where it was before (see other pics). I don't want to wait till I'm really visible balding.

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Killer? It looks absolut shit! My front is thinned out and doesn't grow! I can't style it at all. I want a good front again. It really went to shit in just one year. I want to get it to where it was before (see other pics). I don't want to wait till I'm really visible balding.


If it looks that bad, you won't be able to get any meaningful advise or thoughts with the "front now" pic you have up. It looks fine in that pic for a 25 year old, much less a 42 year old.


Maybe try a more revealing pic for thoughts on what you have going on that could be meaningful, because I can't see anything significant going on in that pic.

I am an online representative for Dr. Raymond Konior who is an elite member of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians.

View Dr. Konior's Website

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It's just so thin that I can't get style it really. I want a good hairline and front again. It also doesn't grow as fast, so it just looks awkward. The not growing as fast came last year and it drives me nuts. I still hope that Dutasteride might help at some point, since I'm only on it for 2 months, but it won't rerow my hairline.


Something like that would be awesome:


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No hair loss drugs completely stop the progression of (MPB), they at best can greatly reduce it but never stop it completely in its tracks.


You would be taking on a great risk of shock loss with that much hair mass that you currently have. I mean the average HT patient does not have that much hair post-op.


I agree with Spanker and Triple. I don't see any hair loss.


And just where would the doctor fit 2500 grafts? There's no place to fit them...:confused:


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I am not a physician and not employed by any doctor/clinic. My opinions are not medical advice, but are my own views which you read at your own risk.

Supporting Physicians: Dr. Robert Dorin: The Hairloss Doctors in New York, NY

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Finasteride stopped my hair loss for 14 years. Fact! Don't know why it fails now, it's like I stopped taking it, but hope that Duta will help.


My hair looks like shit. I hate the way it looks.


You don't see any hair loss? Then please look at the other pics I posted:


Two years ago:



7 Years ago:




I would love to get a result like this:




Isn't there the posibility of dense packing? My hair in the front is so thin that you could easily fit hair between.

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Everything is relative so to guys with more loss it may seem like you have a great head of hair and it's not terrible by any means but all that ultimately matters is what you think of it and if you think it's a problem, then it is.


I'm a diffuse loss patient and my hair was there like yours tho mine was probably a little further adanced in its loss than yours but had thinned in parts to the point where it made styling a pain in the ass tho I still had coverage. I got 2500 into the front hair line and there was no problem at all with permanent shock loss just pick an experienced surgeon who can dense pack and has experience with working between native hairs. Dr Koray has that experience so he would be a fine choice and you could achieve the result you're looking for.

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Your hair looks better than the transplant does in terms of density, are you trying to lower it and make it straight? I mean I don't want to come off crass but you're 42 years old, think of when you're 52,62,72 is that low juvenile hairline going to look natural? Especially if the top and crown start to go? In fact I think that hairline is probably to low for a 42 year old no offense. Sure you can find a surgeon who'll blast 4,200 grafts in the frontal third to lower your hairline and straighten it, but I think where you are currently is natural and age appropriate.



I’m a paid admin for Hair Transplant Network. I do not receive any compensation from any clinic. My comments are not medical advice.

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What? My hairline isn't even half as good as the guys in the pic. When I push it up it's see through.


What is age appropriate? All my friends who don't have hair loss have a hair line like the bloke in the picture. You either have hair loss or you don't. It's not like you see a guy with a low hair line and think "that hair line is too low for his age". No, you think he has good hair.


I look extremely young, most people think I'm at least 10 years younger, so a grandpa hairline would be awful for me. I want the hairline I have now, but denser!

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Your hair looks better than the transplant does in terms of density, are you trying to lower it and make it straight? I mean I don't want to come off crass but you're 42 years old, think of when you're 52,62,72 is that low juvenile hairline going to look natural? Especially if the top and crown start to go? In fact I think that hairline is probably to low for a 42 year old no offense. Sure you can find a surgeon who'll blast 4,200 grafts in the frontal third to lower your hairline and straighten it, but I think where you are currently is natural and age appropriate.


I thought he said he just wanted to add density to it, not lower it. He felt like due to density loss he couldn't style it the way he wanted.

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The truth is if someone has the money, they have reasonable expectations and they've researched risks and a good doctor, they should probably just get the surgery. There is definitely room for improvement.


For your case though, your hair already looks fantastic and you likely have some body dysmorphia issues. Not saying to offend, but if 95% of people achieved your hairline with a transplant they'd be ecstatic, and for your age you're in that top 5% bracket. From your photos it doesn't look clear that you have hairloss to begin with, definitely no visible miniaturisation as is the case normally.


There are also risks of a bad result (albeit low) that could put you in a worse position. Low reward/risk.

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Go for it then. What's the hold up? If you have good donor, At your age, your a candidate. You could make your hairline more dense. But, it seems like your excited about it...as has been said, no such thing as an emergency transplant. Make sure you discuss expectations with your doc.

I am an online representative for Dr. Raymond Konior who is an elite member of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians.

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If you get a HT and the density is not matched 100%, angles of grafts are wrong, there's some plugginess or spareness in some areas, you'll end up looking worse than you do now. For a 42 year old, your hairline is better than 90% of men out there. You sound like you want to turn back the clock and have the hairline of a 24 year old - unrealistic expectation. Any surgery involves some risk - it doesn't sound like you're taking that into consideration. If I were you, I'd be very content with your current hairline. If you're that bothered by it, then I say do your research and get with a reputable surgeon who delivers consistently excellent results and make sure you understand what you're getting into - best of luck.

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Guys, what are you talking about I have no hair loss? Have you taken a look how my hair looked 2 years ago???? Two years!!! I don't want the hairline I had at 24 but the hairline I had at 40!!! I look like late 20s otherwise so I hate how my hair looks!


And it's bullshit that I have a better hairline than 90% of other men my age. Maybe on this board, but not IRL. Half of my friends don't show any kind of balding and have a perfect hairline.


No, I don't have visual miniaturisation, but just a lot less hair. So what do I make of that? The outcome's the same. Also, my hair in the front doesn't grow as fast and looks thin and sickly.


The hold up is that I don't know if I can stop my rapid hair loss with Duta. And that I don't know about shockloss. If that was settled I'd book today.


Yeah I second this.


Listen, man. I actually went through a very similar thing last year, but it was triggered by topical steroids. Thinned the from out tremendously and took several months before it returned. I was way too young when I got my first hair transplant. HTsoon knows my story and would back me up as a cautionary tail. If you have that much hair left, do not risk. I know it's awful to look into the mirror and see that see thorough effect, that you're not used to. A lot of the guys on here with excessive baldness will tell you nothing is wrong, you don't have hair loss. I see exactly what you're talking about. But are you on any vitamins? Have you introduced any shampoo or anything that can cause inflammation? I would suggest getting a good biotin supplement, MSM, turmeric, and giving it three months before you rush into anything. It's very possible that you're going through a shed. The hair doesn't look miniaturized in the classic sense. Please give it some time and let's go through some options before you rush into the chair.


So what am I supposed to do? I didn't take steroids or anything else. Shampoos don't cause pattern hair loss and I haven't changed anything there anyways. I'm trying for one year now to stop my hairloss, first with RU, then minox, now with Duta. It's not a shed, how can a shed last over one year? Supplements don't do shit for hair loss and we all know that.

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I only started RU, Minox and all after my hair got worse. Before that I only used Fin. I shampooed with the same shampoo I have for years and so on.


The problem?


Me in late 2015:



Me now:



If you can't see that I lost a ton of hair then I don't know what you're seeing. The hairline is great? It's thin and see through, it's impossible to style and it doesn't grow right.


For someone with a NW6 this hairline might be great, but for me it's horrible. I want to change it.


Dr. Koray would take me and I think he has one of the best reputation around here, right?


Sorry, if I came across as hysteric, the whole reoccurrence of hairloss is getting to me big time.

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I noticed it last May, but looking back I was already thinning in late 2015, I just didn't realize it, but it shows a bit on photos.


Nothing I did amde a difference, my hair got progressively thinner since last year. So last thing I'm trying is Dutasteride. Can't say anything yet, been not even 2 months.


Dr. Koray thinks that Fin or now Dut will help me keep my top and back. I do hope that's true. If not I will continue to get transplants. A good thing is that my donor hair is very thick and coarse, so that surely helps. I get good coverage with the texture of my hair. I thinned for 4 years before geting on Propecia and yet I still had a full head of hair except when you inspected really close, because my hair gives good coverage.


I don't want an US doctor since I am in Europe. I do think that Erdogan is unbeatable when you look at the price/quality ratio, right?

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Did you start dying your hair?


One of the issues is that you're comparing apples to oranges. The 2015 pic looks semi professional. Styled, combed, soft lighting from the front, probably taken with a dslr, blown out background.


The new one is higher light, harsher light, with a wide angle cell phone lens that makes your forehead look bigger. Not saying you have zero loss, but its now a good set of photos for comparing.


Plenty of docs will take you on, start doing more research and pull the trigger.

I am an online representative for Dr. Raymond Konior who is an elite member of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians.

View Dr. Konior's Website

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I am not a medical professional and my opinions should not be taken as medical advice.

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That's only some Henna, no aggressive dye or something.


I know the 2015 pic has a different lighting, but believe me my hair looked so much better back then.


I have already written Koray again, he's on holidays until July, will see then what he says.


Thank you all for your opinions.

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