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Help manage my expectations pre-HT

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If you followed my other thread you would know that I am close to locking in surgery with either Bisanga or Feriduni in Belgium, who have quoted around 2000 grafts max. I'm currently a NW2.5 heading to a 3, been on Fin 7 years and have been at least a NW 2 since I was 21.


My question is, as someone at this NW level what can I realistically expect in terms of thickness and coverage from a hair transplant given I still have most of my hair and this is to restore the temples and bring down the hairline ever so slightly? (pics attached). And is it realistic to get back to a Norwood 1-1.5?


Also in terms of styling my hair, I used to style my hair like Lionel Messi in the photo attached back when I had stronger temples and hairline. Is that still an option or am I having a laugh?


Thanks guys.





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Respectfully, is a Norwood 1 age appropriate for the entirety of your life? Most men naturally recede to a 2 by mid life, whether they experience baldness or not.


What looks good for a while may not long term, so plan accordingly. Best to pick an age appropriate hairline that can look good as you evolve over the decades without seeming out of place.

Hair loss patient and transplant veteran. Once a Norwood 3A.

Received 2,700 grafts with coalition doctor on 8/13/2010

Received 2,380 grafts with Dr. Steven Gabel on 9/30/2011

Received 1,820 grafts with Dr. Steven Gabel on 7/28/2016

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Yeah, I think that the corners are just a little too closed. I think that a 2000 graft hairline will look fine on you with that hairline height. You are a young guy, so I would make sure you on fin for good when doing a hairline. You look like you have solid hair behind the transplant which will block the light, so you should be good to go. I think for the most part is is appropriate, but I would open up the corners slightly.


I got my transplant when I was 33. 5 years later, I am older and more mature and looking down the barrel of 40 and think, yeah, I would be just as happy (or happier) if my hairline was a little higher. So, I think it is best to err on the side of conservative.

I am an online representative for Dr. Raymond Konior who is an elite member of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians.

View Dr. Konior's Website

View Spanker's Website

I am not a medical professional and my opinions should not be taken as medical advice.

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You appear to just have a high forehead benny along with having a high level of density and good hair volume at present.


Just remember whenever you drop your hairline with that level of present hair density, it's going to take a lot of grafts to achieve a nice hairline that's going to visually blend or produce enough visual compatibility with your present hairline.


It's going to take lots and lots of single hair grafts to commence the start of the new hairline placement.


And you also have a wide color contrast to deal with.


Independent Patient Advocate

I am not a physician and not employed by any doctor/clinic. My opinions are not medical advice, but are my own views which you read at your own risk.

Supporting Physicians: Dr. Robert Dorin: The Hairloss Doctors in New York, NY

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  • Senior Member
Yeah, I think that the corners are just a little too closed. I think that a 2000 graft hairline will look fine on you with that hairline height. You are a young guy, so I would make sure you on fin for good when doing a hairline. You look like you have solid hair behind the transplant which will block the light, so you should be good to go. I think for the most part is is appropriate, but I would open up the corners slightly.


I got my transplant when I was 33. 5 years later, I am older and more mature and looking down the barrel of 40 and think, yeah, I would be just as happy (or happier) if my hairline was a little higher. So, I think it is best to err on the side of conservative.


Thanks spanker. I should have been clear regards my drawing of the hairline was at the request of Feriduni's office, but we've yet to discuss formally what the hairline will be should I proceed (it was a quick scribble on my phone app haha)


So you think don't touch the front hairline at all?

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Agree with Spanker: don't drop your hairline, but thicken it up. I'm a little older and I'm happy with recession of my hairline.


2000 grafts, and you still have more for the future.

Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it. Quote from Charles R. Swindol



March 14, 2013. 2462 grafts to the crown

Hair Transplant with Dr. Gabel in Portland, Oregon

Dr. Gabel's Website

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"Respectfully, is a Norwood 1 age appropriate for the entirety of your life?" "Most men naturally recede to a 2 by mid life, whether they experience baldness or not."


It makes sense to be cautious and economical, but look at a guy like George Clooney's hairline which is actually lower than Benny is looking for. Look at Tom Cruise and Brad Pitt's hairline. These are men approaching their sixties, with borderline perfect, and almost juvenile hairlines.


It's a valid question to ask, but I've NEVER seen evidence that a perfect hairline at even 60 looks silly, and that's 30 years of a perfect hairline for this guy. I'm not talking about transplants, I'm saying that in my entire life, not once have I thought a man's hairline looked "too youthful" or perfect. Can you honestly say you have? Who makes fun of the 55 year old with a perfect hairline? No one. Cosmetic surgery can do more than make you look like "average", so why settle for it?


In this case he's a had a sustained strong response to fin and is prepared to keep it up, and a strong donor area and no crown loss. Not a high risk patient.


That aside, probably best to just let Feriduni do his thing and see what he suggests.

Edited by JeanLDD
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Agree with JL to be honest. Provided your eyes are wide open, you're committed to meds and the doctor green-lights it; no reason why anyone should be forced to "settle" for a hairline that is not what the pt wants.


The only thing I would add is that it may be tough to reach a satisfactory density in one pass! Good luck whatever you decide!

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Expect to need am additional transplant to go over the same area.



Essentially transplanting on a bald head behind a healthy hairline.




It will look like see through pubes after your first trano plant.




I would advise against this, but ultimately it's your decision. Based on experience

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Expect to need am additional transplant to go over the same area.



Essentially transplanting on a bald head behind a healthy hairline.




It will look like see through pubes after your first trano plant.




I would advise against this, but ultimately it's your decision. Based on experience


If someone can't even successfully type the word "transplant", then they are probably not worth listening to on their opinions about hair transplants.

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If someone can't even successfully type the word "transplant", then they are probably not worth listening to on their opinions about hair transplants.


You had a hair transplant at 22 so your probably not worth taking advice from either

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You had a hair transplant at 22 so your probably not worth taking advice from either


Says the one stalking me on a hair loss forum.

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It will look like see through pubes after your first trano plant.



Based on experience



Don't post this unsubstantiated nonsense in response to someone asking for advice. I don't doubt you imagine that you are offering genuine insight but assuredly, you are not.

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Agree with JL to be honest. Provided your eyes are wide open, you're committed to meds and the doctor green-lights it; no reason why anyone should be forced to "settle" for a hairline that is not what the pt wants.


The only thing I would add is that it may be tough to reach a satisfactory density in one pass! Good luck whatever you decide!


That's what I was concerned about? I would think though since it's not advanced hair loss in the scheme of things I could get the density I needed from one HT in the short term (not taking into account a second HT years down the track should the MPB get worse)..

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I am realistic based on expectations and results from personal experience.



Take what I said for what's it's worth but expect to have to undergo two surgeries back to back for enough density to replicate your native hairline. Which is healthy, and will not match a hair transplant in density at one pass.

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I am realistic based on expectations and results from personal experience.



Take what I said for what's it's worth but expect to have to undergo two surgeries back to back for enough density to replicate your native hairline. Which is healthy, and will not match a hair transplant in density at one pass.


Did you get similar work done? Care to share any pictures?


What I was told was that given a I do have strong native hair behind where the transplanted hairs would go it would blend in well and I shouldn't have to have a 2nd procedure for a while. So bit confused with the conflicting information. If that was the case wouldn't it just make more sense to be aggressive with the first HT?

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"Respectfully, is a Norwood 1 age appropriate for the entirety of your life?" "Most men naturally recede to a 2 by mid life, whether they experience baldness or not."


It makes sense to be cautious and economical, but look at a guy like George Clooney's hairline which is actually lower than Benny is looking for. Look at Tom Cruise and Brad Pitt's hairline. These are men approaching their sixties, with borderline perfect, and almost juvenile hairlines.


It's a valid question to ask, but I've NEVER seen evidence that a perfect hairline at even 60 looks silly, and that's 30 years of a perfect hairline for this guy. I'm not talking about transplants, I'm saying that in my entire life, not once have I thought a man's hairline looked "too youthful" or perfect. Can you honestly say you have? Who makes fun of the 55 year old with a perfect hairline? No one. Cosmetic surgery can do more than make you look like "average", so why settle for it?


In this case he's a had a sustained strong response to fin and is prepared to keep it up, and a strong donor area and no crown loss. Not a high risk patient.


That aside, probably best to just let Feriduni do his thing and see what he suggests.


Thanks, I'm not looking to get a juvenile hairline 5cm below where it currently is. To be honest my front has only slightly receded in the past 7/8 years, only looking to bring it down slightly and thicken it up if possible.

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I'm assuming from doing the math that you're 28. Your hair looks great as it is - it's important that I say that first as it's the truth of the matter. But with that said, I think if your goals are to fill in the temples just a bit and strength your hairline, then you'd be a good candidate for that.

I am a patient and representative of Dr Rahal.


My FUE Procedure With Dr Rahal - Awesome Hairline Result


I can be contacted for advice: matt@rahalhairline.com

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  • Senior Member
I'm assuming from doing the math that you're 28. Your hair looks great as it is - it's important that I say that first as it's the truth of the matter. But with that said, I think if your goals are to fill in the temples just a bit and strength your hairline, then you'd be a good candidate for that.


Thanks Matt, I'm very fortunate that fin slowed any hairloss I had down to a crawl. For me my goal is to just not worry about my hair anymore and be able to have the flexibility of styling it how I want within reason, without constantly having to fix it to hide the receding hairline.

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"Respectfully, is a Norwood 1 age appropriate for the entirety of your life?" "Most men naturally recede to a 2 by mid life, whether they experience baldness or not."


I see plenty of men 60+ with perfect low hairlines that haven't budged in their lifetime. JEALOUS lol It looks great. Getting older doesn't mean you need a "mature" hairline. Get the hairline you dream about bennyt89.

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My dad was a NW1 with a low hairline when he died aged 58 and I have no doubt that he would have retained his hairline if he had lived to 100.


The older a man gets, the more he will see men of his own age with MPB and therefore it will seem more 'normal' and acceptable; but older men with NW1 hairlines are far from uncommon. I see them all the time.

I am a patient and representative of Dr Rahal.


My FUE Procedure With Dr Rahal - Awesome Hairline Result


I can be contacted for advice: matt@rahalhairline.com

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