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3500 grafts... good result?

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3500 grafts. The result was not what I expected after looking at hundreds of transplant results and information given by my doctor. I was told the result was due to the texture of my hair.

Last year I ran into a transplant surgeon at an event and we talked about transplants.. He was surprised when I told him I had had a procedure with over 3500 grafts. The doctor I used was endorsed by this site.

So now I am questioning if my results were due to something other than my hair texture. I have attached pics to get some feedback if you have time.







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Is the darker photo the after photo? If so I'd say this is a very poor result, the problem is that with extensive hair loss there are always excuses to be made like 3,500 grafts won't make a difference, or the hair is to thin etc. I had 3,900 grafts and it made a HUGE difference, if the doctor you went to is endorsed by this site then a response is needed, I honestly don't see any difference in the photos. Also at 59 years old, I doubt stopping finasteride has anything to do with this result, I'd say at your age your loss was probably what it's going to be.

I’m a paid admin for Hair Transplant Network. I do not receive any compensation from any clinic. My comments are not medical advice.

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To be honest, since 3500 grafts on a very large balding area like yours won't provide significant density and coverage, based on the few photos I'm seeing, I'd say that what I am seeing is about right for 3500 grafts. I think providing more photos, such as postoperative photos and where the grafts were placed during surgery would be helpful. But if you look at my results (links to my patient website in my signature), I had similar levels of balding and had 9600 grafts over 4 procedures to get the density and coverage I have. That's almost 3 times the number of grafts you have. So personally, I think that the 3500 grafts you received looks about right in terms of growth.


I hope this helps.



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I'd say that it's a little weak for 3500 based on the pics, but the pics aren't really enough to say much. I would say it looked about right with the exception that you already had a persistent forelock. Keep in mind that your transplant cab look much better than in the pics by combing it differently. I don't really see anything wrong with the texture in your hair either.

I am an online representative for Dr. Raymond Konior who is an elite member of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians.

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I am not a medical professional and my opinions should not be taken as medical advice.

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I had FUT.... if I had been informed beforehand that it would take 2

procedures to get decent coverage I wouldn't have an issue. Pre-op

explanation was that I wouldn't have much coverage in the crown area.

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  • Regular Member
I had FUT.... if I had been informed beforehand that it would take 2

procedures to get decent coverage I wouldn't have an issue. Pre-op

explanation was that I wouldn't have much coverage in the crown area.


I've seen worse but obviously could have been better, especially considering it was a strip. It seems like you have thin native hair. Thats a lot of acreage for 3500.


Get back on meds if you can.

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  • Senior Member
I had FUT.... if I had been informed beforehand that it would take 2

procedures to get decent coverage I wouldn't have an issue. Pre-op

explanation was that I wouldn't have much coverage in the crown area.


Can you say who your clinic was? You say they were recommended?


Sorry to hear the outcome was less than optimal. Unfortunately no matter how much certain Clinics bleat on about FUT being a gold standard for hair transplantation and painting a Picture only FUE has sub par outcomes this is just not the case.


There are No guarantees with either .


On a more positive note . Another procedure if successful should improve your situation a lot. You may want to consider other clinics

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I think it looks fine. 3500 is a good number but you have fine hair similar in color to your skin st it may not look as dense as someone with a darker complexion and coarse hair. You look way better than Pre-op. You can always have more work done, but don't make any moves if you are upset right now. Give it time.

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It's possible that some of the existing hair didn't grown back after the procedure or was lost during the thirteen months between the before and after photos. I see improvement, though, and it does look very natural.

I am a patient and representative of Dr Rahal.


My FUE Procedure With Dr Rahal - Awesome Hairline Result


I can be contacted for advice: matt@rahalhairline.com

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You have fine hair and light skin, which does you no favors for cosmetic density. That being said, I too would've had a higher expectation assuming those grafts were placed exclusively in the frontal third.

Hair loss patient and transplant veteran. Once a Norwood 3A.

Received 2,700 grafts with coalition doctor on 8/13/2010

Received 2,380 grafts with Dr. Steven Gabel on 9/30/2011

Received 1,820 grafts with Dr. Steven Gabel on 7/28/2016

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  • Senior Member

Unfortunately I've seen this before where 3500 -4000 grafts are almost dismissed as having the capacity to give cosmetic coverage by some of the posters on here for high NWS , and it always seems to be when its a recommended Doc ,if it had been a no name clinic in Turkey these posters would be saying

quite the opposite ,'well you should have gone with a recommended etc'. This case is not a disaster by any means but I think his initial feeling is correct and he is entitled to have expected a better result.

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Dr. Arocha in Houston was the surgeon. My issue is... prior to the surgery I was shown a few before and after pictures of his patients with good results.. I was shown a segmented picture of the scalp and we discussed where the transplants would be and that I wouldn't have much coverage in the crown area.

The result of the transplant did not really come close to the pre op description.

If I had been shown my before and after pictures I definitely would not have had

the procedure.

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