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Is it too soon for HT? (pics attached)

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As you can see from my pictures I have a receding hairline (I guess I would classify myself a NWIII?). Has completely removed any confidence I had as I'm sure most of you can relate. Have been on Fin for about 5 years now.


I just want to get a normal hairline back and not have to worry about spending 45 minutes in the bathroom trying to hide it every morning. Was contemplating a HT with Dr Path in Bangkok, but I'm not sure if it's too early at this stage?


Have attached pics of the hair loss, but also of the potential donor area and also just a shot of my hair after I've tried to hide the receding hairline for context. (These pics are from just now, I had a haircut this morning and the sides are shaved down to #2)


Thanks guys :)






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How old are you and what is your family history of hair loss? These are factors that come into play when determining eligibility.

David - Former Forum Co-Moderator and Editorial Assistant


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I agree with David, I'm guessing you were born 89 which would make you 27, I don't think you're to young, but I also don't think your hair is bad enough for surgery, to me it looks like a normal maturing hairline, I highly doubt anyone would notice especially if you style it well.


You have to consider future hair loss, if you're destined to be a Norwood 5 then having a Norwood 0 hairline would look ridiculous with everything thin behind it, there is also shock loss to consider, would it be overall worth it for a slight improvement that only you would notice? I don't think so the risks outweigh the reward IMO.

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Melvin- Managing Publisher and Forum Moderator for the Hair Transplant Network, the Coalition Hair Loss Learning Center, and the Hair Loss Q&A Blog.

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If you want to get a better grasp of where you are in terms of hair loss and where you could be headed, then buzz down your hair and take an overview picture.


When you remove combed over hair from the equation it become readily more apparent how much recession you have undergone, and if you have miniaturization of hairs in the typical male pattern baldness regions.


I've read a post where a guy got burned because he had way too much donor hair put at the front of his hairline, not realizing how advanced he was balding because he didn't cut his hair to get a good enough look until it was too late.

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How old are you and what is your family history of hair loss? These are factors that come into play when determining eligibility.


I'm 28 in May next year. My father is bald (probably a NW 5) however everyone on my Mothers side has naturally very high hairlines which I something I always told myself as sort of denial I guess that I don't have MPB.


The pics don't do it much justice but my sides/temples are thinning worse than it looks. Even if I comb it down, under bright lights/sun the sides are starting to become see through :(

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This is so minimal, i wouldnt go down the surgery line just yet. As many have said, this is probably your hairline maturing. I would give it 3-5 years and see what happens. Look at family history of progression as well. If you're really conerned, try finasteride/minoxidil. You're thinking it's worse than it is..

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Agreed. Get on fin. You look like you are in good shape. Out you get on fin you're likely to watch your friends start balding around you while you keep a nice head of hair.

I am an online representative for Dr. Raymond Konior who is an elite member of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians.

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Have been on Fin for about 5 years now, so will keep on that.


May I ask what is the definition of a 'Maturing hairline'?


In hindsight I think I got lucky, as I was very very close to getting a hair transplant with Dr Jennifer Martinick who from what I can see hasn't got the best reviews. And this was 4 or so years ago when my hair was better than it was now. Lucky I stumbled across this place, that would have been a disaster!


Is there a point where you stabilise at a Norwood level? I.e could my hair potentially stop receding now? Or is MPB destined for a NW 4-6 always?

Edited by bennyt89
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Where you end up all depends on your genetics, some men never go beyond Norwood 3 or 4. I highly doubt your hair will stabilize at 27, you mentioned your father is Norwood 5, it's possible you will follow his pattern, however since you're on finasteride the process will be very slow.


I think it should be clear that finesteride does not change your genetics, anyone who's a Norwood 6 in their genetics will always have the Norwood 6 genetic susceptibility. Finesteride will simply slow the process, in guys with less genetic susceptibility like guys destined to be Norwood 3-4 it may stop the hair loss. It's important to remember everyone's sensitivity to DHT is different and as such 30% DHT may not cause hair loss in some or it may slow the process in some.


A maturing hairline is still a sign of MPB however it is quite common and because its so common rarely is anyone with a maturing hairline considered bald or balding.


Prime example is Leonardo DiCaprio, below you'll see his hairline in titanic was still somewhat juvenile, now in his 40's the temples have receded his hairline is higher and appears to have matured, no one would ever say he's going bald, although that is still mpb it's very mild.


Titanic Leo



40 year old Leo


I’m a paid admin for Hair Transplant Network. I do not receive any compensation from any clinic. My comments are not medical advice.

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Melvin- Managing Publisher and Forum Moderator for the Hair Transplant Network, the Coalition Hair Loss Learning Center, and the Hair Loss Q&A Blog.

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Men who will lose a large amount of hair will see the signs in ages of about seventeen to twenty-five. There's no one hundred percent guarantees in any androgenetic hair loss although air loss in its nature is progressive. Without regimen, there is less of a chance to stabilize for a longer period of time.

My opinions are my own. I am one representative of MyWHTC Clinic's European branch.


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Dr. Patrick Mwamba is a member of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians

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Where you end up all depends on your genetics, some men never go beyond Norwood 3 or 4. I highly doubt your hair will stabilize at 27, you mentioned your father is Norwood 5, it's possible you will follow his pattern, however since you're on finasteride the process will be very slow.


I think it should be clear that finesteride does not change your genetics, anyone who's a Norwood 6 in their genetics will always have the Norwood 6 genetic susceptibility. Finesteride will simply slow the process, in guys with less genetic susceptibility like guys destined to be Norwood 3-4 it may stop the hair loss. It's important to remember everyone's sensitivity to DHT is different and as such 30% DHT may not cause hair loss in some or it may slow the process in some.


A maturing hairline is still a sign of MPB however it is quite common and because its so common rarely is anyone with a maturing hairline considered bald or balding.


Prime example is Leonardo DiCaprio, below you'll see his hairline in titanic was still somewhat juvenile, now in his 40's the temples have receded his hairline is higher and appears to have matured, no one would ever say he's going bald, although that is still mpb it's very mild.


Titanic Leo



40 year old Leo



Thanks for the explanation. So would you say at this stage mine is more of maturing hairline and should just keep an eye on it and continue with the fin?

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Thanks for the explanation. So would you say at this stage mine is more of maturing hairline and should just keep an eye on it and continue with the fin?


Absolutely, at this stage it looks like its maturing, I would stick with the fin and just monitor your hair loss. You're in good shape if you can stay like this in your 30's you'll be in great shape.


There is nothing wrong with having a mature hairline especially when you're no longer an adolescent, I personally don't think it looks bad, having a hairline like Leo's is perfectly normal for a Caucasian male his age.


It's important to remember also that hairline height is generally higher for Caucasians then it is for guys of African descent or other ethnic backgrounds.


Take a look at this video, this guy got a hairline that is appropriate for a guy of African descent, it looks ridiculous on a Caucasian man, his hairline was perfectly normal before, don't fall in to that trap.


I’m a paid admin for Hair Transplant Network. I do not receive any compensation from any clinic. My comments are not medical advice.

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Melvin- Managing Publisher and Forum Moderator for the Hair Transplant Network, the Coalition Hair Loss Learning Center, and the Hair Loss Q&A Blog.

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Absolutely, at this stage it looks like its maturing, I would stick with the fin and just monitor your hair loss. You're in good shape if you can stay like this in your 30's you'll be in great shape.


There is nothing wrong with having a mature hairline especially when you're no longer an adolescent, I personally don't think it looks bad, having a hairline like Leo's is perfectly normal for a Caucasian male his age.


It's important to remember also that hairline height is generally higher for Caucasians then it is for guys of African descent or other ethnic backgrounds.


Take a look at this video, this guy got a hairline that is appropriate for a guy of African descent, it looks ridiculous on a Caucasian man, his hairline was perfectly normal before, don't fall in to that trap.




Thanks again, here's one more photo I forgot to upload. It's pulling all the hair back as you can see the temples here. Would this still be a mature hairline? (happy for others input as well). Sorry to go on about it.


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  • 2 weeks later...
  • Senior Member
Absolutely, at this stage it looks like its maturing, I would stick with the fin and just monitor your hair loss. You're in good shape if you can stay like this in your 30's you'll be in great shape.


There is nothing wrong with having a mature hairline especially when you're no longer an adolescent, I personally don't think it looks bad, having a hairline like Leo's is perfectly normal for a Caucasian male his age.


It's important to remember also that hairline height is generally higher for Caucasians then it is for guys of African descent or other ethnic backgrounds.


Take a look at this video, this guy got a hairline that is appropriate for a guy of African descent, it looks ridiculous on a Caucasian man, his hairline was perfectly normal before, don't fall in to that trap.




Damn! His hair looked great BEFORE the procedure!

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Thanks again, here's one more photo I forgot to upload. It's pulling all the hair back as you can see the temples here. Would this still be a mature hairline? (happy for others input as well). Sorry to go on about it.


You appear to be a potential Norwood III. How is the coverage in the top looking right now?

My opinions are my own. I am one representative of MyWHTC Clinic's European branch.


Consultation Dates & Cities for Dr. Patrick Mwamba

London, United Kingdom - Available (Sat.)

Zurich, Switzerland - Available (Saturday)

Bologna, Italy - Available (Saturday)

Brussles, Belgium - Available (Sun.-Sat.) *No Fee*

Dr. Patrick Mwamba is a member of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians

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