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2700 Grafts FUE - Tue 11th October 2016 - Dr Koray Erdogan ASMED Istanbul


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I know, its flown by. Sure I wish I could just hibinate for the next 3-4 months and wake up with a lovely head of hair. but I've excepted it looks a bit odd and I'm not that bothered.


As for shock look, I'm come to the conclusion that HT's are unpredictable beasts and people react quite differently to the procedure. Some people shed within a week, other keep a good head of hair for several weeks, some have prominet redness for months, others not so much. While of course over harvesting would leave a bad result, I think the whole shock loss is also down to how indviduals bodies react, you either get it or you don't. I'm not sure there is much control over it.


I don't mind experiencing shock loss as long as it returns eventually. It's more the thought of losing more hair than I currently have that is causing me to feel slightly anxious at the moment.

First Transplant: 5000 FUE grafts with Dr Koray Erdogan ASMED, December 2016


First Hair Transplant link: http://www.hairrestorationnetwork.com/eve/185564-5000-grafts-fue-13th-14th-december-asmed-dr-erdogan.html



Hair loss regime


Propecia 1mg daily

Saw Palmetto 450mg daily

Biotin 1000ug daily

MSM 1500mg daily

Pumpkin Seed Oil 1000mg daily

1% Nizoral shampoo weekly

Lasercomb x 3 weekly

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Day 35 - Monday 14th November


I'm just debating with myself if the redness has gone down since last week? Looking at the same office picture from last Tuesday it's kind of the same, but definitely much reduced from a few weeks ago. For those who are interested, I am occasionally using some Aloe Vera gel on it but while it may technically be moisturising, it's leave the skin feeling tight. Not sure if it's helping or whether it's just fading on its own. I also bought some sweet almond oil last week, it's also (along with the Aloe Vera) one of the natural products that the clinic suggest may help with redness. First time I tried it I wasn't sure if it felt a bit odd (may have just been imagining it) so I washed it right off but last night I mixed a little gel and oil together and used that. Will try that for a few days. Would love to be able to put some kind of moisturiser cream on my scalp and the recipient area as it's quite dry and flaky (like dandruff). :rolleyes:


Anyway, picture from the office today, again by the window so natural light.


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Hey Deb1982 yeah we are there on the same day, I fly in on Monday the 12th at 6:30pm.

When do you get in?


Hi Jax, just want to clarify did you declare the cash you brought into Turkey with their customs department or on the incoming passenger declaration?

If so how much cash did you take/declare and were there any hassles for you along the way?

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  • Senior Member
Hey Deb1982 yeah we are there on the same day, I fly in on Monday the 12th at 6:30pm.

When do you get in?


Hi Jax, just want to clarify did you declare the cash you brought into Turkey with their customs department or on the incoming passenger declaration?

If so how much cash did you take/declare and were there any hassles for you along the way?

Hi KingD2, it's my understanding that I'm you only have to declare if it's over 10,000 euros. How much are you taking? I only took just over 6,000 euros so that's wasn't a concern for me. When I got my currency I tried to get it in higher denominations so that I'd have less notes and when I travelled I got a money belt so it was all tightly secured away. However I think it was probably unnecessary and I could have just kept it in the bottom of my backpack as it was filled will all sorts so nobody could have easily put their hand in and stolen it.

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  • Senior Member
Hey Deb1982 yeah we are there on the same day, I fly in on Monday the 12th at 6:30pm.

When do you get in?


Hi Jax, just want to clarify did you declare the cash you brought into Turkey with their customs department or on the incoming passenger declaration?

If so how much cash did you take/declare and were there any hassles for you along the way?


I fly in on the Monday as well but arrive earlier in the day then you. I'm having my consultation that same day so probably won't see you until Tuesday morning when we are collected.

First Transplant: 5000 FUE grafts with Dr Koray Erdogan ASMED, December 2016


First Hair Transplant link: http://www.hairrestorationnetwork.com/eve/185564-5000-grafts-fue-13th-14th-december-asmed-dr-erdogan.html



Hair loss regime


Propecia 1mg daily

Saw Palmetto 450mg daily

Biotin 1000ug daily

MSM 1500mg daily

Pumpkin Seed Oil 1000mg daily

1% Nizoral shampoo weekly

Lasercomb x 3 weekly

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Hey JustJax, I wanted to ask who does the graft removal at ASMED?

Is it Dr. Erdogan himself or do the techs do the graft removal?


I understand the techs do (all of ??) the graft placement at ASMED from what I've read.

go dense or go home


Unbiased advice and opinions based on 25 plus years of researching and actual experience with hair loss, hair restoration via both FUT & FUE, SMP, scalp issues including scalp eczema & seborrheic dermatitis and many others


HSRP10's favorite FUT surgeons: *Dr. Konior, *Dr Hasson, Dr. Rahal

HSRP10's favorite FUE surgeons: *Dr. Konior, *Dr. Bisanga, Dr. Erdogan, Dr. Couto

(*indicates actual experience with doctor)

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  • Senior Member
Hey JustJax, I wanted to ask who does the graft removal at ASMED?

Is it Dr. Erdogan himself or do the techs do the graft removal?


I understand the techs do (all of ??) the graft placement at ASMED from what I've read.

Hi Hsrp10, Erdogan does the hair design and all the incisions but the techs do the extractions and insertions.

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Day 35 - Monday 14th November


I'm just debating with myself if the redness has gone down since last week? Looking at the same office picture from last Tuesday it's kind of the same, but definitely much reduced from a few weeks ago. For those who are interested, I am occasionally using some Aloe Vera gel on it but while it may technically be moisturising, it's leave the skin feeling tight. Not sure if it's helping or whether it's just fading on its own. I also bought some sweet almond oil last week, it's also (along with the Aloe Vera) one of the natural products that the clinic suggest may help with redness. First time I tried it I wasn't sure if it felt a bit odd (may have just been imagining it) so I washed it right off but last night I mixed a little gel and oil together and used that. Will try that for a few days. Would love to be able to put some kind of moisturiser cream on my scalp and the recipient area as it's quite dry and flaky (like dandruff). :rolleyes:


Anyway, picture from the office today, again by the window so natural light.


I am surprised to see redness at day 35! You must have very sensitive skin. How was the shedding mate? Can you see tiny new hairs popping?

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I am surprised to see redness at day 35! You must have very sensitive skin. How was the shedding mate? Can you see tiny new hairs popping?


I'm not sure some redness at this stage is that uncommon. I think most clinics play down the redness and I've seen a lot of guys on here with redness 2-3 months on. I really think it's the luck of the draw and of course skin sensitivity will play a big factor too.


I think my shed phase is done. As you'll see below and in the previous pictures, 95% (if not more) of my transplanted hair is gone and was shed by the end of week four. Although I now shower at the gym 5 days a week so can't properly check/track fallen hairs, from what I can see from my hands when shampooing, I'm not longer shedding hair, which I guess is as expected as I don't really have anything left to shed :D As for tiny hairs, I do have some but I'm not sure if those are new hairs or just the few remaining transplanted hairs still slowly sprouting, suspect it's the latter as it's probably way to early for any shed hair to regrow.


Day 40 - Saturday 19th November


So it's Sunday, but these pictures are from yesterday morning so labelling up appropriately. No real change from the pictures I posted the other day. While there is some definite redness in play, I think I am more conscious of it than others. However I will say while I'm conscious of it, I'm not really overly bothered by it and I'm not overly avoiding people or obsessively wear a hat to cover it. My mother is visiting this weekend and seeing my hair for the first time and reckons it looks fine and the redness isn't that bad so that's positive.





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That is one hell of a shedding mate! It will be an awesome result hopefully.

Lol, not sure if 'one hell of a shedding' fills me with confidence :D but hopefully you are right or it'll land up being the worlds most expensive haircut.

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Day 46 - Saturday 26th November


Just a quickie with some pictures from today. Not sure there is any notable difference from pictures last week, maybe a little less redness. Its definitely reducing tho, hopefully by Christmas the redness will be gone and it'll be long enough to style a little.


Speaking of which, Asmed advises no hair product for 6 months but I've been using/mixing aloe vera gel and sweet almond oil (both recommended by a Asmed to reduce redness) and they kind of act as a styling product so I might use that to help shape it as it gets a little longer. :D


Anyway, here are some pics from today. I'll post at 2 months which will be 6th Dec and then probably switch to monthly pictures as it's a bit boring at the moment.





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My shed was much slower, and my redness took months to fade. Just goes to show everyone is different! Best wishes as you progress through the remainder of yuk period. :)

Thanks, a little part of me still worries that it won't come back but I try not to worry about it too much. It is the yuk ugly duckling phase but to be honest I've kinda made peace with it and while it's still so short, it's quite nice to be able to get up in the mornings and now worrying about checking and styling my hair.

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There are a few hairs that have remained in the recipient area. Are they just growing as normal?


How far off do you think you hair is from being back to pre-op state?


2 weeks today until I go. Nerves kicking in now.

First Transplant: 5000 FUE grafts with Dr Koray Erdogan ASMED, December 2016


First Hair Transplant link: http://www.hairrestorationnetwork.com/eve/185564-5000-grafts-fue-13th-14th-december-asmed-dr-erdogan.html



Hair loss regime


Propecia 1mg daily

Saw Palmetto 450mg daily

Biotin 1000ug daily

MSM 1500mg daily

Pumpkin Seed Oil 1000mg daily

1% Nizoral shampoo weekly

Lasercomb x 3 weekly

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There are a few hairs that have remained in the recipient area. Are they just growing as normal?


How far off do you think you hair is from being back to pre-op state?


What little (don't reckon its more than 2-3%) that remained is growing but slowly or least it seems slow compared to the non-recipient/donor hair area. I suspect it will stay looking much the same for the next month and then if I'm lucky, I might see some very fine hairs kick in around early Jan (3 month mark). In terms of getting back to pre-op state, sadly I've got a while to go yet. As you can see from the pics below, it wasn't that long, but it was a lot longer than it it is currently, particularly on the top where I used some length to disguise the receding temples.

2 weeks today until I go. Nerves kicking in now.
But exciting too. It'll come and go in no time .. the upside is its perfect wooly cap weather! :D



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In terms of getting back to pre-op state, sadly I've got a while to go yet. As you can see from the pics below, it wasn't that long, but it was a lot longer than it it is currently, particularly on the top where I used some length to disguise the receding temples.


I do exactly the same thing in that I use the length from on top to cover the receding temples. Hence my slight anxiety at having the temples on full view to everyone for 4 months with no coverage. Not sure anyone other than my wife has actually ever seen my real hair line! :D


But as you say the wooly hat will be firmly on my head.

First Transplant: 5000 FUE grafts with Dr Koray Erdogan ASMED, December 2016


First Hair Transplant link: http://www.hairrestorationnetwork.com/eve/185564-5000-grafts-fue-13th-14th-december-asmed-dr-erdogan.html



Hair loss regime


Propecia 1mg daily

Saw Palmetto 450mg daily

Biotin 1000ug daily

MSM 1500mg daily

Pumpkin Seed Oil 1000mg daily

1% Nizoral shampoo weekly

Lasercomb x 3 weekly

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Okay so it's not 8 weeks until Tuesday, but I had my hair cut yesterday so I took some shots. Not sure it really shows in these pics but definitely feels like there is a bit more shape to it now. Also I don't think it's new hair, but in the temples, what we just dots a month ago seems to be hair that's growing very very slow.


As you can see from the pics of the back, the donor area is a little noticeable, but I think only people who have had transplants and those considering them would really notice and question it. Grade wise, I had Them use a 1.5 again which is the shortness I like but possibly I should go for a 2 or 2.5 and that might hide it better .. but I'm not too bothered and I would rather go shorter at the moment to create the appearance of more length on top. Planning to get it cut again in about 3 weeks (just before Christmas).







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Looking good mate. Redness has definitely faded and I can't personally see any scarring at that length.


I forgot to ask did you use anyone specifically when ordering your currency?

First Transplant: 5000 FUE grafts with Dr Koray Erdogan ASMED, December 2016


First Hair Transplant link: http://www.hairrestorationnetwork.com/eve/185564-5000-grafts-fue-13th-14th-december-asmed-dr-erdogan.html



Hair loss regime


Propecia 1mg daily

Saw Palmetto 450mg daily

Biotin 1000ug daily

MSM 1500mg daily

Pumpkin Seed Oil 1000mg daily

1% Nizoral shampoo weekly

Lasercomb x 3 weekly

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  • Senior Member
Looking good mate. Redness has definitely faded and I can't personally see any scarring at that length.


I forgot to ask did you use anyone specifically when ordering your currency?

I got most of mine from a London based chain called Thomas Exchange Global as they typically have some of the best rates around.

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I got most of mine from a London based chain called Thomas Exchange Global as they typically have some of the best rates around.


Thank you! I don't want to hijack your thread with a load of questions but I do have a couple about the hotel stay if you don't mind.


Is there room service? If not what did you do for food in the evenings?


Is there a shop nearby to purchase water from?


Cheers pal

First Transplant: 5000 FUE grafts with Dr Koray Erdogan ASMED, December 2016


First Hair Transplant link: http://www.hairrestorationnetwork.com/eve/185564-5000-grafts-fue-13th-14th-december-asmed-dr-erdogan.html



Hair loss regime


Propecia 1mg daily

Saw Palmetto 450mg daily

Biotin 1000ug daily

MSM 1500mg daily

Pumpkin Seed Oil 1000mg daily

1% Nizoral shampoo weekly

Lasercomb x 3 weekly

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  • Senior Member
Thank you! I don't want to hijack your thread with a load of questions but I do have a couple about the hotel stay if you don't mind.


Is there room service? If not what did you do for food in the evenings?


Is there a shop nearby to purchase water from?


Cheers pal

No worries, yes its a Radisson Blu (unless you opted for the clinic) and its full service hotel. I didn't actually order room service, but prices seemed pretty reasonable and it all sounded quite tasty. Besides room service there is the hotel restaurant (which I had breakfast in daily and had dinner at one night) and if you go out of the hotel, turn right, right and right again you come to a few restaurants. I didn't venture much out except for one night, but I don't remember the name of the place. As for a shop for water, someone did mention there was a small supermarket nearby but I didn't bother looking for it. I'm sure it would be easy enough to find though. Just ask at reception, the staff are very friendly/helpful.


Happy to answer any other questions if you have them.

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  • Regular Member
Thank you! I don't want to hijack your thread with a load of questions but I do have a couple about the hotel stay if you don't mind.


Is there room service? If not what did you do for food in the evenings?


Is there a shop nearby to purchase water from?


Cheers pal


Just go out of the hotel and turn left and left (follow the street). After 5mins you'll reach a small supermarket and after 8mins there is a huge supermarket. First i asked the receptionist and he sent me in the wrong direction. I think he was new as he also wanted me to charge for my room which was already paid by Asmed...


We had room service and it was quite ok and not so expensive.

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​Well it's officially 2 months to the date that I had my hair transplant. I'm at what they often call the 'ugly duckling' phase, but to be honest I made peace with this stage a good 4-5 weeks ago. It's ironic that I worried so much about how my hair has looked for years, yet now my receding hairline is more obvious than ever .. at least for the time being. However, I should add that while I'm not generally bothered with how I look right now, I'd still be self conscious if I were to go on a date or wouldn't relish getting pictures taken, etc.


Pictures below were taken today except the last one which is from yesterday but I included it as I think it shows some of the little dots of hair a little better.. I don't think there is a real noticeable difference from recent pictures but I wanted to post today as it the 2 month anniversary. I may be mistaken, but transplant area does feels a little more prickly recently, so I think a few hairs are coming through, we'll see.





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