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Feller/Bloxham set up

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Precisely. We've attempted to articulate this numerous times but we continue to dance around it. You cannot attach yourself to someone else without results and establish credility.


BTW it would be unfair to ban London for sarcasm. I dont see how that sends a message of fairness.


Esrec, do you feel Dr Ron Shapiro should have his Coalition status questioned? Isn't Dr. Josephitis a new doctor attached to Shaprio Medical ? He has no results or established credibility. You are all over Feller, are you going to ask your doctor whats up and make him come online to answer to you? Here's the link to Dr. Ron Shapiro's new doctor. See for yourself-


Dr. David Josephitis -


(sorry I don't know how to make it into a link. Maybe a moderator can help).


Isn't it hypocritical that you only single out feller and not your own doctor when its a clear thing hes doing the same thing?


How about when he brought on Dr. Paul ? How do you think Dr. Paul learned? Think doing HT transplants was just uploaded to him over night? Or did his brother teach him on his actual patients like an internship? Wasn't he attached to his brother with no results or credibility? Should Dr. Ron's Coalition status be questioned for that now? are you going to call for that? Here is Dr. Paul's page on the SMG website. In the second video he says his brother taught him, thought he was good, and took him into the practice. Should Dr. Ron's Coalition status been taken taken away then because the introduction of his brother diluted the practice? He had no results and no credibility.


Here's the link-

Paul Shapiro, MD -


You think Dr. Paul learned how to do HTs by magic? He learned on his brothers patients with his brother guiding him. Did he get special consent to do this? How about Dr. Josephitis ? If you want FUE and you want only Dr. Ron to do it, will he? In the past he had a technician doing the fue extractions. not a doctor. a technician. was the technician a coalition member by backdoor proxy? did smg offer a discount for the non doctor fue technician? who are you to question a doctor like feller, a doctor you don't know and never met, but not make the same public demands of your own doctor?

Here's a link to an fue result by smg. who did the work? and I see that the shapiro medical team was given the credit. there is dr josephitis in the team, but hes not a coalition member. is he taking credit for this fue? did he do it? was this or is this a deception that the moderators should be informed of? Did the fue patient pay less because dr josphitis was on the team? You asked this of feller, why not of your own doctor?




Stig you demand to know how feller trains his people. you aren't ever going to go to him for a surgery but you take every shot at him you can. shouldnt you be asking Dr. Ron how he trained dr paul and now dr. josephitis? shouldn't you ask if he sits there and watches his technician extracting fues with a magnifier? Is that what hes doing with dr. Josephitis now? you never seem interested in how he trains his new doctors. but you're all over feller. Bill is right, people come on here just to give dr feller a hard time and you are the top of the list. If you are going to make such demands of feller, why not make them of dr shapiro. you love him so much you push him everytime anyone asks for a recommendation, shouldn't you assure everyone he's training his new people properly and answer to you on demand?

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I think you're missing the point of transparency.


I never once said anything negative about either doctor. I've questioned the transparency just as everyone else has. I've also never frowned on helping to bring a young and talented surgeon up through the ranks. I've simply asked, as others have, to have transparency throughout the process. You seem VERY defensive of Dr. Feller. It's not ok to ask tough questions? I'm a big fan of his and he's helped me which I've mentioned before.


If and when Dr. Ron participated with these surgeons as they were developing, as he surely did, the patients were fully aware. The selected their surgeon and maybe received additional guidance by the most seasoned one. I have consent forms if you'd like evidence.


That's the difference. This patient supposedly felt duped. He felt he had selected one doctor and got another. I don't think this was intended, but this is what happened. Surely you grasp this and understand why we'd like to know more.


Separately, I agree that all recommendations should come with merit. A small subset of the HT population comes here, but when they do, this distinction should be made.

Edited by esrec
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Stig you demand to know how feller trains his people. you aren't ever going to go to him for a surgery but you take every shot at him you can. shouldnt you be asking Dr. Ron how he trained dr paul and now dr. josephitis? shouldn't you ask if he sits there and watches his technician extracting fues with a magnifier? Is that what hes doing with dr. Josephitis now? you never seem interested in how he trains his new doctors. but you're all over feller. Bill is right, people come on here just to give dr feller a hard time and you are the top of the list. If you are going to make such demands of feller, why not make them of dr shapiro. you love him so much you push him everytime anyone asks for a recommendation, shouldn't you assure everyone he's training his new people properly and answer to you on demand?


Hi HairJo,


I am not demanding anything, just asking the tough questions. There is a difference between Dr Feller and Dr Ron Shapiro. When you go to Shapiro medical, every patient can walk in and elect to choose Dr Ron Shapiro as their surgeon. Dr Feller has just conceded that no patient can walk into his clinic and select only him as his surgeon. I have no issue with Dr Feller executing his procedures the way he does, and as I have stated previously, I am not trying to dictate how he run's his own practice. I don't disagree with Bill's conclusion that Dr Feller's recommendation is not impacted if he is in fact directly supervising the work of Dr Bloxham. My issue is the fact that Dr Feller has danced around this question, and I think it is very relevant to understand the level of his direct supervision (Bill's words). If Dr Feller is not in the room with Dr Bloxham monitoring and supervising him during the most critical aspect of the surgery which is the incision making process, then in my opinion I believe his recommendation has been compromised. Why has it been compromised you ask? Because the recommendation is based on the skills of Dr Feller performing the surgery, and seeing that when any patient selects Dr Feller based on this site, he is in fact subjecting himself to the possibility of Dr Bloxham, a non-recommended surgeon, performing the critical aspects of the surgery without the direct supervision of Dr Feller. To me, seeing that the patient has no say in Dr Feller performing the critical aspect of the surgery, he is not really able to get the quality results driving the recommendation. My view could change if Dr Feller answers my questions and is in fact heavily involved in supervising Dr Bloxham during the most critical aspects of the surgery, although it is pushing the line. Peyton Manning is one of the greatest quarterbacks of all time. If he selects a young prot?g? and hand trains himself, when that prot?g? plays in a game, you cannot say you are watching Payton Manning are you?

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You contiue to miss the point of transparency.


I never once said anything negative about either doctor. I've questioned the transparency just as everyone else has. I've also never frowned on helping to bring a young and talented surgeon up through the ranks. I've simply asked, as others have, to have transparency throughout the process. You seem VERY defensive of Dr. Feller. It's not ok to ask tough questions? I'm a big fan of his and he's helped me which I've mentioned before.


If and when Dr. Ron participated with these surgeons as they were developing, as he surely did, the patients were fully aware. The selected their surgeon and maybe received additional guidance by the most seasoned one. I have consent forms if you'd like evidence.


That's the difference. This patient supposedly felt duped. He felt he had selected one doctor and got another. I don't think this was intended, but this is what happened. Surely you grasp this and understand why we'd like to know more.


Separately, I agree that all recommendations should come with merit. A small subset of the HT population comes here, but when they do, this distinction should be made.


You sure dance around like a jumping bean. You didn't answer any of my questions. If youre a big fan of fellers he certainly doesn't need enemies. You asked questions of him that should be asked of your doctor first if you are going to make yourself into a self appointed hair transplant prosecutor.

Do you have the consent forms given out when Dr. Paul was being trained years ago? no. Do you have the consent form for getting an fue at smg even though you got fut. are they the same forms? no. and that wasnt' good enough for you anyway. were you assured that dr josephitis would not be working on you before you visited the office when you were interested in fue? I doubt it. If you went for an fue, would you be given the choice for dr jospehitis not to do it? but that only dr. ron would do it? would you have known this before you got on a plane. no. Where's the the transparency here? The truth is you have no idea what goes on at shapiro medical group anymore than you do at any other HT doctors office including dr feller's. you had one transplant and spend all your time on a forum. what do you know? nothing.

You have no idea what feller's patient felt. He wrote a disgusting post full of threats and then pulled the entire thing down. you have no idea what he was thinking or what really happened, you just assumed it and ran with it. the posts were removed by the patient and he was banned. shouldn't you give the credibility to feller and not a person who took down his own words? Right here you claim the patient went to get one doctor but got the other. you made that up. you have no idea what actually happened and feller came on here and said the patient got both doctors. you think a doctor is going to lie about that?


You want transparency, give it to us concerning your own doctor first. by your mind dr feller's coalition status should be in question so shouldn't both dr ron and dr pauls coaltion status be in question? You don't think all the years Dr. Ron used a technician to remove FUEs the patients thought the doctor was going to do the extractions himself? you think they knew that before they got to the clinic? . you have no problem with that? Get the consent forms they used when they had a technician do the fues if you want to give evidence. good luck getting them.

So answer my question. shouldn't dr ron and dr paul be held to the same standards you are holding feller to? or is it ok if its your doctor, or just because you say so?

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I'm not going to dignify your unwarranted attack on me. My intentions are sincere and yours appear questionable. You're on the offensive-I'm uninterested.


Stig and 911fan summarized my stance quite eloquently. I'm good.

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Hi HairJo,


I am not demanding anything, just asking the tough questions. There is a difference between Dr Feller and Dr Ron Shapiro. When you go to Shapiro medical, every patient can walk in and elect to choose Dr Ron Shapiro as their surgeon. Dr Feller has just conceded that no patient can walk into his clinic and select only him as his surgeon. I have no issue with Dr Feller executing his procedures the way he does, and as I have stated previously, I am not trying to dictate how he run's his own practice. I don't disagree with Bill's conclusion that Dr Feller's recommendation is not impacted if he is in fact directly supervising the work of Dr Bloxham. My issue is the fact that Dr Feller has danced around this question, and I think it is very relevant to understand the level of his direct supervision (Bill's words). If Dr Feller is not in the room with Dr Bloxham monitoring and supervising him during the most critical aspect of the surgery which is the incision making process, then in my opinion I believe his recommendation has been compromised. Why has it been compromised you ask? Because the recommendation is based on the skills of Dr Feller performing the surgery, and seeing that when any patient selects Dr Feller based on this site, he is in fact subjecting himself to the possibility of Dr Bloxham, a non-recommended surgeon, performing the critical aspects of the surgery without the direct supervision of Dr Feller. To me, seeing that the patient has no say in Dr Feller performing the critical aspect of the surgery, he is not really able to get the quality results driving the recommendation. My view could change if Dr Feller answers my questions and is in fact heavily involved in supervising Dr Bloxham during the most critical aspects of the surgery, although it is pushing the line. Peyton Manning is one of the greatest quarterbacks of all time. If he selects a young prot?g? and hand trains himself, when that prot?g? plays in a game, you cannot say you are watching Payton Manning are you?


and i'm asking you why the questions you ask of dr feller are not asked of smg. and how do you know so much of what goes on at smg? do you work there? have you worked there? the same tough questions you ask of feller should be asked of every coalition doctor. when dr paul was being trained by dr ron did pateints know dr paul would be working on them? or did he work under his brother as a doctor assistant? you think dr ron sent out fliers to all patients saying my brother is training under me so check the box if you dont want him to touch you? you want answers from feller for bringing in a doctor to assist in procedures, how about dr ron who used technicians to do fue procedures? no inquisition there? why? its a fact. or do you deny it? why aren't you asking dr ron if he sat next to dr paul during surgery with magnifiers as he was training. you always ride feller. your motives are obvious you phony. who are you to say what the critical aspect of surgery is? are you a doctor? you make it up and then run with it. youre going after feller for having bloxham do recipient holes but don't say a word about dr josephitis doing fue extractions that seem to me to be far more difficult. what a two face you are. what about smg using a technician for years to do extractions. sounds like a non doctor doing doctor work to me. no problem for you though it seems. What about coaliton doctors who use artas. Is the robot a coalition member? When are you starting a topic on Bernstein using Aratas or Alexander and that there coalition staus should be in question? never i'm sure. If I were feller I'd ignore you also.

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I'm not going to dignify your unwarranted attack on me. My intentions are sincere and yours appear questionable. You're on the offensive-I'm uninterested.


Stig and 911fan summarized my stance quite eloquently. I'm good.


so youre better than me, you just decide the conversation is closed without answering simple quesitons. What are you, my dad when I asked to use the car as a teenager? talk about arrogant. you get got on applying double standards and back out of the original topic. won't answer any questions about your own doctor but go after another doctor like he wronged you personally. Sounds fishy to me. your intentions are obvious, but definitely not sincere. To be clear, when the tough questions are about feller, all is fine, but when they're about your doctor they are attacks not worthy of response. yeah right.

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your motives are obvious you phony. what a two face you are. .


"Derideo Te - Stultus Est Sicut Stultus Facit"


I am more than happy to engage in an intelligent debate with you, but keep it clean buddy, no need to be rude!

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so youre better than me, you just decide the conversation is closed without answering simple quesitons. What are you, my dad when I asked to use the car as a teenager? talk about arrogant. you get got on applying double standards and back out of the original topic. won't answer any questions about your own doctor but go after another doctor like he wronged you personally. Sounds fishy to me. your intentions are obvious, but definitely not sincere. To be clear, when the tough questions are about feller, all is fine, but when they're about your doctor they are attacks not worthy of response. yeah right.


You do realize that both moderators have raised the same questions that I and others have, right? I dont need to substantiate my concerns.

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and i'm asking you why the questions you ask of dr feller are not asked of smg. and how do you know so much of what goes on at smg?


I don't


do you work there? no


have you worked there? no


when dr paul was being trained by dr ron did pateints know dr paul would be working on them? I do not


or did he work under his brother as a doctor assistant? I don't, enlighten me


you think dr ron sent out fliers to all patients saying my brother is training under me so check the box if you dont want him to touch you? I don't know, but I'm pretty confident that if you asked for Dr Ron, you would get Dr Ron


you want answers from feller for bringing in a doctor to assist in procedures, how about dr ron who used technicians to do fue procedures? That's not the topic, I think that's a completely different animal, and I actually do not like the fact that technicians perform extractions in FUE. With that being said, most FUE clinics engage in this practice and it works for the top clinics like Lorenzo, who by the way still earned their recommendation using techs. Dr Feller did not earn his recommendation by having Dr Bloxham perform the incision making process POTENTIALLY without direct supervision.


no inquisition there? why? its a fact. or do you deny it? I know SMG use techs to do the extractions, as does Lorenzo, as does Rahal, as does H&W, whats your point? Once again, they earned and maintained their recommendation with this practice. If you ask me, Yes, I do think this website should also be screening the techs performing FUE extractions for recommendation. I have expressed this view before. What is your point?


why aren't you asking dr ron if he sat next to dr paul during surgery with magnifiers as he was training. Once again, because any patient can walk into SMG and request only Dr Ron as their surgeon. I just called the clinic nowm and they confirmed this fact. A patient can walk-in to that clinic and get the surgeon to perform exactly what earned him his recommendation.


who are you to say what the critical aspect of surgery is? from my own research, and as shared by many on this forum. are you a doctor? No I am not.


you make it up and then run with it. What exactly did I make up? These are my own opinions based on facts. Are you suggesting that the incision making process is not the most critical aspect of a HT surgery?


youre going after feller for having bloxham do recipient holes but don't say a word about dr josephitis doing fue extractions that seem to me to be far more difficult. I don't care about Dr Josephitis doing FUE extractions quite frankly. Once again, I rate Dr Ron Shapiro, and if you walk into his clinic, you can request and get him as a surgeon.


what about smg using a technician for years to do extractions. sounds like a non doctor doing doctor work to me. no problem for you though it seems. No I actually disagree with this practice, and think that the techs should be vetted just like the surgeons are, so that when someone elects an FUE with a recommended surgeon, they should be assured they are also getting a recommended tech.


What about coaliton doctors who use artas. Is the robot a coalition member? No, and I have been vocal about my distaste for these robots,


When are you starting a topic on Bernstein using Aratas or Alexander and that there coalition staus should be in question? never i'm sure. If I were feller I'd ignore you also. I have attacked Dr Bernstein in an older post, and I even rightly got reprimanded by Bill for it. what's your point exactly? We are talking about the practice being applied by Dr Feller which I think may compromise his recommended status. If any other surgeons are doing the same, I would ask the same questions. Go back to the beginning, and you can even see me defending Dr Feller and getting ripped apart by LEFTYGOPHER and Shadow of Empire State.


what else can I answer for you big guy?

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Hair Jo what is your affiliation with Dr. Feller? I've noticed your post history is a bit alarming, the majority of your posts are in either adoration or in defense of Dr. Feller, has he appointed you his guardian and defender? Or are you a proxy for the clinic?


Being completely neutral, I think the questions that have been raised are certainly valid concerns, remember this is a public forum, so potential patients of Dr. Feller may read this thread and it maybe educational and a good way to know the clinics policies. The questions and or concerns doesnt necessarily affect potential patients or clientele, everybody knows hair restoration is a team effort, and a surgeon with a good team will have good results, the questions that have been asked have not painted Dr. Fellers results in a bad light at all.

I’m a paid admin for Hair Transplant Network. I do not receive any compensation from any clinic. My comments are not medical advice.

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Melvin- Managing Publisher and Forum Moderator for the Hair Transplant Network, the Coalition Hair Loss Learning Center, and the Hair Loss Q&A Blog.

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You do realize that both moderators have raised the same questions that I and others have, right? I dont need to substantiate my concerns.


And you do know that the questions that the moderator asked were answered by D. Feller. You are now asking questions that the moderator didn't even ask, so I'm asking you and esrec to ask the same questions to Dr. Shapiro and every other doctor. esrec won't because Dr. Shapiro is his doctor. What's your excuse?. And by the way you're saying I'm rude and nasty try thinking about the way you come across and the things you rant about.

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And you do know that the questions that the moderator asked were answered by D. Feller. You are now asking questions that the moderator didn't even ask, so I'm asking you and esrec to ask the same questions to Dr. Shapiro and every other doctor. esrec won't because Dr. Shapiro is his doctor. What's your excuse?. And by the way you're saying I'm rude and nasty try thinking about the way you come across and the things you rant about.


I assume you are talking to me? Sure, I can ask those same questions to every other doctor.


Dear All Coalition surgeons, when you train a new surgeon, do you allow him/her to perform critical aspects of the surgery or do you still allow the patient to elect to only have you perform those? If yes, then please describe the extent of your supervision?


Yes, you are being extremely rude and nasty. Anything else big guy? Can you also answer the questions I posed to you?

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Man, how obvious is it that you are shilling here? You pop up in every topic and message that acts in a critical manner towards Dr. Feller.


What a clown you are.

Proud to be a representative of world elite hair transplant surgeon Dr. Bisanga - BHR Clinic.



Online consultations: damian@bhrclinic.com

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Hair Jo what is your affiliation with Dr. Feller? I've noticed your post history is a bit alarming, the majority of your posts are in either adoration or in defense of Dr. Feller, has he appointed you his guardian and defender? Or are you a proxy for the clinic?


Being completely neutral, I think the questions that have been raised are certainly valid concerns, remember this is a public forum, so potential patients of Dr. Feller may read this thread and it maybe educational and a good way to know the clinics policies. The questions and or concerns doesnt necessarily affect potential patients or clientele, everybody knows hair restoration is a team effort, and a surgeon with a good team will have good results, the questions that have been asked have not painted Dr. Fellers results in a bad light at all.


I know Dr. Feller through two of my friends who had Ht's done by Dr. Feller and I sat in his office and watched like a hawk what was going on because when I am well enough I'm going to use Dr. Feller because my friends results are awesome . I consulted with Dr. Feller and he was very kind and thoughtful my friends are very happy he changed their lives

and I want to defend him because it seems to me he obviosly gets attacked on this site by the same people over and over again and I don't see the side of him or his clinic that you see. My friends had no problem and to me he's wrongly attacked every day and I can't understand why every other HT clinic can have partners but he can't why is he only singled out every single time

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To swooping.

Unbelievable when anyone defends Dr. Feller he's a shill I think most of you should look in the mirror and if you want tickets to the circus I'd be happy to send them to you or are we already at the circus here.

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To Stig,

Typical answer lots of words, convenient lack of understanding, deliberate omissions and tons of misdirection double standards . Who do you think you are fooling buddy ? Ask if Dr. Ron Shapiro is going to be the one who makes the FUE incisions before his staff remove the grafts. Technicians may help pull the grafts from the skin but they are not allowed to make the initial incisions that had to be done by the doctor. I don't care what happens in other countries like with Dr. Lorenzo. This is just another distraction what a joke this is and by the way I'm allowed to tell jokes according to Swooping I'm just a Clown

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To Stig,

Typical answer lots of words, convenient lack of understanding, deliberate omissions and tons of misdirection double standards . Who do you think you are fooling buddy ? Ask if Dr. Ron Shapiro is going to be the one who makes the FUE incisions before his staff remove the grafts. Technicians may help pull the grafts from the skin but they are not allowed to make the initial incisions that had to be done by the doctor. I don't care what happens in other countries like with Dr. Lorenzo. This is just another distraction what a joke this is and by the way I'm allowed to tell jokes according to Swooping I'm just a Clown

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I know Dr. Feller through two of my friends who had Ht's done by Dr. Feller and I sat in his office and watched like a hawk what was going on because when I am well enough I'm going to use Dr. Feller because my friends results are awesome . I consulted with Dr. Feller and he was very kind and thoughtful my friends are very happy he changed their lives

and I want to defend him because it seems to me he obviosly gets attacked on this site by the same people over and over again and I don't see the side of him or his clinic that you see. My friends had no problem and to me he's wrongly attacked every day and I can't understand why every other HT clinic can have partners but he can't why is he only singled out every single time


So let me get this straight you're not even a patient of Feller and you're defending him tooth and nail, I'm sorry but this just doesn't make any sense, everything about your account screams clinic proxy, it doesn't make any sense that your only affiliation with feller is that your friends had surgeries with him and they're happy, so your mission on this forum is to aware everyone of how great feller is and any negative comments will not be tolerated by you, do you not see how this could be suspicious? At this point you're doing more bad than good, if you really care about feller and his practice you'd stop this behavior, there have been far too many proxy accounts that other clinics have used to boost their reputation, anyone reading this thread will automatically assume that's what you are, I'll give you the benefit of the doubt, but I'll remain skeptical.

I’m a paid admin for Hair Transplant Network. I do not receive any compensation from any clinic. My comments are not medical advice.

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Melvin- Managing Publisher and Forum Moderator for the Hair Transplant Network, the Coalition Hair Loss Learning Center, and the Hair Loss Q&A Blog.

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To Stig,

Typical answer lots of words, convenient lack of understanding, deliberate omissions and tons of misdirection double standards . Who do you think you are fooling buddy ? Ask if Dr. Ron Shapiro is going to be the one who makes the FUE incisions before his staff remove the grafts. Technicians may help pull the grafts from the skin but they are not allowed to make the initial incisions that had to be done by the doctor. I don't care what happens in other countries like with Dr. Lorenzo. This is just another distraction what a joke this is and by the way I'm allowed to tell jokes according to Swooping I'm just a Clown


Mate, I answered all of your questions, now I would appreciate answers to the questions I posed you:



you make it up and then run with it. What exactly did I make up? These are my own opinions based on facts. Are you suggesting that the incision making process is not the most critical aspect of a HT surgery?

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Man, how obvious is it that you are shilling here? You pop up in every topic and message that acts in a critical manner towards Dr. Feller.


What a clown you are.


Thank you Swooping for also pointing out what i have also been doing since this 'HairJo' appeared . If you see his profile it was created ON THE DAY of Dr Fellers MFUE marketing posts last year.


His not very articulate posts which are only Pro everything Dr Feller have been continuing ever since. I've previously labelled him the most transparant shill ive seen working on a forum and its good to see he's not letting me down.

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To Stig,

Typical answer lots of words, convenient lack of understanding, deliberate omissions can you specify exactly what I omitted? and tons of misdirection describe my misdirection? double standards give me an example of double standards?. Who do you think you are fooling buddy ? Not trying to fool anyone. Ask if Dr. Ron Shapiro is going to be the one who makes the FUE incisions before his staff remove the grafts. what is the relevance of this? Some states in the US allow technicians to extract the grafts, and if SMG performs this practice, then it is probably because the State of Minnesota allows for it. However, I am not prepared to do your research for you, if you are so interested in finding fault with Dr Shapiro, why don't you call up the clinic and ask them as well as research the state laws for us, and then get back to us and let us all know what you found out, okay? Technicians may help pull the grafts from the skin but they are not allowed to make the initial incisions that had to be done by the doctor.this is true for New York State, but not all states and countries. I don't care what happens in other countries like with Dr. Lorenzo. so which country do you care about then, the US only? If so, then as I mentioned, only some states disallow Techs from making initial incisions. This is just another distraction why is it a distraction, you were the one who brought it up in the first place, just like you did by bringing up Dr Ron Shapiro, yet you accuse me of creating a distraction, I am addressing your questionswhat a joke this is and by the way I'm allowed to tell jokes according to Swooping I'm just a Clown



See above for my responses

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I know Dr. Feller through two of my friends who had Ht's done by Dr. Feller and I sat in his office and watched like a hawk what was going on because when I am well enough I'm going to use Dr. Feller because my friends results are awesome . I consulted with Dr. Feller and he was very kind and thoughtful my friends are very happy he changed their lives

and I want to defend him because it seems to me he obviosly gets attacked on this site by the same people over and over again and I don't see the side of him or his clinic that you see. My friends had no problem and to me he's wrongly attacked every day and I can't understand why every other HT clinic can have partners but he can't why is he only singled out every single time


You do realize that when you decide to schedule a surgery, it will not be with Dr Feller like your friends. It will be with a combination of Dr Feller, and a doctor in training, 6 months removed from qualifying, Dr Bloxham. There is also the possibility that Dr Bloxham will be the one doing the critical aspects of the surgery the level of supervision by your Dr Feller unclear, and you won't have any say in this. So, how can you be so sure that you will get the outstanding results your friend's got?


Also, so you are telling me that you carved out 8 hours of your time on two consecutive days to go and watch your two whole procedures performed on your friend's? Was this Dr Feller, or did you see Dr Bloxham in action too? You must be a great friend.

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To Stig,

Typical answer lots of words, convenient lack of understanding, deliberate omissions and tons of misdirection double standards . Who do you think you are fooling buddy ? Ask if Dr. Ron Shapiro is going to be the one who makes the FUE incisions before his staff remove the grafts. Technicians may help pull the grafts from the skin but they are not allowed to make the initial incisions that had to be done by the doctor. I don't care what happens in other countries like with Dr. Lorenzo. This is just another distraction what a joke this is and by the way I'm allowed to tell jokes according to Swooping I'm just a Clown




Seeing that I took the time to respond to all of your concerns/questions, I would appreciate it if you would take the time to respond to mine. I reposted them in red below. You have made some unsubstantiated allegations of your own to me, and even made some unsubstantiated suggestions of Dr Ron Shapiro. After responding to your concerns, you all of a sudden go quiet instead of standing behind your accusations/statements. Are you conceding defeat, or are you hoping this will quietly disappear and troll around waiting until the next Dr Feller thread to jump in an save the day? The Moderators were very quick to ban Professor from this site when he failed to stand behind his own accusations, yet HairJo himself cannot stand behind his own.


My questions to you in red below:


Typical answer lots of words, convenient lack of understanding, deliberate omissions can you specify exactly what I omitted? and tons of misdirection please describe my misdirection? double standards specify where I applied any double standards?. Who do you think you are fooling buddy ? Not trying to fool anyone. Ask if Dr. Ron Shapiro is going to be the one who makes the FUE incisions before his staff remove the grafts. what is the relevance of this? Some states in the US allow technicians to extract the grafts, and if SMG performs this practice, then it is probably because the State of Minnesota allows for it. However, I am not prepared to do your research for you, if you are so interested in finding fault with Dr Shapiro, why don't you call up the clinic and ask them as well as research the state laws for us, and then get back to us and let us all know what you found out, okay? Technicians may help pull the grafts from the skin but they are not allowed to make the initial incisions that had to be done by the doctor.this is true for New York State, but not all states and countries. I don't care what happens in other countries like with Dr. Lorenzo. so which country do you care about then, the US only? If so, then as I mentioned, only some states disallow Techs from making initial incisions. This is just another distraction why is it a distraction, you were the one who brought it up in the first place, just like you did by bringing up Dr Ron Shapiro, yet you accuse me of creating a distraction, I am addressing your questionswhat a joke this is and by the way I'm allowed to tell jokes according to Swooping I'm just a Clown




you make it up and then run with it. What exactly did I make up? These are my own opinions based on facts. Are you suggesting that the incision making process is not the most critical aspect of a HT surgery?

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