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Finasteride generic vs Propecia


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  • Senior Member

I know theoretically there should be no difference between Propecia and generic Finasteride 1mg but there are reports on some forums stating that people noticed a difference when switching to generic. Given the big price difference I'm keen to try the generic but not if it could be less effective. Are there any accurate / genuine reports or studies about the generic being less effective?

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Honestly, there are so many opinions about this it is really hard to know. The hosts of a well-known radio show on hair loss always, always advocate for name brand propecia, but I think in reality most people take generic if they can given the cost savings. It would be good to see a well controlled study on this.

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The only way to be sure/safe is to start with the "questionable" product and then move to the brand name. . . Starting with herbal antiandrogen formulas made for benign prostatic hyperplasia--which one would expect to be less stressful on the liver and kidneys; what you would want to stay with in the long run for the betterment of your health (I developed a slight kidney sensitivity to finasteride when I stopped its use after about 3 years--a waste of time and potential hair recovery, in hair loss terms). Even if you started with the generic Finasteride you could still switch to brand if you didn't achieve full results and switch back if that didn't change anything without going through the six month shed/recovery (telogen/anagen) phase that would occur if you went the other way and lost, from brand to generic and back--that would take at least six months to recover, and less than what you would have had with the first trial of brand.

But, herbal antiandrogen is the way to start. No prescription. I added it to my regiment last year with Minoxidil and went from not bad to full results after 32 yrs of hair loss. I considered trying finasteride again just because the herbal did work so well but I was confident I had done well--very well.

I realize this may fall into the coulda-woulda-shoulda category with you but I suggest this based on the belief that herbal antiandrogen is equal to pharmaceutical and it may be your best bet for your overall health too. . .If you want to go this way the variety I'm using is Prairie Naturals, Prost Force, Prostate Support; I haven't tried any others, but I know this works.

Edited by iiieee
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There was an interesting podcast recently on "Freaknomics" about how the vast majority of Pharmacists/Doctors/etc. routinely choose the generic because there's essentially no difference between that and the name brand. I'd be surprised if Propecia/Finasteride was the exception to this widely accepted rule in the medical community, but who knows....


There's always so much debate around this drug anyway, so what's a little more controversy? :)

I am a patient advocate for Dr. Parsa Mohebi in Los Angeles, CA. My views/opinions are my own and don't necessarily reflect the opinions of Dr. Mohebi and his staff.

Check out my hair loss website for photos

FUE surgery by Dr. Mohebi on 7/31/14
2,001 grafts - Ones: 607; Twos: 925; Threes: 413; Fours: 56

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I'm only taking 0.5mg per day of Propecia so it costs much less for me versus others. That being said, I was initially prescribed generic and then insisted on Propecia after reading some of the stories about generic not being as effective....or the fin not being as equally distributed. It might be a bunch of BS but I figured since it was my first time on fin and I was getting a HT....that I might as well just get the real thing and not have the thoughts in the back of my head.

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I don't think there are studies that confirm that the generics are less effective. Both brands and generics contain one and the same active ingredient finasteride that has been tested and approved. All depends on manufacturer, who should produce the drug according to the approved standards.


In my opinion, the best way to buy a good generic medication is to buy it from a trusted vendor.

I take generic finasteride that works good. I buy it from a pharmacy suggested by my friend and I'm satisfied with the quality.

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Hello guys,

I take generic Finasteride produced by Cipla (as it was claimed it is the same as Finpecia) and I'm happy with the results. I don't see the reason why to pay much for brand as it is the same active ingredient that acts in the same way. As about the side effects, I can tell you that I haven't suffered from any. By the way would like to mention that as i've heard from others all side effects that can occur, pass on with some time. So, do not worry. Regarding the price, I buy the medications from an online pharmacy at $36 (month supply).

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  • Senior Member

Thanks for the replies. I have heard that taking 5mg and splitting the tablet could make it less effective as you can't be sure if the active ingredient is distributed evenly in the tablet so you could be getting peaks and troughs daily which could have an effect. But I don't see a reason why generic Finasteride 1mg should be any less effective than the branded propecia. I have a feeling some of the reports online that only propecia is most effective may have come from the drug company Merck trying to maintain sales now it is off patent.

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  • Senior Member
Thanks for the replies. I have heard that taking 5mg and splitting the tablet could make it less effective as you can't be sure if the active ingredient is distributed evenly in the tablet so you could be getting peaks and troughs daily which could have an effect. But I don't see a reason why generic Finasteride 1mg should be any less effective than the branded propecia. I have a feeling some of the reports online that only propecia is most effective may have come from the drug company Merck trying to maintain sales now it is off patent.


The standard dose is 1mg/day - and some people only take .5mg. Cutting the 5mg into quarters would leave you with 1.25mg pills, so even if they were cut slightly unevenly, I don't think it would be enough to affect the results - and you'd most likely always be getting at minimum the 1mg/day since the extra .25 provides you with a little wiggle room.


The savings is huge, and I think totally worth it.

I am a patient advocate for Dr. Parsa Mohebi in Los Angeles, CA. My views/opinions are my own and don't necessarily reflect the opinions of Dr. Mohebi and his staff.

Check out my hair loss website for photos

FUE surgery by Dr. Mohebi on 7/31/14
2,001 grafts - Ones: 607; Twos: 925; Threes: 413; Fours: 56

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  • 2 weeks later...
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I don’t think that Finasteride is a drug whose effectiveness is heightened with increased dosage in the sense that recreational drugs or Minoxidil are. I believe--and I think the forum posts in which users describe reduced dosages, generics, pill cutting and herbal substitutes—reflect an almost “threshold” type of effect. In other words, it just takes such a small amount of drug to cover the receptor sites involved that any gradual or graded result is burdened by physical barriers (i.e. the miniscule amounts involved), and the desired result is then (seemingly) either achieved or it isn’t. . . Unfortunately, I don’t see anyone saying that they’ve transitioned from using herbals, to generics, to Propecia; they seem to be stuck on the most expensive/advertised treatment first because they panic when they first start to lose their hair and want to “pull out all the stops” to save it. Then they are afraid to try something cheaper (or more health conscious) because they know if it fails they will be starting back at the beginning with poorer results the second time if they have to switch back after an alternative fails. It only takes a couple of months to see if anti-androgen works; going the other way takes six months.

The best anecdotal evidence/advise I can offer is from my own experience, stemming from a three year long Giardia Lamblia parasitic infection. The infection left me sensitive to a number of foods and meds, including Finasteride—which caused me mild (but troubling/disconcerting) kidney pain. So, you may say that I am the “canary in the coal mine”, and developing sensitivity like this I think points to the fact that Finasteride does, at least on some level, irritate the kidneys. Nevertheless, it forced me to stop using Finasteride and switch to Minoxidil, for ten years, until I found an herbal anti-androgen . . . And, as I’ve said elsewhere, the result has been so strong, whereas, you could tell before that I had sustained some thinning, now, my hair is an asset to my appearance, again—it doubled my re-growth and thickened the sides as well (where I don't apply Minoxidil). And, I’m only using one drug, once a day—all that is necessary with Minoxidil (the “twice a day” advertising is just drug manufacturer BS to get you to use twice as much—it only provides better results with higher concentrations)


Doing it right the first time is of the utmost importance with these treatments:eek: ; what's most important, your health;)


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  • Senior Member

I have always Maintained that Finasteride does have legitimate side effects apart from the sexual references , Drug companies will never admit , BUT we have the internet to check the testimony of a huge number of people admitting that it did make them feel otherwise .

Infact there is evidence that 5 AR is needed for Normal Brain activity , as such No human activity is rendered useless by the Creator !


when they Lower the DHT , not only it effects the chemistry of the body , it DOES CAUSE Depression , Anxiety , Kidney Pressure , sexual and even irritation in Mood dis-order and of course suicidal thoughts , ALL this has been documented but for some strange reason we are only Reading the Benefits and not the Doubts . Maybe I am wrong , but evidence suggest that there is No smoke without fire ..... Google it

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it DOES CAUSE Depression , Anxiety , Kidney Pressure , sexual and even irritation in Mood dis-order and of course suicidal thoughts


That is a ridiculous statement. Apart from a small chance of sexual side effects it does not cause the other problems. Finasteride has been around for years and is often well tolerated at the 5mg dose for prostate problems, so the chances for side effects at 1mg are much less.

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That is a ridiculous statement. Apart from a small chance of sexual side effects it does not cause the other problems. Finasteride has been around for years and is often well tolerated at the 5mg dose for prostate problems, so the chances for side effects at 1mg are much less.


False. There's plenty of literature to support this statement. The manufacturer has even been forced to update their labeling as a result. They are going to court for the first time this year. If you are responding nicely or are in fear of not responding I can appreciate your desire to refute his statement, but its hardly a ridiculous statement.


One of many. Its hard to ignore: http://www.mensjournal.com/health-fitness/health/are-hair-loss-drugs-safe-20150914

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Without going into the merits of the claim that the drug causes more side-effects than is currently admitted (likely true, but hard to determine with claims such as "depression", which is more than just feeling down and out), that Mens Health article is pretty bad. It is very short, it doesn't go into any real detail into the particular doubts of the doctors. Add to this the fact that the writer is not exactly a well known one (there like 5 articles total that they have penned).


Where is the trial taking place? if it's in the US, it may be a sign of confidence on the part of the manufacturer that they are going to court at all. The vast majority of law suits like this end in settlement, even if the defendant/company sued thinks they are right or they can win. If it's in the US, juries tend to be very pro-plaintiff, since they are usually individuals or "small people" going against "big companies", and also award very high . As a result, most companies will just settle out of court with a small stipulation that they don't have to admit any wrong doing (for liability issues).

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  • Regular Member
I have always Maintained that Finasteride does have legitimate side effects apart from the sexual references , Drug companies will never admit , BUT we have the internet to check the testimony of a huge number of people admitting that it did make them feel otherwise .

Infact there is evidence that 5 AR is needed for Normal Brain activity , as such No human activity is rendered useless by the Creator !


when they Lower the DHT , not only it effects the chemistry of the body , it DOES CAUSE Depression , Anxiety , Kidney Pressure , sexual and even irritation in Mood dis-order and of course suicidal thoughts , ALL this has been documented but for some strange reason we are only Reading the Benefits and not the Doubts . Maybe I am wrong , but evidence suggest that there is No smoke without fire ..... Google it


Honestly, internet testimony is one of the worst possible sources to rely on.

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Lastly, for generics it's a non-starter: they are pretty much the same in the vast vast majority of cases. In fact, there is a problem in the US that many people assume that generics are not as effective and so many then push for the more expensive drug. This is then born out in higher health insurance premiums/increased medicare costs, since they are the ones that cover the difference. This is obviously not an issue with propecia, but it is for other medication covered by insurance/medicare.


PS: I'm an ex-fin user... so I have so reason to rationalize anything.

Edited by Theodpliske8711
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We all do our best to rationalize risk / reward of almost every situation. Myself included.


The importance of DHT in the male body is so vital which makes the tampering of natural levels via medication that much more complex and potentially damaging. DHT is the reason you have a male voice and your prostate and testes. I'm no scientist but if you manipulated a hormone 10x stronger than testoterone it wouldn't be that shocking to see some f'd up things happen.


People tend to look at the drug as a brand name by a big company w/o thinking about why these potential effects are realized in the first place.


"In a meta-analysis published in JAMA Dermatology in April, he reviewed the 34 clinical trials performed on finasteride and found that "none adequately assessed safety," and all underreported potential adverse effects. "It is stunning," 1200 lawsuits in 4 years? The National Institute of Health added "Post-Finasteride Syndrome" to their disease list?


I'm happy for everyone that responds well. And thankfully more do than not. I escaped with a light mental fog. I have several friends who were fine once they stopped. But lets also not be surprised that a pharmaceutical manufacturer may be withholding valuable information. On a brighter note, topical fin has hit the market.

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  • Regular Member
We all do our best to rationalize risk / reward of almost every situation. Myself included.


The importance of DHT in the male body is so vital which makes the tampering of natural levels via medication that much more complex and potentially damaging. DHT is the reason you have a male voice and your prostate and testes. I'm no scientist but if you manipulated a hormone 10x stronger than testoterone it wouldn't be that shocking to see some f'd up things happen.


People tend to look at the drug as a brand name by a big company w/o thinking about why these potential effects are realized in the first place.


"In a meta-analysis published in JAMA Dermatology in April, he reviewed the 34 clinical trials performed on finasteride and found that "none adequately assessed safety," and all underreported potential adverse effects. "It is stunning," 1200 lawsuits in 4 years? The National Institute of Health added "Post-Finasteride Syndrome" to their disease list?


I'm happy for everyone that responds well. And thankfully more do than not. I escaped with a light mental fog. I have several friends who were fine once they stopped. But lets also not be surprised that a pharmaceutical manufacturer may be withholding valuable information. On a brighter note, topical fin has hit the market.


I thought topical fin enters the blood stream just like the pill? In any case? I've been trying to find some online, can you direct me to what you are talking about?

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My understanding is that a topical solution would allow you to localize DHT reduction specifically to the scalp, versus pill form which influences DHT in your entire body.


It's still early stage, "hit the market" was prob too aggressively worded. I know its available. My doctor-Shapiro, mentioned he was starting to trial with it. I believe Dr. Hasson is prescribing it. I'm not an early adopter, but I'd consult with your doc too.

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  • Senior Member

Seriously, I cannot believe how hard it is to find topical finasteride. I've searched high and low on the internet, and have yet to come across a source that seems trustworthy. I've even contacted Hasson and Wong but they do not sell or ship to the US. Does anyone have any leads at all? Private message me if anyone has a source thanks.

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  • Senior Member
Seriously, I cannot believe how hard it is to find topical finasteride. I've searched high and low on the internet, and have yet to come across a source that seems trustworthy. I've even contacted Hasson and Wong but they do not sell or ship to the US. Does anyone have any leads at all? Private message me if anyone has a source thanks.


Why won't Hasson ship? Was he able to discuss anything-early returns etc?

Shapiro mentioned it to me during pre-op. I don't believe he's offering it yet but could check.

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  • Senior Member
Seriously, I cannot believe how hard it is to find topical finasteride. I've searched high and low on the internet, and have yet to come across a source that seems trustworthy. I've even contacted Hasson and Wong but they do not sell or ship to the US. Does anyone have any leads at all? Private message me if anyone has a source thanks.


Yes, H&W can't ship it to the U.S. as they are Canadian doctors, and it is a prescription, so I believe they are precluded from prescribing medication in the U.S. You have to fly to Vancouver to meet with them in person and get it dispensed at a pharmacy there. I know there was a thread on this topic on a competing forum, and there is an online compounding pharmacy out in Pittsburg that can make it for you. Just play around with google and you should find it. Maybe "topical fin pittsburgh"

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