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Hair Transplant Mentor™ and Dr. Michael Vories

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I appreciate everybody's input on this topic especially both physicians that Joe seemingly is now representing. If anything, it does provide a bit more insight into the services Joe is providing both doctors. I will admit, that perhaps not all of my assumptions were correct and maybe I should have called Jpe personally to discuss my concerns before posting publicly. That said, I still don't like the way Joe presents the physicians he is working with as he makes it sound as if our standards for recommendation themselves aren't good enough for Joe to consider working with and that he has to have his own screening process before they meet some kind of substandard that Joe has set up yet has not clearly defined. Had Joe clearly stated that he wishes to work with and help multiple clinics recommended on this site enhance their online reputation without making it sound like he had to further prescreen them to ensure that they were good enough, my approach to this topic would have been different.


The reality is, a lot of time, energy and effort goes into prescreening physicians to recommend to this community and for a single entity to come online and imply that our standards are not good enough and that he must further screen them before working with them is highly insulting especially since Joe has had a voice and his input along with everyone else's has been highly considered on all recommendations.


Moreover, I'm in complete agreement with Pat at Joe should have links from his website back to our community. After all, he is basically using this community as his primary venue for securing income for himself by attempting to help physicians recommended by this popular community succeed even more online. Thus, I firmly believe that this should be a requirement if Joe is going to continue posting here. Asking Joe to provide a link back to our community on his website is very little to ask considering the great benefit is achieving by regularly posting and participating on this forum.


Regarding the member specstronic, I have not yet had a chance to investigate this. Thus, I do not know who this member is, I've only assume that based on the name that he is probably another poster. However, I have no immediate proof and thus I have not done anything about it. Let me also remind Joe however, that our terms of service protect this community and we are not required to remove any post or poster unless we choose. That said, I do believe in being fair and if this member proves to be another member based on my investigation, I will remove the post and the poster.


Frankly Joe, I still feel that you should have discussed this business plan of yours with Pat and I before deciding to use our community in this matter especially without reciprocating by adding prominent links back to our community, specially in the forum section of your website if not the homepage itself.


And Joe I don't know why you would be basically refusing a call from Pat when we do need to further discuss this with you and how to proceed from here.





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Hi Bill,


Asking Joe to provide a link back to our community on his website is very little to ask considering the great benefit is achieving by regularly posting and participating on this forum.


Shall I post a screenshot to show you that there is a link on my website that points back to this one? It's done, so what is the problem? You asked for me to put a link on my website to this one. It was already there. Problem solved. Now we can move on, yes?


And Joe I don't know why you would be basically refusing a call from Pat when we do need to further discuss this with you and how to proceed from here.


Where did I refuse anything? So there is no confusion; Will someone from HTN please call me? I ask that you stop posting on this already decimated thread. It's embarrassing.

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Without diving too much into this discussion, having worked with Joe we know him to be a very knowledgeable and stand up guy. He's always advocating for patients, and taking their best interest to heart in giving advice that will benefit each patient most.


He's an asset to patients as an advocate and educational resource.


Rahal Hair Transplant Clinic - Answers to questions and posts using this account are strictly opinions and not to be considered medical advice.

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I just have to say something quickly about Joe. He deserves compensation for his time like anyone, but he has also been incredibly generous with his time and knowledge on a gratis basis.


Enough said.


I'm new to the forum in terms of posting, but have lurked for a long time. Finally gotten around to posting a bit about a few things, and messaged Joe privately with a question, as he was obviously such an experienced guy. Actually, I was made aware of him through stumbling upon Spex's site, and was reassured of the quality of info on here when I saw he had been posting - Like others have said, that experience is an asset to the forum. Since then i've exchanged numerous e-mails and had some solid advice from him. My point is that if he spends this kind of time looking at pics and corresponding with complete strangers, he's well entitled to be compensated for it somehow.


I see him as a consultant offering services to HT surgeons which he trusts, and I see this forum as an excellent ethical marketplace based on commendable membership standards. The co-existence of the two strengthen the others legitimacy.

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Thanks for everyone's input. I will be contacting Joe soon to see if he is willing to work with us in addressing some of our concerns.

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Thanks for everyone's input. I will be contacting Joe soon to see if he is willing to work with us in addressing some of our concerns.


What concerns? First, the problem was that Bill said I'm duplicating the work of HTN. The two doctors I work with publicly refuted his claim. No more problem.


Then the problem changed when both of you said I should have a link back to this website on my website. I have for thirteen years. No more problem.


Why do the problems keep changing? Once one problem is shown to be non-existent, you come up with a new problem and then that too is rendered moot. What is it that you wish for me to do that no one else has to do?


I've been waiting for a call since yesterday so instead of updating everyone on matters that don't actually exist try picking up the phone to call me.

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Pat simply updated this topic to let you know that he will be calling you shortly to discuss how we can all work together to handle our concerns. I don't know why you have a problem with that?


I've been doing some thinking about everything as well and just sent Pat and Dave an email with some new ideas that I think would really work in helping us all work together so that everyone is happy. I expect that Pat and Dave will receive this today and after we discuss it, I'm sure Pat will call you soon.


Thank you for being patient.



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Pat simply updated this topic to let you know that he will be calling you shortly to discuss how we can all work together to handle our concerns. I don't know why you have a problem with that?


I've been doing some thinking about everything as well and just sent Pat and Dave an email with some new ideas that I think would really work in helping us all work together so that everyone is happy. I expect that Pat and Dave will receive this today and after we discuss it, I'm sure Pat will call you soon.


Thank you for being patient.




Just stop, Bill. Please. You all know how to let me know these things privately. I'm done posting on this matter in this thread. If you have anything further to say to me please do so in private message or email. If you wish to continue posting publicly then start a new thread.


Of course, calling me as you was originally suggested is the preferred method (as I've been saying all along) of discussing whatever it is that bothers you.


Again, my apologies to Dr. Vories and the membership.

Edited by JoeTillman
added more info
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I don't post a lot, but just from a human perspective it seems that many egos were bruised here. While it is always ok to protect one's work, it isn't ok to make accusations without evidence. Many doctors and patients have vouched for Joe. There never should of been drama about this situation. For the record, I have never had an interaction with Joe. I am just basing my opinion on what occurred in this thread.

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My and Pat's last post on this topic was very polite explaining why we haven't called you yet. You have a lot of guts replying by telling me where to post and how to run this community. Your arrogance is one of the very issues we are still discussing that requires immediate resolution. If you intend on working with and potentially collaborating with us to in a way that benefits the overall community, you need to help us resolve these concerns and change your tone.



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I am also confused as to why these clinics need to be pre screened with a seal of approval from a non medical professional. If they are recommended here.


Surely their results and patient care will speak for themselves as this will be all

That matters.


I am sure Joe brings some good experience to the table for the online world to clinics. And am sure that can

Benefit all parties.


It just seems a bit odd to me

that his plans orginallly laid out to be a totally independent advisor have changed so quickly with all these affiliations. Or maybe I've

Missed something.



However Its seems we are entering a situation

Where patient advisors are considering themselves almost more important than the clinics they represent.


I think a reality check is needed

In this regard. HT surgeons are the ones who produce life changing results not patient reps.

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If you're not $ure what$ mi$$ing my friend$ try reading between the line$ :D


Why on earth should we take your advice? You happen to join the same time all this kicked off....who are you? Why don't you uncover yourself because I think your a former member trying to trash a guy who you had a past with.


Bill ...please

I ask you to look into this troll ghost member he's got only one agenda in this forum to chit stir.

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My and Pat's last post on this topic was very polite explaining why we haven't called you yet. You have a lot of guts replying by telling me where to post and how to run this community. Your arrogance is one of the very issues we are still discussing that requires immediate resolution. If you intend on working with and potentially collaborating with us to in a way that benefits the overall community, you need to help us resolve these concerns and change your tone.




Joe, maybe you shouldn't go tugging on Superman's cape ;)

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Now that Joe is "no longer active", it would be nice if Bill or Pat would update this thread with policy revisions so membership has a clear explanation of what led to the dismissal of one of the forum's most valuable contributors.

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After a lot of discussion privately, Pat, Dave and I decided that it'd be best if we call Joe to discuss the issues with him before making any decisions. However, before this community had a chance to reach out to him, Joe resigned himself from this forum. See this topic for Joe's post and our reply.


At this point, there's nothing more we can do. Thus, it's time to move on.


Thanks for understanding,



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