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Dr Bhatti - 2nd FUE Session - 8 May 2014

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Now, speaking of expectations, a lot has been said about my unrealistic expectations; I would like to evaluate the same for the sake of my understanding. Hope you guys will cooperate. Let's do some comparison.


Again, to be fair to Dr Bhatti we will take following artifacts for analysis


1. eternalDenied's Pre Surgery pics posted by Dr Bhatti himself. The area between those black pencil marks is the recipient.





2. eternalDenied's situation after 2 FUE procedures ( approx 4800 grafts in total, approx 1000 beard grafts). Bear in mind that second surgery is not mature yet. Its been 5 months since 2nd Session. Current scenario is more or less similar to one depicted in below link.





3. Johnny24 Pre Surgery and Post Surgery Pics, None other but one of Dr Bhatti's Patient

I picked Johnny24 for analysis because he is my favourite patient of Dr Bhatti. His pre surgery pics( with respect to balding area), his head shape and balding pattern were similar to mine.


The only variable between mine and Johnny24's case is the Donor area. Few of you would argue that his donor area was stronger than mine. I accept that and in my defense I would say that


1. I have got 4800 grafts intotal(compared to Johny24's 4000 grafts). Thats 800 grafts more.


2. I have got approx 1000 beard grafts( compared to Johny 24's none). Beard grafts are supposed to be thicker and denser than scalp grafts.

So, all in all, I believe, mine and Johny24's case can be compared. Now, if you compare the post surgery results of my case with that of Johnny24's , you will find a day and night difference. why is that ?


I expect to have my results similar to Johny24's, if not 100%, then at least 60-70% ? Is that a unrealistic expectation ?



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This is my humble opinion.*


It was clear that the expectations of Ethernal were beyond what could be achieved with one or two surgeries taking into consideration his limiting factors such as his hair loss, poor donor and hair characteristics.*


One could consider his result a triumph relative to where he started when he came to Dr Bhatti


Whether or not this be due to unrealistic expectations or poor donor.*Counselling a patient into the right approach can be a lengthy process, I remember my consultation with Dr Bhatti was almost 3 hours long and hopefully I have understood what my expectation will be after my second HT.


As a surgeon they can only remain honest and transparent about what can be gained for the individual with surgery…..does he want coverage over a large area or density over a smaller area.....You may not be able to achieve both but in patients mind this is what he expects.


Densedream and*California are right in saying what do you expect with about 4500 grafts for a NW7 patient and I believe*its too early to judge your second HT after 5 months. From what Ethernal was before HT and what he is now is a great improvement but his expectations are telling him something else.


The Surgeon is only good as his tools and the grafts that he has in front of him!!!!!


You have given Johnny as an example but few things you must realise:

- Your head and Johnny's head is different size wise , so the grafts may have been packed more closely on Johnny's head compared to yours.

- How many 1,2,3,4s grafts did you guys have each?

- Im sure your hair characteristics are different swell!!


Ethernal I wish you happy growth in the coming months.

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  • 1 month later...
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Long story short. No visible Improvements so far. I am now at 7 months mark.


Well, I am waiting patiently and that's not my concern for now.


Lately, I have been loosing quite some hair. Whenever, I massage with hair Oil at night, I can see 50 hair strands coming out. Could this be a seasonal shedding? New hair popping out? or a cause of worry ?


I have been religiously taking finasteride 1mg every day with fortunately no side effects yet. However, I did stop Rogaine some 3 months before. I was too scared to continue with Rogaine and make my hair dependent on Rogaine forever.


Could this loss be due to stopping Rogaine ?


Any suggestions/tips to really really save whatever I have on my head.

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good that your on fin and rogaine, you are doing everything right mate to keep your original hair, may just be a seasonal shed, are the hairs being shed strong in texture or very thin looking?


7 months is early days but still if you are not seeing any visible improvements this is a worry,new hairs should have appeared by now, are you saying nothing has sprouted? i hope it improves for you, any pics to share?

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KO, I stopped rogaine because of the fear of being dependent on rogaine forever. I have had a horrible experience with Rogaine in past.


it made me bald 5 years faster. When I used rogaine first time back in 2008. I used it religiously every night for 1 year. I stopped it after one year because I didn't see any cosmetic gain and when I stopped I had the mother of all shed and I went from NW 2 to NW 5 in few months.


coming from this experience, I have always been skeptical of rogaine. I used rogaine after my HT because predominantly all doctors recommend it post HT.

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So, its been 4 months since I stopped Rogaine. I have been loosing 50 strands from past 1 month.


Would you guys recommend to get back on it or forget it forever for good.


any experienced member out here who can share his experience of getting back on Rogaine after a break of >3 months.


would I experience more shedding if I get back on Rogaine?


Personally , I would want to say goodbye to rogaine forever than experience a shedding every 6 months cycle. Provided I get my baseline back.

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KO, I stopped rogaine because of the fear of being dependent on rogaine forever. I have had a horrible experience with Rogaine in past.


it made me bald 5 years faster. When I used rogaine first time back in 2008. I used it religiously every night for 1 year. I stopped it after one year because I didn't see any cosmetic gain and when I stopped I had the mother of all shed and I went from NW 2 to NW 5 in few months.


coming from this experience, I have always been skeptical of rogaine. I used rogaine after my HT because predominantly all doctors recommend it post HT.


Yes, I have had the same issue with a black umbrella that I own. It seems that every time I take it with me it rains, so now I just leave it at home and it rains far less.

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Stop the rogaine for good! I consider it a poison and it only temporarily boost gains and then you go back to baseline or worse. I shed more than I ever did when I started rogaine, it was the worse decision I ever made. I was barley losing hair at beginning and then I took rogaine and started losing hair at a crazy rate. After it grew back for about 6-12 month, it looked pretty good. After 12 months I started shedding again and went below my baseline and never recovered I think if I never took rogaine and just took finasteride I would have stayed where I was at the start. Rogaine offers temporary gains and then traps the user to keep taking it for life.


Anyways, don't get back on it. Let the transplant and Finasteride do the work.

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Hey eternal did dr bhatti compensate for a free procedure . I hear a lot of patients are unhappy with him .and even more he has raised his prices taking advantageof his recommendation on this forum.


Hi Mikeey,


With all due respect, you are making some serious allegations and I hope that you have some solid data to back it up. Please note that Dr. Bhatti has a very high satisfaction rate with his Patients. When Dr. Bhatti's name came up for recommendation on this forum, dozens of his Patients contributed to that thread and NOT ONE of them had anything negative to say about Dr. Bhatti. Hearsay can be interpreted as facts by some folks.


In regards to "raising the prices" and "taking advantage" of his recommendation on HRN, please note that Dr. Bhatti's pricing is at around $1.45 per FUE graft. Prices did go up about 20 cents per graft, but that was already planned regardless of the HRN recommendation. Prices go up for everything and I don't think that we are the first and/or the last Clinic to adjust our pricing.


Last but not the least, we are proud of the HRN recommendation BUT Dr. Bhatti was booked solid 3 months in advance BEFORE the HRN recommendation and is booked solid 3 months in advance AFTER the HRN recommendation.


If you want any data to back up all that I have said above, please feel free to PM me and I will be happy to share the details with you.



Best regards,



DarlingBuds FUE's profile photo 
North America Representative and Patient Advisor for:
Dr. Tejinder Bhatti, Darling Buds Hair Transplant Center, Chandigarh, India.

Disclaimer: I am not a medical professional and my words should not be taken as medical advice. All opinions and views shared are my own.

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Yes, I have had the same issue with a black umbrella that I own. It seems that every time I take it with me it rains, so now I just leave it at home and it rains far less.

I see your point but there are many out there for whom Rogaine has done more harm than good. I would not be surprised to know that a good number of people continue rogaine only because of the fear of going worse than being satisfied with the product.


it would be good to hear from those who started rogaine after a break and whether it worked. Anyone?

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Hey eternal did dr bhatti compensate for a free procedure . I hear a lot of patients are unhappy with him .and even more he has raised his prices taking advantageof his recommendation on this forum.


No Mikeey, I did not ask for compensation. I came here to seek advice, and support. I am patiently waiting to see my 9th Month results as Dr suggested.


I am in 7th month and I don't see any visible gain from where I started before HT. I will be posting pictures on 8th Dec.

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Stop the rogaine for good! I consider it a poison and it only temporarily boost gains and then you go back to baseline or worse. I shed more than I ever did when I started rogaine, it was the worse decision I ever made. I was barley losing hair at beginning and then I took rogaine and started losing hair at a crazy rate. After it grew back for about 6-12 month, it looked pretty good. After 12 months I started shedding again and went below my baseline and never recovered I think if I never took rogaine and just took finasteride I would have stayed where I was at the start. Rogaine offers temporary gains and then traps the user to keep taking it for life.


Anyways, don't get back on it. Let the transplant and Finasteride do the work.


Thanks. Densedream., So what you are saying is even If I get back on Rogaine and continue with same religiously it's not guaranteed that my hair condition would be stable. Is there no shedding pattern?. I thought we shed only when we start / quit but from your experience, this looks even more dangerous.

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KO, I stopped rogaine because of the fear of being dependent on rogaine forever. I have had a horrible experience with Rogaine in past.


it made me bald 5 years faster. When I used rogaine first time back in 2008. I used it religiously every night for 1 year. I stopped it after one year because I didn't see any cosmetic gain and when I stopped I had the mother of all shed and I went from NW 2 to NW 5 in few months.


coming from this experience, I have always been skeptical of rogaine. I used rogaine after my HT because predominantly all doctors recommend it post HT.


There is a misconception that some have about what Rogaine does and how it works. I often receive emails from people wanting to know, if they start using minoxidil and then stop, will their hair become thinner.


That fact is that androgenic alopecia is progressive. Most guys that start losing their hair in their youth can expect that to continue to an unfavorable end. In other words, your hair would have become thinner in the long run had you not started Rogaine. Minoxidil is a vasodilator and it's thought to improve hair growth by increasing blood flow to the follicles. While you were using it, the process was likely slowed as the product helped miniaturized hair follicle to become more robust. Stopping it only brought the hair loss back to its natural conclusion.


In other words, people don't become more bald for having used Rogaine and stopped than they would have been if they'd never started it at all. However, you are correct that you are dependent on it forever if you want to maintain those results. A small price to pay in my opinion, if it works.

David - Former Forum Co-Moderator and Editorial Assistant


I am not a medical professional. All opinions are my own and my advice should not constitute as medical advice.


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There is a misconception that some have about what Rogaine does and how it works. I often receive emails from people wanting to know, if they start using minoxidil and then stop, will their hair become thinner.


That fact is that androgenic alopecia is progressive. Most guys that start losing their hair in their youth can expect that to continue to an unfavorable end. In other words, your hair would have become thinner in the long run had you not started Rogaine. Minoxidil is a vasodilator and it's thought to improve hair growth by increasing blood flow to the follicles. While you were using it, the process was likely slowed as the product helped miniaturized hair follicle to become more robust. Stopping it only brought the hair loss back to its natural conclusion.


In other words, people don't become more bald for having used Rogaine and stopped than they would have been if they'd never started it at all. However, you are correct that you are dependent on it forever if you want to maintain those results. A small price to pay in my opinion, if it works.


David, thanks for stepping in. I have not been able to conclude in favour of rogaine possibly because I have read a lot against rogaine than in favour.


what is your opinion about this clinical study?

Update Rogaine and Hairloss

it says that rogaine shedding is disproportionate to any amount of growth that you may have experienced.

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It seems that this "study" is comprised of observations of only three patients. I don't see any documentation to support the claims of worsening AGA. However, I also don't see any claims to support that the advanced hair loss they observed was more advanced than what each of these patients would have experienced had they never started using minoxidil.


It appears that each of these patients used the drug for 2 years before stopping. If they responded well over those 2 years then it's normal to expect that they should experience catch up hair loss after discontinuing the drug. But, can anyone say for sure if that hair loss was worse for having used minoxidil? I don't think so.


Though there is some mystery surrounding how exactly minoxidil works to regrow hair. it's generally held that follicles that are genetically immune to the effects of male pattern baldness are not affected by the application of minoxidil and thus should not fall out when the medication is stopped.

David - Former Forum Co-Moderator and Editorial Assistant


I am not a medical professional. All opinions are my own and my advice should not constitute as medical advice.


View my Hair Loss Website

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  • 3 weeks later...
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Here is the long due update. I did not feel like posting any pictures because I could not see any cosmetic improvement from where I started.


1st Pic is 1 month before the 2nd procedure (8th May 2014).

2nd and 3rd Pic is 3 days after the 2nd Procedure(8th May 2014).

4th, 5th and 6th Pic is 7 Months after the 2nd Procedure(8th May 2014).


My observations - It seems Density overall has deteriorated. I do see few thick transplanted hair falling now and then. The patch on the left side(Pic 5) seems to be shock loss.


Your candid feedback/comments is appreciated.


Treatment Regime


1. Finasteride 1 mg every alternate day. Since July 2013.

2. Rogaine 5% every day since Oct 2013. Took 3 months break Sep 2014 - Nov 2014 due to sides- headache, fatigue, low BP. Started again from 1st Dec 2014.







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I said before but I will reiterate that you case was extremely difficult and you had such a vast area to cover. I do think you have come a long way and you had good growth. Is you hair wet or damp in your 7 month post-op? That will certainly make it look thinner.


You still have time for the results to mature. After that I would look into SMP maybe for all over you head including donor to give a better illusion of density, then maybe shave down to a 1/3 inch. It could give a Jason Statham look. I posted your pics to remind you again where you came from. Good Luck



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Aweful Results Bro ... Its a Bummer by all standards , I would Never agree with Anyone that the Result is Acceptable , Ask yourself bro..... are u satisfied ? did u ever dream of this result ? and if u had known before hand that this was gonna be the RESULT ,.... wud u have taken so much trouble? I think its better to shave off everything and forget any future corrections ....


Anyways Apart from Dr. Radha (FUT ) , NO Other Recommended Doctor on this site From INDIA ..... is worth Taking a Risk , Results just do not match the quality of Bisanga , Lorenzo or edrogan ..... and I am only Talking of FUE .... FUT still has Many V.good Doctors all over the world , BUT FUE is a bit tricky due to the yields and grafts Storage , Fragility etc ....


Leave everything and start Living Eternaldenied ..... you tried your very best bro .... Maybe you shud have researched Better Quality .... Becos u had written Money was Never a Issue for you ... Then why compromise on Average quality?????


Wishin you Happy Holidays ~~

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Aweful Results Bro ... Its a Bummer by all standards , I would Never agree with Anyone that the Result is Acceptable , Ask yourself bro..... are u satisfied ? did u ever dream of this result ? and if u had known before hand that this was gonna be the RESULT ,.... wud u have taken so much trouble? I think its better to shave off everything and forget any future corrections ....


Anyways Apart from Dr. Radha (FUT ) , NO Other Recommended Doctor on this site From INDIA ..... is worth Taking a Risk , Results just do not match the quality of Bisanga , Lorenzo or edrogan ..... and I am only Talking of FUE .... FUT still has Many V.good Doctors all over the world , BUT FUE is a bit tricky due to the yields and grafts Storage , Fragility etc ....


Leave everything and start Living Eternaldenied ..... you tried your very best bro .... Maybe you shud have researched Better Quality .... Becos u had written Money was Never a Issue for you ... Then why compromise on Average quality?????


Wishin you Happy Holidays ~~


SO you make the guy feel like shit and then wish him happy holidays?? The guy knows he got a crappy result - the last thing he needs is for you to rub it in with such an insensitive post.

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