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Why almost all transplants STILL look unnatural.

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Just wanted to jump in and add something about the crucial importance of seeing real, in-person transplants before you pull the trigger. It's so, so important to get a sense of context--i.e., what a great transplant looks like, what an average transplant looks like, and what a bad transplant looks like.


I had surgery in June 2012, and was fairly disappointed when the results took hold. I was a NW 2 with pretty thick hair, and the transplant was definitely thinner than the hair behind it, which I wasn't expecting. I thought I'd gotten shoddy work, because my expectations were totally out of whack; I really thought I'd have a hairline that was pretty close to native density. I had the good fortune to meet Joe, and he told me that, on the contrary, my work was terrific. I was floored--I had no idea that relatively speaking, my outcome was top-notch. Because I hadn't done my homework. I think young guys with pretty full heads of hair like me are most susceptible to this; we see flash photography hairline pictures and think we can get a couple thousand grafts and go back to our teenage hairline with full density.


I've learned to be happy with my transplant and now think it looks terrific (and night and day better than I started with), but I should never have jumped without looking.

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There is an event that is close to your suggestion, the ISHRS annual meeting, but unfortunately it is closed to the public. Oh, how I wish it were an open meeting. You'd be shocked!
Sounds like the Bohemian Grove rather :D
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I'd also like to see what these transplants look like 10 years down the road. More and more you see mid 20 somethings with big sessions of 4,000+ grafts. How many do they have in reserve and what does the result look like 10 years later when they're still relatively young?

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OP you are exactly right. Sadly, many docs still put doubles or more in the hairline. The doctor needs to be artistic or have some artistic techs. A good surgeon is not enough in this field. I do think the community should demand more. Unfortunately a lot of clinics are sales focused and not focused on NATURAL looking results. Or some doctors go for thickness in one spot but forget that the rest of the head won't look natural. Stick with the top docs for now only.

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A few clinics get it. I remember when I was in Spain and I first met Dr. Lorenzo in Madrid. We were having dinner at a restaurant ( where I got to meet the band LMFAO, good times! ) and he was telling me he had been emulating what I started for H&W with the HD video presentation and the comb throughs. This was a little while before he became known on this side of the pond but he's done really well with that. Another doctor in India (not recommended here) told me the same, and he's done it too. There are a couple of other clinics that do a good job with photos like Dr. Rahal and a clinic in Belgium owned by a friend of mine. Dr. Wesley has some, not all, results without flash and a few others as well. But that is only the first step.


This is a really important post Jotronic.


So to clarify, of the doctors recommended here, the following meet what you consider to be the standard (or minimum?) criteria for presenting results:





Dr Wesley


Are there any others we can think of?

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This is a really important post Jotronic.


So to clarify, of the doctors recommended here, the following meet what you consider to be the standard (or minimum?) criteria for presenting results:





Dr Wesley


Are there any others we can think of?


I was going to put together a list of clinics that do use flash or have unfocused images but I think putting together a list of those that DON'T use direct flash would be less antagonistic.

The Truth is in The Results


Dr. Victor Hasson and Dr. Jerry Wong are members of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians

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Why do you think it is, that you are the only one talking about getting all docs to show realistic/ standardized pics? If this industry has really come so far since the 90's, how do we, on a site moderated by experts/advocates, still not have this very most basic of information?


If the owner/ moderators of this site truly care about helping consumers make informed decisions, why aren't they up in arms demanding real/standardized pics?

How can they have built this great community, and provided so much good info, then just sit back and allow docs to deceive us with photos that don't give us a true picture of their work?


Seems like this site's rule number #1 should have been ...

"moderators of this site will remove any photo, from any doc, that intends to deceive by embellishing results. All before/ after photos must meet the following criteria...no flash, same lighting, same hairstyle, same angle, no crazy new tan...etc).


Anyone from this site like to chime in?

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See me thread:

Bizarre!- my HT is put to the ULTIMATE TEST -- and I'm anxious


I went on some dates with a superficial HT tech (someone who was instrumental in helping her HT surgeon perform procedures over a 3 year period). The experiment in the date was to see if she could detect that I have had a HT. End result, she could not detect it. Therefore, natural looking HT's do exist. Parsa Mohebi, my doctor, performed a modern natural looking hair transplant on me. This is now a gold standard... unnatural should not even be done anymore... or if the surgeon feels that the result would look unnatural, then he should advise the patient as such. We've come a long way and can get natural looking results if you go to the right doctor (and maybe if you have enough quality donor hairs left).

Paulygon is a former patient of Dr. Parsa Mohebi


My regimen includes:

HT #1 2710 grafts at Parsa Mohebi Hair Restoration in Los Angeles in 2012

Rogaine foam 2x daily, since 2012 (stopped ~10/2015)

Finasteride 1.25mg daily, since 2012 (stopped ~12/2015)


HT #2 3238 grafts at Parsa Mohebi Hair Restoration in Los Angeles in Jun. 2016

Started Rogaine and Propecia in July. 2016 after being off of them for about a year.

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So how about this for an idea.... Think Comicon for Hair Transplants....a convention where docs set up booths and have with them 5 patients for all of us to view in one place. You'd get to see a 100 transplants in one place, in one day... problem solved. Maybe Pat can work on that :)
Seriously. Thats a good idea.


I'd also like to see what these transplants look like 10 years down the road. More and more you see mid 20 somethings with big sessions of 4,000+ grafts. How many do they have in reserve and what does the result look like 10 years later when they're still relatively young?
Great point DrMoreHair. This is a crucial part of any HT journey to consider and research very carefully. What happens 10-15-20 years later? I assume usually most for the native hairs fall out and the patient is dealing with what they have left in donor hair. So critical.
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I see how flash can help the frontal shot, but isn't it a more harsh shot from the to down when flash is used? I saw a presentation on YouTube from a guy that had an ht radio show and website.

I am an online representative for Dr. Raymond Konior who is an elite member of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians.

View Dr. Konior's Website

View Spanker's Website

I am not a medical professional and my opinions should not be taken as medical advice.

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I see how flash can help the frontal shot, but isn't it a more harsh shot from the to down when flash is used? I saw a presentation on YouTube from a guy that had an ht radio show and website.


Yes, shooting flash from on the top image can be more harsh but slight variations in the angle can turn the effect around 180 degrees. Flash is tricky which is why it should not be used in general unless of course like I was saying where the flash is pointed up at the ceiling to help illuminate the entire area. Most clinics don't use a DSLR and then most don't have an add on flash that has the ability to pivot the angle of the flash up or down.


I can take a shot of the top of someone's scalp looking down (chin to chest) and take the first shot with flash and the second shot without and pass it off as a before and after comparison with 2000 grafts fully grown. The images would be taken five seconds apart but everyone would think they were 8 months apart. That "guy" on Youtube? Where do you think he got that info and the photos? :) One day, hopefully soon, I'll put together a tutorial on what flash does to the appearance of a result.

The Truth is in The Results


Dr. Victor Hasson and Dr. Jerry Wong are members of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians

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Ha ha. It's been a long time since I saw that video. I guess I know where he got them now.

I am an online representative for Dr. Raymond Konior who is an elite member of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians.

View Dr. Konior's Website

View Spanker's Website

I am not a medical professional and my opinions should not be taken as medical advice.

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  • 2 weeks later...
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Bumping this up because I found something interesting. Ten years ago I took a series of photos of my own hair to experiment with flash. I was several months out from my second procedure with Dr. Wong where a total of 4831 grafts over two procedures had been placed over my entire NW6 balding scalp. My hair was damp and combed backward. The hairline without flash shows how see through the hairline is and you can even see the outline of the top of my scalp. The photo to the right is with flash taken only a few seconds later. My scalp is completely hidden and you can only see a small amount of scalp whereas the photo to the left without flash allows you to see all the way through my hairline and all of my scalp is visible.





Here is the link to a GIF file I made that shows my hairline getting thicker as the flash image morphs into view. It is a big file, 55mb, so give it a minute to download.





The Truth is in The Results


Dr. Victor Hasson and Dr. Jerry Wong are members of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians

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I think Lorenzo has the best FUE results for the hairlines he draws.


When I think of natural hairlines, two doctors spring immediately to mind:


(1) Dr Feriduni

(2) Dr Lorenzo


It's all subjective, but I do not believe Lorenzo produces the most natural hairlines. I do believe he achieves stellar coverage using FUE, probably the best, but I don't find his hairlines to be exceptional.


Regarding the use of flash or no flash with photographs, ultimately real-life is the true test. I've not had one person detect that I've had a HT (Konior) and I'm only 8 months out. People have noticed a change in my appearance, but usually comment on how healthy and happy I look. I've also had several intimate encounters since I tossed the hat over a month ago and have been told I have 'gorgeous hair.' My hairstylist (who has some celebrity clients) told me my HT is one of the best he's seen and cannot find my scar unless he looks really hard for it. I'll take those real-life observations over a forum compliment any day.


Matt and I have very similar hairline designs and aesthetic results. I wouldn't trust anyone's judgment who says his result looks unnatural or 'strange.'


Hair angle still seems to be a problem for many docs.. Specifically, many after photos of guys who comb back their hair, have this weird look where the hair first goes forward and loops backward (looks like a fish hook shape).


This is where the surgeon's artistic ability determines to what degree they are able to create the illusion of density based on limited donor supply. Funny you mention this weird look where the hair first goes forward and loops backward. I've noticed many younger guys with this type of hairstyle. It's the way some people's hair naturally grows. You do realize that even with a full head of natural hair, you have to play around with different hairstyles to find what works best for you. Not everyone can style their hair any way they want and have it look great.

3,425 FUT grafts with Dr Raymond Konior - Nov 2013

1,600 FUE grafts with Dr Raymond Konior - Dec 2018

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Huge different with and without flash. Looks like three times denser with the flash on. Very deceiving for any clinic to use flash...

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